Tuesday, December 10, 2024

Mathura Pati Attacks His Former Shiksha Guru 12 10 24

PADA: Good news! Mathura Pati / Mathias Sabji (MPD) is finally following PADA's advice to him -- from maybe three years ago -- to stop following and promoting Saint Radhanath's cheer leader Bhakta dasa! In fact, now MPD is finally doing what PADA has done all along, challenging Bhakta dasa! 

We were all surprised when Mathura Pati announced that his new spiritual guide and boss is going to be Saint Radhanath's and Gaudiya Matha's cheer leader BHAKTA DASA (William Benedict). And MPD was very upset when we at PADA were not joining him in glorifying Saint Radhanath's cheer leader Bhakta dasa as PADA's shiksha guru authority. 

OK Bhakta Dasa has promoted the ISKCON GBC's Saint Radhanath -- and thus  Bhakti pedo pada's (Kirtanananda's) burial in samadhi program, and the Gaudiya Matha folks, who were also promoting Saint Radhanath, Gopal Krishna swami etc. Never mind Bhakta Dasa was arrested for selling DANGEROUS designer drugs, and later he was arrested for sex crimes in Puri India, which has made a lot of bad news media. Why is anyone promoting this program, at all, is what people ask PADA all the time? Saint Radhanath, fo' real?

And moreover Bhakta Dasa / Mathura Pati said we were wrong to help liberate hundreds of Krishna's kids from the GBC's mass child molesting program that was going on under their Saint Radhanath program, because we helped have hundreds of those kids pulled out from the GBC's program after 1997 -- thanks to us. And Mathura Pati joined Bhakta Dasa and said we are writing about "stinky stools" (children). Then people wonder why all these kids were abused when these guys think children are just stinky objects getting in their way? 

In other words, Mathura Pati wanted the molesting of Krishna's kids to continue, and after that, some of the victims of his program were taking their lives. Well what is the problem with a few dead kids under our jackboots, when we have to save our precious GBC's guru's money? And if we get rid of a few stinky kids to save our precious GBC's money, who cares? Wow, we had a lot of complaints about these guys after this all came out. 

Why has the Mathura Pati ilk clan wanted the GBC to have all this money, at all, when they may use Mathura Pati's precious saved GBC shekels to hire hit men to take us out, sue us to stop us from having original books -- and etc.? It is amazing that Mathura Pati types have been crying like little babies that the pedophile messiah's program has -- less money -- to assault the Prabhupada folks. We need to fund the pedophile messiah's program, for what good end? 

When Jesus (or PADA) wants to drive the shekel greedy money changers out of the temple, Mathura Pati types join the Pharisees to remove Jesus. And that is what these MPD guys like Prahlad said, oh we are going to lose -- OUR money! Of course, children victims losing their lives -- is not a problem. And that is why one ex-kuli told me these guys are like the cigarette companies, they don't really care who suffers, they only care about keeping their stolen loot. 

Anyway PADA has said all along -- Srila Prabhupada is the acharya -- and these guys promoting the Saint Radhanath / Bhakti pedo pada program have had the wrong idea, which we said the whole time. But this is a great nice development, MPD finally admits -- he has been wrong the whole time -- to promote his favorite Bhakti pedo pada's program's cheer leaders, ok like Bhakta dasa. And now he is joining with PADA to say, Srila Prabhupada is the acharya and not the pedo pada's program. Great! 

Yet people ask PADA all the time, why have the Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Mathura Pati clan been promoting the cheer leaders of the homosexuial and pedophile messiah's program, at all? Yep, the program of worshiping homosexuals and pedophiles as messiahs is wrong, and thus it looks like they are finally agreeing -- promoting the cheer leaders of that program -- is wrong! And therefore de facto, PADA is right!  

We need to read the writings of Bhavananda's bucket boy?

Did I forget to mention Mathura Pati's pals have also been promoting the writings of Bhavananda's bucket boy Hari Sauri, who was writing that me and Sulochana are sahajiyas, which Sulochana says -- they are doing that to make us a target for assassination. And he was assassinated. And Mathura Pati clan is advertising the writings of the people who helped get Sulochana whacked? 

