Chapter 4: Transcendental Knowledge
api ced asi papebhyah
sarvebhyah papa-krt-tamah
sarvam jnana-plavenaiva
vrjinam santarisyasi
sarvebhyah papa-krt-tamah
sarvam jnana-plavenaiva
vrjinam santarisyasi
api—even; cet—if; asi—you are; papebhyah—of sinners; sarvebhyah—of all; papa-krttamah—the greatest sinner; sarvam—all such sinful actions; jnana-plavena—by the boat of transcendental knowledge; eva—certainly; vrjinam—the ocean of miseries; santarisyasi—you will cross completely.
Even if you are considered to be the most sinful of all sinners, when you are situated in the boat of transcendental knowledge, you will be able to cross over the ocean of miseries.
Proper understanding of one's constitutional position in relationship to Krsna is so nice that it can at once lift one from the struggle for existence which goes on in the ocean of nescience. This material world is sometimes regarded as an ocean of nescience and sometimes as a blazing forest. In the ocean, however expert a swimmer one may be, the struggle for existence is very severe. If someone comes forward and lifts the struggling swimmer from the ocean, he is the greatest savior. Perfect knowledge, received from the Supreme Personality of Godhead, is the path of liberation. The boat of Krsna consciousness is very simple, but at the same time the most sublime.
PADA: There seems to be a rift going on between the ISKCON members of Russia and Ukraine, with each side trying to justify their country's situation. Someone sent me an article about a Russian ISKCON kirtan guy making care packages of cookies and sweets to send to their Russian soldiers. OK, he is on the side of Russia. And the Ukraine devotees are very upset with this guy.
Meanwhile, whatever else anyone has to say, Russia has lost maybe 1% of its male population, maybe more, with many fleeing the county, many others being taken out in the war. I would not call that winning by any account.
A devotee told me Russia is winning just like ISKCON is winning.
There is a big amount of empty temples, complete with banned, beaten, molested, sued and killed devotees, and all sorts of assorted suffering, damage, carnage -- and still -- they are immortal gurus who are winning. Winning what?
One Russian widow is on Tik Tok crying that "Russia is turning into a country of crying mothers, widows and children who will never see their father again." Yep, that is not winning. But the material energy is not known for making pleasant things happen all the time. And that is why we are advised to get free of the clutches of the material world. Anyway, here are a few updates on these events:
ys pd
Correspondence of Bhakti Rasayana Sagar Swami with Devarisi (Lviv).
Statements of Bhakti Rasayana Sagar Swami:
1. Ukraine itself is to blame for the war with Russia.
"You see, you don't even believe in Krishna anymore, because you are so fixated on politics... The corpses [of Ukrainians] are the sad result of the decision of Ukrainian politicians and their henchmen not to resolve issues through negotiations, that is, PEACEFULLY, but to fight. They can give you weapons, but who will return the dead to you?"
War is also a conflict, only a very large-scale one, so all the same principles apply to it. Everyone thinks that only he is right, and all the fault lies exclusively with the other side. To live happily, the main thing is to find those who are to blame for my problems."
5. Swami believes that both sides are under the influence of propaganda, but the Russians are kind, and the Ukrainians are aggressive.
2. Russia is not guilty of aggression against Ukraine, just as the police are not guilty of attacking a criminal.
"If the one who attacks with a weapon (the aggressor) is always to blame, then it turns out that, for example, the police have no right to attack bandits? And what does it do when it sees them? According to the bandits, the POLICE are also idiots who meddle in other people's business."
3. Putin is a great president.
3. Putin is a great president.
"About Putin: he has professional military and political training. Also, he has vast experience in the post of political leadership. Is this true or false?
He also has considerable experience in conducting special operations wars: South Ossetia, Chechnya, which took 20 years, but he still achieved his goal."
4. Swami is beyond duality and beyond the parties to the "conflict".
He also has considerable experience in conducting special operations wars: South Ossetia, Chechnya, which took 20 years, but he still achieved his goal."
4. Swami is beyond duality and beyond the parties to the "conflict".
"It is clear that any war brings a lot of problems for everyone. And everyone presents only the version that is beneficial to themselves. Studying conflictology, we learned that any conflict has at least three versions of explaining the causes and consequences: on the one hand, the opposite, and also on the NEUTRAL. And it is far from a fact that at least one of them is completely OBJECTIVE.
War is also a conflict, only a very large-scale one, so all the same principles apply to it. Everyone thinks that only he is right, and all the fault lies exclusively with the other side. To live happily, the main thing is to find those who are to blame for my problems."
5. Swami believes that both sides are under the influence of propaganda, but the Russians are kind, and the Ukrainians are aggressive.
