Thursday, August 29, 2024



Another day, when Kṛṣṇa and Balarāma were playing with Their friends, all the boys joined Balarāma and told mother Yaśodā that Kṛṣṇa had eaten clay. On hearing this, mother Yaśodā caught hold of Kṛṣṇa's hand and said, "My dear Kṛṣṇa, why have You eaten earth in a solitary place? Just see, all Your friends including Balarāma are complaining about You." Being afraid of His mother, Kṛṣṇa replied, "My dear mother, all these boys, including My elder brother Balarāma, are speaking lies against Me. 

"I have never eaten clay. My elder brother Balarāma, while playing with Me today, became angry, and therefore He has joined with the other boys to complain against Me. They have all combined together to complain so you will be angry and chastise Me. If you think they are truthful, then you can look within My mouth to see whether I have taken clay or not." His mother replied, "All right, if You have actually not taken any clay, then just open Your mouth. I shall see."

When the Supreme Personality of Godhead Kṛṣṇa was so ordered by His mother, He immediately opened His mouth just like an ordinary boy. Then mother Yaśodā saw within that mouth the complete opulence of creation. She saw the entire outer space in all directions, mountains, islands, oceans, seas, planets, air, fire, moon and stars. Along with the moon and the stars she also saw the entire elements, water, sky, the extensive ethereal existence along with the total ego and the products of the senses and the controller of the senses, all the demigods, the objects of the senses like sound, smell, etc., and the three qualities of material nature. 

She also could perceive that within His mouth were all living entities, eternal time, material nature, spiritual nature, activity, consciousness and different forms of the whole creation. Yaśodā could find within the mouth of her child everything necessary for cosmic manifestation. She also saw, within His mouth, herself taking Kṛṣṇa on her lap and having Him sucking her breast. Upon seeing all this, she became struck with awe and began to wonder whether she were dreaming or actually seeing something extraordinary. 

She concluded that she was either dreaming or seeing the play of the illusory energy of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. She thought that she had become mad, mentally deranged, to see all those wonderful things. Then she thought, "It may be cosmic mystic power attained by my child, and therefore I am perplexed by such visions within His mouth. 

"Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto the Supreme Personality of Godhead under whose energy bodily self and bodily possessions are conceived." She then said, "Let me offer my respectful obeisances unto Him, under whose illusory energy I am thinking that Nanda Mahārāja is my husband and Kṛṣṇa is my son, that all the properties of Nanda Mahārāja belong to me and that all the cowherd men and women are my subjects. All this misconception is due to the illusory energy of the Supreme Lord. So let me pray to Him that He may protect me always."

(Kṛṣṇa Book, Chapter 8, "Vision of the Universal Form.")

Lokanath Lawsuit / KMD Writes 08 29 24



SD: After publicly sharing documents of Lokanath's child molestation case, Lokanath "Swami" sued myself and another child protection advocate DD in November 2022 for defamation. Defamation laws in India are different than other countries like the United States where truth is the best defense.

“Indian criminal defamation law appears, in both letter and spirit, to have become only more regressive since it was first enacted in 1860. Truth is not an absolute defense.”

“India and other major democracies have taken two different approaches in the area of defamation law. In the U.K. and U.S., defamation law has been transformed.”
In early 2024, a judge in the High Court of Delhi ordered Lokanath to withdraw his lawsuit, so he did. Lokanath has now filed another defamation lawsuit against us, asking us to pay 2.25 Crores (about US$270,000).

In this lawsuit, Lokanath is disturbed that "several such people in and from Delhi... have personally approached the Plaintiff [Lokanath] discussing the defamatory contents..." and that we are "impugning his character and discussing the same with other people associated with ISKCON and Hare Krishna movement in Delhi thereby causing huge damage to the reputation of the Plaintiff in Delhi."

What DD and I (and others) have done is publicly asked ISKCON leaders to follow their own rules with Lokanath and give his child molestation case to their ISKCON Child Protection Office. Or remove him from leadership, per the ISKCON GBC's 2018 Resolution that child abusers can not hold positions of leadership in ISKCON.

We also publicly shared this information for people who were taking spiritual guidance from Lokanath, or who were considering taking spiritual guidance from him, as this information might inform their decision. I have heard many stories of Lokanath's disciples wishing they had known he was a child molester before they took initiation from him, as it would have impacted their decision.

Please help us in this cause for child protection and free speech by donating and sharing. Thank you!

PADA: Sheesh pilgrims. ISKCON is known already in most parts of the world for promoting deviants as its acharyas -- resulting in banning, beating, molesting, suing and even killing dissenters. Why do some people in Delhi have to be the only people in the world who don't think this is a problem? Guess what, there are also people in Delhi -- who do think this is a problem.

Lokanath thinks suing people is going to make him look more saintly, well it is making him look even more like a unrepentant tyrant and thus -- worse. And yeah, where are the GBC? They promised the victim that Lokanath would not hold a post of authority, when is this going to be implemented? And while they are monkeying around, they are causing all sorts of problems with people being mis-informed on all this. 

Sorry Lokanath, most ordinary moral people believe that folks like the Lokanath program -- burying homosexuals and / or pedophiles and / or sex with cats -- in samadhi the dham -- are bogus. Most people also do not believe illicit sex with boys, sex with cats, taking drugs, offering LSD to the shalagram and so on and so forth is, was, or could have been -- part of Krishna's guru parampara. 

Nor are any of the participants in all this contaminated mess eligible to be placed in samadhis, especially right near the samadhis of the greatest saints in Vrndavana. But Lokanath's people don't seem to know what is what? 

And that is why Srila Prabhupada says -- people in the modes of ignorance do not know what is good or bad, they have no discrimination. And that is why the Lokanath ICC people wrote to tell me I do not accept their contaminated acharyas program, because I am -- a mleccha. OK they have no shastra explanation, it is all name calling and etc.

Yep, Lokanath thinks shutting down a forum that is addressing mass child abuse is going to be helpful. Isn't that helping the exploiters and not the children? 

ys pd 





Two Extremely Important Instructions of our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad on His Transcendental Books:-

1) "These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing." - (Srila Prabhupad, 19th October 1974, Atlanta)

2) "Bhagavata (Srimad Bhagavatam) is giving you KRISHNA. Therefore everyone should read Bhagavata & Bhagavad Gita. So this is the parampara system, we are giving. In future, if they follow, they will also be delivered. This is wanted. We have made some plan. We are making. So this will be left. When we shall die, this will be left. And anyone who will accept this parampara system will be promoted to Krishna consciousness." - (Srila Prabhupad, 18th April 1977, Mumbai)


When we read the Transcendental Books of our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad, we actually hear Him. Srila Prabhupad gave the Parampara System for the deliverance of the future generations.