Why has the Mathura Pati program been promoting the writings of Bhavananda's bucket boy -- that gets us people -- those of us who are exposing the mass child molesting process -- assassinated? And why have they been promoting Bhavananda's bucket boy AT ALL, when this program has been the main leaders of the pedophile messiah's Mayapur program that has mistreated children horribly? And gets us assassinated as a side benefit?

In any case this is good progress, Mathura Pati is starting to cite the citations we were placing in our documents way back -- in 1984. And he copying and pasting our quotes to expose his former shiksha guru Bhakta das. It looks like Mathura Pati is starting to wake up, promoting the cheer leaders of the program of worshiping homosexuals and pedophiles as God's successors is NOT AUTHORIZED. PADA's idea IS the only idea that is AUTHORIZED! 

Of course I already knew that Saint Radhanath's program of worshiping homosexuals and pedophiles as messiahs was bogus, when I was 10 years old. Yep Mathura Pati, PADA has been right, since being 10 years old, this whole homosexual and pedophile pooja program is -- bogus, glad you are now writing your former Saint Radhanath / Bhakti pedo pada shiksha guru boss with citations -- we always use! 

This is good news, Mathura Pati is getting closer to the PADA idea. Very good progress! We have to give credit where credit is due, and we are always glad the former promoters of the cheer leaders of the worship of deviants and pedos are coming over to join PADA in promoting Srila Prabhupada. Good job! Now we just have to get the rest of their clan to come this way! 

We still have Prahlad das crying that Saint Radhanath's cheer leader and Bhavananda's bucket boy has been insulted by PADA. Oh boo hoo, PADA is against golden samadhis for pedophiles in the dham! Boo hoo. Someone gimmee a kleenex already. Anyway ! people are waking up, and that is all that counts in the end. Good progress! 

A woman who has technically or medically died twice due to very bad health issues has told PADA, she is VERY glad some of us are promoting Srila Prabhupada. She took that advice and now feels VERY SECURE in her spiritual position because she has ACCEPTED SRILA PRABHUPADA as her guru. All of us should be helping others take shelter of the pure devotee, it is going to benefit them -- and us! Jayate! 

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com    


Mathura Pati dasa: Dear Bhakta das

I can't understand at all what you are talking about dear Bhakta that!!! The same thing has been coming from all Fiskcon devotees for decades and it really makes no sense! There are diksa and siksa gurus and also vartma-pradarsaka gurus.

Only a brahmana can never be a guru but any Vaisnava or anyone who is conversant with the science of Krsna is automatically a guru. The question is what kind of guru.

Any kanistha adikari bhakta novice in the temple who goes out to distribute books for the first time is at least a vartma-pradarsaka guru. Every TP is at least a non-exempt siksa guru and vartma-pradarsaka guru

"There are two kinds of instructing spiritual masters. One is the liberated person fully absorbed in meditation in devotional service, and the other is he who invokes the disciple's spiritual consciousness by means of relevant instructions."

(CC Adi, 1.47 )


Can a Christian in this age, without a Spiritual Master, but by reading the Bible, and following Jesus's words, reach the ...


When you read the Bible, you follow the Spiritual Master. How can you say without. As soon as you read the Bible, that means you are following the instruction of Lord Jesus Christ. That means that you are following the Spiritual Master. So where is the opportunity of being without Spiritual Master.


I was referring to a living Spiritual Master.


Spiritual Master is not question of ... Spiritual Master is eternal...so your question is 'without Spiritual Master'. Without Spiritual Master you cannot be at any stage of your life. You may accept this Spiritual master or that Spiritual master. That is a different thing. But you have to accept. As you say that "by reading Bible", when you read Bible that means you are following the Spiritual Master represented by some priest or some clergyman in the line of Lord Jesus Christ.

(Morning Walk, Seattle, 2/10/68)

"Only Lord Caitanya can take my place. He will take care of the Movement."

(Srila Prabhupada Room conversation - translated from Hindi, 2/11/77)


So we have clear, direct, irrefutable evidence from Srila Prabhupada's books and signed directives, proving that the system which was set up by Srila Prabhupada for initiation in his presence was the system set up for ISKCON's lifetime even after his physical disappearance!!

