Thursday, July 14, 2022

PADA Is Toto in "The Wizard of Oz"? (BK JJ)

Bhakta JJ: Just saw this and realized it is a lot like PADA vs GBC gurus. 

* GBC gurus promoted themselves as big wizard authorities. And they were certainly feared and respected for some time. That is ... until a little dog named "Toto" pulled away the curtain and showed that the wizard is a phony. And PADA has been exposing these false GBC guru wizards the same way ... as the fearless little dog. 

* Dorothy is like the Srila Prabhupada devotees and new people who all went along with fearing and respecting the new wizard gurus, and this put them into a lot of stress and anxiety, at the same time ... having their lives placed into total chaos. They were in BIG illusions that these wizards are bona fide. 

That is also why a lot of them are now getting sick and dying with no support ... there are consequences to being in big time illusion. They feared and respected the bogus wizards and that means they were in BIG TIME illusion, only the dog and a few others were not under the wizard's spell.

That means ... their lives were upended because they fell under the spell of the false wizard's theater show. And let us not even begin to discuss the horror show many of their kids had to go through ... all because most of the parents were mesmerized by the false wizards show ... and so they sent their kids off to worship the false wizards. Big time illusion! 

And many of this class of deluded people still live in fear and respect for the false wizards ... because they do not have the vision and fearless expose quality of the little dog. No wonder Narayan Maharaja has been upset with PADA ... since he was working the smoke making illusion machine to keep Tamal and other bogus wizards in power ... because he wanted to join their show.

* After the dog exposed the false wizard ... Dorothy was angry and upset, just like many people are angry and upset after they read PADA and realize ... this whole wizard thing is ...a GIANT smoke and mirrors hoax.

* The Tin Man, Scarecrow and Fearful Lion are like the mundane by-standing people ... like police, news, courts workers, TV people, Windle Turleys etc. that helped PADA and the victims. They understood Dorothy is in danger when no one else did. At least ... they made some attempt to save the victims ... when no one else could or would. They are the real heros of the story ... because they did more than anyone else to save Dorothy (and Toto).    

* I think right now PADA has been the best resource for actually making all this history available. Just like the movie "The Wizard of Oz," made the story of Dorothy big news everywhere and people could then understand how this all happened. 

I was seeing this story below and realized ... it has a lot of parallel to ISKCON. All glories to Srila Prahbupada! And thanks to his little barking Toto dog! The dog that had to do what no one else could, would ... or wanted to. Someone had to tear away the wizard's curtain and expose him, a thankless task job. Except for some of us ... who are very thankful. BK JJ  


The symbolism is everywhere

The Wizard of Oz = Ounces of Gold. The Yellow Brick Road = Bricks or Gold Ingot.
The Straw Man represents that fictional ALL CAPS legal fiction — PERSON. The Straw Man wanted a Brain but got a Certificate — the Birth Certificate for a new legal creation & he was proud of his new legal status, plus all these other legalisms he was granted.

The Tin Man — (TIN) Taxpayer Identification Number, a robotic avatar, who worked tirelessly until his body literally froze up & stopped functioning. The heartless & emotionless robot creature who worked himself to death because he had no heart or soul. He wanted a HEART.

The Cowardly Lion was a bully, but was a true coward when someone stood up to him. He lacks true courage. That was what he wanted — Courage. At the end, the Wizard gave him an Official Recognition Award — Authority & Status.

The Wizard of Oz — uses magic, smoke, flames & holograms, but all of it were tricks & illusions to push fear & compliance into doing what he commanded. — The TRUTH is the Wizard has NO real power & only uses illusions to create FALSE power & authority.

The Wicked Witch — pushed fear through intimidation. She was after Toto. She controlled the flying monkey police — the policy enforcers— the mischievous demons, which also represents the BAR Association attorneys who attack & control all the little people for the Great Crown Wizard, the crooked Bankers of Oz - Gold.

In the field of poppies, they were not REAL humans, so drugs had no effect on them, but Dorothy was drugged. The Wizard of Oz was written at the time when the Rockefeller & pharmaceutical begin to take over the medicine & education — the DRUGGING of America. The Crown was the largest drug dealers & after their take-over of drug distribution in China, they began to expand all around the world.

Toto the Dog — was what the Wicked Witch was after. Toto in Latin means ‘in total, all TOGETHER’. Toto was the One who exposed the Wizard of Oz. Toto had no fear & was very small compared to the Great Wizard, so no one noticed him. Toto pulled the curtain on the Wizard & his magical scams. ‘Curtain’ also means the End of an Act or scene — The End. He pulled the curtain & started barking until others paid attention & Red Pill the others.

The curtain ‘VEIL’ that hides the corporate legal fiction & its false courts is exposed. The jig is up. No matter how small your bark is — it can be heard.
Please also don't forget the meaning behind the red shoes. Made from the blood of their innocent victims in satanic practices and red signifying blood.


 pada =


  1. M Dasi: Hah hah! Yes ...the little Toto dog did the job ... when no one else could or would. Better to be the little Toto dog than all these brave ISKCON brahmana and kshatriya warriors ... who could not defend themselves ... much less defend the women and children.

    We had the "Hanumen" come here and none of them would ever talk to me ... they know I'll ask them the hard questions. In other words ... they are afraid of me ... never mind afraid of ISKCON leaders ... never mind afraid of their own shadows. Hanumen, what a joke!

    They all had these same Hanumen shirts on. Ridiculous. They could not save Mother Sita ... since that would ruin their volleyball game that they played here. It is a joke how wooshy these Hanumen are. I'd rather have Toto the dog fighting for me than 10,000 of these Hanumens! Useless POS that they are.

    This is a good analogy. Toto has to take down the bogus wizard. No one else could or would. Everyone else is shaking in fear. Includes bogus Hanumen. Mass hysteria of ignorance. Yes! Bogus wizard ruined by little Toto. I like it!

  2. LW: We are off to see the Wizards, the wonderful Wizards of Oz-con. Don't forget your bullet proof vest! The Wizards of Oz-con, and they conned almost everyone. Oh yeah. Not the dog.

    The questions I always get ... what took people so long to understand the Wizard-guru con is a fraud? And why are some of the original bogus Wizards ... and the voted in successors to the original Wizards frauds ... still there?

    You mean ... there are still some few burnt out leftovers of people who still think these guys are real Wizards? No wonder these temples are empty ... the public must be laughing their a** off when they pass by these bogus Wizards on the street. Or their dumbed down followers.

    This would be a joke. Except real people suffered really horrible things in their diabolical Wizardry. They forgot ... the real Wizard is Krishna ... and they will never fool Him for one second. Wizards of Oz-con ... heard that 10 years ago ... people were figuring it all out long ago.

    Watching a forum discussing Bhakti Vikas swami / Basu Ghosh / Bhakti Vidya Purna swami's "GHQ" attack on women.

    Real agenda is noted. Clear out the women ... and bring in their pals .. really means ... homosexuals, predators, molesters and child beaters. It IS a club. Who wants to argue with me on that? Good luck ... they run away from me when they see me coming just like they run from M. Dasi. Cannot defend the indefensible.


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