Wednesday, November 22, 2023

Question About Prahlad Das / Confusing: For Whom? 11 22


Prahlad's wonderful
"really gets a lot of views" prajalpa program.

Yep, we get complaints about their Hitler-anuga program from every Vaishnava sangha. No one likes it universally.  

Thanks for your question prabhu,

Yes, Prahlad das [Paul Coats / UK] sided with the GBC when he found out we had their mass molesting program sued for child abuse. He basically said that our stopping the rampant child abuse and suicides is not required since these children "are just getting their karma." OK what the GBC folks say all the time. 

Worse, he said that I was going to make us lose our [his] buildings. 

So as soon as Prahlad das see a building -- where a lot of men are hugging each other, placing their heads on each others laps, and yep, sometimes lustily grabbing each other's behinds [as we saw happen right in front of the deities personally], and there is the added benefit of rampant child sexual abuse going on, he has found his home temple. 

Ummm? We need to save that program! We need to save Prahlad's homosexual and pedophile guru project, which bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas? Ok then, good luck with that, you'll need lots of it when you have to explain why supporting this odious process -- is bona fide -- to Yamaraja.

Why would anyone want to disturb Prahlad's [butt buster] program, which a news lady told me is "pedophile heaven." Yep, what is pedophile heaven for some, is terribly abusive hell for others -- like the victims. And I have seen people cry spontaneously when they read the accounts of what happens to little children in Prahlad's wonderful molester messiah's project, which he is still actively defending by attacking us. Why does Prahlad -- or actually any of them -- defend a mass anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's club, which they self evidently sympathize with and thus defend? 

OK Sulochana said these Prahlad people are "boot lickers for the butt busters." Any questions?

So yeah, the molesters have been protected, and that is why some person from Mayapur recently said -- the place is full of evil black magic, as well as blatant homosexual energy, with all the hugging, sitting on each other's laps, placing their heads on each other's laps, and overall strange male to male affection, and worse, affection for abusers in Prahlad's program that he vociferously defends.      

Many of the victims were infuriated when Prahlad's folks said they were happy to have their victims die [to save their precious gold shekel money?]. Then Prahlad began to advertise the people like Sanat and Mukunda [UK] who said Srila Prabhupada's children need to "die in a bloodbath in Dallas," of course, because that defends his pedophile guru club by eliminating the eye witnesses. 

And then Prahlad folks made a video with Radhanath's people to attack me. Prahlad is direct working hand in glove with the people who paid to have Sulochana killed, to defend his pedophile program for Krishna's kids, and he is worried about some Hindu weddings? But murder of people defending children from abuse -- is fine!

He has never apologized to the victims who he infuriated, by wishing them to have more and more abuse and more suicides. Then he said he was going to circulate my photo to the GBC goondas, to have me taken out. OK he wants to have anyone who advocates for children, murdered, just like his hero Kirtanananda. Why is Prahlad on the same exact side as Kirtanananda?

In other words, he is a staunch defender of child abuse, and he wants to have advocates for children -- eliminated. He says no compromise, while he admits he is working for the GBC goondas to have devotees taken off the planet, especially devotees who advocate for children. OK so the lawsuit got hundreds of kids pulled out of their schools, maybe thousands over decades of time, and Prahlada was not happy that children were being saved from his butt buster project. Why does Prahlad take great delight in seeing children suffer and die? Good question! 

As for Chiranjib Boyd, yep -- he started to promote Narayan Maharaja, who was in Texas propping up Tamal when we were in Texas having Tamal sued for $400,000,000 for child mistreatment. Then these guys make pretend they have no idea how all these children got mistreated. Then Narayan Maharaja says, so what, the children just got their karma [from the Tamal program he supports], and he goes to hug Kirtanananda.

It is always the same thing, more people support the molester regime than support the whistleblowers, and that is why we have a recent report from Mayapur of a basic homosexual and pedophile friendly environment out cropping in ISKCON. This out cropping did not evolve in a vacuum, it has many supporters, cheer leaders, advocates and etc. 

And yeah, I think you are right, someone who says they want to see children die in a bloodbath for protesting their molesting project, is a dangerous criminal psychopath. Hee hee, agreed. 

