They missed the many statements that a Krishna conscious woman is on the spiritual platform, and if she can maintain that, then she is just as intelligent as a man. So in this particular case, they are saying that they are smarter than Krishna or God. What a joke. Like Srila Prabhupada would say can you float trillions of planets? Can you make the sunrise and sunset on time every day?
Can you create time itself? So of course we know the answers to these rhetorical questions. So once again, we are so teeny tiny. So an intelligent person who has read some of the Vedic scriptures and have read some of Srila Prabhupada's purports and commentaries on the words of God would just listen and keep their dumb mouth shut. Then, in the movie, a woman was saying she felt bad because she should’ve been speaking up more about the deviations of her Godbrothers.
Well, the reason why she wasn’t speaking up -- calling the police -- notifying the other devotees to the deviations and crimes -- because she was part of the problem. Early on Srila Prabhupada told Keith Ham through personal contact with him and through letters to his managers or GBC managers in that region more or less to kick Keith ham or Kirtanananda to the curb.
But the letters against Kirtanananda, which Sulochana was bringing out, are not even mentioned in this movie? Why was Sulochana such a threat? He was bringing out the actual statements of Srila Prabhupada about Kirtanananda and the other GBC gurus.
I read some of the actual letters which were hidden by GBC devotees up until recently. In addition to that, Srila Prabhupada personally went to meet with Keith ham and told him to not involve himself with management at all and he also told him to just chant and wear white. These incidents were hidden from the devotees but the GBC managers who kept Keith Ham on AS A PURE DEVOTEE GURU in spite of Srila Prabhupada warnings and orders, and his many deviations.
As we can see if we watch the movie, they went out of their way to re-create with actors some sexual scenes, and also some gory violent scenes. But the fact that this was the result of a bogus guru appointment, was not explained clearly if at all.
The lesson we must learn from all of this especially sincere, devotes is to have complete faith in the spiritual master and God, Krishna . If you can’t get to that platform, don’t bury yourself in a hole by thinking you are smarter than Krishna. That’s the reason why we’re here in these material worlds in the first place.
PADA: Yeah, the most important issue, why was Sulochana made a target, is not revealed clearly in this movie, ever. Real reason for his assassination? He was bringing out: the bogus appointment tape, the letters, the will, the July 9th letter and other documents, and that all proved -- there was no "guru appointment."
That is the REAL reason he was a threat to these gurus, and he had to be removed, and that is not explained hardly in this movie -- if at all, but things like "women in ISKCON" and "going to the moon" are discussed and detailed.
What about the guy who is supposed to be the main topic of the movie? What was the actual motive for his murder? He was exposing the bogus guru program, and so various big leaders combined and made him a target. The movie misses the target here big time, and it just looks like all sorts of random chaos was going on for no sensible reason, but there was a very sensible reason, the leaders had to stop the person exposing and undermining their claim to authority, and they did.
Of course, a lot of the people involved with ISKCON as members at the time, who seem to be interviewed the most, also did not know what was Sulochana's issue or main complaint. And they still don't.
Why was his main complaint not made clear, right out of the gate? Because most of the film gives the speaking floor to the people who never understood these issues, and I was basically blocked out -- save for a few 4 second sound bites here and there. Very disappointing, but then again, if most devotees have no idea what happened and why, then the movie people are probably not going to grasp it either.
But yeah, it does look like a lot of random chaos -- and violence -- and maybe murders -- was going on -- and a wide spectrum of assorted criminal activities, but the person challenging the authority of these gurus was made a specific target for a specific reason, and that is unfortunately missed.
Yup. Unfortunate, a lot of people, including many devotees, still do not know -- these gurus were never appointed -- and the whole guru thing was a giant scam. Even today an older devotee was arguing with me that the new people were meant to be "disciples of my disciples."
He still thinks we needed some sort of "disciples" to be the successors or GBC gurus, never mind he was booted out and no longer participates himself. Sorry, we do not need conditioned souls to be gurus, it just won't work, and hasn't. And the people who worship conditioned souls as their gurus will not be liberated, so the blind lead the blind into a ditch.
Henry Doktorski:
ys pd
BG 15 TEXT 16
dvāv imau puruṣau loke
kṣaraś cākṣara eva ca
kṣaraḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni
kūṭa-stho 'kṣara ucyate
kṣaraś cākṣara eva ca
kṣaraḥ sarvāṇi bhūtāni
kūṭa-stho 'kṣara ucyate
dvau—two; imau—in this (world); puruṣau—living entities; loke—in the world; kṣaraḥ—fallible; ca—and; akṣaraḥ—infallible; eva—certainly; ca—and; kṣaraḥ—the fallible; sarvāṇi—all; bhūtāni—living entities; kūṭasthaḥ—in oneness; akṣaraḥ—infallible; ucyate—is said.
(Lord Krishna says) There are two classes of beings, the fallible and the infallible. In the material world every entity is fallible, and in the spiritual world every entity is called infallible.
As already explained, the Lord in His incarnation as Vyāsadeva compiled the Vedānta-sutra. Here the Lord is giving, in summary, the contents of the Vedānta-sūtra: He says that the living entities, who are innumerable, can be divided into two classes-the fallible and the infallible.
The living entities are eternally separated parts and parcels of the Supreme Personality of Godhead. When they are in contact with the material world, they are called jīva-bhūtāḥ, and the Sanskrit words given here, sarvāṇi bhūtāni mean that they are fallible. Those who are in oneness with the Supreme Personality of Godhead, however, are called infallible.
Oneness does not mean that they have no individuality, but that there is no disunity. They are all agreeable to the purpose of the creation. Of course, in the spiritual world, there is no such thing as creation, but since the Supreme Personality of Godhead has stated in the Vedānta-sūtra that He is the source of all emanations, that conception is explained.
According to the statement of the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Lord Kṛṣṇa, there are two classes of men. The Vedas give evidence of this, so there is no doubt about it. The living entities, who are struggling in this world with the mind and five senses, have their material bodies which are changing as long as the living entities are conditioned. One's body changes due to contact with matter; matter is changing, so the living entity appears to be changing.
But in the spiritual world the body is not made of matter; therefore there is no change. In the material world the living entity undergoes six changes-birth, growth, duration, reproduction, then dwindling and vanishing. These are the changes of the material body. But in the spiritual world the body does not change; there is no old age, there is no birth, there is no death. There all exists in oneness.
It is more clearly explained as sarvāṇi bhūtāni: any living entity who has come in contact with matter, beginning from the first created being, Brahmā, down to a small ant, is changing its body; therefore they are all fallible. In the spiritual world, however, they are always liberated in oneness.
#SoulfulJapa #HareKrishna #SrilaPrabhupada
— Madhu Pandit Dasa (@madhupanditdasa) December 17, 2024
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