As per His Parampara System, those who will read His Transcendental Books, especially - Bhagavad Gita & Bhagavata (Srimad Bhagavatam), will be delivered from this illusory material world & will be promoted to Krishna Consciousness. This is not my opinion but the divine words spoken by our Gurudev Srila Prabhupad.
Srila Prabhupad wrote in His explanatory purport in Srimad Bhagavatam - 


"The āchārya gives the suitable method for crossing the ocean of nescience by accepting the boat of the Lord’s lotus feet, and if this method is strictly followed, the followers will ultimately reach the destination, by the grace of the Lord. This method is called āchārya sampradāya. It is therefore said, sampradāya-vihīnā ye mantrās te niṣphalā matāḥ (Padma Purāṇa). The āchārya sampradāya is strictly bona fide. Therefore one must accept the āchārya sampradāya; otherwise one’s endeavor will be futile."

Those who are very intelligent, very pure & very lucky, will get this golden opportunity of taking the direct shelter of our Gurudev/Acharya His Divine Grace A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupad. By His mercy, one can get KRISHNA very easily, otherwise one may take billions of births, one will never get KRISHNA. When one gets KRISHNA, he/she gets everything.

Jai Jagad Gurudev Srila Prabhupad
Jai Param Satya Shri Radha Krishna
Hare Krishna
Thanks. Regards,

Wednesday, August 28, 2024

His Grace Aprakrita Prabhu of Montreal just left his body. 08 28 24

PADA: Apakrita dasa was a friend of PADA also. He told me -- there is no way he could promote people like Kirtanananda and Gopal Krishna as "Krishna's successor gurus," and he said it was very foolish for people to think that would work. He said people could still have Srila Prabhupada as their guru, and that is being realized more all the time. Anyway, he was a very solid Prabhupada man and we wish his soul Godspeed, and may he go back home to Krishna as soon as possible. ys pd 


His Grace Aprakrita Prabhu of Montreal just left his body.

Message from Ratha yatra Prabhu:

HG Aprakrita Prabhu from Montreal left his body!

In memory of a great Prabhupada man / Prabhupada original book distributor
and my best friend. He would visit south India every year before the scam-demmic, staying at Hare Krsna Hill ISKCON Bangalore guest house, where he and I would travel to many holy places in Karnataka.

These pictures were taken when we visited Shri Yoganarasimha Swamy Temple in Melukote. 

We would communicate every month, my wife Vaidhi Bhakti devi dasi speak french, so he would send us french language videos that he posted regularly on his web site,
(which is the largest Prabhupada website in the EU).

On Srila Prabhupada's appearance day, I'd sent him an email wishing him happy Janmastami / Prabhupada's blessings and a Happy Birthday, which was coming up for him. I didn't get a reply (he usually replies right away), thinking he was busy moving into a buddhist retirement home with his sister, but I knew something wasn't right.

I was really surprised but happy to hear the news of his leaving his body during this auspicious week. Aprakrita das was a serious Prabhupada disciple, very dedicated to Prabhupada who supported my book distribution in India and Mauritius, sending me books in French / English, cash donations & his homemade bookmarks promoting his website.

He is with Srila Prabhupada for sure.

Aprakrita das Ki Jai

Your lowly servant Rathayatra dasa............ more below:

A post from Aprakrita Prabhu’s website about himself (translated from French):

Who is Aprakrita Dasa?

Hare Krishna,

On a few occasions, subscribers to the Daily News have asked various questions about me. It is not the custom of a devotee to talk about himself, but to inform you, here is some information about me.

I am a disciple of Srila Prabhupada, the founder of the Hare Krishna movement since 1976. I joined this moment with my wife and we had a child, a nice girl who in turn had four children. So I am a grandfather several times.

Today, at the age of sixty-nine (2016) and living alone, I devote myself more to spiritual life. My day begins very early in the morning and every day, I recite a minimum of 16 rounds of japa recommended by my spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada, founder of the Krishna Consciousness movement. Of course, I also follow the 4 basic principles, namely, no meat consumption, no intoxicants, no illicit sex and finally no gambling. 

By following these principles and reciting the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, the material illusion gradually reduces its hold on us. It is therefore possible to expand one's consciousness to finally attain pure love of God. Not so easy, because maya or illusion would like to keep us all under its control. We must therefore persevere despite the many temptations.

Also, as you all know, I am the one who prepares and sends out the Daily News every day. So this occupies a large part of my thoughts. I have to read Srila Prabhupada's books and also listen to some of his lectures daily in order to keep the philosophy of Krishna consciousness continually present in my mind.
Since 1976, I left the movement for a while to come back in 1999. 

Since that time, I have devoted myself to preaching. I love what I do. I would not change places with anyone, not even with the richest materialist. My standard of living is reduced to a minimum so as not to take too much time for my personal maintenance.

My life is dedicated to helping others progress spiritually and gradually discover the happiness that we all seek. Srila Prabhupada left the village of Vrindavan (India) at the age of sixty-nine to come and help people all over the world discover happiness. He did it for the pleasure of his spiritual master. In turn, I seek to please Srila Prabhupada. Of course, I am far from having a desire as intense as he does. 

The only merit I can have is to want to try to please him a little. Srila Prabhupada is the greatest of spiritual masters and I feel great joy in making him known to all and also in accepting him as their spiritual master. Even if he is no longer physically present with us, his presence is manifest in his instructions. Srila Prabhupada said that we must let the spiritual master into our hearts. 

He himself never felt the separation from his guru even though the guru had left the planet long ago. The relationship with the spiritual master is not a material relationship; it can progress even if he is no longer present in this world. Even a newcomer to Krishna consciousness can accept Srila Prabhupada into his heart and thus become his disciple. It is a matter of letting him into his heart and it is not a matter of physical presence. Srila Prabhupada met his spiritual master only a few times and did so much for him, and that was without even seeing him regularly. 

The same is possible for all of us. Just let him into your heart.

