Tuesday, July 16, 2024

Mahananda (Alachua) Writes Wrongs 07 16 24

Mahananda (Alachua): I was having a discussion on a thread and someone asked me what did I mean by another path. They were referring to another path to following in disciplic succession. I would like to post my answer here to see what others might think. "Yes, thank you, Prabhu. Really, I was just thinking of one other path, the natural one. We will discuss that one after the other two. 

First, let's talk a little about the temporary system of Ritvik. Before agreeing and adopting that philosophy, one has to take into consideration all of the teachings about the requirement for developing a guru-disciple relationship and have the intelligence to understand all the teachings of our beloved Srila Prabhupada and his spiritual master pertaining to this issue. 

PADA: Pretty amazing that most of these GBC sympathizers keep saying worshiping the pure devotee is a temporary platform, and that has lead to people worshiping all sorts of deviations. And they keep insisting that worship of pure devotees is only temporary "based on shastra." But there is no such thing as saying that worship of pure devotees is temporary -- found in shastra. They made this up, so they could introduce their real agenda -- worship of deviants.  

And after considering everything, then we may or may not come to the natural conclusion that this idea of taking initiation from Srila Prabhupada 500 years from now just doesn't work. 

PADA: Yeah, we are not going to worship the eternal 500 years from now because the eternal time factor stops by then, hee hee. Of course whom else or what else will we be worshiping in 500 years, they cannot say, as long as it is not going to be Prabhupada -- anyone else will do, including their deviant pals. Yeah you can worship anyone, as long as it is not Prabhupada!

Sorry, eternal time is not going to stop in 500 years, or at any time in the future. To say that the worship of the eternal stops in 500 years means they have a mundane idea of the eternal beings, the eternal is temporary, that means they have a mundane idea of God and guru. Well in 500 years we won't need to worship the eternal anymore, we will concoct something else. No problem, you already concocted it now.

To explain why it does not work by bringing up everything that our guru and grand guru have said about it would take excessive explaining and quoting, and for you to understand me it would require that you already know many of these things.

PADA: OK in other words he has no explanation, nor can he find any. But "you already know that eternal beings are mundane and temporary." Hee hee.

That, we can call the first path, taking ritvik initiation from a pure devotee who has left his body and has no choice in the matter. The second choice would be to take initiation from someone who is, let's face it, perhaps not capable of raising you up to the level of pure love of God. In the Nectar of Devotion it is stated that these gurus can only take you up to the level that they have reached. 

Those who lack the intelligence to understand this, let them go ahead and get initiated from them. They will make some progress. At least they will understand more convincingly that "life is about placing your love in all the wrong places".

PADA: OK we cannot worship the eternal guru, so we should worship the temporary and mundane guru, perhaps one who is falling, so we can learn that is bogus. So really, Mahananda does not want us to worship anyone, pure or not pure, he is saying all worship is bogus. Of course we have to listen to him, he is now our authority.   

Next, I am convinced that we cannot accept either of these paths and instead we shall be patient and know that sooner or later most assuredly a genuine self-illuminated unalloyed pure soul shall appear before us after following to completion the many levels of sadhana bhakti. 

PADA: OK we should perform sadhana bhakti by not worshiping a pure devotee, or worshiping a conditioned devotee, thus we should worship no one and nothing and that is sadhana bhakti. Wow, worship nothing and no one is sadhana bhakti! Who knew! These guys are straight up mayavadas.

That is a very rare soul, but in the meantime, we can simply read, chant, pray, follow devotional service and develop our spiritual lives in many different ways and trust that Krsna in in the background arranging everything. 

PADA: We should read about the eternal -- by reading the temporary books of the temporary guru, which discusses the temporary God? Or WTF? Why would anyone want to base their eternal spiritual life on reading the temporary books of a temporary guru, which means the VEDIC books are full of mundane temporary information and not eternal truths? Mahananda is basically telling people they are wasting their time trying to approach Krishna, because the paths are temporary or contaminated. Of course to say that the Vedas and the gurus of the Vedas are mundane temporary beings -- is also called pasandi vada, atheism and etc.

Prabhu, it is a struggle to write this and get my ideas in order. But admittedly, I am just trying to repeat what I have understood from Srila Prabhupada in an honest way, hoping in the long run to please Lord Krsna and his beloved representative. With a desire for eventual humility, Mahananda Das"

PADA: Well yeah, we are going to please Prabhupada by telling people you are wasting your time worshiping a temporary person like the acharya. This is incidently how folks like Mahananda have got everyone offering bhogha to conditioned souls, which someone just told me, has made them extremely sick. They have constant migraines, they think they might be dying, and they think -- it is the temple food being offered to a deviant that caused that to happen. I said, yeah, you are probably onto something. 

PADA: OK so now Mahananda has blocked our comments since he cannot explain how his eternal guru is a mundane temporary phantasm. Of course Mahananda's wife Hladini drank the same "our guru is a mundane temporary man" kool aid and took sannyasa from an actual divine man in their estimation, a pedophile named Kirtanananda. 

And then she went to Africa and Bhakti Tirtha sent her into a war zone, and she was taken out violently by war gangs. These guys do not know that the guru is eternal and Mahananda is not protecting people from these bogus ideas, and the malefic results of these bogus ideas, and he is creating a lot of suffering by misguiding innocent people. Hladini was taking in the same kool aid idea as Mahananda, worship of the eternal is mundane and temporary, and so she supported the worship of actually temporary gurus -- i.e. sexual predators and deviants, and he could not save her from that deviation, because he is with that deviation. 

