Friday, December 20, 2024

ISKCON And The Sinking of the Concordia 12 20 24

PADA: This is a good analogy (below) where the captain of the Concordia abandoned ship -- and left all the passengers in peril. And many passengers suffered badly, many were injured, and some died. And ISKCON leaders, like Bhagavan, Bhavananda, Hansadutta, Harikesh, Jayatirtha, Kirtanananda, Ramesvara, Satsvarupa -- and many others -- steered the ISKCON ship into the rocks -- and then they all sort of abandoned and left the ship -- to sink -- and imperil, harm or even kill the passengers. See ya later suckers! 

And then Giriraja, Ravindra Swarupa and similar others sort of bailed out in a different way, they had to leave due to various forms of "health crisis." And some of them are supposedly "going senile" -- just at the time more and more questions are emerging about the whole mess they helped make. And Danavir, Jayapataka and others seem to be suffering another whole set of weird "health issues." 

OK this is maybe connected to their taking too much karma. Of course, we also have a number of guys like Hrdayananda, who has sort of left the captain's seat indirectly, since he lives off shore, and off ISKCON property. He is a leader de facto, but is not actively participating. OK he is essentially gone, although not officially. And then Bhakti vikas swami is making an independent Krishna Life program, Radhanath has his own Chowpatty charity, OK they also bailed out direct or indirect. And a number of these leaders started ISKCON's competing spin-offs like Sridhara, Narayan, BV Puru, BP Puri, Babajis etc. 

Even some of the former stalwart defenders of the GBC's sinking guru ship like Rupanuga had to bail out of the sinking ship. And that is why one devotee told me -- "we should advertise -- will the last person to leave ISKCON remember to turn the lights out."  

Yeah, it is like the Concordia ship sinking incident. All sorts of people became bogus gurus, and many others were cheer leaders who supported that deviation, and the odious results were banning, beating, molesting, lawsuits, murders and tons of bad public media publicity, but where are all of the people who steered ISKCON into the rocks now? OK they almost ALL bailed out. 

Someone else told me awhile ago -- that it is like they all started a big fire in the ISKCON house, then they poured gasoline onto the fire, and once the house was just about burnt to toast, they just wandered off and left ISKCON as a smoldering burnt out hulk. And then they started their own independent programs to mainly take care of themselves, while ISKCON continued, and continues -- to suffer, and so do many past and current citizens. One common complaint from victims? No accountability for the problems these leaders caused so many others.

Thus! Currently: most of these leaders are now gone; most of the original Prabhupada devotees are gone; most of the children of the original Prabhupada devotees are gone; and they have been replaced with a sort of "Hindu management board" taking control of many or most temples. Even in 1988 Lokanath swami was complaining the temples have become skeleton crew, ghost towns. OK a skeleton - like person is -- very, very sickly, or nearly dead.

And a number of people report "seeing hardly any Western people at ISKCON temples." Meanwhile, a friend of mine -- who still goes to one these Hindu-ized temples -- says he knows for sure at least 50% of the Hindus who come to the temple there -- eat meat. So original ISKCON is sort of being replaced or displaced with a Hindu cultural hall process. 

And never mind all the quotes Prabhupada gave about his desire to NOT have the Hindu program connected to his program. He said the Hindu program is Kaitava Dharma (cheating); if the Hindus take over ISKCON they will make it into a business; Hindus are a hodge podge; Hindus already know everything, and so on and so forth, and thus for sure he would not want them to be in charge of his program under any circumstances. 

But more and more, they are. And naturally that is one of the questions the media people ask me, where are all these leaders now? Dispersed, disbanded, and basically -- exited stage right. Took the money and ran. 

OK like the captain of the Concordia. But only -- after -- they drove the ship onto the rocks. The problem is that eventually, a person will be held accountable for their actions, here or next life. And if they aided, abetted, co-orchestrated -- banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing -- of Vaishavas -- by helping the elite cabal that made that process, they will have to answer for that. ys pd 



We have been discussing the similarities between the Concordia cruise ship disaster and mis-leadership by false prophets who pose as gurus. To review, the captain of the sinking Concordia abandoned the passengers, exactly as a blooped imitation acharya deserts his disciples due to the pull of his senses. Such acharya-bloopers leave their disciples in limbo, and at the mercy of an impersonal institution. This is exactly how the captain of the Concordia left those under his care to a listing ship, with dozens of deaths.