I have several preaching projects in my mind. Sometimes some come true and sometimes others do not. In all this, one must learn that Krishna is in control of everything. It is said in one of the verses of the Siksastaka which summarizes the philosophy left by Chaitanya Mahaprabhu: "Complete is His freedom to act as He pleases in all circumstances". No matter the results, one must always act with the aim of pleasing Krishna. The purpose of devotional service is to purify ourselves to finally attain true devotional service called in Sanskrit: bhakti-yoga or loving and devoted service offered to Krishna.

In my small apartment, I continually play Srila Prabhupada CDs. In the evening, I end the day by reading a few verses from the Srimad Bhagavatam. Throughout the night without interruption, I leave the compact disc of Srila Prabhupada reciting the maha-mantra playing. When I wake up, the first sounds I hear are the vibrations of my spiritual master reciting the maha-mantra. So from the first moments of the day, I remember that I am practicing the process of bhakti-yoga. This helps me enormously and after a good shower I start again, and this, for the coming day, the preaching projects.

Every day I answer emails from subscribers. People from France, Switzerland, Hungary, Quebec make my life exciting. They are all a great source of joy for me. I am very happy to be in contact with them. Not all of them write to me, but I know that, even if many are silent, they appreciate the Daily News, because many of these people have been receiving it for several years. 

Some of you help me spread this spiritual message from another world. They do it in different ways and all these ways are accepted by Sri Krishna, because they please Srila Prabhupada.

My desire is to encourage as many people as possible to do a little something for Krishna because then these people will be recognized by Him.

"In this endeavor there is no loss or diminution, and a little advancement on this path can protect one from the most dangerous type of fear." BG 2-40

Whatever we do for Krsna will never be forgotten by Him. Everything is recorded in our spiritual bank account.

Also in the Gita verse 4-11

"All of them—as they surrender unto Me—I reward accordingly." It is not in vain that we act for Krishna, He takes note of everything. Nothing goes unnoticed.
I am happy to have shared with you these few thoughts and I thank you very much for your good presence. You are a great source of inspiration for me.

Your servant,

Aprakrita dasa


Tuesday, August 27, 2024

ISKCON's Lokanath swami Court Case Pt. II etc. 08 27 24

DD: Hare Krishna.

The Vedic Inquirer was established in 2020 to aid those campaigning for improved child protection in the Krishna Consciousness Movement. It performs a valuable community service in this regard - sometimes bringing to public attention the crimes committed by abusers, sometimes providing information about how to recognise red flags, recover from or respond to abuse, etc.

Now its very existence is being threatened.

In late 2023, Lokanath Swami sought to sue two of Vedic Inquirer's most active contributors and admins (Saraswati and Damodara) for defamation claiming that the information they (and others) shared about him were fabrications. In April 2024, his legal team withdrew the case upon a judge's advice since there were some technical issues with it. This left his legal team with an option to resubmit their case - which they have now done.

This time, Lokanath's lawyers are not only after a public apology, retraction, gag order, financial damages, etc but wish to take down the Vedic Inquirer page.

Naturally, Saraswati and Damodara wish to defend themselves against these charges. Due to the kindness of the community - who rallied around financially last time - and some kindly disposed lawyers who were prepared to work at discounted rates, they were able to afford a highly competent legal team to represent them.

We are again asking for your kind support in helping Damodara and Saraswati to fight this case which has been brought against them. It's vital that child protection advocates are not bulldozed into silence by those who wish to keep their gross transgressions a secret.

Show your support for this GoFundMe

PADA: I don't know what it is with these guys like Bhakti Vikas swami and his "voted in" guru pals like Lokanath, but they seem to think that everyone is going to accept their fabricated guru system -- if they hide behind a wall of lawyers. Already the Jayapataka people wrote to complain to me -- that my helping various lawsuits has cost ISKCON $100,000,000, maybe more. 

Well perhaps we did cost them $100M, but they keep forgetting that they created these lawsuits themselves. Anyway, picking on Saraswati and Damodar is just making the GBC folks like all the more like bullies, and / or corrupt and manipulative. I hate to say it but -- the jig is up, the cat is out of the bag -- the info is already out there -- a long time ago -- the GBC guru system is corrupt. Hiring lawyers to defend the name of the GBC at this stage is too little too late.    

At the same time, I have to say, there seems to be a big problem with the courts over in India. There are all sorts of bogus God men running amok all over India, claiming to be acharyas, and / or incarnations of Lord Krishna, Lord Siva, Dattatreya and who knows what else. And there is a slew of bogus female God women as well, posing as incarnations of Mother Durga, or perhaps one of the gopis etc. And the courts there don't seem to have a clue how to determine what is what -- and who is bona fide and who is not. 

Of course, my argument -- at least here in the West -- has been -- illicit sex with men, women and children, drunks, drug takers, porno swamis etc. -- types of behavior -- is not found in God and / or God's successors, thus deviants are not, were not, could not have been God's successors -- at any stage. And that is why the India ICC people said I evidently do not understand how all these deviants are gurus because, I am a mleccha. 

Well jeepers dudes, thanks to God I was born a mleccha then, because then I do not believe contaminated beings are, were, or could have been God's successors. Then again, Srila Prabhupada always says -- contaminated beings are not and were not gurus either. 

So I am not sure exactly what arguments are being used in the courts over there, but I already submitted to the courts of public opinion a long time ago -- illicit behavior is not found in ANY acharyas, messiahs and / or successors to God, and I do not believe that deviation types of behavior should be allowed to stand as a legal principle for God's successors. 

In sum, I think maybe the Damodar party should take the gloves off and "tell off" the GBC folks in proper terms in court, and describe in detail some of the nefarious behaviors of the GBC's alleged messiahs. Again, I said Bangalore should have done the same thing a long time ago too. Did I forget to mention we had to have the GBC sued for mass child abuse over here?

All this, after -- one of their messiahs now in a samadhi is -- Kirtanananda, alleged to have had oral sex with young males, also alleged to have tried to have sex with a cat, but is now buried by the Lokanath GBC folks in a samadhi over there. Does the court there think this is bona fide behavior for persons fit to be in a samadhi in the holy dham? Good question, could be raised by anyone. Maybe it is time to raise these types of questions now. 

Yeepers pilgrims, yep -- so glad I was born in mleccha land and I know what is fit for a samadhi and what is not, while a number of folks there self evidently think illicit sex with young men and maybe cats deserves a samadhi. 

