Friday, February 23, 2024

Folks Misquoting PADA / On Krishna Kant's IRM / D Dasi ETC. 02 23 24

Mother Yasoda
This is called --

Thanks prabhu. Yes, in 1997 I was trying to promote the Srila Prabhupada poison complaint issue at the time -- and that would mean -- Srila Prabhupada was intentionally poisoned, and thus not being followed by his "leaders," at all. The sinister movement had taken over. But the current Prabhupadanugas EU advisor and authority, Krishna Kant Desai of the IRM, then said he was going to "start a war with PADA over the poison issue" and in fact "defeat the poison issue." And KKD claimed he would "bury the issue." Lets not forget Krishna Kanta Desai was meeting with Jayapataka at the time, telling me I need to stop writing so he can "make a deal" with Jayapataka -- a prime suspect in the poison cabal. 

In other words, the Prabhupadanuga EU's mentor IRM said -- they do not want the poison complaint issue pursued because "we will lose our buildings," but the real purpose of the Prabhupadanuga EU's mentor / IRM has been -- to bury the crimes of these leaders, and save the Judas party. 

So it is interesting that Prabhupadanuga EU's / Mathura Pati's / "IRM advisor" wanted to suppress the poison issue, which we believe, was meant to cover up Srila Prabhupada's poison complaint. But these folks are past masters at covering up all sorts of crimes, including child molesting, as we all know by now. And that is why it took me until 1997 to even get the poison tapes in the first place. They covered this up.

Yet they still say on their Prabhupadanuga EU advisor / IRM site they "defeated the poison theory." So that means to me, the Prabhupadanuga EU / IRM advisor is still trying to defend Judas' party. That is what many people believe, they wanted to bury the poison issue to cover up their crimes, including poisoning the founder of ISKCON, to defend Judas. And their real idea that emerged was -- to make the GBC poison cabal look innocent, and make it look like Prabhupada was running a criminal program, not the GBC cabal. 

And that is also why Prabhupadanuga EU still promotes Krishna Kanta's IRM as their main / constantly quoted / advisor now, they too are part of the Judas defense league, and have been all along. Because as soon as we announced the poison case -- the other Prabhupadanuga EU team members Sanat and Mukunda said -- "PADA is a mad man" [after bringing out the poison case]. And they have said that ever since, again, to discredit the poison complaint and cover up for their criminal Judas guru leaders. What kind of people want to have the karma of being boot kissers of Judas?

At the time [late 1990s] Krishna Kanta told me he was "consulting" with Jayapataka swami [and other GBC] but again -- JPS is one of the prime suspects in the poison issue. His "incriminating whispers" are on the tapes. And some of the other GBC people [ok Krishna Kant's folks at the time] were telling me "you just started this poison issue to get Prabhupada off the hook" [for all the other crimes going on in ISKCON]. 

Why is Prabhupadanuga EU's mentor / IRM program's associates at the time saying we are "making up the poison issue, to get Srila Prabhupada off the hook" -- for the crimes of the Krishna Kanta IRM's GBC associates? And if Prabhupada is on the hook, aren't the Prabhupadanuga EU and their mentor IRM folks the people who helped place him there -- by their attempt at making the poison case -- go away?

Well honest folks "taking Prabhupada off the hook" was their idea, I had never even thought of, or dreamed of using this term. But it is the first thing the Prabhupadanugas EU advisor Krishna Kant / GBC types were thinking at the time. We need a cover for all our ISKCON leader's crimes, and Puranjan is trying to shift the blame to us GBC folks, by saying we also poisoned the founder. 

So in other words, the Prabhupadanuga EU / IRM advisor wanted to blame Prabhupada and not the GBC cabal, because the GBC cabal are innocent, there is no criminal malice in the GBC. There is no poison issue here, the GBC cabal are all innocent. PADA is a liar! And the Prabhupadanuga EU and their IRM mentor still say that today. 

At the same time they are sort of right, it would take Srila Prabhupada "off the hook" -- if his leading people were acting criminally [poisoning] toward him -- that naturally would lead to more of their criminal behaviors within the whole society later, as happened. 

But, why would these people even say anything like that, at all? It means they were conscious they were making ISKCON look like a criminal program. And so they recruited the Prabhupadanuga EU's advisor Krishna Kant to help them bury the poison issue, and he has tried ever since to work for them to do that. And the Prabhupadanuga's EU and their IRM advisor have discredited us ever since, because they wanted to defend Judas. And they still are. 

