Wednesday, April 26, 2023

What About Pancaratna Das? (ISKCON)

ISKCON Constitution Project Update

From 3 to 6 January 2023, GBC General Counsel Devakinandana Das hosted a four-day meeting in the offices of his law firm in Singapore.

ISKCON Constitution project members Pancharatna Das (ACBSP), Kaunteya das, and Devarsi Radhika Devi Dasi, who is also an attorney, travelled from India to attend. The other team members, Anuttama Das and Nrisimha Kavaca Das participated one day by Zoom.

The Constitution team has been meeting since 2017. Over the last three years, they have meet weekly online. They produced three earlier drafts of a Constitution that were presented to the GBC for their input.

The team is currently working on a new updated draft for the GBC to review during its Annual General Meeting in February 2023. The text shall be presented to the GBC members and others for their feedback. Thereafter the team will crystallise the document, moving step-by-step towards an eventual ratification vote.

Pancaratna's Messiah's Club


PADA: Yep prabhu, you are right, Pancaratna das ACBS is working hand in hand with Kaunteya and Anuttama, who have been censored by the India ICC Bureau for making mis-representations of Srila Prabhupada's books. Of course, he is also always on hand to tell our God brothers to take boat loads of sins, so he can turn them into mental and physical basket cases by over - loading his brothers with karma, of course Kaunteya and Anuttama do the same.

Pancaratna's handiwork, making his God brothers into
basket cases.
"My karma vacuum cleaner bag is full" 

Overall, Pancaratna das has been wearing many different advisor / managerial hats for the past 45 years, and is many times a consultant and / or part of various ISKCON pedophile messiah's club's endless list of committees. That means he has been a big player in the illicit sex messiahs program, which bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas. 

Yep, he was not happy with me all along, and he still isn't, because I am saying, hey it looks like the same group -- of the same few guys -- who are just switching hats over and over. Another "new committee," new hat, but same old guard leaders. 

It is like Al Capone appointing himself to monitor the Girl Scout cookie sales funds. Can that system be trusted? Maybe nope. Same few guys switching hats -- again. Don't they even look for another rabbit for their same old rabbit in hat trick? Seems that we've seen the same old rabbit about 500 times already! Oh, but he has a new hat! ys pd


This is a discussion of the Jaipur Pancaratna

PK: Why a new committee? Why not report matters to the ICPO? What’s the problem there?

VK: First, I have issue that Pancaratna was sent to monitor the gurukula, it’s just one of the good old boys checking on another good old boy so to speak. Second, CCTV cameras in the children's damn ashram rooms, surely that is a human rights violation for the rights of the child. These kids are in school, not a prison cell under 24 hour prison watch. 

This can lead to voyeur behaviour from the adults not trained in surveillance laws. Thirdly, I am alarmed as to there being a mention of teachers who have been present for 20 years in this school system, who fear some kids reporting them for abuse. What have we seen going on for the past 20 years?

Right. The past 20 years has been full of abuse issues, why are they still there. At all! Fourthly, Pancaratna's was hardly an academic, investigative report. It was more like the comments you would hear at an istaghosti, or idle talk amongst peers. Very disappointing to say the least.

DD: Presumably there was a reason that ICPO wanted Radha Kanta's role to be restricted - one which the INCPO completely disregards.

SR: Nothing to see here! Keep walking!

HD: The India ICPO child protection program is corrupt. They don’t have a full grasp of child abuse v child protection. They are Gopal Krsna Goswami and Lokanath Swami's puppets and cronies. Not fit for the purpose. All gloss and no substance. So very sad. 

GG: Same old program of the good ole boys looking out for the other good ole boys. Then they make a "new commitee" ... after they already made 50 previous committees. Same useless guys from the old committee -- are the same guys now in the new one. It is a stalling technique. Meanwhile, the ever weakened original CPO "child protection" is not even allowed to take on the Lokanath case, so they invented an India CPO to shield their pedophile guru's system.

But it keeps the sheeple happy. Oh look! They made a new committee! Right you are ... little cricket! But you forgot, it is the same old guard guys who messed up everything when they were on the old committee, now switching hats to be on the new committee. It is a joke. Except people are getting molested and killed in the process. Bunch or pervo losers, but with a new f**king hat! F**king wonderful. 

PADA: Well yep. The good news is -- I refused to participate in the "lets make illicit sex with men, women and children into messiahs -- so we can ban, beat, molest, sue and kill Vaishnavas committee." I missed out on that golden opportunity, which has the added bonus of a free ride to Yamaraja while being bitten by giant dogs, heh heh heh. ys pd


PADA: Yep: Many parents and many ISKCON leaders were giving me vulture glares when I helped the Windle Turley lawsuit while in Los Angeles. The LAPD police even stopped me on my bike and yelled at me, and told me to avoid Watseka because my life is in severe danger over here. "Lack of reporting" means -- everyone is passively witnessing without acting. 

That is not what has happened here, rather -- banning, chasing us with bats, giving us vulture glares, threats, and actual physical counter action -- to the people reporting abuse -- is called "actively defending" the abuse infrastructure. Simply idle and passive looking the other way is not the same as actively defending, and that is a big topic on my upcoming TV expose: we dissenters have been given harsh treatment -- while the bad guys orchestrating the regime are given giant maha plates, new Apple air laptops, big seats, garlands and etc. 

In sum, there really has been no internal justice department, rather there is an internal harassment of whistle blowers department. Me and Sulochana were referred to the so-called ISKCON Justices department like Rupanuga and Mukunda swami, and they excommunicated us and said we are offenders. That is their idea of justice. And then it just got worse for us after that, they wanted to make examples of us by the process of "Monkeys on a Stick," to silence any other dissenters. And I too would have been whacked by them if the FBI had not come to my rescue. They are a violent pedophile worshiping cult, plain and simple. ys pd

1 comment:

  1. RS: I wanna cry!!! Narasimgha's letter is so ignorant! 'I don't know anything about child protection, but the prasadam was good and they were nice to me'.

    If Nrisinghananda Prabhu had done a little research, he world know that this Radhakantha guy was removed from the school on safeguarding concerns.

    He would also know that in the last 15 years there have been dozens and dozens of reports of severe abuse perpetrated and enabled by this very management!

    He would also know the extent that some of these abusive schools go to in order to project a specific appearance of a fantastic school.
    If he read the recent statement by the girls that just came out of BVP's school?

    The girls had been trained and rehearsed with a whole routine to make the school look better than it was. They even put up on the black board algebra equations that nobody understood!

    PADA: Certainly Pancaratna knows about all these scams if he is the on-site overseer of these places.


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