And that is the whole problem also with Lokanath himself, he evidently also does not know that sex with young men and maybe cats is not fit for a samadhi either, so he goes along with the bogus GBC guru's samadhi party. Yeah ICC thanks a lot, for glorifying us mlecchas, we are way more advanced than you ever will be. 

Oh oh, all this -- just when people are already cursing at the GBC for suing people to stop them from using the name "Hare Krishna." Well keep it up guys, you are digging your hole deeper. And digging your grave deeper at the same time. Lord Yamaraja not only dislikes "high court judge acharyas," indeed he detests them. And so do his followers. 

Deviants are not God's successors, never mind sex with cats is not either. Yep, very blessed I know these things. Dumb as I am, at least there are some things I do know, which is self evident Krishna's mercy on me.   

ys pd   



Some thoughts on the occasion of Shrila Prabhupada Navami

27 Aug 24 Tues: Today is the 9th day of the waning fortnight of the month of Bhadrapada. Since this is the day following Shri Janmashtami, it is day of Nandotsava, or the festivities of Nanda Maharaja, who today celebrates the birth of his Son Krishna, across the Yamuna River in Gokula.

On this holy day in 1896, a great world prophet of the Holy Names, and direct servant of the Personality of Godhead Lord Shri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, appeared in Calcutta. Shri Abhaya Charan De, young "Abhoy Babu," grew to become a directly empowered reresentative of the Supreme Lord, His divinity is clearly stated by the position of his stars at birth. Today, those with eyes to see can understand that Shrila Prabhupada has actually changed the entire course of world history.

Devotees can recognize the subtle, yet deep, influences of our Guru Maharaja everywhere. Now, as we approach the coming Golden Age (and the cataclysms that come before it), these influences are becoming more noticeable. Indians and Hinduism are widely accepted as a force to be reckoned with all over the world, although when Prabhupada came to America it thought to be a land of snake charmers.. In today's Presidential race of America, the Republican Vice-President candidate has an Indian wife, and on the other side, Kamala Harris's mom was Indian. One of the potential candidates for the Republican nomination was also Indian.

People are waking up to the concepts of yoga, karma, yagna, bhakti, kirtan,, namaste, henna, tilaka, kum kum, saris, and pilgrimage to holy cities of India. Sanskrit words now decorate everyday English language. Indian cuisine has become very popular.

But, as the saying goes, "Many are called but few are chosen."

Each one of us, now, should put forth the endeavor to become one of those chosen few by taking the essence of Shrila Prabhupada's message seriously Make this lifetime the last birth within this world of samsara. Now become one of Prabhupada's chosen few by accepting his instructions to live by the Holy Names, and then go back to Godhead at the end of this seemingly endless journey through the material tabernacle.

Today, among Prabhup[ada's chosen few, there are actually tens, if not hundreds, of thousands of Krishna bhaktas who are endeavoring to find the essence of what is called "Indian culture" through becoming Krishna conscious.

Krishna, the Son of Nanda and Yashoda, is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. Shrila Prabhupada has placed each of his servants on the path to the Lord's lotus feet as the servants of His servants. This journey along the road of bhakti-yoga--pure devotional service-- is open to everyone, This road is extremely detailed and complex, yet at the same time amazingly simple. The surrendering process unto Yashodanandana the Lord of the Universe, has been plainly explained from every angle by Shrila Prabhupada in his timeless instructions.

Unlike the books and translations of mundane scholars, Shrila Prabhupada's voluminous instructions found in his spotless Bhagavad-gita As It Is, Shrimad-Bhagavatam, Shri Chaitanya-Charitamrita, and many others, carry the direct potency of Krishna via the unbreakable chain of disciplic succession. 

In other words, no one should lament that he "has missed the boat," by not meeting Prabhupada personally. His Divine Grace is with us here and now. To reach the supreme goal of the lotus feet of Krishna's pure devotee, we need only reach out to him with a mind that accepts his instructions, which are clearly given in his books. 

As he often said, "I have given you everything. Now take it."

As the great Vaishnava poet / acharya Shrila Bhaktivinoda Thakura says, "He reasons ill who says that Vaishnavas die, when they are living still in sound." In this way, Shrila Prabhupada is here with us today through his all-important guidance.

Simply by accepting the instructions of Shrila Prabhupada within our hearts, and by following them, His Divine Grace is there with you as much as he is with any sincere disciple. Accept this point and become liberated.

In Shri Chaitanya Charitamrita (Antya 7.11), Shrila Krishnadasa Kaviraja Goswami explains,

kali-kālera dharma--kṛṣṇa-nāma-saṅkīrtana
kṛṣṇa-śakti vinā nahe tāra pravartana

"The fundamental religious system in the age of Kali is the chanting of the holy name of Krishna . Unless empowered by Krishna , one cannot propagate the sankirtana movement.

As the lord of sin Kali trembled, the world witnessed that wherever Shrila Prabhupada placed his lotus feet, a temple and devotee congregation arose almost magically. No one else has ever done this in the history of the world, Prabhupada's potency, though hidden from the eyes of materialists, is plainly visible to all devotees. Take his message to heart, surrender to him, serve him in your daily routine, chant the Holy Names while living a pure life. Do this, and maybe very soon we can hope to meet in Goloka, the Spiritual Sky of eternity, knowledge, and bliss by the grace of Krishna's pure devoee.

Srila Prabhupada ki jai.

Srila Prabhupada's Appearance / Book Changes / Bangladesh ETC. 08 27 24

Jay Srila Prabhupada 

Today is the appearance day of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. He was born in 1896 in Calcutta, India, into a family of Krishnadevotees. At age twenty-two, he met his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur, who encouraged him to spread the mission of Chaitanya Mahaprabhu in English. At the age of sixty-nine, Srila Prabhupada left India for the U.S.A. with a trunk full of his own Srimad-Bhagavatam commentaries. In the next twelve years, he started a worldwide movement, the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, and had translated over eighty books on Krishna consciousness. His followers fast until noon today and prepare a feast in his honor.

"...The only hope His Divine Grace..."


Adore, adore ye all The happy day
Blessed than heaven Sweeter than May.
When he appeared at Puri The holy place,
My Lord and Master His Divine Grace.


Oh! my Master The evangelic angel.
Give us Thy light Light up Thy candle.
Struggle for existence A human race.
The only hope His Divine Grace.