So yeah in sum, the Prabhupadanug EU advisor Krishna Kant sided with the GBC, and he acted as their Kali yuga agent to suppress us, just like Prabhupadanuga EU folks and their advisor Krishna Kant still do now. Children are being molested, Prabhupada says he is being poisoned but "it is all PADA lies." OK defending Judas and mass pedophiles regimes all at the same time.

There is more to the story but in a nutshell, Krishna Kant -- did not want me to: (a) sue the BBTI for original books, (b) bring out the poison issue, or (c) bring out the molesting issue -- and they wanted me to stop writing and go to the Caribbean. And Jayapataka was going to foot the bill and pay for my vacation there. Where I never would have come back alive. Of course that means they are "making deals" with the poison cabal leaders. 

Krishna Kanta said that me suing for the BBTI rights was "antagonizing the GBC" and was making it difficult for him to negotiate "a deal." In other words, the Prabhupadanuga EU advisor really has had no actual sympathy for the original books. He said he would make his own BBTI deal, but that was all bluff. He just wanted to halt our efforts, which means there would be no original books. Prabhupadanuga EU says they are for original books, but they did not want us to get them, and they never would have. OK they really wanted no originals.  

So anyway, that was part of my 1997 plan for recovering from the child molesting issue, to say that they poisoned Srila Prabhupada, and that lead to these other crimes, like molesting. Yet the Prabhupadanuga EU and IRM advisor did not want to "take Prabhupada off the hook," they wanted to have Prabhupada blamed for all these crimes -- self evidently, by making the GBC cabal look innocent of the poisoning complaint. 

If he was poisoned, then he was facing off with a criminal cabal and this means, more crimes could follow -- such as molesting. Prabhupadanuga EU advisor is still saying there was no poison issue at all, it is all "lies, fabricated and made up by PADA." And that is why Prabhupadanuga EU and his advisor keep saying "PADA is a liar" even now, because they can defend their criminal pals, even their pals like Judas, as they have all along.  

As for the child abuse lawsuit itself. Meanwhile notice, almost no one even knows what is in the lawsuit, yet the Prabhupadanuga EU's mentor IRM are the only people repeating its "offensive statements" day and night. No one else even knows these statements exist, until these guys keep repeating them. 

"These statements are offensive, so let us make them our daily mantra, and send them to thousands of people in the public who never would have EVER known they existed." So they want everyone in the public to daily hear statements they themselves claim are offensive. Of course that means they expect they can endorse an Auschwitz for kids leader like Jayapataka, and not expect the victims will say bad things about the religion? No, they are causing victims to say bad things by working with the leaders of that process, as KKD was. 

The public would never even have known such offensive statements ever existed, but that is their daily mantra for Prabhupadanuga EU and IRM -- to send what they claim are offensive statements to the public. No, they want to make these [what they say are offensive] statements everyone's daily mantra, that is self evident. Let us make everyone repeat offensive statements as their daily mantra, that will fix everything! 

But yeah, Krishna Kanta wanted me to go to the Caribbean under a deal with his then pal Jayapataka, where I would not have survived had I gone there. He was trying to get rid of me? And yeah, he misquotes me all the time, and said he had defeated the poison issue, because he was at the time in talks with Jayapataka [one of the main suspects]. 


Below is the complaint submitted to the Dallas,Texas courts by Windle Turley. As you can see it is very extensive in its reach, showing that there has been, in effect, a criminal conspiracy to create harmful conditions for members of ISKCON and the children in particular. The conspiracy has been one of (a) commission (evil actions) and (b) ommision (lack of action to correct the problems).

"The idea of "blaming Srila Prabhupada" has also surfaced to a nominal extent in this complaint, but it is not at all to the degree that many so-called "big devotees" blame him. Rather amazing isn't it? Even the "non-devotees" can realize that the main blame is on the GBC right from the outset. Of course, never mind that some of these same GBC poisoned Srila Prabhupada when he wanted to correct some of the problems in ISKCON."

PADA: Yep, notice that the Prabhupadanuga EU and IRM cut out our section on the poison issue, so they can cover up their leader's crime of poisoning. And that is why they did not help me on that issue, they wanted to make the GBC look innoccent, and place the blame on Prabhupada -- not mentioning that Prabhupada was fighting for his life in the company of Prabhupadanuga EU and IRM Judas "leaders." 

