Thursday, December 5, 2024

Mantra Video / Mahatma / Nitai's Family / HK Project 12 05 24

PADA: Wow. Mahatma evidently thinks that his program of forcing everyone to worship his illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs, some of whom are also drunks, drug addicts, porno swamis, homosexuals and / or pedophiles, and some of whom are orchestrating banning, beating, molesting, suing and / or -- assassinations of dissenters -- is NOT -- the problem in the Krishna religion. The reason we do not like Mahatma's GBC guru program -- of our folks being banned, beaten, molested, sued, and murdered is -- we do not like Krishna! 

Who knew! 

OK wait a minute, is there anyone on the planet who thinks Mahatma's program is authorized to create all these problems for the Vaishnavas? And then blame the victims for not being surrendered to Krishna? Wow. 

We can ban, beat, molest, sue and kill people, and if folks protest, it is because -- they do not like Krishna! No wonder so many of the children victims -- hate -- the Hare Krishna religion. I don't see how we can blame the victims for going sour on the religion, when people like Mahatma are blaming the victims for not being surrendered to Krishna. It is always victim blaming and shaming with these folks. Our victims -- hate Krishna! 

No Mahatma, these people do not hate Krishna, they hate your pedophile messiah's project. And they had to run away from your process because it is not only dangerous, it stinks worse than the city sewer treatment plant on a hot summer day!  

"The beatings will continue -- until there is an improvement in attitude." Sheesh pilgrims! 

ys pd


PADA: I really cannot express on public forums -- due to the un-public usable language I get -- the types of reactions a number of ex-children victims give me when they hear that the reason they are not happy with the religion is -- they hate Hare Krishna. Well for starters, they were not born hating Hare Krishna. 

Someone or someone's group incited them to dislike the religion. If victims are having a problem with the religion, they hate Krishna? Really? Why do these leaders always seem to blame the victims -- when the problems the victims experienced -- have been orchestrated from these leaders -- and not from Krishna, and not from the victims? If the victims don't like Hare Krishna, maybe someone mis-represented Krishna to them. Same reason the Medieval Popes created the philosophical basis for atheism. ys pd

PADA: Thanks prabhu. Yes, I was told that this Narayan Maharaja temple is joining up with Pran Krishna dasa, the alleged Radha Kunda "family descendent" of Lord Nityananda. The followers of this Radha Kunda group were critical of Srila Saraswati way back in the 1930s.

And one of the followers recently made some videos critical of our Srila Prabhupada. I think I would have to say, the followers of Narayan Maharaja have not got good discrimination on the people they select as their living guru authority. But yes, it looks like the unauthorized lines are joining together. And we have no one else to blame except for the ISKCON leadership, they are the ones who brought ISKCON over to Narayana Maharaja. 

There are some Narayan Maharaja followers who are into "chanting Nityananda" because He allegedly forgives all offenses, and they may have got that from the direct or indirect followers of these folks. Yes, Lord Nityananda is more merciful, but no, there is no open license to act whimsically and expect Lord Nityananda to bail a person out. 

And if some of the alleged followers of Nityananda are critical of the bona fide acharyas, they are in for a bad reaction no matter what. It is not possible to displease the pure devotees of Krishna and please Krishna simultaneously. Anyway yes, these are more signs of the splinters created by the ISKCON mis-leaders.

ys pd


The Hare Krishna Project

“Dealing with narcissistic abuse in spiritual organisations”

PODCAST: Episode 152 – Wednesday 4th December 2024. 
We’re pleased to welcome Annu as our guest on this week’s podcast.

A Counselling Psychologist specialising in trauma, abuse and narcissism, she has been a part of the Hare Krishna movement for the last decade. An author and expert in dealing with narcissistic abuse, Annu has a passion and dedication for supporting those who have experienced such abuse in spiritual organisations.

“Narcissists loves religious communities,” said Annu, “they thrive off of being able to abuse others, often unchecked and using religious dogma to justify their behaviour.” In this week’s podcast, she talks with Narada Prabhu about:

- Why narcissists ‘breed’ in spiritual organisations
- How to spot a narcissist
- What narcissism is
- What support and advice is available if you’ve been a victim of narcissistic abuse

For more details about Annu and her work check out:





This week’s podcast is not to be missed!

You can watch it:

- Here on Facebook

- and on YouTube at
For more details about The Hare Krishna Project check out our website
#Podcast #TheHareKrishnaProject #Narcissism #SpiritualOrganisations #Narcissist #Counselling #AdviceAndSupport #Cults #NewReligiousMovements #HareKrishna #AbuseInRelationships


1 comment:

  1. LD: It is astounding ... how people like Mahatma think their program can create hell on earth for others. And when those people reject his program they ... hate Krishna?

    Agree. Who authorizes Mahatma's program to mistreat people so badly ... that some of them take their own lives to escape ... or they take intoxicants ... and try to escape by other means. Why are so many people trying to escape from his program. To say these people hate Hare Krishna is just ... twisting the knife in the wounds.

    This is cruelty on top of cruelty. And that is why Prabhupada says, your chanting is useless for hundreds of lifetimes ... if you keep your steel framed heart.

    Our victims hate Krishna? No, your victims hate your program of forcing people to worship your pedo buddies! Has nothing to do with Krishna !!! ... except ... it is an insult to Krishna, and to the victims, to make pedos into gurus.

    No wonder they are all leaving. Most of the people I know, left ... after Mahatma stuck his stooly gurus into the temples. Who has stayed? Almost no one. Mahatma wants us to worship his bogus gurus, and when we don't, it is because everyone hates Krishna. What a turd ball!


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