Saturday, December 14, 2024

AMC Krishna Movie / What is Conservatism? / Apathy 12 14 24


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PADA: Oh oh one of my "conservative flag waving" friends chastised me for posting the R. Wolff video -- claiming it is "democratic party talking points." OK maybe, except all sorts of "conservatives" themselves have been raising a red flag discussing the problems with China trade. I think it is a universal problem for the whole USA and all of its citizens of any politics. 

In fact, a number of conservatives have made China trade their biggest cause celebre. I don't even know if R. Wolff is a conservative, but if he is citing easily found recorded trade statistics, and the government's not so good China trade agreements, what would it matter?

Evidently the main problem is that R. Wolff, as well as much historical evidence, shows that the Reagan "de-regulating" era is where many trade barriers with China were taken down. And China was granted "USA most favored trade partner" status etc., and that created a flood of China products entering the USA market, where they remain now. 

Anyway, I said -- apart from us splitting hairs on "who started the problem" -- it really does not matter much since, all sorts of people have been in power since Reagan and -- nothing much was ever done by anyone from any party to fix the issue. And therefore, the USA has become a sort of giant Chinese flea market. 

In fact, I went to the actual flea market, and the Mexican guys there with the big Mexican sombrero hats, frilly Mexican little girl's dresses etc. all came out of "Made in China" boxes. I just helped someone put together an IKEA desk, also made in China, and never mind our San Francisco port here is always clogged with China ships full of containers. Not rocket science to figure out our economy is basically based on distributing China's products.

OK so R. Wolff says, America has lost is economic power status because it is no longer manufacturing all these things here. And that is correct.

But even trade and economy problems -- is not the real root or main issue. I said -- Srila Prabhupada condemns atheistic Communism, and therefore we (the USA) should not be funding that process with trillions of dollars of trade. Srila Prabhupada also condemns abortion, which goes on in China on a huge scale, and thus we should also not be funding the country doing that on mass scale either. 

Well that caused my conservative friend to lose his lunch altogether and he said I am "discussing politics." Well actually no. Srila Prabhupada says atheistic Communism is evil, abortion is also evil, and therefore, their program should not be funded. Ever. Oddly, the conservatives are always talking about how evil it is to be "funding abortions." Well duh-oh, so why would it matter if the abortions being funded are being done in China? 

OK the USA is evil if it funds abortions here, but it is fine to fund a program that has abortions somewhere else. Sorry, Krishna does not care if the babies being aborted are USA babies, or China babies. Why would that matter to Krishna? Krishna does not like funding abortions, or the country that makes mass abortions, it is bad karma. That is a universal law, it applies everywhere.

And the USA will reap that karma if it funds it here, there, or anywhere, and therefore we should fix this. The karma of animal slaughter is bad, and the karma of people slaughter is even worse bad, and that has nothing to do with -- this or that -- politics. This is just a fact of how karma and the laws of the material world are governed. And there are no exceptions allowed in the iron wheels of the karma chakra. 

Anyway, after all this he blocked me. And someone else asked me why so many people like this guy block PADA, or they even want PADA blocked from the internet etc.? I said they just don't have any good answers for my points -- so they block me. 

On the one hand, this is good news and there is not anything to lament here. It means -- Krishna is doing me a giant favor and keeping me out of the company of motivated and bogus spiritual cheaters, if not nutty crack pot people. On the other hand, if I am complaining about bogus gurus: -- banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing vaishnavas; and changing the books; and poisoning their master, then blocking me simply enables the regime doing all that. It helps the bad guys, and big time, and blocking me has helped them all along.    

In any case! The question never changes. Since Srila Prabhupada says: Communism and abortion are evil, thus -- should anyone fund that process with trillions of dollars of trade, anywhere at any time? And! If someone doesn't know the answer, then blocking me means -- they don't want to know the answer. 

ys pd  


“WE MUST OVERCOME OUR APATHY - The mad elephant in the room is the corrupted, deviant ISKCON which continues to crush and suppress all intelligent and free-thinking devotees, forcing them into exile.

Today there are tens of thousands of exiled Hare Krishnas, those who could not sell their hearts and souls to the tyranny of the “cult” institution. Some left due to their spiritual weakness. But many, if not most, could no longer reconcile their intelligence with the falsehoods of the institution. They could find no place to settle in the house of frauds, where discussion is framed by the established narrative and facts are twisted to accommodate that narrative. 