And they have gone against me ever since, and also misquote what I actually said. Nevermind they said that we cannot save children from committing suicide, because they evidently wanted children to die; and they did not want us to liberate hundreds of kids from their wonderful schools -- where their victims were being abused. 

OK they wanted to keep children in their Auschwitz for kids process, and that is why they were in talks with the leader of Auschwitz for kids, Jayapataka. And Mathura Pati jokes about this, because he thinks child molesting is some kind of comedy hour, which is what happens when you become a guard dog at Auschwitz for kids, and a boot kisser of Judas.

In sum Prabhupadanuga EU and their advisor IRM wanted to keep children in a suffering state, Auchwitz for kids no less, and also cover up the poison issue, so they could help their GBC "leaders" i.e. the poisoners of pure devotees and administrators of their Auschwitz for kids camp process. 

And they are misquoting even Srila Prabhupada, never mind misquoting me. They claim that Prabhupada is not actually talking about being poisoned, when he clearly is. They wanted to help Judas get away with that crime, and then the Prabhupadanuga EU and IRM leaders started to defend their Auschwitz for kids program by saying they are in favor of keeping that process going, so they could victimize another few thousand children. Now they are angry we cut that program off, and exposed their poison cabal pals. Yep, too bad, we exposed their Judas poison cabal too! 

From and IRM web site write as follows ;

"The idea of "blaming Srila Prabhupada" has also surfaced to a nominal extent in this complaint, but it is not at all to the degree that many so-called "big devotees" blame him."

(Puranjana: 14 June 2000 16:53)


**** The question is about the above incomplete statement from Prabhupadanuga EU and IRM "leaders." They are misquoting and cheating and totally misleading to their Readers. By reading further in Pada's comments, it becomes very clear giving the Readers absolutely different picture which reads ; " 

..... Rather amazing isn't it? 

PADA 2000: Even the "non-devotees" can realize that the main blame is on the GBC right from the outset. Of course, nevermind that some of these same GBC poisoned Srila Prabhupada when he wanted to correct some of the problems in ISKCON." 

That is the complete statement from PADA. Now tell me where PADA is happy to blame Srila Prabhupada and support defamation to Srila Prabhupada in a court case as published by IRM and web site?

PADA: The Prabhupadanuga EU mentor Krishna Kant chops up my quotes, and chops up Prabhupada's quotes. He did not want me to bring out the BBTI book changes, molesting case, and poison case, and he was working with the GBC to send me to the Caribbean and stop all writing. Anyway yeah, they chop up everything to suit their agenda, of helping the Auschwitz GBC leaders. 

Mathura Pati says we all need to listen to Sulochana, and Sulochana says "anyone who opposes us [me and Sulochana] is a boot licker for the butt busters." That would be including Mathura Pati himself and his IRM mentors. He says Sulochana is correct and his hero, and Sulochana says Mathura Pati is none other than another boot licker cheer leader of butt busters -- by opposing us.  

Sulochana also said -- a lot of our critics -- when we say the school children are starving -- are big fat Jayapataka type people themselves eating all the time, ok like Prabhupadanuga EU big fat leader Mathura Pati. So yeah, Sulochana had this all figured out way back in 1986. Mathura Pati says I am not chanting my rounds, because only him and his poisoner cover up and Auschwitz for kids people are chanting their rounds. 

His boot licking for butt busters program are sincerely serving God. Ummm nope, he is his serving a butt busting pooja process and not God, according to Sulochana. A boot licker for butt busters now wants to be my advisor, after his program assassinated Sulochana, assassinated their guru, causes children to commit suicide, and wanted to have me offed to cover up their program?  

In any case, they have not been honest, and that is clear. And Sulochana also said -- they will be having some serious karma for running a child mistreatment program, or simply sitting around enabling it. The good news is, the BBTI book changes, molesting issue, and poison issue -- are all moving forward on many fronts. 

These folks and many others tried to suppress all this, but it is not working. Now we are being interviewed again for mass media TV, and they asked me about each of these issues, this is not going away, despite all these nay sayers.

Having said all this, we still have to give some credit to Krishna Kanta, Prabhupadanugas EU, even crazy Hansadutta made some papers to clear up the ritvik issue. So they have brought some people to Prabhupada, and we have quoted some of their papers when they do favorable things. And right now I am working with some people in Eastern Europe -- who only found Krishna from the GBC gurus. So all of that is going to be on the credit side of their karma scale. 

