Monday, February 26, 2024

PADA apology to Ishan / Adi Karta Arrested for assault.

PADA: I had a long conversation with Ishan today, and he said he was "absolutely horrified" to find that Mathura Pati / Prabhupadanuga EU was mis-using his name, as an alleged supporter of their web site and / or their ongoing campaign against PADA. He said PADA has absolutely done the right thing to help stop the molesting and suicides. And moreover it was the only sane and even brave thing to do. "It took a lot of guts to go after them." 

He said he fully understands -- since his own child has suffered badly from all this, and he just cannot imagine anyone saying this mis-treatment should have been allowed to continue, as Prabhupadanuga EU people have been doing for the past 10 years or more. 

And he said that anyone who is still defending -- allowing mistreating of children, and is thus going against PADA, is part of the demoniac underworld of lower hellish planets. And he said these people never should have even heard about Krishna, and they would have a much better future life if they never had any connection to Krishna whatever. In sum, they are a class of super lower life form asuras who infiltrated the Hare Krishnas.

Anyway, we discussed many things, but the bottom line is, he does not want his name connected to any campaign against PADA, and he is very unhappy anyone would have mis-used his name in any manner on this issue, especially without asking his permission first. He says he was never consulted on any of this by Prabhupadanuga EU folks. 

I explained that Mathura Pati says that PADA stopping molesting and suicides is a bad idea, because he is -- at least according to Sulochana -- a boot licker for the butt busters. I explained that Mathura Pati is way worse than the GBC, because the GBC at least apologized for all the child mistreatment, and admitted it was wrong, whereas Mathura Pati is infuriated his favorite Auschwitz for kids program was contained. Ishan is very disappointed they mis-used his name for their propaganda, and they are similarly mis-using Krishna's name for their propaganda.

Anyway, we will work on a mutual public explanation later, we just got some of the basic ideas worked out. And he said he wants to help PADA get some free counselling for victims and so on and so forth, and that will be worked out eventually too. 

So I hereby apologize to Ishan for making him part of any of this, he says his name has been hijacked and mis-used by Prabhupadanuga EU wrongly, he does not support their agenda in any way, shape or form. He never gave them ANY authority to lump his name in with their anti-children agenda. I told him I would make a public apology / clarification, this is a start, and we will work on more details later on. Bottom line, even I was temporarily fooled by all the liars on Prabhupadanuga EU. Sorry!

ys pd

DS: ISKCON guru Adikarta Das, puffed up pretentious and super lusty woman - hunting "guru" was just arrested today in Miami on felony charges of assault and battery against a devotee. Taken to jail in handcuffs by the police. Photos forthcoming. The dominos are tumbling. The cabal weakens one by one.

The victim's brother is collecting the digital evidence, and writing up a factual report for the devotees. This is no scam. It happened just an hour or so ago on the corner outside the Miami temple. I'm receiving the traumatized texts at this moment. The police saw the whole thing and ran over to arrest Adikarta. Hauled him to jail.

The devotees are also going for the arrest report on the police blotter.

Adi Karta has been arrested today in Miami on felony battery charge on his way to GBC meeting in Mayapur. He was telling someone they should be a guru and have disciples "because some day you will need their money."   

PADA: Anyway it is good he admits this is all about money ... cheaters in the name of guru.

MD: I’ll let you know what happens.

PADA: Great prabhu, thanks for the info. He should be sued for creating all this mental distress and exploiting ...

MD: Thank you for your continued services.

PADA: jayate

MD: He went up to Dharma prabhu, former head pujari and said dharma you need to start taking disciples you will need their money. Dharma said that’s exactly why I would not become guru, then then got in debate in class cause Adi Karta was saying Srila Prabhupada got sick -- so wasn’t a Perfect being, minimizing Prabhupada so his false position can be justified.

PADA: Yeah Prabhupada was sick because Adi Karta's pals were giving him heavy metal poisons.

MD: Guy is no good. And yet he is the guru in Alachua. So sad.

PADA: Make disciples because you are going to need their money later. Really? Explains the whole thing.


Children of God

PADA: A woman who was once a child -- in the "Children of God" cult -- told me that the same things happened in her cult, the kids were exploited. She said all the elders are dying off now -- and none of the kids are interested, so it is a dying cult, the same as ISKCON. 

