Sunday, February 23, 2025

Namarasa Folks Write Wrongs Update 02 23 25


The Poison Theory and the Wounds of the Past: How Trauma Shapes Belief

PADA: Srila Prabhupada says he is experiencing "mental distress" from being poisoned, and everyone in the room agrees -- he is saying he is being poisoned. And he is experiencing mental distress because -- Srila Prabhupada's "past trauma" shapes his belief? What? 

No, Srila Prahbupada is experiencing mental distress NOW, presently, not from some past trauma experience. Nor is Srila Prabhupad suffering from a dry "theory" -- or suffering from some theoretical nothingness that does not exist. He is suffering from actual physical events and the reality of his situation.

Srila Prabhupada is in illusion from "trauma from his past"? And there are also a number of people whispering about poison in his room, and they too are whispering about poison -- because they also had past trauma? What!

No, he says he is being poisoned because he believes he is being poisoned. The trauma of the people who subsequently forwarded the poison issue has no connection to Srila Prabhupada's own statements. The people in the room also whispering about poison are not victims of the post-1978 trauma of the GBC gurus, because the GBC gurus project has not started yet. 

Srila Prabhupada saying he is being poisoned, confirmed by everyone in the room, and people whispering about poison and so on, are not "trauma from the past" -- these events are happening for him NOW in real time -- at the time. Not the past.

I've come to realize that those who believe Srila Prabhupada was poisoned often have deeper personal experiences that shape their perspective. 

PADA: The people who believe Srila Prabhupada's statements are accepting his direct statements. This has nothing to do with their personal perspectives. I was one of the first people to publicly promote the tape, and I accepted the contents of the tape -- i.e. the statements on the tape -- and not my personal perspective on anything. 

Nor would my personal perspective be accepted by thousands of devotees, because no one thinks I am a reliable source to claim poisoning took place -- on my own authority with no evidence. 

The reason people are accepting the evidence is -- because of the evidence -- and not my or anyone else's personal perspective. Srila Prabhupada says he is experiencing mental distress, he is saying -- please do not torture me and put me to death, this has nothing to do with my personal trauma or anything related to me whatever.  

Their belief isn't formed in a vacuum—it’s influenced by significant events in their lives that make them more inclined to accept such a narrative. Consider the three devotees who initially propagated this idea. Each of them has experienced some form of trauma related to ISKCON or their spiritual journey. 

Whether it’s childhood abuse, sexual or emotional trauma, parental neglect, divorce, disillusionment with a guru, conflicts within ISKCON, relationship struggles, or even battles with addiction, these experiences create an emotional and psychological landscape where such theories can take root. 

When someone has faced betrayal or pain within the very institution they once trusted, it's understandable why they might be more susceptible to believing that Srila Prabhupada himself was betrayed in the worst possible way.

On the other hand, those who have experienced little to no personal trauma—especially within ISKCON—tend to approach this topic with a clearer, more rational mindset. Their faith remains steady, and they find it illogical to entertain the idea that a senapati-bhakta like Srila Prabhupada could fall victim to such a conspiracy. They are able to assess the situation with clarity, unclouded by personal pain or past grievances.

Ultimately, this issue isn’t just about evidence—it’s about the deep emotional and psychological scars that shape belief. When pain and betrayal are unresolved, they can distort perception, making even the most outlandish theories feel true. Recognizing this isn’t just about understanding others—it’s about protecting ourselves from allowing past wounds to dictate our faith and reason.
I feel sorry for these devotees. 

They are in pain, struggling with their trauma, and it manifests as a deep doubt in Srila Prabhupada, Krishna, and ISKCON. Their faith is wounded, and in their suffering, they gravitate toward conspiracies, viewing the world through a lens where nothing is good, happy, or just—only bad, hopeless, and unfair. Show me a person who believes in the poison theory, and I’ll show you someone who has been abused or carries unresolved trauma.

PADA: Yep, the same people who who wounded all the rest of the devotees also wounded the top devotee. It all makes sense.


“Poison Conversations in English, no Hindi or Bengali

For many, Srila Prabhupada’s spoken words are enough evidence to support the poisoning. “Three times Srila Prabhupada stated that someone said that he was poisoned. The fact that someone said that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned is affirmed and reinforced no less than nine times by Srila Prabhupada himself before the end of these “poison discussions.” (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories 1.32)

NOV. 9, 1977 :

Kaviraja (Shastri): (Hindi; Time: 05:14) Here is Balarama Misra come to see you. Do you know him? (He) is from Chaitanya...
Balarama Misra: I am over here Maharaja. I am Balarama Misra, do you recognize me?
SP: Yes.
Balarama Misra: I am known to kaviraja for a long time. Well, yesterday I met him (kaviraja), he said, Maharaja (SP) has called for me. It is a great honor for me... that is... this way I get a chance to meet you. Because many days ago, when the deity had not been installed...
SP: Give him a chair.
Balarama Misra: Yes, yes Maharaja, it is here. I thought, if I could come and meet you...
SP:Suddenly I fell sick. Everything was all right, I don’t know what happened. Is work going on well?
Balarama Misra: Yes.