At the same time, there is what is called mixed devotion. And so there is also a negative service to Krishna side of that position. So when we were trying to address the molesting issue in 1997, and they stopped me, they simply enabled Bhakti Vidya Purna swami to increase the "industrial scale child abuse going on in Mayapur." And worse, they were meeting with Jayapataka, the leader of Mayapur, so they could enable the industrial scale child abuse process. That is going to be on the negative side of their karma justice scale. 

So they did not want me to help make original books lawsuits, save children from their industrial level child abuse Auschwitz program, and address the poison complaint, by saying this is all PADA lies. And that has enabled the Judas and Auschwitz camp. So they will have to pay the piper for that at some stage. So they will get credit where it is due, and discredit where it is due. 

Then someone said I am simply envious of these folks. Why would I ever be envious of the enablers and / or assistants of Judas and Auschwitz for kids and / or their hand maidens? Sulochana said -- he would not trade his past three billion years of karma for thirty seconds of their future karma. I agree with him. I am not envious of these folks by any means. 

Yep. I would have gone to the Caribbean, and never been heard from ever again. Sorry guys, Krishna had another plan. Some of them are saying, you only said Prabhupada was poisoned to make it look like he was crucified like Jesus. Well maybe so. What difference does that make? I am simply reporting these events.   

ys pd 


D Devi Dasi

My response to a dear God brother after his statement of our society becoming contaminated and taken away ...

Must disagree… When a diamond is stolen It is still the property of the original owner. Lord Chaitanya's movement may be infiltrated but it is still His society and society of all genuine followers.

When mother Sita was stolen she appeared to the main populace as the real Sita contaminated by Ravana. in actuality we know that was not true. They have ruined the movement for the general people approaching wanting Krishna.

They are being misguided and contaminated with bhogus deviated information. Still we continue on because whoever genuinely follows.... they are upholding our society. we are regularly preaching to and being friends with those who have become confused because of all of this and those who are changing their heart away from the deviated rascals back to Srila Prabhupada. 

Contaminated non followers may have taken assets for now because they are thieves. But they have not kidnapped Lord Caitanya. They cannot stop this movement or this spiritual society. We do not give up or think that all is lost. 

We follow Hanumans example with the understanding that all stolen property belongs to the Lord. Mother Sita may have appeared as being kidnapped but actually she remained hidden and only a few understood she was never touched. In the same way this society or movement of the Lord remains in full force. Therefore those who are genuinely following and fighting (such as yourself)are the ones who get to serve that pure force of the Lord.

Our society is not lost but it does remain hidden for now due to covering and contamination of the impure who are swimming within our society collecting any debris or followers they can get their hands on.

These false followers do not mind being cheated since they are attracted to the same false adoration and material sense enjoyment. It is like the pure Ganga river. You may find so much debris floating through it but that does not discount the purity of the river that continues to flow despite dead bodies and so much other contamination found within it. It is still the pure Ganga!

Said by our predecessors… The only remedy for such a situation is simply to continue on following the instructions of our spiritual master and remain 100% dependent that the Lord will and IS rectifying ultimately.

Same thing happening in this world from material political viewpoint. When the world becomes overburden… The rectifying process takes place. Therefore every true follower, in his or her own way, continues to follow instructions to the best of their ability and expose (whenever possible along the way) the culprits who think they are in control. 

It is all part of Krishnas plan to purify and show clearly distinction between truth and evil. There is always a struggle between the spiritual and material energies as they are not compatible. This increases the faith of the devotees and subdues and rids the world (and our society) of the demons.

All glories to His Divine Grace AC Bhaktivedanta Srila Prabhupada ki jay!! and all glories to his Genuine followers


Bhaktipada writes:

My dear GBC Godbrothers. . . .

I am writing this letter of resignation to be effective immediately, because I do not believe anyone should sit on this august body about whose character there is even a shadow of a doubt.As you are well aware, during the past few months, Sulochan dasa has been spreading all manner of rumor and accusations about myself and New Vrindaban.