"As for fanaticism, the desire for superiority, etc. on the list - I agree that now egoism and hatred under the influence of political propaganda are capturing more and more people. And it is absolutely certain that we see devotees who have also fallen under this influence. And unfortunately, this is happening not only in Russia in relation to Ukraine, but in the opposite direction as well. Moreover, I see that in the Russian Federation, basically - I am not talking about some terrible examples, you can always find them, but here they are still more divided - Ukrainians are good people, but those who fell under aggressive anti-Russian propaganda - unfortunately, are incurable and we have to fight with them.
However, on the opposite side, there is not even a hint of such a division, everyone who lives or even treats Russia well - these are enemies who deserve merciless destruction."
6. Swami fought demonic communists, but now Russia has changed for the better.
"Yes, I fought the communist ideology only because it fundamentally rejected God. Therefore, I believed that they were demons and enemies. But now in the Russian Federation, since the early 90s, there is no communist system, religion is valued, although of course, we, as devotees, are still considered a sect, but that is another matter. Gradually, everything is changing for the better, I think in relation to us too."
7. Swami - the herald of the commandment to love your enemy.
7. Swami - the herald of the commandment to love your enemy.
"I have been recalling the words of Jesus more and more lately: Love your enemy. If people at least followed this, there would never be a war."
PADA: The USA coaxed, coerced and pressured Ukraine to give up their nukes and promised that the USA would defend them if they were invaded. Well that did not happen. If they still had their nukes -- no one would have invaded. Now America is waffling on defending Ukraine.
Anyway, I am personally not necessarily a fan of Ukraine per se, and I know there is a lot of karma churning around here, but I do believe the USA made a big mistake encouraging them to give up their nukes, leaving them vulnerable to an attack, as happened.
And that is therefore now -- the karma -- good or bad -- of the USA. The USA coerced them to give up their nukes. The USA promised to defend them once they disarmed, they did disarm, and if people are suffering the result of the USA brokering a bad deal, then the USA gets some, or even a lot of the karma of that result.
If we in the USA took away their defenses, and promised to defend them, and we are not, then we are implicated in collective karma as a nation. Of course, the USA has promised to defend the Kurds and others, and then not followed up. Then again Trump is correct to say, Obama and Biden never made any forceful counter to all this, and that is why it has dragged on forever. But that does not mean the USA is free of its obligations.
If someone gives up their weapons on the agreement that I will defend them, and when they are attacked -- I sit around eating popcorn while watching them be attacked or even killed without helping, then I am implicated in the karma of the troubles they are receiving. And yeah, that will not be pleasant karma.
The devotees who keep telling me "this is all karma" are partially correct, except they seem to forget that allowing the persons whom we agreed to protect get attacked, and killed, is also karma. But yeah, all of the above is bad karma unfolding and we should expect such in the Kali Yuga. As shastra says, the material world is an interknitting knot of karmic reactions, and for us to try to untangle these knots -- won't be an easy task.
Where this all goes now is anyone's guess, Europe might step up supplying Ukraine. They might start to target Russian oil tanker ships to cripple the Russian economy. They might go back to get on board with Trump's plan. They might just go it alone with whatever help they can get from wherever.
In any case, it will be a mess whatever the outcome. I feel bad for all those people, but especially the devotees in the middle of all this on either side. Their lives have become very complicated until all this is settled.
ys pd
In the early 1990s, Ukraine found itself with the world's third-largest nuclear arsenal after the dissolution of the Soviet Union. Under pressure from the international community, particularly the US, Ukraine's President Leonid Kravchuk agreed to denuclearize.
In return for giving up its nuclear arsenal, Ukraine received security assurances from the US, Russia, and the UK. These assurances, formalized in the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances, included recognition of Ukraine's independence, respect for its existing borders, and a commitment to refrain from the threat or use of force against Ukraine.
However, when Russia annexed Crimea in 2014, Ukraine's government and Western observers argued that Russia had violated the Budapest Memorandum. The US and other Western countries imposed sanctions on Russia in response. Ukraine continues to seek stronger security guarantees from the international community, particularly in the face of ongoing Russian aggression.
Trump's administration has made statements that have raised concerns about the US commitment to Ukraine's security. Trump's Defense Secretary, Pete Hegseth, has said that Ukraine's aspirations for NATO membership are unrealistic and that a return to Ukraine's pre-war borders is unlikely. This has led some to worry that the US is abandoning Ukraine to Putin, which would be a betrayal of the promises made in the Budapest Memorandum.
