Be very careful who you accept as their eternal associates.
Mataji, please, I am curious, why are you showing respect for Gour Govinda M. ?
You not only feature him in your Fb photo section, but you also occasional post pictures and quotes by him on your timeline. I was under the impression that you are a "ritvik" that you fully embrace Srila Prabhupada's unequivocal order regarding initiations after His departure.
There is no real difference between the rest of ISKCON's gurus and GGM, as NONE of them were ever authorized by Srila Prabhupada to accept their own disciples.
To satisfy their need for profit, adoration, and distinction they All are keeping aspiring Vaisnavas from taking shelter at the lotus feet of the ONLY one who can actually deliver them from the cycle of birth and death!
"Unless one is initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, all his devotional activities are useless! A person who is not properly initiated can descend again into the animal species.! [Madhya 15:108]
Did you know that GGM publicly preached against Srila Prabhupada's teachings on the origin of the Jiva?
PADA: Yeah Gaura Govinda said that the Westerners on the GBC made up the "Back to Godhead" idea, that we originated with Krishna, but that term was being in used in the 1940s when there was no GBC. GGM said that Sridhara Maharaja is correct, we originated in brahmajyoti. That is called mayavada.
"A siksa guru who instructs against the instructions of a spiritual [master], he is not a siksa guru, he is a Demon!
The first offense is guror avajna, defying the authority of guru. This is the first offense! So one who is offensive, how can he make advance in chanting? He can not make! Then everything is finished in the beginning." [Bg 17:1-3, Honolulu, 07-04-74]
Reply by Rasamanjari
Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Hope this finds you well. Thank you for asking. Prior to 1998 or so, your question would have been mine.
However, in 1997 or 1998 i read an amazing advertisment for some of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja’s books in Hare Krishna World Review and at the same time my daughter in law sent me 21 handwritten pages from Embankment of Separation, a book by Srila Gour Govinda Swami.
PADA: 1997 is when we launched the $400,000,000 lawsuit against the Gaura Govinda GBC program for orchestrating mass child abuse, including starving, beating, molesting, breaking bones and teeth and so on. And yet Gaura Govinda Maharaja told me he has to "cooperate, tolerate and work with" the GBC people creating this horrific child abuse program. One of the children victims told me "we were in Auschwitz for kids," and GGM was one of the cheer leaders of that program, always hanging out with them, cooperating, assisting and promoting them etc.
GGM also encouraged guys like Jayapataka to absorb sins from thousands of people, because GGM thinks the leaders of a pedophile messiah's program can absorb sins like Jesus. Nope!
Gaura Govinda thought these fools could absorb karma,
and be the next incarnation of Jesus,
but he just harmed or even killed them by telling them that.
And now they take all these sins with them into the next life.
I called the number to order my own copy of Embankment and wound up speaking with Dinashyam Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Gour Govinda Maharajas. I had been crying in my heart for sometime, lamenting the situation of ISKCON and my own sad situation in devotional service. When i read in Back to Godhead about Srila Gour Govinda Swami’s passing away from this world so gloriously while describing the pastime of Sri Krishna and Srimate Radharan’s eye to eye union i cried just as i cried when our beloved Srila Prabhupada passed away from our vision.
PADA: As soon as GGM passed away in Mayapur, some of his disciple wrote to tell me they thought he had been poisoned for challenging the GBC over the jiva issue. Passing away in the company of a homosexual and pedophile guru program, that is being sued for $400,000,000 for mass mistreatment, is not auspicious by any account. "I died in the company of my fellow homosexual and pedophile messiahs club leaders." Great job, and that means you share their karma as one of the members of that club.
Not the crying of mundane losses but the loss of the soul. You know it. Anyway i listened to him glorifying Srila Prabhupada and i realized nobody in ISKCON loved and understood Srila Prabhupada on that level and i wanted to understand Srila Prabhupada and love him like that.
PADA: He understood wrongly that homosexuals and pedophiles are fit to be worshiped as Krishna's Vishnupada successors, and Radharani's servants. And idiots like Jayatirtha were calling LSD and designer drugs "Radha's feet dust."
A homosexual and pedophile guru program is not EVER part of the servants of Radharani's party. Even the average hamburger eating person knows that deviants are not God's successors, never mind his intimate servants on the rasa platform.
I became. friends with a small group of Srila Gour Govinda’s disciples and that association elevated me beyond what i deserve or could imagine. So that’s why. Experience and association. He is not a kanishtha like us.
PADA: A kanistha knows that he cannot tolerate, cooperate and work with homosexual and pedophile guru lineages, and even the karmis know that.
Srila Prabhupada himself certified that “He’s a devotee from birth.” His childhood is just the kind of amazing childhood as all our Acharyas. There is a management side of ISKCON and there is an internal side.
