Friday, January 6, 2023

How To Improve ISKCON (And Ourselves) VIDEO

[PADA: Yep, we got carried away with "institutionalism." And we lost our individual sense of responsibility. And we got influenced by "old timers" who are living in the nostalgia of the past. Anyway, many good points here. 

Yep, "dishonor is worse than death" so the leaders cling on to power although they have lost credibility. At this stage, more and more people are dropping arguing with PADA -- are they ritviks or regular gurus? Well, since they orchestrate banning, beating, molesting, suing and assassinating people, they are just low class criminals. That is the growing consensus. 

If we are going to make a University, we have to first of all establish who is going to be the acharya, and it is not going to be -- low class criminals. And until that changes, then -- the temples will remain empty shells. Anyway more folks are thinking outside the GBC box, and that is a good start.

ys pd] 

1 comment:

  1. LW: A lot of people were thinking the institution will care for me, even when I am older. And they will take care of my children. No. If the leaders are a "rule or ruin" party, like the GBC, they will step on anyone who opposes.

    You have to accept us ... or we will ruin ISKCON, and leave, and take all our followers, the followers we stole from Srila Prabhupada. Sort of like black mail. Let us rule or we will ruin in. They ruined it anyway. The temples are empty, the gurukulis are permanently disgusted and they are not coming back.

    Everyone was thinking we have to appease the ... rule or ruin ... party because they will leave and take their followers and that will ruin it. They had no idea ... that was going to be what ruined it. Appeasing the rule or ruin party is surrendering to criminals, and you will not be taken care of, your children will not be taken care of, ISKCON will not be taken care of.

    The rule or ruin party are the sole group that benefits with their supposedly Swiss bank accounts and nice income. They threatened us the whole time ... let us rule or we ruin it. But if you are already thinking how to ruin it ... you are not good leaders in the first instance. Give me control or I will destroy it ... that is what people surrendered to ... and they lost everything in the process ... including ISKCON.


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