Although I have tried my best to be very strict in my life and to guide the community by example, and, although it is a fact that I have not broken even one of the regulative principles in almost two decades, still there seems to be some question of my qualifications to lead. Nor do I feel any necessity to defend my life prior to coming to Krishna consciousness, as, according to sastra, the former life of a Vaishnava should never be taken into account. Furthermore, a Vaishnava does not want to defend himself, but sees all as Krishna’s special mercy upon him.
Still, as long as this matter is not completely resolved to the satisfaction of all, I think it best for me not to participate in the actions of the GBC. Let there be inquiry and investigation. If I am at fault, I pray to be corrected. If not, the mission of Lord Chaitanya should not suffer needlessly due to gossip and envy.

Within seven months, the GBC expels Sulochan from ISKCON. Eight months later, Sulochan is murdered.

PADA: Prabhupadanuga EU currently advertises Laxmi Kary as their authority, who was sending everyone from Berkeley to New Vrndavana to worship Bhakti pedo pada. That means they still do not know that promoting people who helped worship of homosexual pedophiles is a bad idea. 

And their program had Sulochana murdered. So they are still in bed with pedophile guru programs that murder dissenters, by promoting the cheer leaders of that program. And then Mathura Pati says his butt buster guru's program's cheer leaders are the real authority, not PADA. Why do they STILL not know that we cannot worship their butt busting and Auschwitz for kids programs, that murders folks? And poisons pure devotees? As someone just said, "Wake TFU"!!!  



Sridhara Maharaja:

“The Position of an Acharya”

The position of an Acharya is dangerous. She is filled with temptation Therefore, it is imperative that the Acharya feels a strong, sincere and unbreakable desire for the higher aspirations of Krishna consciousness. Otherwise, he couldn't hold his ground and would fall. He's become master and lord, and he might think, "I own it all." He's the monarch of a particular circle, and monarchy can bring madness. This is a great temptation. If you are not fully aware of this fact, you will not be able to hold such a position.
~Sri Guru and his Grace


  1. MMD: Makes a lot of sense. Krishna Kanta's IRM is trying to "seal the deal" with Jayapataka. Head honcho of Mayapur. Deal includes ... worst critic should take a vacation in the Caribbean. Sounds like a B-grade spy movie.

    Then Krishna Kanta contrives conditions ... same conditions Jayapataka wants ... we should be silent on the poison problem, molesting problem, changed books problem. Is there any problem that comes up on the horizon? Yes. Of course ... the people exposing all this!

    It looks like he drank from their toxic chalise, so he will be afflicted. Looks like what happened here. I think they wanted to "defeat the poison issue" to seal a deal ... with the Devil.

    Serving Judas and Pilate ??? takes a person to a very bad future. It gives me chills down my spine ... and the creeps ... just thinking what their future is. Why would they want to help these Jayapataka people ... when they are the root of all the troubles? Includes the poisoner group.

    Lets make a deal !!! ... with Satan. And don't we all know how that will end? And how badly that will cause trouble for the children in the grips of that compromise? Very sad ... they threw ISKCON to the wolves .... even after knowing they are the wolves. Very old story ... they make a deal with Satan ... to get a building ... but then Satan wants his payment.

  2. JD: Don't get it either. Prabhupadanuga EU is still advertising Laxmi. She was telling everyone Hansadutta is a pure devotee! And we need to surrender to Kirtanananda.

    You mean ... the Prabhupadanuga EU are still thinking the SAME people who were calling Sulochana a demon, and helped make Kirtanananda pedo cult, and that helps get Sulochana taken out, are the people we should advertise ... now? Like wow ... they do not realize it is no longer 1986, and no one wants to hear from Kirtanananda's 1986 pedo cult fanatics?

    Krishna Kanta. Also don't get it. Making a deal with Jayapataka, who is the leader of Mayapur. A suspect in the poison investigation. Another pedo cult. And Prabhupadanuga EU is advertising him as their authority.

    And Bhakta das? Holy cow. A Gaudiya Matha person ... who also likes Radhanath. And he is advertised on their site.

    They just have no idea what kind of persons to promote as Prabhupadanugas, because they are not.

    Sulochana!!! What a comic. "The people who disagree with us are boot lickers for the butt busters." I love it! I never met him, but I really miss him. We need a person like him ... inject humor, mixed with a truth potion. He had a way of saying ... what everyone else takes ten minutes to say, in one sentence. Love it.

    It looks to me like a lot of Prabhupadanuga EU readers are quitting. This was the last straw ... for a lot of people. I will never go there. Boot lickers for the butt busters. Honestly, not going to attract anyone with half a brain.


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