PADA: Yes, that was what Gaura Govinda maharaja kept saying, we need to keep the GBC gurus to "manage." Because there are pure gurus and manager gurus. And if we get rid of the GBC's managers gurus, ISKCON will collapse. OK and what are they managing? Auschwitz for kids. Banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas. What kind of management is that?
Some of GGM's manager gurus are credited with poisoning Srila Prabhupada. Why does GGM think we need to worship Judas and the Roman soldiers "to keep the mission together"? Sorry, that is going to disintegrate the mission, and it has. But it is highly sinful in any case.
Srila Prabhuada knew he could not indicate the position of Srila Gurudeva because ISKCON would simply kill him.
PADA: Wonderful. GGM's co-gurus would kill him, Srila Prabhupada, and me, and Sulochana, and anyone else who gets in their way. He is promoting people he himself thinks are real or potential Vaishnava killers -- as Krishna's messiahs.
So his real position cannot be revealed, because -- they will kill him. Therefore, he is promoting the people who might kill him and others as the Lord's rasika servants of Srimati Radharani. That means he is promoting Vaishnava killer program leaders as gurus, rasika acharyas etc., which is how GGM enabled people being actually killed.
So he instructed him not to leave ISKCON and his purity, knowledge and preaching protected ISKCON for 18 years from breaking apart or being taken over by outsiders.
PADA: Worshiping homosexuals and pedophiles as acharyas is not ISKCON.
Why does GGM keep saying worship of deviants is ISKCON? And the outsiders took over right away, like Sridhara, Narayan, BV and BP Puri, Fakir Mohan, babajis and similar ilk. And now ISKCON is being handed off to Hindu managers, allegedly some of them eat meat.
The outsiders took over from day one. And promoting GGM's homosexual and pedophile guru process resulting in maybe thousands of kids being treated -- well -- like Auschwitz for kids. He was "protecting" the leaders of the regime that was doing all this, and promoting them as messiahs.
Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur wanted GBC to manage the society and when the self-effulgent Acharya appeared, for the members to naturally select him. Because of envy, the Gaudiya Math did not select our Spiritual Master, did not recognise Him in His new form as Srila Prabhupada. ISKCON also failed to recognise Srila Prabhupada (Paramatma) again in the form of Srila Gurudeva.
PADA: The Paramatma never instructs people to get 2/3 show of hands voted into a sex with Taxi drivers in the dham "Vishnupada" guru program like GGM was voted in -- in 1986. Even an ordinary karmi knows we cannot mix oral sex with taxi drivers in the holy land and -- guru or the name of God. GGM does not know any of this.
Also in 1986, when GGM was getting their guru certificate, they excommunicated Sulochana which lead to his death. GGM was going along to get along with them, i.e. with known homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, druggies and criminals posing as Krishna's Vishnupada successors.
This is not only a high grade insult to Krishna, it is the highest insult imaginable, and the practical result has been banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing. What kind of moral person "tolerates, cooperates and works with" making oral sex with taxi drivers into a reinstated "Vishnupada" messiah?
There are external concerns and interenal concerns. Sometimes called as absolute consideration vs apparent considerations. It is the only flaw in ritvik.
PADA: The ritviks are flawed because they are not getting voted in as messiahs with oral sex in the dham with taxi drivers as GGM's "Vishnupada"?
Not even that they don’t accept him, it’s not necessary, but that some of them mistkenly lump him in with all the other clowns and speak offensively against him. Other than that, ritvik understanding is good though it is not based on tattva.
Srila Prabhupada spent 17 days alone with Gurudeva in Bhubaneswara in 1976. Did not allow any tape recordings. He also authorized him to “have his own men” to build the last project of Srila Prabhupada’s at Bhubaneswara.
PADA: That is what the followers told me, he needs to work with the GBC to get a building. Jayatirtha told me I will not be allowed to participate in ISKCON's buildings anymore, and I said -- goody, I would rather eat from a trash dumpster than take hand outs from you guys.
I cried. i got special consideration even though i am truly not a worthy person. Srila Gurudeva preached to cry. ““When Paramatma, the Supersoul , Who is there in your heart assumes a body before you, when He will speak of Himself, by His mercy you can understand that paramatma-tattva. That is Guru. And before whom He appears? That is another question. He appears before the living entity who has become very eager how to understand this paramatma-tattva.”
Bhaktivedanta Manor, 29 September 1991
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Blessings. Hare Krishna.
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Blessings. Hare Krishna.
PADA: Correct. The Supersoul told almost everyone else to leave, so Lokanath swami said the temples are already ghost towns in 1988. But yeah, GGM says we need to cry, therefore, he made thousands and thousands of Vaishnavas cry and suffer, especially children who were getting beaten and raped in his guru program, by GGM promoting evil beings as the Lord's messiahs.