Anyway! Yes, Srila Prabhupada never said that worshiping a pure devotee is temporary. Temporary means it is a material idea. The idea that we should worship conditioned souls is what is temporary, and it is also failing. Big time. 

How many people still worship Hansadutta, Ramesvara, Bhagavan, Jayatirtha, Bhavananda etc.? I dunno, around here maybe you could find two somewhere -- if you are lucky, but I don't know of any. I also know quite a few people who threw their photos into the trash, and cursed them for cheating them. 

So that is what is temporary, and meanwhile more people are placing Prabhupada's photo on their altars, because that is an eternal principle. There is no such thing as worshiping Krishna and His pure devotees temporarily, that is a material idea. Mahananda says worship of pure devotees is temporary, because he sees pure devotees as temporary material beings. Srila Prabhupada said he will live forever in his vani, and he is, but he is only doing that for spiritual people and not material ones. ys pd

BM: Hare Krisna Prabhu. Please accept my humble obeisances ALL GLORIES TO SRILA PRABHUPADA. Thank you very much for this comment Prabhu.

To Mahananda: Where did Prabhupada say that worship of him would be temporary, when he made his murtis, his books, his photos on the altars, in his temples, and then he said "do not change anything." I do not see where he EVER said ANY of this was to be changed, nor have you shown any evidence he did say that. If this is supposed to be temporary, where is that stated? And if it is temporary, what did he say would replace it? You said this is temporary, and I simply repeated what you said. If you want to block me, that is fine, but that is not Vaishnava etiquette. 

You should show us chapter and verse where he said this is temporary, and then we can go from there. Anyway, keep reading your mundane books by your mundane guru and worship your mundane God, and you will be in a worse condition than the average Christian, at least they know, the guru is eternal. You are not even at the kindergarten class level yet. 

And offering bhogha to your mundane gurus is making people sick, and that is also causing a cancer epidemic, and you are part responsible for that epidemic by telling them there is no value in worshiping a mundane temporary -- pure devotee. You are the mundane and temporary person, and you think pure devotees are just like you, because you think you are equal to them. 

You aren't. Wake up. A devotee just said, Mahananda is a classic case of the kitten who thought he was a tiger, and he got into trouble when he tried to take out the big German shepherd dog. Yeah he is a mundane man, and so is the acharya, but -- he is a kitten and not a tiger. Hee hee. This devotee also said, anyone who thinks gurus are mundane men are going to the lowest planets, ummm -- yep! 

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com

Mother Hladini

She was a kind and sincere person but was: sent to the wolves. Another person Mahananda thinks: Had to learn (the hard way) who not to love. Nope, we should teach them BEFORE they have to learn: the hard way. That is our duty to Krishna, and to them. And to Srila Prabhupada! Let them learn the hard way, is --diabolical and cruel, and this means -- these people have not learned anything! And worse, they are still telling people to go to the wolves and "learn whom not to love -- the hard way." Sheesh pilgrims! ys pd 


  1. M Dasi: Really cannot comprehend their thinking. We want our children to worship these mundane and temporary bogus people ... then our children will = learn the hard way who NOT to love. Then what?

    Most of them will then ... vomit ... when they see a photo of Krishna. And that is the path ... Srila Prabhupada and Krishna wanted for our children? I think ... not. One thing the children will learn? And right away? Don't trust our parents. They are not looking out for us. They gave us bogus people to worship.

    Mahananda wants to remove the guard rails ... around the swimming pool. Toddlers start to fall into the pool, and he sits there watching it all happen ... acting like nothing is wrong. Kids will have to learn the hard way. He won't lift a finger to help.

    And the children will then be harmed or dead. And that is how he will help ISKCON's children? ISKCON has lost its children, temples are empty. And the children who grew up with them ... avoid ISKCON like the black plague.

    And this is Prabhupada's plan?

    I forgot! In 500 years no one will even be worshiping a temporary mundane man ... like Krishna's pure devotee. It is not topsy turvy. They planned this whole thing out all along, and he is part of their plan. Eliminate the guru, make him mundane and temporary.

    Poor Hladini !!! got stuck with these foolish mundane men ... who think pure devotees are temporary ... while their fool friends like Bhakti Tirtha ... are eternal. Just very sick to hear these people ... but they have to be exposed ... to save others from their traps.

    Hladini was drinking from the same poison cup as Mahananda, the eternal is mundane, the mundane is Bhakti tirtha ... eternally. They destroyed others, themselves, and thousands of kids. And they will go where the leaders of this disaster are all going. Dare I say it? Good riddance.

    Bhakti Tirtha is an arrogant jerk, not a pure devotee. Mahananda wanted her to learn that the hard way ... and ... she is dead, and died horribly. But she had to learn the hard way. These people are sick psychos.

  2. PD: This is a common theme, we can promote the worship of anyone as long as it is not Srila Prabhupada. You can however promote the worship of a conditioned soul, so the victims can learn who "not" to love. What is all this? Srila Prabhupada never describes this system.

    Yes, I feel bad for Mahananda, because he has suffered a lot. At the same time, telling people like his own wife to run off with conditioned gurus "so she can learn who not to love" -- has proved fatal for his wife, and many others. He created a lot of his own suffering, never mind he helped the untimely departure of Hladini by telling her to go along with the worship of conditioned souls.

    Yes, do not worship a pure devotee, worship a conditioned soul, and then -- you die either physically or spiritually, or both. It is not recommended.

    Someone sent me a video of a snake going over an ant hill, and he is eaten alive, and that is what happens to conditioned soul gurus in their next life. Yeah, everyone suffers in the Mahananda conditioned soul guru idea. And he thinks this is the process Krishna wanted? ys pd


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