1. "In our Krsna consciousness movement, the requirement is that one must be prepared to give up the four pillars of sinful life: illicit sex, meat eating, intoxication and gambling. In Western countries especially, we first observe whether a potential disciple is prepared to follow the regulative principles. Then he is given the name of a Vaisnava servant and initiated to chant the Hare Krsna maha-mantra, at least sixteen rounds daily. In this way the disciple renders devotional service under the guidance of the spiritual master==OR==! his representative ( my note :RITVIK or Temple president) for at least six months to a year. He is then recommended for a second initiation, during which a sacred thread is offered and the disciple is accepted as a bona fide brahmana."

(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 24:330, purport, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

2. "Due to the necessity of these activities, we do not immediately initiate disciples in the International Society for Krishna Consciousness. For six months, a candidate for initiation must first attend arati and classes in the sastras, practice the regulative principles and associate with other devotees. When one is actually advanced in the purascarya-vidhi, he is recommended by the local temple president for initiation. It is not that anyone can be suddenly initiated without meeting the requirements. When one is further advanced by chanting the Hare Krsna mantra sixteen rounds daily, following the regulative principles and attending classes, he receives the sacred thread (brahminical recognition) after the second six months."

(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Madhya-lila 15:108, purport, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada)

3. "Thus in the beginning the students of our Krsna consciousness movement agree to live with devotees, and gradually, having given up four prohibited activities illicit sex, gambling, meat-eating and intoxication they become advanced in the activities of spiritual life. When one is found to be regularly following these principles, he is given the first initiation (hari-nama), and he regularly chants at least sixteen rounds a day. Then, after six months or a year, he is initiated for the second time and given the sacred thread with the regular sacrifice and ritual."

(Sri Caitanya-caritamrta, Adi-lila 17:265, purport, A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada).

"I am the Spiritual Master of this institution, and ALL the members of the Society, they’re supposed to be MY disciples. They follow the rules and regulations which I ask them to follow, and they are INITIATED BY ME spiritually" –

(Srila Prabhupada Radio Interview, 12 March 1968, San Francisco)

And if there is actually association of spiritually self-realized person, then he will give you some process of spiritual activities. That is called bhajana-kriya. Adau sraddha tatah sadhu-sangah atha bhajana-kriya tato anartha-nivrttih syat. And as you are more and more engaged in spiritual activities, so, proportionately, your material activities and affection for material activities will diminish. Counteraction. When you engage in the spiritual activities, your material activities diminishes.

(B.G. Lecture, 2.58-59, New York, 7th April, 1966)

Note: How Srila Prabhupada's association can be had is described as follows:

So we should associate by the vibration, and not by the physical presence. That is real association. Sabdad anavrtti. By sound. Just like we are touching Krsna immediately by sound. Sound vibration. So we should give more stress on the sound vibration, either of Krsna or of the spiritual master. Then we'll feel happy and no separation.

(S.P. Lecture, 18/8/68,Montreal.)

Note: So we should associate with Srila Prabhupada's by his vibration that is real association. His books are also his vibration, this is confirmed as follows:

Regarding Sankirtana and book distribution, book distribution is also chanting. Anyone who reads the books that is also chanting and hearing. Why distinguish between chanting and book distribution? These books I have recorded and chanted, and they are transcribed. It is spoken kirtanas. So book distribution is also chanting. These are not ordinary books. It is recorded chanting. Anyone who reads, he is hearing. Book distribution must not be neglected.

(S.P.L. to Rupanuga dasa, 19th October, 1974)

Note: Anyone who reads Srila Prabhupada's books is associating with Srila Prabhupada, this fact is accepted by everyone. So Srila Prabhupada says "And if there is actually association of spiritually self-realized person, then he will give you some process of spiritual activities. That is called bhajana-kriya."

This is confirmed again by the following quote:

And if you associate with sadhu, then bhajana-kriya. If we... Just like so many thousands of Europeans, Americans, they have joined us on account of sadhu-sanga. First of all they come in the temple and hear for some days. Then all of a sudden he becomes shaven-headed. We haven't to request. He takes a bead and bead bag, although he's not initiated. 