Misled we are All going astray,
Save us Lord Our fervent pray.
Wonder thy ways To turn our face
Adore Thy feet Your Divine Grace.


Forgotten Krsna We fallen souls,
Paying most heavy The illusion's toll.
Darkness around All untrace.
The only hope His Divine Grace.


Message of service Thou hast brought,
A healthful life As Caitanya wrought.
Unknown to all It's full of brace.
That's your gift Your Divine Grace.


Absolute is sentient Thou hast proved
Impersonal calamity Thou hast moved.
This gives us a life Anew and fresh.
Worship Thy feet Your Divine Grace.


Had you not come Who had told
The message of Krsna Forceful and bold.
That's your right You have the mace
Save me a fallen Your Divine Grace.


The line of service As drawn by you
Is pleasing and healthy Like morning dew.
The oldest of all But in new dress
Miracle done Your Divine Grace.

Song Name: Adore Adore Ye All

Official Name: Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati’s Vyasa Puja Offering (1935)

Author: A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada



Srila Prabhupada: "Do not be depressed. All along my godbrothers gave me only depression, repression, compression—but I continued strong in my duty. So never mind there is some discouragement, continue with your work in full enthusiastic Krishna Consciousness attitude of service." Letter to Gurudas, August 29, 1972.



PADA: Thanks for your question about Purujit. I believe he made his own Gita so he would be glorified as the author of "the real Gita," but it has back fired and most devotees think he is a fraud. He told me he was writing his own Gita for three years, obviously in secret -- and not consulting with us. 

Then he could sort of merge his Gita into the devotee community without us suspecting something was amiss. That simply made matters worse, now people think he has purposefully mislead others into thinking his Gita is the original when it is a rewrite. In any case, more people are agreeing with us, he has no authority to rewrite the Gita. 

And then Mathura Pati (Mathias Sabji), chief cheer leader of the Bhakta das / Saint Radhanath / Bhakti pedo pada glorification program, joined with Purujit and the book changers club, and he attacked us and the other original books folks. In sum, I think his Gita is going nowhere in a hurry, it won't be accepted. And sadly, he has made a sort of fanatical groupie club that writes insults and attacks on anyone who challenges them, which is the same thing the GBC folks do. 

ys pd  



CPD: Ramesvara along with Tamal Krsna and perhaps someone else decided to completely change the purport of SB 1.16.12, against Srila Prabhupada's instructions, in a new printing of Srimad Bhagavatam in early 1978,
without informing the devotees, with the preconceived idea of ​​making them believe that this purport was the words of Srila Prabhupada.
They made these unauthorized changes in Srila Prabhupada's book to introduce their flat earth idea against th e explanations and orders given to them by Srila Prabhupada in early July 1977, discussions on Bhumandala.

Srila Prabhupada gave them these explanations and instructions only four months before his departure. They made these illegal changes only a few months after Srila Prabhupada's departure. 

Srila Prabhupāda: “Oh, yes. You have no right. Suppose I have written one book.
So I have got some intention. So why should you interpret my intention with your intention? What right you have got? You have no right. If you want to speak something of yours, then you write another book.

Why you are taking advantage of my book and misleading others? I want to speak to the public something, I have expressed my opinion in that way. But because it is popular, you are taking advantage of my book and expressing your views.
How much cheating, how much cheater you are! Therefore he is suffering, Dr. Radhakrishnan. He has lost his brain. We went to see him, Dr. Radhakrishnan, when I was in Madras.”

(Room Conversation – April 2, 1972, Sydney Australia)
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Puranjana das, former Spanish BBT manager in 1976, explained: “What happened in regards to the May 28th appointment tape was: it was not being circulated at all. I got a few sentences on a paper in 1979 after badgering Vicitravirya dasa in England, but it was barely more than a little snippet. Then (finally) in 1984 Sulocana das got a copy of the ‘appointment tape’ by bribing a member of the Archives.” 

At the Mississippi New Talavan farm and New Orleans temple, Nityananda das and the devotees there had not even heard about the “appointment tape” until 1982. The underground, East Coast USA temple president’s discussion forum arose by exchange of Xerox copies of largely anonymous, typewritten, discussion letters sent by mail. 

Nityananda remembers receiving perhaps a dozen essays about the ongoing problematic zonal guru system, some of which discussed the “appointment tape.” It was an era of absolute tyranny in ISKCON, and any doubters of the new inheritors to Srila Prabhupada’s position risked harsh repercussions. 

The expressions of discontent were acute, and it was in these circulars that the first partial transcripts of the May 28 conversations were seen by southern USA devotees. It is not known how the appointment tape excerpts were first included in the secret discussions. The first time the devotees in New Jaipur, Mississippi obtained the actual tape was not until the late 1980’s. 

The GBC was able to easily conceal the May 28 discussions and July 9th Order (see next chapter) for many years, notwithstanding some leaks at the Bhaktivedanta Archives. The only way to distribute the physical May 28 tape back then was via underground channels, with poor quality copies of copies.”


The May 28 tape was not available to the general devotees until at least after Ramevara left Los Angeles in late 1986. The Archives either did not have it or the Archives was not allowed to distribute it. In 1983 Nityananda ordered all the available cassette tapes of Srila Prabhupada’s lectures, room conversations, walks, arrival addresses, and everything else that was available from the Archives, including Srila Prabhupada kirtans and bhajans, but no May 28 tape was included. 

Why? The decade 1978-1987 was oppressive, with suppression of evidence, repression of open discussion, and even threats of bodily harm. Jadurani dasi, Srila Prabhupada’s first female disciple, was physically beaten and badly injured in New Vrindaban in 1981 due to challenging the bonafidity of ISKCON’s gurus. The May 28 tape was hidden by GBC design, locked up with various letters (and who knows what else) in Ramesvara’s office safe. 

Only he had access. Ramesvara has been contacted in recent years to explain events of those years, but he always politely declines, if he responds at all. He should just be honest and truthful, and end the policy of silence and hiding the past, whatever it was.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.496)

Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sri Krishna Janmashtami 08 25 24



"When Devaki became pregnant for the seventh time, a plenary expansion of Krsna known as Ananta appeared within her womb. Devaki was overwhelmed both with jubilation and lamentation. She was joyful, for she could understand that Lord Visnu had taken shelter within her womb, but at the same time she was sorry that as soon as her child would come out, Kamsa would kill Him. At that time, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, being compassionate upon the fearful condition of the Yadus, due to atrocities committed by Kamsa, ordered the appearance of His Yogamaya, or His internal potency.

