Sunday, January 1, 2023

Borders of Maya (Abhaya Mudra Dasi)


Maya, in both of her expressions like Yoga Maya and Maha Maya, is an illusion. She is the illusion that Krishna has become Radha, and that spirit has become matter. 

Maya is the border, the imaginary line, the demarcation. Matter and spirit never mix. How then this magical transformation from one to the other – from spirit to matter – happen? I am here, and then, I am there, without time elapsing; which can actually create a conscious understanding of the process of transition between spirit and matter. 

The illusion or Maya, the so-called nothing, is the border, the keeper of division between spirit and matter. This illusion is the facilitator of primeval variety – the difference between Radha and Krishna, without which difference, exchange of love is not possible.

Usually, people today have no personal borders, as the globalists are trying to erase all borders, and thus are leading humanity towards extinction, because by erasing the differences, they are also erasing the exchange between different individuals. There won’t be anything interesting to visit when the whole world will look the same, people will think the same and they will engage in the same activities. These differences might be material but they have their spiritual roots, since every soul is an absolute individual.

When the world is trying to engulf the individual in the sea of impersonalism, it is very good that we work on our own borders in this way, “Here I am and I am different from anybody else. I am not you and I will never be you, because, if I become you, or like you, then I will not be a different individual and exchange between us will not be possible.” 

Of course, people might think that they are keeping their individuality intact by subscribing to some ideology, which is cleverly advertised by the same globalists who are trying to destroy the individuality. Trangenderism, communism, globalism, this -ism, and that -ism, does not grant individuality. We have to go deeper into our soul and realize the workings of Maha Maya, and understand how even the person that sits next to us makes constant attempts to subscribe us to his ideologies related to education, tradition, business, spirituality and so on. 

How to keep the border of Maya, which is actually imaginary -- intact, in order for one to always stay a person? This can be challenging in the material world where Maha Maha is at works and her main application is to facilitate impersonalism.
In order for one to stay individual one has to become totally unsubscribed to any kind of advertising coming from everyone around him who think he becomes an individual by following external identifications. 

The real individual is the one who sits totally still in the heart and does not subscribe to any of these external attempts at his personality. He keeps his border of Yoga Maya activated. This border when in place, imparts total stillness and one becomes unaffected by external identification.

The total stillness of the mind expresses in timelessness. And this absence of time is the weapon that baffles everything and everyone. When one has employed the stillness of the mind around him, which acts as the illusory border of Maha Maya, then one is capable of combating mayavada. Then only, the living entity is not sucked in the vast powers of the Supreme and stays an eternal individual in order to be able to conduct the exchange of love. 

In the Spiritual World everyone is capable to resist the force to be sucked into the existence of Shri Krishna. This resistance keeps one firmly fixed in his spiritual position, although it is always a chance to be sucked back into the different faculties of Krishna -- and think one becomes this or that, which is different from his original individuality. Even a simple identification as a musician, mother, fat body and so on comes as a prove that somebody has been sucked into the all-pervasive personality of the Lord.

Know that everything external that we have acquired and identify with is not us, even our spirituality. We are individuals eternally and internally. Our duty is to keep our individuality and Krishna’s individuality separate. Everything belongs to Shri Krishna, and that everything is not us. It is Krishna. 

Our only designation is that we are servants of Krishna and that is it. Nothing more and nothing less. A person with such simple identification can go anywhere and not be affected by anything that does not pertain to his love of Shri Krishna.
Border is where the individual ends. Illusion can be a protective wall of the self when one learns not to identify with it.

--Abhaya Mudra Dasi

1 comment:

  1. Haribol prabhu ! PAMHO AGTSP

    I don't have Abhaya Mudra dd e-mail. So could you please just write a note on your blog saying that her article "Borders of Maya" published on your blog is just fantastic from Prahlada Nrsimha dasa France (she certainly read my own past articles in another site so she maybe be pleased) and that she is far more qualified and advanced than all those who pretend to be gurus......



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