The situation is further complicated by Trump's recent phone call with Putin, in which the two leaders discussed the situation in Ukraine. While Trump has said that he wants to see peace in Ukraine, his administration's actions have raised concerns about the US commitment to Ukraine's security.
If Ukraine had maintained its nuclear arsenal, despite US pressure to denuclearize, it's likely that Russia wouldn't have dared to annex Crimea in 2014 or continue its ongoing aggression. Ukraine's decision to give up its nuclear weapons was made in exchange for security assurances from the US, Russia, and the UK, formalized in the Budapest Memorandum on Security Assurances. These assurances included recognition of Ukraine's independence, respect for its existing borders, and a commitment to refrain from the threat or use of force against Ukraine.
However, Russia's actions in 2014 and beyond have clearly violated these assurances, leaving Ukraine vulnerable and seeking stronger security guarantees. The US, in particular, has a responsibility to fulfill its promises and protect Ukraine's security, given that it was a key player in encouraging Ukraine to denuclearize.
It's essential to recognize that Ukraine's decision to denuclearize was made in good faith, based on assurances from the international community. Now, it's up to the US and other guarantor nations to uphold their commitments and ensure Ukraine's security and sovereignty. If we hand Ukraine over to Putin, then we have committed an egregious act of betrayal to a country to whom we owe a debt of goodwill.
A recent social media comment by someone parroting the lies and distortions of facts about Srila Prabhupada’s Sept. 8, 1977 visit to Watford Memorial Hospital epitomized the assault on truth that is rampant in this Kali Yuga. Just about everything was wrong, contrary to the facts. It was a regurgitation from the GBC’s cover-up book of fraud called Not That I Am Poisoned, and from the GBC apologist Mayeswara das. Here we are in the year 2025, and long-time devotees are still blindly believing what the ISKCON GBC says?
And so sure about it too? Are these the non-critical thinking and naïve people that also blindly accept that man walked on the Moon, 9-11 was done by Al Qaeda, and Oswald was a lone gunman? That do not even acknowledge that maybe, just maybe, the mainstream (or official GBC) narrative is a cover-up of the truth?
If a devotee can appreciate that chanting the Holy Names is heart cleansing, that life comes from life instead of chemical interactions, that Maha Vishnu lies on the bed of Sesa Ananta, what is so hard to understand the lies of the ISKCON GBC?
Yes, the same GBC with a history of cover-ups, lies, corruption, word gaming, changing the Founder-Acharya’s books (and outright deviation from his teachings), unaccountability, silver-tongue disease, abuse of children (and all devotees), and so on. Krishna’s subtle, overwhelming deluding energies also act upon devotees whose intelligence and heart are not aligned with the principles of truth and may be tainted with personal ambition.
Or they are just gullible, innocent sleepwalkers. In Kali Yuga, the last leg of religiosity, truthfulness, is under full-scale attack, wobbling and weakening. This is especially seen in the spiritual Hare Krishna Movement, where we face corrupt “authorities” propagating falsehoods and misinformation by their institutional stamp of approval that deludes the trusting, naive devotees.
The key to reforming / restoring ISKCON and transforming its leadership lies in educating the devotee community with truth. Speaking truth fosters understanding truth, therefore we disseminate the forensic and legal proof of Srila Prabhupada’s assassination and the GBC’s systemic failure to protect children from abuse.
By distributing transparent truth through all available channels, the necessary awareness to drive real change and long-overdue spiritual reform will arise. ISKCON’s leadership cannot forever resist the growing widespread scrutiny that will doom their gurocratic regime. Only through consistent exposure and legal, forensic scrutiny will the transformation come that is desperately needed. The pen is far mightier than the sword.
Our comments are inserted below to correct many GBC falsehoods about the forensically proven, criminal, homicidal heavy metal poisoning of Srila Prabhupada in 1976-77.
1. [Before Srila Prabhupada left England for Vrndavana, he was diagnosed with terminal kidney failure caused by diabetes.]
Srila Prabhupada was in and out of the hospital for a circumcision within a couple hours. No one knows if any (or which) tests were done, and there likely were no tests at all. The hospital records were destroyed long ago. Dr. McIrvine said he does not remember either. There was no “medical diagnosis” on Sept. 8, 1977-- only Dr. McIrvine’s retroactive opinions, faint memories, and conjecture. Whatever anyone says about the diagnosis, however, what is very certain is that there was a lethal cadmium poisoning as confirmed by multiple forensic tests, and nothing that happened at Watford Memorial Hospital will change this fact. Diabetes, kidney disease, and many other conditions can be simultaneous to poisoning, so the attempt to fool us that Srila Prabhupada had this or that, and therefore he was not poisoned as well, are illogical and infantile.