"After this arrangement, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna, who is always ready to place His full potencies in His unalloyed devotees, entered as the Lord of the whole creation within the mind of Vasudeva. It is understood in this connection that Lord Krsna first of all situated Himself in the unalloyed heart of Devaki. He was not put into the womb of Devaki by seminal discharge. The Supreme Personality of Godhead, by His inconceivable potency, can appear in any way. It is not necessary for Him to appear in the ordinary way by seminal injection within the womb of a woman.

"Thus the eternal form of the Supreme Personality of Godhead with full potencies was transferred from the mind of Vasudeva to the mind of Devaki, exactly as the setting sun's rays are transferred to the full moon rising in the east.

"Krsna, the Supreme Personality of Godhead, entered the body of Devaki from the body of Vasudeva. He was beyond the conditions of the ordinary living entity. When Krsna is there, it is to be understood that all His plenary expansions, such as Narayana, and incarnations like Lord Nrsimha, Varaha, etc., are with Him, and they are not subject to the conditions of material existence. In this way, Devaki became the residence of the Supreme Personality of Godhead who is one without a second and the cause of all creation. 

"Devaki became the residence of the Absolute Truth, but because she was within the house of Kamsa, she looked just like a suppressed fire, or like misused education. When fire is covered by the walls of a pot or is kept in a jug, the illuminating rays of the fire cannot be very much appreciated. Similarly, misused knowledge, which does not benefit the people in general, is not very much appreciated. So Devaki was kept within the prison walls of Kamsa's palace, and no one could see her transcendental beauty which resulted from her conceiving the Supreme Personality of Godhead.

"Kamsa, however, saw the transcendental beauty of his sister Devaki, and he at once concluded that the Supreme Personality of Godhead had taken shelter in her womb. She had never before looked so wonderfully beautiful. He could distinctly understand that there was something wonderful within the womb of Devaki. In this way, Kamsa became perturbed."

Friday, August 23, 2024

ISKCON's Pranada Comtois Speaks Up (Video) etc. 08 23 24

PADA: Thanks prabhu for your concern that Israel is blasting the Palestine people, and PADA seems to favor the USA war hawks. OK I am not sure who said I am in favor of all that, but it was not me. Various people write me from time to time asking me why I support this or that, when I cannot recall ever doing so. 

However, all that being said, the Houthis are starting huge oil tankers on fire right in their own back yard, which can spill millions of barrels of oil into the Red sea, making it contaminated and impossible for aquatic life / bird life to live there. And it will pollute all their own coast lines etc. And then again, a giant oil spill there can land up all over the Eastern African / Egyptian coast as well, causing mayhem for those folks.

I just fail to see how these guys are the better option here. The Houthis rely on fishing / catching birds etc. to feed many of their own people, and pouring a million barrels of oil into their own fishing and bird life areas will -- kill off the aquatics, kill off the birds who land in it, and thus kill off themselves in the end. They will starve their own selves, never mind what millions of barrels of oil will do if it catches fire etc. 

And they are already short on food. I don't see these people as the best positive alternative to the Israel guys, but yeah, all of them are defective, it is just a question of degree.  

A lot of these guys are sort of a suicidal cult over there in my view, and for example they have shortage of water, food and electricity in Lebanon, but no shortage of missiles and machine guns. Pouring millions of barrels of oil into their own sea to kill off their own fish and bird life is how they plan to fix everything, but they will just make things worse, especially for themselves. They will suffer more than anyone else. 

ISKCON leaders have done basically the same thing, they kicked everyone out, then had major headaches trying to run things. They created their own problems, and their solutions just made things worse. It is called shooting yourself in your own foot. 

In sum. I think all of them are defective, but some are worse than others. That does not mean I support any of them. And truth be told, we in the West have made a lot of horrible environmental mess ourselves, we are just more clever and subtle about hiding it. 

The demoniac invent horrible ways to destroy the world, and there seems to be no shortage of that going on in multiple examples all over the planet presently. A devotee lady wrote to tell me that she thinks there is some bad astrology energy coming down in many shapes and forms right now, all over the planet, and I told her -- yeah, it seems that way.  

ys pd      

PADA: Pranada says that women are not being given good status in current ISKCON, and even Yamuna devi told her she could not work with the GBC managers -- even a long time ago, and supposedly Yamuna was crying about it. At the same time, Pranada evidently endorses the GBC leaders who have been repressing these women as -- gurus. 

Meanwhile she is herself famous for having an intimate relationship with one of these so-called gurus, namely Satsvarupa. Satsvarupa is also famous for supporting deviants like ISKCON's homosexual and pedophile messiah Kirtanananda, and repressing us "dissenters." 

And the whole New Vrndavana program was very exploitive for children, in addition to exploiting women. When Satsvarupa was seeing that me and Sulochana were complaining about all these abuses, SDG countered us by saying we are "poison pens." And Sulochana said, calling us poison pens has "painted a bull's eye on my back." 

So Pranada ended up trying to give therapy to one of the master mind criminals who created this whole bogus guru's show. And now she is giving out therapy to the victims, without really explaining that none of this was ever authorized by Srila Prabhupada.

Recently Pranada was recognized by Jayapataka for doing great work, oh oh he is the head master of the Auschwitz for kids program in Mayapur. I do not think Pranada is fixing things, because she is still tethered to the source of the problem. However, I should not pick on her too much, because is also a victim herself. The victim may become a victimizer.

In sum, anyone who is promoting the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's program is going to have all sorts of problems. And they are going to create problems for others, including children. And Pranada's therapy won't help us at all if she remains in the camp of the source of these problems. She seems to be saying neither Prabhupada nor shastra are going to help us, and she holds a grudge evidently, ummm, except the molester messiah's process is not following any shastra.

ys pd  


(Cont.) - “Satsvarupa, as GBC secretary, deliberately left out of his report (He listed the topics discussed, except for the discussions about initiations in the future, especially after Srila Prabhupada would no longer be physically present). 

Did the other 23 GBCs who attended these meetings notice the omission? We doubt it- only 6 attended the May 28 talks anyway (Tamal, Bhagavan, Hrdayananda, Bhavananda would not point out this omission). Tamal was Satsvarupa’s co-partner in the talks with Srila Prabhupada, and they worked as a team, obviously trying together to get confirmation that they would be future gurus (see Book Two). 