But there is one more similarity. After the Concordia hit a rock off the coast of Giglio Island, the captain downplayed the impending tragedy with disinformation. Passengers were urged to return to their cabins and to stay calm--as meanwhile the ship was sinking!

Spreading disinformation from the top has been an ongoing problem for many years in ISKCON. In fact, the greatest disinformation that ISKCON leadership has been guilty of broadcasting is the supposed divinity of its chosen few--the Original Imitation Acharyas.

Here in Europe, during the heyday of "His Divine Grace Shrila Harikesha Swami Vishnupada," this pretended "acharya" had over 10,000 disciples. Festive gatherings at his many centers in the Eastern European bloc and Russia attracted thousands of devotees.

Yet, around 1997-98, this pretended paramhamsa fell prey to his senses and went head over heels for a lady disciple, who used to massage the swami. To rationalize his affection, it was alleged that the "Maharaja" claimed she was something like an incarnation of Shrimati Radharani.

All the while, ISKCON's leadership played the cover-up card by spreading the disinformation that that "Harikesh is ill." Somehow, the "renounced" Harikesh soon landed on his feet, happily married to his divine better half and living in a beautiful and rich bungalow in Florida. There were whispers that the leaders gave him a very generous retirement package to go off and play his awful "elevator music" on his guitar.

Now, here is the point, as a result of the disinformation that Harikesh was a divinely-empowered totally enlightened "guru," his many thousands of devotees simply fizzled out and merged back into their karmi lives. Thousands were lost-- misled by disinformation into the dark hole of repeated rebirth.

In this case, disinformation meant that Harikesh -- like so many other swami posers -- claimed to be qualified messengers of Krishna who had appeared to take fallen souls back to Godhead. And people believed that disinformation. Had such guru posers just been honest, and explained that they were merely representatives of Shrila Prabhupada, then disciples would not have lost faith when the guru fell into the muck of Maya. 

Had he--and others--merely preached properly from the point of view of parampara--giving all credit to the previous acharya--then those tens of thousands of lost devotees might still be with us today.

When our minds tell us that we have become the Neo-Prabhupadas, then troubles are just around the corner--and those troubles wil lalso afflict anyone who is dumb enough to believe such a foolish charade.. When the leaders are honest, there can never be any need for cover-up embellishments with saccharine layers of dis-information.

Truth be told, our business is to direct others to the teaching of His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada--exactly as Guru Maharaja has given in his original books. As it is said, "honesty is the best policy,," and being honest about our own struggles--and about the actual divinity of the previous acharya--is the only means to extend the sampradaya into the future.

Today, Harikesh still returns to ISKCON centers to boast about what a great devotee he is--even as thousands of his former "disciples" are languishing like drowning passengers aboard the Concordia. We are strongly advised not to criticize Harikesh, while no one really gives a damn for the thousands of people who have been misled back into the iron-like snares of Maya.

While researching this rant, I found this satire about the Harikesh (and ISKCON's) penchant for dis-information.

IMAGES: (R) Days of divinity.: Harikesh on the "Vyasa Asan" receiving worship with a grin. (L) Robbie Campagnola today with his "divine goddess."

1 comment:

  1. NND Harikesh. Hurry-cash ... once gathered around 3,000 ""disciples"" in Sweden and said: "Do you know why I have appeared?!" ..the crowd of blind sheeps responded: "No"

    ..."well let me reveal it to you all - to rectify some mistakes of A.C.Bhaktivedanta Swami." ...after 1 week he left with Monica the masseuse for his rectal business recuperation..!!!

    Nimai Nitay Such arrogance--and yet the GBC rewarded him handsomely for it with a generous stipend to purchase a Florida mansion and lots of guitars for his new life as a grihamedhi. Still the sheep-ovetees gather round him like some sort of prophet when he comes with his cure stories of his past glories.


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