2. [The poison-vadis do not acknowledge that "outside contamination cannot be ruled out" and that the hair sample was too small to be conclusively tested. A method of testing was used that was never used before. The test results should have been noted over 10 seconds, not 5 minutes.]
Balderdash. The samples were more than sufficient for accurate NAA tests. Missouri Univ. Research Reactor (MURR) knows how to do NAA tests and has consistently done accurate tests for decades, and it was not a new method. Mayeswara is not qualified to criticize MURR’s methods and timing. External contamination becomes implausible with multiple, similar results from different hair tests. No contamination was found under high powered microscopic examination.
3. [The hair clippers used to cut the hair were claimed to have been tested for cadmium (a protective metal coating) and that there was no cadmium. But no documentation was shown.]
Attached is the chemical test on the clipper head. No cadmium was on the clipper head.
4. [Cadmium was not widely known as a poison until the 1990's so it is unlikely it would be chosen it as a poison in the 1970's.]
Absolutely false. Cadmium was well known as very poisonous by the 1950-60’s, when the itai-itai scandal hit in Japan. Unlikely? The hair tests prove it was definitely used in 1977.
5. [Those poisoned by cadmium show distinctive symptoms not seen in Srila Prabhupada.]
Absolutely false. An extensive analysis of symptoms was made in the book Srila Prabhupada: Mysterious Health Decline, and further, he actually had ALL the classic signs of heavy metals poisoning. This medical evidence confirms the forensic hair tests.
6. [The Truth Committee gave some of Srila Prabhupada’s statements but only out of context.]
Actually, the full 1977 translated conversations were published in our books (see below), and it is the GBC who quotes only five words out of context to claim that Srila Prabhupada denied he was poisoned. But Srila Prabhupada raised the matter of being poisoned many times, and then only to deny it? Lengthy caretaker discussions acknowledged poisoning. The GBC and Mayeswara are utterly deceptive. Tamal asked Srila Prabhupada later, “So who is it that has poisoned?”
SP: That same thing – that someone has poisoned me.
BCS: Oh, okay, he thinks that someone gave him....
Kaviraja (speaking Hindi same time)
BCS: Someone gave him poison here.
7. [The 'whisper' which supposedly says" the poison is going down" was said just after Srila Prabhupada was laid on his back; you do not drink while lying on your back. Srila Prabhupada drank some hot milk seven minutes later.]
It was 2 minutes later when he is clearly heard swallowing some drink. He was always lying down in the last weeks, and he drank when someone raised up his head. “Going down” is slang for “it is happening now.” This argument is completely bogus and weird.
8. [Tamal objected to Srila Prabhupada going by bullock cart to Govardhan, quoting the kaviraja who said it would kill him. Why object if he was poisoning Srila Prabhupada?]
This is an interesting question which does not invalidate the hair and audio forensic tests.
9. [Nityananda fled the US when he received a court summons regarding his poisoning claims.]
Nityananda resided in the USA until 2006, long after the supposed 2002 summons. There never was any summons or court charges by Bhakticharu Swami. It is a fabrication.
10. [There is insufficient evidence for a court of law to find Srila Prabhupada was poisoned.]
Well, don’t you think that would be for a court to decide, and not you? And how can you make an evaluation of the evidence when you have it all wrong? Read our free books first and stop drinking the GBC Kool-Aid of false denials.
11. [Surely those accused would not whisper about poison while they were being recorded.]
Well, seems pretty dumb, for sure, but numerous top-notch audio forensic labs have confirmed that is exactly what they were whispering about, and they ALL agree on the poison word.
12. [Srila Prabhupada was already diagnosed as having terminal renal failure. Why would anyone who knew that need to take further action to 'kill' Srila Prabhupada.]
There is no such report that Srila Prabhupada was diagnosed with "terminal kidney failure." Actually, Srila Prabhupada’s health was very good up to 1976, and the poisoning was meant to eliminate him more quickly so that they could grab his throne. It was the poisoning that made his kidneys and health fail. This argument is like shooting someone and then arguing, “Why would I shoot him? He is dead already!”
13. [My understanding is that the Truth Committee's findings have never stood the test of expert cross examination.]
Well, is that what they told you? Have you cross-examined these findings? The evidence and findings are clearly presented in our FREE books (see below). Truth remains truth, no matter if blind followers choose to continue listening to those who fill their ears with lies and fraud. And we note that the GBC has blocked-opposed any honest, independent investigation.
See the forensic reports and more:
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Free PDF copies of 10 books are available for download at our informative website:
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Thank you very much! We really need your help to fight the falsehoods of the powerful ISKCON GBC.
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