Then, after some days, he approaches, "Please get me initiated." The bhajana-kriya. This is called bhajana-kriya. So we initiate. "Yes, now you are interested, we initiate." We give him hari-nama: "Chant Hare Krsna mantra." This is the first initiation. "And chant sixteen rounds and observe these rules and regulations." Then, when I see, six months or one year, he's doing very nicely, then we accept him as my disciple, the second initiation. So this is bhajana-kriya. Then he's admitted to worship the Deity or cook for the Deity, so many things. Bhajana-kriya.

(Srimad-Bhagavatam Lecture 1.2.18 Calcutta, September 26, 1974)

Note: So Srila Prabhupada is giving the process of spiritual activities (Bhajana-Kriya, Initation) in his original books, WHO CAN REFUTE THIS FACT ???

* Therefore Srila Prabhupada is the Initating Spiritual Master (Diksa Guru) for everyone in ISKCON.

Srila Prabhupada lives forever from his original books, we only need to preserve and utilise them. We can utilise them by reading and living them and also by distributing them to everyone on the planet so they can do the same.

Reporter: Who will succeed you when you die?
Srila Prabhupada: I will never die!
Devotee’s: Jaya! Haribol!
Srila Prabhupada: I will live forever from my books and you will utilise.

(S.P.interview, Berkley, 1975)

"My rules and regulations"

Please make sure that these new devotees (as well as the old ones) follow all of my rules and regulations strictly. They must chant 16 rounds, rise early, attend class, etc. Without these things, there is no spiritual life at all.

(S.P. Letter to: Bhrsakapi Bombay 16 January, 1975)

Note: So when a devotee takes formal initiation he makes a vow to follow the 4 regulations and chant 16 rounds a day. These are Srila Prabhupada's rules and regulations, therefore anyone who vows to follow them is actually accepting Srila Prabhupada as initiating spiritual master (diksa guru).


Srila Prabhupada:

Who is my disciple? First of all let him follow strictly the disciplined rules.

Disciple: As long as they are following, then he is...

Srila Prabhupada: Then he is all right.

(Srila Prabhupada Morning walk, 13/6/76, Detroit)

"...unless there is discipline, there is no question of disciple. Disciple means one who follows the discipline."

(Srila Prabhupada Morning walk, 8/3/76, Mayapur)

"If one does not observe the discipline, then he is not disciple." (Srila Prabhupada S.B. Lecture, 21/1/74)

So we can see how it works and in our so called ritvik temple we follow this instructions of Srila Prabhupada and it is working very nicely. We have some Prabhupada senior disciple as our siksa gurus and Prabhupada is our only diksa guru and main siksa guru.

It is working perfectly!

Haribol ys Mpd

Sorry dear Nityananda Prabhu it was my last mail on this topic !!


  1. LD: I also never understood why these people wanted to stop PADA program ... getting people to worship His Divine Grace ... the ONLY pure devotee. Unfortunate ... they have compromised with the GBC gurus ... and their foolish floozies defenders like ... Bhakta das.

    Bhakta das and his nefarious sidekick Guru Kripa would often come to Vrndavana ... to be friends with these GBC gurus. They avoid us and associate with them. What does that tell us? And we heard about the drinking and partying in Bangkok. Who goes to Bangkok to find Krishna anyway? They wanted to enjoy.

    And then Mathura Pati is upset we are not working with these GBC Bangkok floozies. Whose side is he on? I see some woman is encouraged to worship Srila Prabhupada and she is nearing death ... and these people wanted to stop people giving that encouragement? WTF?

    That really sounds hellish mentality to me. Who would want to stop the people encouraging others to worship Srila Prabhupada? We can hope they have rectified and they will start to help the Prabhupadanuga program for a change. Let us see.

    They really should write an apology for their promoting these Saint Radhanath's fools and make it clear they support what we are doing. Otherwise, they have created a lot of confusion for no good reason.

  2. M Dasi: Heard about Guru Kripa and Bhakta das with their "Thai bar girls" problem. Be honest. That is really pedophiles.