Unfortunately, there are way too many of these guys around ISKCON. And then, Dayalu Nitai's HKC Jaipur said that Prahlad is one of their senior men, ok another cheer leader of the regime. 

The good news is -- we NOW have many hundreds, ok really thousands, of more and more people coming to assist us to expose -- and hopefully dismantle -- this regime. But yeah, boot lickers for the butt busters. Sulochana had a magical way of defining these people. Have to admit I miss the guy, he was a great inspiration. 

In any case, the wind is in our sails at this stage, more people are just saying "enough" and although a day late and dollar short, something is better than not. And yeah, Bhakta Peter told me he "sees nothing wrong with what Prahlada is doing," by trying to get devotees murdered and being a boot licker for the butt busters project -- which is alleged to be God's successors. 

Some victims told me -- thank God you at least did something, these people wanted us to suffer and die. I think that sums it all up better than what I could say. Another person says, "Am I suprised that there is black magic involved with these people? No, we all knew they were evil, and their program is Satanic ritual child abuse, it was hiding in plain sight the whole time." 

ys pd



PADA: Yeah, how can a former Mott street boy, a Timothy Leary disciple, a disciple of Andy Warhol, and guy who says the Christians are the bogus ritviks, then he spends hundreds of thousands of ISKCON's money to go to a Christian college to get a degree, and other assorted incompetent people -- actually starting all the way back in 1970 -- all of a sudden become catapulted to being God's messiahs in 1977? 

And why do we even need "written proof" this could never happen? And doesn't everyone realize by now, this did not ever happen. Just asking! A conditioned soul can only act as an agent, preacher, priest etc. of the pure devotee, and not as his successor, and this is really just common sense. No normal person believes a conditioned soul is God's successor, no written proof is ever required. They have common sense. In other words, the Supersoul is guiding people properly to avoid worshiping deviants, when they are not motivated. A person who wants to worship deviants is defying the Supersoul, and the consequences are dire for them and their society ys pd


  1. LD: That has always been the problem. PADA is the real problem, the child molester guru system is not. We know whose side they are on.

    And it explains everything that has happened. Too many supported the wrong side. I agree, more people are turning to the right side nowadays. Their problem is ... they sided with evil and more and more people are waking up to them and their real purpose.

    PADA is the problem, if you support child molester gurus and their henchmen. We need to listen to Radhanath's fan members? This would make Sulochana vomit if he was here, he was against these people. All of these people are not side bar parts of the problem, they are the problem. And they have been the whole time.

  2. SD Dasi: Prahlad says you are a liar. Nothing new. That is what they say about me. It is called ... covering up for child molesting ... and they are all in on it. It is a club.

    I have seen that myself ... how these "men" are so affectionate with one another. Oh yuck, I did see where Narayan Maharaja was hugging Kirtanananda. That is something you cannot even unsee. More proof this is a club.

    I have seen what looks a lot like even some sort of kissing going on among these men. I also saw one of them pulling down on the other's dhoti like a man would pull down on a woman's skirt. And they are not even hiding it ... are they? And Prahlad is with this group ... most likely ... I think we all know why.

    Something smells off here. Now ... more people are saying, maybe you people are not the liars. These Satanic cult people are being exposed ... and not a day too soon. They ALL need to be exposed and removed from the Vaishnava community ... if we want to save our children and their children from their Satanic cult.


    PADA: Yep, as soon as we swipe a child out of the path of their giant jack boots, they are upset. They just cannot tolerate having their child sacrifice cult being exposed. Well too bad, it is a growing wave of folks on our side now. But yeah, saying that anyone who opposes Prahlad's anal reconstructive surgery epidemic messiah's program is -- a liar -- is how they have kept their regime going.

    Problem for them is, ... who believes them these days? There is hardly anyone even left remaining in the temples Prahlad wants to save. You'll have to save the people before you can save the infrastructure.

  3. M Dasi: Heard this a million times. Anyone who complains is ... a liar. It is how these people ... enabled all these crimes. Crimes against children are the highest form of all crimes. And all of them are the same boat, don't complain about our molesting cult or ... we will hunt you down. Brand you as a liar. Don't they ever have any other positive proposal? Never.

