Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Jayatirtha's Ex / ISKCON's Anti-Christ etc. 07 09 24

These people are our only shelter. 
All other shelters are called illusion.

Modi's Russia visit shows India isn't worried about making the US mad (yahoo.com)


PADA: A PADA friend who was in her late 30s just departed, from alcohol problems. After drinking for a long time, this person quit drinking all of a sudden, and would not take our advice to go into a gradual de-tox program, where they monitor your situation. So she had a seizure in her sleep -- and that took her life. 

It is very sad when the material energy just takes over a person and they refuse good advice. Anyway, this person was favorable to Krishna and that will help them into their next situation. The material world is relentless and unforgiving, and that is just the way Krishna made it -- and it is not up to us to complain about it, or try to change or fix it, we just need to get out of it. 

This is not our home. Anyway, I am asking Krishna to help and give her soul a spiritual boost. He is the only person who can help her at this stage. Various devotees have also ended up in a similar state, and let us just say, it is not ever going to end well. The only good news is, she will start a brand new life in a brand new body very soon, and let us just hope she gets more connected to Krishna this time around. ys pd




From Henry Doktorski:

I highly recommend this book for all who are interested in Hare Krishna history. The author Bhaktavasya dd writes without animosity or regret, and reveals her side of the story of a convoluted time in the Hare Krishna movement. She tells about distributing books in the airports. She moves to New Vrinaban in West Viriginia for a time, but has a battle of wills with the commune's leader, Kirtanananda Swami, and eventually leaves.

Eventually, after the passing of the Hare Krishna movement founder, she becomes lovers with one of the eleven men known as Zonal Acharyas who succeeded Prabhupada as leaders of the Hare Krishna movement. Jayatirtha, who founded a branch of the Hare Krishnas which consume LSD as the "Blessed Sacrament," tells his disciples to call her "Holy Mother."

Eventually Bhaktavasya becomes hurt and disillusioned when her husband Jayatirtha runs off with another woman. Within a short time, one of Jayatritha's former disciples attacks his "spiritual master" and severs his guru's head. This book will be a treasured item in the library of the discriminating student of Hare Krishna history.

PADA: Does anyone know what caused her departure, or what happened to her? ys pd


ISKCON's Anti-Christ

“Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories, Inevitable Restoration Of His Divine Mission- This is the second book in the “personal ambition” series. The first book, Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories: His Inconceivable Tolerance and Mercy, dealt with the evidence, facts, scientific forensic tests, philosophy, and analysis regarding Srila Prabhupada’s “disappearance,” specifically his cadmium and arsenic poisoning by some of his caretakers. 

They then hijacked the Hare Krishna movement by deception and the hoax they were appointed as successor gurus. This book continues the history of how these Ravanas, with their supporters and followers, then poisoned Srila Prabhupada’s mission and mercy by converting a spiritual institution into a criminal enterprise. Srila Prabhupada’s physical poisoning was done to “gurujack” the movement and exploit its assets just as Ravana wanted Sita. 

As Christians speak of the anti-Christ or the evil that corrupts Christ’s teachings, we are now dealing with the anti-Prabhupada deviations which have corrupted Srila Prabhupada’s books, teachings, institution, and blocked His Divine Grace/mercy and Mission. When we look behind the curtain of phony respectabilities, we see the effects of poisonous influences that have adulterated Srila Prabhupada’s mission where the cheated become the new cheaters. How can Srila Prabhupada’s faithful followers restore the Hare Krishna Movement as it was when he left to us?

When their appointment hoax unraveled in 1986, they befooled the Society that they were nevertheless authorised to devise methods of vote-approving more “gurus.” Most devotees do not know the actual history of events from the gurujacking until the present day. Book One covered the 1977-87 history, and Book Two, Part 13 picks up from there. Part 14 looks at how almost everything in Srila Prabhupada’s mission has been spoiled by its misleaders, muddying the process and philosophy to the point of absurdity, in the deity worship and kirtans, with mission drift and many blatant deviations. 

The study of these deviations in the Hare Krishna movement must be undertaken scientifically to understand the appropriate remedies for restoration back to its original healthy condition. Part 15 addresses how ISKCON’s misleaders have caused much harm and suffering to the membership for over 4 decades. Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s words are very applicable in this regard: "I don't read the book. I read the author. 

I first see the author to see if he is authentic or not. I am a proof reader. I always see what is right and what is wrong. My father trained me in proof reading, but I am not only a proof reader of the press. I am a proof reader of the world. I proof read men; I see their faults and try to correct them. I am a proof reader of religion also. I have appeared in the karkata lagna (astrologically). So whenever I see anything undevotional I will act like a karkata (a crab). If I see any so called devotion which is not actually in the true unalloyed spirit, I shall pierce it!" (Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati)

"I have most probably given many people troubles in the mind. Some of them might have thought about me that I am their enemy because I was obliged to speak the plain truth for service and devotion towards the Absolute Godhead. I have given them all those troubles only for the reason that they may turn their face towards the Personality of Godhead without any desire for gain and with unalloyed devotion. I hope some day or other they may understand me rightly." –(From Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s last lecture, BTG #1)" (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories Book 2, Preface)

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