After the meeting with Srila Prabhupada, they must have decided what not to include in the report, and surely Tamal helped Satsvarupa decide to omit the May 28 talks from the report- Satsvarupa could never this alone. So, even while Srila Prabhupada was still with us, six months before his departure, we see proof of select GBCs in a CONSPIRACY to hide the May 28 conversations and to skirt the actual instructions Srila Prabhupada had given for future initiations. 

Tamal knew how to have Satsvarupa act as the public relations front-man. Even though the handwritten notes show they took Srila Prabhupada’s answers to be supportive of their understanding that they would become initiating gurus after Srila Prabhupada departed, still they felt it necessary to conceal this discussion from ISKCON. Why? Because otherwise, surely many would approach Srila Prabhupada for clarifications and spoil their plans. 

They knew Srila Prabhupada wanted ritviks and not gurus. Thus it would serve their purpose much better to keep these statements by Srila Prabhupada hidden and to prevent discussion. It was a cat-and-mouse strategy til the cheese could be stolen.

Note that item #2 notes on ABOVE RIGHT is omitted in the final typed report BELOW, where between 3a and 3b should be the answers Srila Prabhupada gave regarding initiations after he departs. They were omitted. Instead of 1, 2, 3- there is only a and b. The report simply left out any mention of these discussions about future initiations. Satsvarupa’s written notes before GBC met with Srila Prabhupada are ABOVE LEFT.

Note that in #3 above, the points on initiations in the future are omitted. Why? Because they knew Srila Prabhupada did NOT want succeeding acharyas or regular initiating gurus, but only officiating or ritvik acharyas. This is deliberate concealment. They wanted these talks hidden and suppressed, and then after Srila Prabhupada departed, they could have the GBC body, which they controlled, falsely claim that Srila Prabhupada appointed them as successor acharyas. 

It was a takeover conspiracy which they actually executed successfully. We can imagine the zealous questions and furor that would erupt IF these notes were posted society-wide. But they were not, and this is a premeditated conspiracy to keep the May 28 discussions HIDDEN. If devotees did not know of the May 28 talks, there could be no discussions about it, no clarifications sought from Srila Prabhupada, and then after Srila Prabhupada’s departure, claims could be made (and they were made) about what Srila Prabhupada supposedly wanted for the future. It was a takeover conspiracy.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.494)



Some years ago, the BBTI sent a representative, one swami from Sweden, to my āśrama in South India. He said that the BBTI wanted to print “In Search of the Ultimate Goal of Life”, the book of Śrīla Prabhupāda that we printed back in the 90’s. Anyhow, they wanted to reprint it and distribute it worldwide in many languages. I thought it was a great idea! They could print it in Russian, Czech, Chinese, French and distribute it all over the world! Wonderful! I told them that I was ready to give them permission, because we copyrighted the book. I didn’t even want any money for it.

But that Swami said, "No no. We want to own it."

I asked him, “Why? If I’m giving you full permission to translate it and distribute it everywhere, why you need to own it?”

“No, no. We need to own the copyright!”

Finally I told him, “You see, that's your disease! Some years before, one of your gurus even wanted to copyright the mahā-mantra. That means you can’t print the mahā-mantra anyhwhere, you can’t chant it without permission, all these things. I mean, it’s ridiculous!”

So anyhow, that swami left disappointed. Then some years later, two members of the BBTI wrote to me and asked again, and again I gave the same answer. And again they both said the same thing - “No, we must own ALL of Prabhupada’s books!” I told them, “No deal!” I wrote and told them:

“This has led us to believe that BBTI was only interested in controlling our little project and not recognizing the chance for greater cooperation and appreciation among Godbrothers. We are definitely not interested in being controlled by anyone or any institution that does not have our best interests at heart or does not facilitate our continued service to Srila Prabhupada.”

Then they wrote back saying something like, “Okay. Hope you are well” and that was that. So that’s their disease - “We need to own it all! Nobody can print Prabhupāda’s books without our permission! We are the sole heirs to Prabhupāda. We are carrying on his teachings and legacy.” Like there’s nobody else out there who’s a Prabhupāda disciple worth anything. Doesn’t matter if you all share the same guru, the same spiritual father. The rest of us are like some bastard children that he really didn’t like. That’s how they see things.

I know that ___ Mahārāja and others are also of the same opinion as the BBTI and want to control the copyright of Śrīla Śrīdhara Maharaja’s books - something that he was totally against. In his own words, “My words are the property of the Vaiṣṇavas.” His only concern was that it should not “become a trade”. In other words, the books should not be printed simply to make money. When we published Follow The Angels in 2001, we got flak from the maṭha. 

“Oh, you can’t publish Guru Mahārāja’s books without our permission! You are making money from Guru Mahārāja!” That was one of their complaints. Truth be told, we never make any money off these books. In fact, we lose money because we give away so many copies for free to different individuals. I’m really not concerned about that. Even if we lose money, let the books go out. We want the message to reach everyone.

Actually, this copyrighting of the words of our ācāryas is all nonsense. We only copyrighted Prabhupāda’s book because I knew that Iskcon would cause trouble otherwise. But that book was wrtten in ’59, so it fell out of their jurisdiction legally. Can you actually copyright Bhagavad-gītā - means the direct words of Kṛṣṇa? 

No. So Prabhupāda says that “I am not writing these books, Kṛṣṇa is writing them.” If you really believe in that statement, then what the ācāryas write - that’s non-different from Kṛṣṇa! So how can it be copyrighted? Is the original Bible copyrighted?

So it all boils down to the same thing in the end - control, control, control! “We own Prabhupāda!” or “We own Guru Mahārāja!” Both parties are saying exactly the same thing. That’s one of the reasons why I decided to publish my own Gītā. One reason was that in India, Iskcon refused to sell me any of Prabhupāda’s books - they hoped that without selling Prabhupāda’s books, I would just dry up and blow away, so they wouldn’t give any books. 

Actually, it was the Ṛtviks who eventually sold us Prabhupāda’s books - at cost price also! But the other side, means Iskcon, refused to give. Typical small-minded institutional consciousness…

Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Ukraine ISKCON / Hare Krishna Trademark 08 21 24

Ukraine and Russia were their main programs outside India.
Now in trouble. 