    And they never actually do anything for the children ... or for anyone else. And they never will.

    On tik tok we can see these type trolls making comments all day long. But they never have anything positive to say, because they don't want anything positive to happen ... especially to their victims.

    How did Mayapura turn into a graveyard for children's childhood, look no further than these Prahlad people. The enablers of the abuse. We all know who you people are by now ... we have all seen your track record. We also know where you are going when you leave here.

  4. MH: This always amazes me. There are so many "advanced Krishna devotees" who think ... if we can just get rid of the people objecting to our child abuse problem ... that will fix the problem. No ... you are the problem.

    I find ... the defense of their child abuse problem is simple indefensible. Even after they were sued ... they still attack ... anyone who exposes their abuse problem. That means they learned nothing from being sued.

    That means they should be sued again, and again and again and again, until there is nothing left to sue. They need to be drove out of business. And if there was a "Vedic pious government," they would all be in jail right now, even the defenders. They are all criminals themselves. Birds of the same feather.

    And I do believe this has roots in a Satanic child abuse cult ... that makes a lot of sense. Actually ... only logical explanation. None of this abuse would have EVER happened without all of this support network. A den of thieves who all look out for one another. Very disgusting if you ask me.


    PADA: Yes, someone told me that Prahlad is a person who likes to see Andy Warhol, Jimmy Savile and other pervs being worshiped as good as God, and that is why he opposes anyone who expose his cult. He is one of them.

    He even wanted to have me assassinated, so he could keep his anus sex pooja program going on. Sheesh, even my friends at the police said, this Prahlad guy wants to have you killed, to defend his pedophile friends being worshiped as good as God?

    WTF is wrong with these people? Yep, and even bhakta Peter says, he sees nothing wrong with Prahlad's defense of their pedo pooja process. Well hee hee, good luck with that, we are getting many thousands of people on board saying -- neine danke. ys pd

  5. Mother Bear: Why do we keep finding some GBC people objecting to Hindu weddings, but not really -- ISKCON's children ... being beaten and raped? This seems to be the same theme ... with ALL of them.

    HH Bhakti Vikas swami was giving the worst monotone sleepy time lecture ever. ISKCON is being turned into a Hindu business. Is that why you are based in India ... and you have mostly Hindu followers?

    This never goes to the real problems. Hindu weddings are a problem, but you support way worse problems. And that is the problem!

    I would rather have a Hindu wedding problem that a Satanic child abuse cult problem -- any day of the week! They have no moral compass ... if they think Hindu weddings are the problem, and not their Satanic child sacrifice cult. They are all the same.


    PADA: Yep Prahlad team wants people to listen to Radhanath's cheer leaders, Bhavananda's bucket boy Hari Sauri, and he admits he is working hand in glove with GBC goondas to hunt me down. He is worse than them because he is a hypocrite.

    Someone just told me, he is a GBC spy meant to harm the Prabhupadanugas. I agreed. If you want to be Radhanath's cheer leader's bucket boy, just admit it and be honest. Another person said he is a wolf in sheep's dress. Well yup.

  6. PADA: Yes prabhu, they are always welcome to write me to explain why they support -- Radhanath's cheer leaders, and they are distributing the writings of Bhavananda's bucket boy Hari Sauri, and they are saying that the buildings of their pedophile messiahs club are "our buildings" -- and that means they are openly admitting they are in the pedophile messiah's club, why do they object to having hundreds of children pulled out of their [our] pedophile schools, why they think their victims committing suicide is not a problem etc. but they never do?

    Yes, let them write an explanation. Sulochana said these people are jackboot thugs stomping their jackboots in time with the GBC. I cannot find any good reason to think that is not correct? Yes, we would all love to see their explanation.

    And if they sent it to me, I will post it. If they wanted to reconcile all this, that would be great. And yes, Mama Bear is infuriated they are always objecting to Hindu weddings, but then objecting to PADA's exposing their homosexual and pedophile guru program. Aren't children a higher priority than wedding ceremonies? ys pd


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