Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Russia Update / Missing Devotee / Kirtanananda Samadhi

[PADA: Life is overrated, so go ahead and die. But me and the other leaders will be safely underground in 3 foot thick walled bunkers. And we will have plenty of Vodka and power generators for our big screen TVs. You can die, we will all be safe in our concrete bunkers. And that is what Srila Prabhupada says, the Kali Yuga leaders will start a big war and -- hide in the bunkers. And the ISKCON leaders are living in mansions while many citizens are living in bad areas. 

Everywhere the satellites over Ukraine are taking photos now -- they are spotting mass grave sites near every city or village taken over by the Russians. They are simply mass killing people, including old people, women and children, and destroying their infrastructure so many more will die from lack of facility. Then they bury the bodies in shallow graves so they can make the waste seepage from dead bodies contaminate all the area's ground water, making these places poisoned and uninhabitable on purpose. 

And that does not include the millions of folks the Russians are trying to starve to death by blocking Ukraine grains from going to places like Egypt, Sudan, Yemen, Lebanon etc. But hey, life is overrated, go ahead and die, and I will be safely underground in my bunker drinking a Vodka. Any questions?

There is a Tik Tok video of Russian officers taking the Russian men away from their ladies and putting them into busses. And the ladies are fighting with the officers, fearing for their men. Now don't forget, killing off the men -- who are the sustainers of the family -- and having another 1,000,000 men flee the country -- to leave their women without male support -- is "to preserve family values." Ummm, nope, it is leaving many women with no family anymore. It is killing the family situation. Oh oh, like ISKCON breaks up families! 

Srila Prabhupada says the asuras will try to kill millions and millions of people, it is what they do. He is right. ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com]  

**: A Belgium devotee, Narakantaka prabhu (ACBSP) disapeared in 1987. He was seen in Mayapur last time during his protest against GBC .... last time I saw him was in a dream: he was showing me the ground telling: "that's where I am buried". His parents came to India to search for him. Who knows something about him?


**: I recently saw the Samadhi of Kirtananda in the Vaishnava Samadhi Area of Radha Damodar temple in Vrindavan. Why is a person with such a background should be buried there along with other great Vaishnava Acaryas like Rupa, Sanatana goswami, Srilla Bhakti Siddhanta and others.

The best way for devotees to oppose this ... without offending the pujaris of Radha Damodar is to approach them directly, show them evidence of the past activities of Kirtanananda and politely ask them if it is all right to have this persons samadhi in one of the most sacred samadhi areas of the world.

P Dasa: I saw it too in September and wondered ... what is this? Seems we have this pretty collective cognitive dissonance in ISKCON where crimes, abuse and other gross misbehavior just gets covered up, written off or in other ways, denied or attempted to be explained away. It's also a pretty good propaganda machine, our society. Many of us never knew things were as bad as we are now starting to find out.

**: In this case Iskcon is not the only one to be blamed. We didn’t do enough to oppose these things.

P Dasa: Yes we are ISKCON. At least part and parcel of it.

EF: Sounds a lot like Christianity for the past 2000 years, making all sorts of "saints" …. guess we are following in their footsteps unfortunately.

P Dasa: Well hope it won't take us 2,000 years to actually get sincere. ISKCON would do well to actually focus on 'attraction rather than promotion', a principle that AA follows. With all our holier than everyone else propaganda, high horsed slogans that we are meant to not only believe but adopt as attitudes that we are the chosen ones; instead we should start from where we are and with honesty, sincerity and authenticity share what we have been given; in short by being human on the transcendental journey. 

GG: This cannot be blamed on "a mistake." Everyone was well aware of Kirtanananda's past history, especially everyone in ISKCON. The Radha Damodar people also are well aware that ISKCON leaders are not actually pure and there has been so many scandals just in Vrndavana itself. 

EF: Love this prabhu! Absolutely agree and I love how you used the AA example. Quite appropriate.

DD: It’s mind boggling. Why would they allow it?

**: I talked with a Brajavasi devotee about this, he was laughing -- and explaining that this is the result of the modern day greed of the temple's management. They just wanted the money from ISKCON.

DD: So ... he just bought his way in - or they were ignorant of his crimes?

**: I was in a bit hurry that time, I did not get enough opportunity to discuss about the actual case with the pujaris.

C Dasi: It is all about the money. The asuras bought it and the management of the samadhi accepted the money. Kali reigning supreme.

I get it, about every nation thinks God and / or Jesus is on their side.
And their opponents are therefore serving Satan.
So did the ISKCON GBC. This is called illusion. 

1 comment:

  1. LW: Life it vastly over rated. This guy needs to be signed up for land mine clearance duty. See how long he lasts doing that job. Yah ... Russians have planted millions of land mines everywhere and animals and people are getting half blown to bits all the time, which means they have a suffering death.

    Whole idea is to make animals and people suffer. The Russians cannot live there either. The water is contaminated, there are mines all over the place, there is no electric or water. They are experts at making the earth not habitable for humans, or animals. Or even themselves.

    I saw that many animals are dying spontaneously from hearing all the explosions all day long, they just start bleeding out of their noses and die from loss of blood. Shell-shocked. Whole plan is to make a dead zone. Nothing is meant to survive there. Exactly as going to plan. Who wants to make the earth not fit for any living being? The asuras.

    The poor woman had to fight with the officers taking their men away. That is because these women can see what the men cannot see, the government is trying to take their men to their deaths and leave them as husband-less widows.

    Same thing, everyone else has to suffer while the leaders live in big mansions. These people are fitting the full description of Kali Yuga leaders. Destroying the world. We did not believe shastra would unfold so quickly ... but it is.

    Are the ISKCON leaders part responsible? Yes, they destroyed the world by destroying the Harinama samkirtana movement meant to save the world, and making ISKCON into pedophile's heaven. They wanted to save the pedophiles, not the world.


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