GGM wrote the 1988 GBC paper "your guru might be an asura." Yeah, he is promoting asuras as guru. And GGM told me Kali Yuga has entered the highest places of ISKCON. And we need to promote Kali Yuga as gurus for children?
After being in GGM's Auschwitz for kids process, some of the children took their own lives -- and some currently suffer trauma and PTSD etc. Yeah, GGM wanted to make everyone cry, and so he promoted the worship of his illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs, and their program of banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas. And thousands of people ended up crying.
When I told GGM we need to promote the pure devotee he said, no we cannot do that, we need to have the "living lips" guru. OK and his guru's living lips are engaged in oral sex with boys and taxi drivers, and they are using their living lips to promote the living lie idea that we need to worship illicit sex with men, women and children as gurus. Sulochana said the GGM guru program is "the semen sucking sampradaya." Where do you think Yamaraja will place these folks?
March 1, 1978: On this date in history 47 years ago, during a meeting with B. R. Sridhar Maharaja in Navadvipa, India, Jayapataka Swami (John Gordan Erdman), one of the eleven ritvik priests appointed by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to initiate new disciples on his behalf, tells Sridhar Maharaja that Prabhupada had appointed eleven disciples “to be initiating spiritual masters or to accept disciples.”
PADA: Yep, Gaura Govinda maharaja was not saving us from outsiders, he was taking ISKCON to the main "outsider advisor" program's founder father of the bi-sexual deviant 1936 guru Ananta Vasudeva. Narayan Maharaja was later helping the GBC make their guru reform which is where GGM was voted into their homosexual and pedophile parampara in 1986. Outsiders took over from day one.
And now some of the GGM followers are promoting child beater accused Dhanurdar by inviting him to speak at their ashram. GGM says sabda brahman does not descend from books and tapes, only by living lips, but he is not here anymore -- so why is anyone quoting his dead lips? Many of the ex-GGM ran off to Narayan Maharaja, who was Tamal's bucket boy.
Anyway, we could go on here, but there is no indication GGM is a pure devotee. He is a compromiser with deviants posing as God's successors, and all that does is make God's agents and police force very angry and upset and want to have these offenders taken to Yama's jail. GGM aided and abetted all this, and he is thus 100% implicated.
ys pd
M Dasi: Our children need to hear from ... the living lips of the living pedophile. They do not think this will be a problem? Lordy!
ReplyDeleteHow do they even think this sh*t up? Does any normal persons want their kids to listen to ... the living lips ... of the living pedophile? No one ever even heard of this sh*t until these people came along.
They say this all the time around here ... you need to hear from the living lips of the living person ... the living degraded and lusty dogs gurus sampradaya.
How could anyone even think this up, unless ... they are putrid asuras from the hellish lokas ... come here to torment us earth dwellers? And our children!
Lord have mercy. We need to hear from the living lips of the living pedophile. And then they say that is how they keep ISKCON from falling apart. Holy crap!
PADA: Yes prabhu, when Gaura Govinda maharaja was in Mayapur hanging out with the GBC just before he departed, at that time we were putting together the child molesting lawsuit against his program.
ReplyDeleteGood question! How could he be in the main headquarters of the mass child abuse, and not be aware of anything? It is all going on around him left, right and center, also in Vrndavana gurukula and other gurukulas, and he has no idea?
I think he must have knew about that issue and probably much worse things, and he was part of the cover up crew. Yeah, how did we know in San Francisco, and he was right there -- and did not know? Makes no sense. I think a lot of these guys make pretend they are not aware of these crimes, but if we are aware, how could they not be?
Yep. But since they are administrative leaders, it is their job to be aware no matter what. If problems happen in their kingdom, they are responsible. And if we are being targets for termination in their empire, that is also because of the way they are managing. They are responsible for that problem as well.
Yes, I believe they will ALL be held to account in the next life. Making pedophiles into Vishnupada, where children are being treated horribly, is like the fast track to crash and burn on a hellish planet. I see no other good option for them.
LD: We need to have people listen to the living lips of the living pedophile. Wait! What have those lips been sucking on. Just asking for a friend!
ReplyDeleteEspecially this will be good for your children. And that is how Gaura Govinda maharaja kept ISKCON together. This would be like a bad XXX comedy joke ... the guru suck session ... except ... thousands of kids suffered badly.
And so did a lot of other people suffer, especially the mothers of those children. What were these GBC guru people thinking?
They were thinking everyone is expendable so I can get my pooja in my building from my disciples, and get my money to do my thing. I think this is called, standing tall on a hill of dead people's skulls ... I had to crush down to get to the top.
They were thinking of no one but themselves. The living lips of the living pedophile, honestly, it could not really be worse than they made it. This is the bottom sewer tank sludge ... the sewer truck gets clogged pumping it out. I cannot imagine what their future births will be. I don't want to know where they are going, I don't need to have nightmares.