SP: (Unintelligible)… unknown whispers.
SP: Someone said that poison has been given... may be true.
Balarama Misra: Hmm?
Kaviraja: What are you saying?
SP: Somebody says that someone has given poison.
Kaviraja:To whom?
SP:To me.”

Kaviraja: (Hindi; Time: 07:28) Who told that?
SP: All these friends.
BCS (Bhakticharu Swami): Who said that Srila Prabhupada?
SP: They all say.
TAMAL: Krishna das? (Unknown whispers)...(blowing conch).
Kaviraja: Who would give you poison? And why?
TAMAL: (Time: 07:35) Who said that, Srila Prabhupada?
SP: (Time: 07:48-52) I do not know, but it is said. (Bells ringing from 7:21 to 7:50)
Devotee whispers: (Time: 07:53-57) (indistinct)’s Poison.
SP: You do know astrology?
[indistinct whispers by Svarupa Damodara]
Kaviraja: What is he saying?

Kaviraja: (Hindi; Time 25.15) This thing Maharaja. How did you say today that someone said somebody gave you poison? Did anyone tell or you got some indication somewhere?
SP: No, someone said that these kind of symptoms manifest if someone is poisoned. May be there is such a mention in some book..
Kaviraja: Yes I know that such things happen if raw mercury is administered. Or there are some other things also which can cause such illness. But who will do such a thing to a Godly person like you. According to me if someone has such thoughts for you then he is a rakshasa/ demon.

TAMAL: Srila Prabhupada? You said before that you... that it is said that you were poisoned?
SP: No, these kind of symptoms are seen when a man is poisoned. He said like that, not that I am poisoned.
TAMAL: Yeah. Did anyone tell you that, or you just know it from before?
SP: I read something.
TAMAL: Ah, I see. That's why actually we cannot allow anyone to cook for you.
SP: That's good.
TAMAL: Jayapataka Maharaja was telling that one acharya, Sankaracharya, of the Sankaracharya line - this is a while ago - he was poisoned to death. Since that time, none of the acharyas or the gurus of the Sankaracharya line will ever take any food cooked except by their own men.
SP: My Guru Maharaja also.
TAMAL: Oh. You, of course, have been so merciful that sometimes you would take prasada cooked by so many different people.
SP: That should be stopped.”
To be continued.....(Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories Book 1, Chapter 6)

Hare Krsna!

Another point is ----they were THINKING Srila Prabhupada was sleeping when they were whispering to give poison BUT Srila Prabhupada was NOT sleeping he HEARD them and THEREFORE further IMPLICATES those PARTICULAR disciples ("friends") who took part in THAT room as: Ye sab friends

Kaviraja: Kaun bolta hai?
Translation: Who said?
Srila Prabhupada: Ye sab friends.
Translation: These all friends.

krishna1008: Krishna Kanta (IRM) joins Danavir and oneiskcon

Kaviraja: Kya farma rahe hain?
Translation: What is he saying?
Srila Prabhupada: Koi bolta hai je koi mujhko poison kiya gaya hai.
Translation: Someone says that someone has given poison.

[PADA: "Someone says that someone has given poison." That is pretty clear, its means he is being intentionally poisoned, hence, the mental distress. Someone has given me poison, that means a person with intent. Notice also the conversation does not say, in theory someone has given poison, no, someone has given me poison, its a fact. And we know who these "someone" are, the poison clique leaders who are whispering about poisoning him, as has been verified by three separate AUDIO FORENSIC labs enhancing the whispers going on around him. In any case, KK does not have any explanation who this someone is? Is it an illusion, or what?]

Kaviraja: Kisko?
Translation: To whom?
Srila Prabhupada: Mujhko.
Translation: To me.

[PADA: And who is being poisoned? "Me," not someone else, not some theory, not some myth, I am the person who is being poisoned. This is another direct statement, the person being poisoned is -- me.]

Kaviraja: Kaun bolta hai?
Translation: Who said?
Srila Prabhupada: Ye sab friends.
Translation: These all friends.

[PADA: The people who said I am being poisoned are ye sab friends, i.e. the deviant leaders of ISKCON, the people in the room around him. They are whispering and he is hearing them. Or does KK think this is all a hallucination? Yeh sab friends, the poison clique. Or is this a figment of his imagination?]


Hare Krsna!

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