    Not surprised ??? they think children victims are "stinky stools." All of the pedophile lovers ... the same ... they have authority to have children exploited. They are truly the lowest of mankind.

    Mathura Pati was promoting the pedophile lovers because ??? I believe he is another "like minded." He writes to Bhakta ... but never mentions that children should not be made out as stinky stools.

    He still does not care about the children? Otherwise, he would say something about their making children stinky stools is ... wrong. Children exploiting is wrong ... and people going to Thai bars ... to be with bar girls ... simply pedophiles in another disguise. They all defend each other ... because ... they are in the same mentality.

    Same thing here. They all protect one another. Mathura Pati making some progress ... but why he never mentions ??? that he was wrong to join the pedophile's lovers in the first place?

    He needs to apologize to all the molested children. Calling victims stinky stools is simply another proof they have helped the pedophiles. We should all worship Prabhupada is very good ... but unless we are ALSO against pedophiles ... we have made no progress.

  3. RMD: Always amazing ... "reformers" want to reform the Hare Krishna religion ... going back to Radhanath and Bhavananda support team. Wait? Aren't these the SAME people who caused all the problems in the first place?

    Isn't it like ... the horse who wants to return to the burning barn ... because he feels safe in the barn. But the barn is on fire ... we cannot go back there.

    Radhanath and Bhavananda team ... probably the two worst examples of where we should go to take shelter. I am glad more people are waking up to realize that.

  4. PADA: Yep, Kirtanananda says PADA is a liar, and Mathura Pati says the same exact thing. Which is why -- the GBC people send me his writings. See, it is all lies! He is acting as the GBC's defense team. And that is who protected all the child abuse program all this time, saying it is "all lies." And that means the blood of many children is on their hands collectively. And the child abuse issue is still not resolved very well IMHO.

    But nope, we are not liars, we said there is a bogus guru appointment, the books are being changed, there is a mass child abuse problem, Srila Prabhupada says he is being poisoned, and moreover -- Srila Prabhupada is the acharya, not Saint Radhanath, and -- we are correct.

    They cannot prove any of this is lies, nor have they since 1978. If they have any proof we lied, about any of this, they are welcome to send me an email and explain that, and if we did lie, we will fix it and apologize. But they never do. I do not think they have any proof. ys pd

  5. PADA: Correct Bhaktin F prabhu. We told these guys years and years ago that they should not be in bed with the pedo guru's program's cheer leaders and supporters -- and thus be promoting (homo and pedo program's) Bhavananda's bucket boy and Saint Radhanath's cheer leaders.

    But they did not want to listen. Looks like other people complained to them -- so they had to change course -- because others were complaining that they should not be in bed with the pedo messiah's program.

    But yeah, all of this happened because they did not listen to us in the first place: do not climb into bed with the pedo messiah's program, it will make the Prabhupanugas look foolish and compromised. And it has. They have done a lot of damage to the Prabhupadanuga's cause by making the pedo messiah's program's folks their spokesmen, shiksha gurus and authorities.

    But yes you are right, that would also mean -- they really don't care a whole lot about spreading the Prabhupadanuga process, they want to have their own position artificially glorified -- by taking down others, or even the whole program. And they don't care how much damage they do to others to make themselves look like "the only followers."

    But yeah, someone else said -- because PADA is helping people worship Prabhupada, it is hellish mentality to try and suppress our program. Why do they want to stop us from getting people to worship Prabhupada? They said, it means they are envious we are helping people worship the pure devotee, and that means they are also envious of the pure devotee.

    I cannot say for sure, but for sure, they are VERY envious of children, because they wanted the abuse of children to continue without us helping them, and that is why Mathura Pati is working with the people calling these children "stinky stools."

    They are envious when someone helps children, which means they are envious of children, thus they do not want these children helped. OK and neither did the GBC leaders -- so either way, they are in bed with the wrong people. Another person says, they talk alike, act alike, think alike, have the same agenda, oppress anyone complaining about abuse and poison, because -- they are the same.

    ys pd

  6. SD DasI: Mathura Pati ??? merely another member of the guru gangsters. Anyone who tries to help save the children ... is made into the enemy of ISKCON. Demonize the messenger. They demonize me as well. That makes the children exploiting ... worse. Way worse.