Truth dissolved into the politically correct doctrine as dictated by the GBC elite. Brown-nosers, bootlickers, sycophant's, and the power / guru ambitious are mostly who remain in its membership. The honest ones have left the institution, built for all to live in, but which was hijacked by deviant misleaders, led by His Divine Grace’s poisoners.

Hopefully the exiled will have enough wisdom, courage, and spiritual conscience to recognize truth when they see it, and that they have the “shakti” to act upon recognizing the facts and evidence that ISKCON was gurujacked by those who poisoned Srila Prabhupada. As is common in those who witness the insanity and fraud in this world, an overwhelming sense of futility prevails amongst these exiles. 

Was there really a novel virus which is so dangerous, requiring lockdowns and “emergency” untested vaccines? Are major elections free and fair, or have they been hijacked by the globalist elites? Estranged and banished devotees similarly have had their enthusiasm sapped by the natural reaction: “What difference can I make anyway?” 

This sense of futility leads to apathy and a reluctance to verify the “conspiracy theories” even when the proof stares us in the face. “Oh, it just can’t really be true.” The sad truth is when we are confronted with monstrous evil, our first reaction is to reject it, not because we don’t believe it exists, but because admitting its reality implies a responsibility to do something about it. And stopping evil takes away from “me time.” And what’s the point in pointing out the hypocrisy of it all? People tend to just want to live in peace.

But Srila Prabhupada struggled and sacrificed so much to give us Krishna consciousness and a perfect process of spiritual advancement, and if we take his mercy and improve ourselves with his gifts, we become indebted to him. How can we repay Srila Prabhupada? Foremost, he wants us to stick to the process of chanting Hare Krishna, and he also wants us to preserve and propagate his pure teachings. Put aside the temporary feelings of futility and rise to our duty of doing whatever we can to defend Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental mission and divine mercy from deviant actors. This starts with making our voices heard.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories, 1.674)



"During the time (The Lion Guru ) Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur Jagad Guru Prabhupada was considering sending a few of his disciples to foreign countries to spread the message of Sriman Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, he met with Sri Rabindranath Tagore, the world-renowned author and winner of the Nobel prize in Literature, to inquire about his visit to the West to receive the Nobel prize.
Srila Jagad Guru Prabhupada enquired, “In your opinion, to which Western country should our Gaudiya Matha preachers first be sent to spread the message of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu?”

Sri Rabindranath Tagore replied, “None. It is unadvisable to send preachers to any western countries at this moment. Many unscrupulous people who earlier visited these places to preach Vedic Dharma have tarnished the image of Indian saints. As a result, the people of the western countries have lost faith in sadhus.”

After further discussion on the matter, Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada briefly introduced him to the ideology of Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu, which is the doctrine of the Gaudiya Vaishnavas. Sri Rabindranath Tagore, being captivated and moved by Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada’s presentation of Gaudiya philosophy said, “It is only if you yourself visit the western countries that great success in preaching will be assured. 

Everybody will certainly greet you with honour.“ Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada replied, “I will send persons who are just as qualified as me.”

During the conversation, while referring to pseudo Gaudiya Vaisnavas, Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada used the term prakrita-sahajiya. Upon hearing the term, Sri Rabindranath Tagore said, “I have never come across this term in my life; I have not seen this term anywhere in the dictionary.“

Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada explained, “The word sahajiya is a highly sacred term. It refers to those truly pure devotees of Sri Krishna whose hearts are filled with a spontaneous, unconditional love and affection for Him that does not depend on the statements of scriptures that glorify him as Bhagavan. Examples of such exalted, eternally perfect devotees are the residents of Vraja, like Sri Nanda, Sri Yasoda, Sri Radharani and others. Nowadays, many unqualified conditioned souls try to imitate the moods of these great, liberated personalities by deceitfully imposing such moods on their own character. 

Therefore, I use this word prakrita-sahajiya to refer to such persons, because nowadays, the prostitution of words, or the gross misrepresentation or concoction of the true meaning of words, to support one’s vested interest has become common practice. These days, the vast majority of people are incapable of understanding the actual imports of words, and so, perversions of terminology often remain unchecked.“

The underlying message in this account is that the words of Jagad Guru Srila Prabhupada did not belong to this material world, but rather to the transcendental world. He often used terms that were unknown even to the most famous and admirable scholars of society."

~ from “Vishuddha Chaitanya-Vani” Volume 1

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