She also said it is the same thing with the Republican party, a bunch of old people with heart stents. false teeth and wigs, who are dying off. She says not one single person she knows gives a hoot about whether or not transgenders are running around, it is not an important issue for anyone but these fanatics. Very interesting perspective. She likes what I am doing. Jayate.  


  1. M Dasi: Whoever decided to put these people in charge of a "Prabhupada" site ... really blew it. Nothing but liars and trouble makers. We knew something was wrong ... when they were friends of Hitler program.

    Nectar of Devotion says ... the insincere people are simply creating problems for sincere ones. I don't know a single person who likes this Hitler program either. Who likes that sh*t? It is an embarrassment and makes Hare Krishna look stupid.

    Their saying ... we need to allow child abuse to continue ... to save money ... makes Hare Krishna look Satanic, and greedy. And totally perverted. Who likes Chester the Molesters? They have no idea how low class they make themselves look. No self-awareness. A cult.

    But they are not new ... ninety nine percent of the rest of ISKCON devotees thought ... If children are getting raped ... let it go on "to save the mother church." Don't call police. When they destroy the children ... they save neither children nor the institution. Whole thing goes down in flames.

    I am glad Ishan is not on their foolish ideas. They are just random drawing names out of a hat to say "these people support us" when they don't. It is a scam site. It is disgusting that anyone still supports them. It is time to abandon that site for good.

  2. LD: Sure, Mathura Pati's Prabhupadanuga EU ... not only pedo guru lovers, but also crooks and liars. Who would have guessed that?

    Yah. They are worse than the GBC ... because Mathura Pati people are saying the way to reform ISKCON, is to attack anyone who defends children from being raped. At least the GBC makes pretend they care, and they are not really making their whole entire ... day to day ... GBC program about attacking PADA. So they can cover up child rapes.

    The GBC at least gets credit ... knowing that defending child rape is indefensible. But the Prabhupadanuga EU has made their whole reason for existing as ... defending child rapers. Sick perverts.

    Who thinks it is a good idea to defend child rapes? Only these Mathura Pati Hitler fans. Ishan was never even told he was being roped in. No wonder he is horrified to find out. Poor guy! Another victim of them.

    These liars and defending child rapers have been dragging his name into their child rape defense. I would also be horrified.

    PADA: Yes, Prabhupadanuga pal Sanat said he did not report the child abuse to the police, and Mukunda says Sanat is the hero of ISKCON for allowing child rapes to continue un-reported. They did not even tell the other parents.

    So they are like 99% of most devotees, they do not want the police, courts or any justice system to stop their child raping agenda. That is how all this child abuse became "industrial levels." Too many people compromised and allowed.

    But these Mathura Pati guys are not only compromisers, they are the enforcers for the child rape regime. As soon as they find out their child raping is going to be checked, they are infuriated, because they are the behind the scenes leaders of that regime. Anyway now Ishan wants to expose them too, so we are going to do that.

    Then they wonder why we have had to go to the karmi police, media and courts, because they are a dangerous cult. A danger to children and a danger to anyone exposing their real agenda. Anyway, it looks like Krishna wants them to be exposed and that is happening.

  3. BB: Adikarta has a prior arrest record from Florida ... from what I heard. Big guy, intimidating, very, very bossy. A thug. And woman exploiter. The GBC knows how to pick their gurus!!!

    He is ??? a misogynist criminal thug, perfect candidate for their parampara member. That is all we need, more bad guru stories.

    As for Ishan, he maybe should have listened better ... when you and him were on a call while back. Don't think he grasped the gravity of situation ... at the time. But we all make mistakes like that ... not a big issue.

    By that I mean ... I cannot see him ... in any way ... defending the pedo guru program the way the Prabhupadanuga EU is. Anyone who helps children and stops their rapes ... and even suicides of children ... has to be stopped, because they are the enforcement department of child rapers.

    They think that their defending child raping and suicides is pleasing Krishna? No, they know it is not pleasing Krishna. They are demonic infiltration, the sinister movement.

    They already know Krishna will send child rapers ... and their supporters ... to hell, and they know they are going there with them, but because they are demons, they don't even mind going to hell. They just want to take a few victims there with them ... why criminals say "join you in hell." They know where they are going.

    I am glad Ishan is going to explain how he was mislead to have them use his name. Everyone else needs to remove their name from these people's site ... and now. Stay way away! Don't have your good name mixed up with their site ... this should be a warning to everyone else.

    They will mis-use your name to advertise as their supporter. Don't let them get away with that ... again.


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