    They say ... people saving the children are "ruining ISKCON." When they are the ones ruining ISKCON ... and the children of ISKCON.

    We have a group of them here "old retired devotees." They never discuss "the problems" they caused by their silence ... because of denial of all the problems ... they caused by their silence. Still silent now. They did not want hear the complaints about the children ... so they could "chant their rounds."

    I'd like to pull on their ears and kick them in the n*ts ... but it would do no good. Cannot wake up the dead. They are dead inside ... they died when they gave up their desire to ... save children ... even their own children ... ages ago.

    And they made ISKCON into a ghost town ... where even their own kids cannot reside. But they cannot speak about it ... because then they would have to admit ... they caused all this by their going along silence.

    And when I said something about the kids, they told me to shut up because women have no place speaking up. I don't need to kick them in the n*ts. They will get kicked in the n*ts when they end up with Yamaraja. It is pathetic they made Mathura Pati one of their successor. He is just another one of them ...

  7. JJ: I have heard Bhakta saying Srila Prabhupada "intended" for all his disciples to become gurus. Yes but! He intended for them to become pure first, and then gurus later.

    To make them gurus "now" was never his idea. Bhakta ... and the GBC ... made this all up. Big difference !!! "becoming pure" and "being pure." An unripe mango becomes ripe ... but if it is not ripe yet ... it will taste bitter.

    They keep confusing unripe and ripe ... then they wonder why ... ISKCON is like a sour pill and bitter taste ... and people are spitting it out.

    I expect them ALL to become pure servants of Radharani. True. But if they call themselves pure servants of Radharani now ... they are sahajiya. All Bhakta is doing ??? spreading sahajiya everywhere.

    And that is why GBC ... and him ... are preaching about the same idea. You are not guru NOW. You become guru ... when you are qualified. Not sooner. They never understood all this.

  8. PADA: Thanks prabhu. Yes, Mathura Pati admits to a mutual friend that the reason he is promoting the Saint Radhanath anti-ritviks program is -- "they oppose PADA." So he even admits he has to promote Saint Radhanath's cheer leaders to oppose us, i.e. he cannot find any solid and useful devotees to join his opposing us.

    Yeah, why is promoting them? Good question. If he ever gives you a good excuse, you can forward to me. As a general principle, helping promote deviants as acharyas has no good explanation.

    And worse, the program they are promoting mass molested many children, and therefore Sulochana says -- their program is about as popular as finding a dog stool's in your sweet rice.

    Yeah I agree, they should explain why they promote all this?

    ys pd


  9. RRD. Read Bhakta das wrote ... simply unacceptable ... a person calling himself a Prabhupada man would make this foolishness the authority for ritviks. Bhakta says exactly what the GBC says.

    Mathura Pati is trying to sneak in GBC talking points and make pretend they are ritviks idea. Very dangerous, he either has no intelligence, no integrity, or he is GBC's spy.

    Take your pick, but all of them are bad. I am glad this faker is being exposed. What a fraud!

  10. BD: GBC and Bhakta das people? There are going to be 1,000,000 gurus! Just wait and see! We did ... we waited ... and what we saw ... was a disaster.

    Meantime ... Bhakta dasa is hanging out in Bangkok Thai bars with Gurukripa ... and he is going to be our spiritual advice?

    Where do the Mathura Pati people get the idea Bhakta das is going to give us good spiritual advice? Bhakta das already got advice from his guru, do not become a Bangkok Thai bar girl patron.

    He already does not follow his own guru ... and so he should become our advice manager? Why do these people always try to find the fallen fools ... who cannot and do not follow ... to be the advice manager we need to follow? Blind leading the blind.

    A person who cannot follow cannot lead. Mathura Pati still does not know these things because he wants us to think the fallen people are spiritual people ... which means he has never learned anything. If we follow the fallen people ... we remain fallen. This is the worst "spiritual advice" we can give to human society.

    1,000,000 gurus, but they are not one of them.


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