Saturday, January 21, 2023

Help Ukraine Devotee Refugees (VIDEO)


PADA: The Ukraine situation is a mess. I hope that devotees can get out of there and find a more secure location. And I hope that the rest of ISKCON can pull it together to house and assist the refugees, although I am not counting on it. Unfortunately, the Ukraine devotees are being told that these GBC guys are diksha guru acharyas, and they are being mislead. Double misfortune. 

PADA's Hindu nurse friend was sitting in her bathtub when her whole apartment shattered into pieces. She said there was sharp metal shards all over the place (it was a metal shrapnel weapon) and some of them had penetrated her refrigerator. 

People were screaming all over the place and there was puddles of blood, dead bodies, including many children, strewn around everywhere. Dazed people covered with blood were wandering around wondering what happened to their loved ones.  

In sum, had she not been sitting in her heavy metal bathtub, she would have died or been severely wounded. She had to pack a bag with a few things and start walking to Poland, and that is how she survived. Now according to Russia, this woman is a dangerous violent person intent on destroying Russia. Well not really, but lets just say, she is no longer a really big fan of Russia at the moment. 

Russia is losing the hearts and minds battle, and so are the ISKCON leaders. Oppressive regimes are not going to win people over, plain and simple. Bombing apartment buildings full of people is instead going to -- make people reject the oppressor's authority. And the GBC's banning, beating, molesting, suing and assassinations program is having an identical effect. Their authority is being rejected for the exact same ditto head reasons.    

Srila Prabhupada says modern wars are being fought "to reduce the sinful population." Notice that the Russian graves all have Christian Crosses. Srila Prabhupada says modern soldiers -- all go to hell from both sides. Jesus ain't gonna save ya! Sorry!

[PADA: Hey I got an idee! If we are being stopped from blowing up apartments full of people in Ukraine, lets blow up apartments full of people all over the planet. Jesus will be pleased! OK maybe Satan will be. 

It is amazing that there are so-called religious people who -- want to blow up the entire planet and take out billions of people. Srila Prahbupada says the demons make devices to kill people wholesale, and it is not religious. 

But the people who want to do evil can always find "religious scholars" to back them (even Kamsa had his religious affairs administration) not only in Russia but also in ISKCON. Right now we can only blow up a few hundred thousand people, we'd like to expand our successful program to include billions! 

And that will make God happy. Hee hee! Really, they believe that! No wonder Srila Prabhupada says false religionists are dangerous elements, and they are destined to take birth as lower species on lower planets. Of course, JD says, these people are already lower species on lower planets, it just has not manifest entirely yet.

ys pd]

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