PADA: Yikes, India is balancing between Russia and China, both of whom could cause a lot of trouble for India, not an easy task. India has always tried to be pals with Russia for a lot of reasons, but it makes them look compromised with aggressors. No doubt Modi knows that already, so he is going to Ukraine to make him look more neutral. Good luck! ys pd 



PADA: Oh oh. ISKCON's attempt to copyright Hare Krishna seems to have stirred up a hornet's nest of hundreds or even thousands people being outraged and upset that some ISKCON leadership fools think they own Krishna. But this is actually a good development, it shows how desperate they are to maintain power and control, which is slipping out of their hands more each day. 

All they have done is outraged more and more devotees, from every stripe and every camp -- even the Gaudiya Matha folks, and made themselves look like the Pharisees and the corrupt Popes of the middle ages. One of the people forwarding the petition to save the Holy Name from being legally controlled is getting hacking efforts, no doubt from GBC-ophiles. And that too is just making them look worse. 

Of course there are people out there who don't like PADA, because we help victims of their Pharisees and middle ages Papal regimes.   

ys pd

Hare Krishna!

KM: Please sign this petition to stop the words "Hare Krishna" from being trademarked. It is the equivalent of trademarking the name "Jesus Christ" or "Allah" or "God", "Guru". These names, "Hare Krishna", are for all, without consideration of race, religion, country, color, gender, etc.

Sign the Petition

HW: Got my support on this. Its a bit like "... I own the property of the letters A, B and C, whosoever uses them will be fined..." such a thing is ridiculous and a shame that some seek such power to misuse the Holy Name.

RS: Can Krishna be copyright?

RRM: Kishori Mohan absolutely!!!!!

SD: Outrageous…

RRM: Then there will be the trademark of Srila Prabhupada and the lata bhija!????

KB Dasi: I shared the request and was asked why it is not on FB .... Glad that you now posted! 

G Devi Dasi: Who is trying to trademark?

JSH: Petition says it's ISKCON

VG: Not trying, have it already registered in Australia.

PDM: Currently. ISKCON Auckland, New Zealand are also trying to trademark "Hare Krishna" and "Hare Krishna Movement".


Letter from the GBC:

Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Śrīla Prabhupāda.

ISKCON Australia would like to inform all members that the Brisbane Bhakti Yoga Centre Inc. (BYC) operates as an independent entity and is not affiliated with, or sponsored, licensed, endorsed or governed by ISKCON Australia in any way.

BYC maintains its own management, finances, assets, and activities, and as such, ISKCON Australia does is not and shall not be liable to BYC or be responsible for any of BYC's conduct, operations, or representations in any way.

Despite the above, BYC has every opportunity to be part of and to work with ISKCON Australia but must follow the directions below. ISKCON Australia is the owner of various intellectual property rights in Australia, including the following registered Australia trade marks.

ISKCON therefore demands that, unless otherwise expressly authorised in writing by ISKCON, BYC immediately cease and forever desist from:

- using the ISKCON name and style and any variations of it;

- using any of the registered trademarks listed in the table above for any of the goods and, or services for which the marks are registered;

- using any other intellectual property of ISKCON, including, without limitation, any copyright works or subject matter other than works owned by ISKCON;

- representing itself as part of ISKCON in any way, whether expressly or impliedly, including by way of suggesting any affiliation with, or sponsorship, licence or endorsement of, ISKCON;

- representing itself as a Hare Krishna Temple;

- using the terms Hare Krishna Temple, Hare Kṛṣṇa Temple or Hare Krisna Temple in relation to any of the services for which the words HARE KRISHNA are registered trademarks of ISKCON.

ISKCON Australia continues to be dedicated to its mission and invites all devotees to participate in its ongoing activities.

Regarding the guidelines for centres not officially recognized by ISKCON they must:

- cease and desist from using any ISKCON intellectual property, including all use of the following terms and words such as ISKCON, and Hare Krishna, in any way which implies that they are proprietary terms or trademarks of that centre.

- The obligations in paragraph 1 apply to all forms of promotional materials, whether in hard copy or electronic format, including brochures, pamphlets, signage, websites, social media platforms, or other communication channels, including. any formal speeches, public events, or community programs.

- We ask that they do not seek the support of any ISKCON leaders who have official duties and responsibilities within ISKCON, whether as officers, senior preachers, sannyasis, or gurus.

- Recommendations for initiation should only be made through the official channels of an ISKCON authorised centre or regional authority.
- Avoid fund raising from existing ISKCON donors.

For BYC to be recognised and be part of ISKCON the following minimum requirements must be met:

- The constitution of the organisation must be approved by ISKCON Australia.

- All directors must be appointed by ISKCON Australia.

- All real property must be held by the ISKCON property holding company overseen by the GBC appointed property trustees.

- If Deities are to be installed the property must be mortgage free.
Your servant,

Aniruddha Dāsa | Secretary | ISKCON Australia
Co-Chairman: Rāmai Svāmī
Co-Chairman: Devāmṛta Svāmī
Secretary: Aniruddha Dāsa
Treasurer: Mathurā Manohara Dāsa
Member: Ajita Dāsa

PADA: Yeah "ISKCON" popularized Hare Krishna, and then they removed almost all of the best kirtan people who had been popularizing it. We used to have 95+ people here on the Saturday Harinama in Berkeley, including mothers with strollers. Now we have about three people, if we are lucky. No more mothers either, they are gone. 

The San Francisco temple was closed and is now a laundrymat. And most ISKCON temples have had to import hired Bengalis to be cooks and pujaris. When I was still going to the temple here, everyone was happy to see me, because I could lead the kirtan better than anyone else there, which says a lot about how bad that is. One local Muslim restaurant here had 10 of those Bengali ex-cooks and pujaris working there, as soon as they got their green cards, the left the temple and went to work for the Muslim restaurant. 

Sorry, they did not make Hare Krishna popular, they made Hare Krishna associated with mass child mistreatment and criminal activity, which I am now detailing in the new Monkey on a Stick Movie as we speak. Hare Krishna was made very unpopular by these folks, that is, if you can find anyone still doing harinama anywhere around here at this stage. And now that you guys have bankrupted the program, and Lokanath swami said ISKCON is a ghost town with no people in 1988, you own Hare Krishna? No, but you do own the mess you made of Hare Krishna. ys pd