Tuesday, February 25, 2025


Thanks for this prabhu. Russia has to send in guys on crutches.
They ran out of everyone else.
Now they are sending in Mayesvara, also on crutches. 
They ran out of everyone else.
He is the last guy holding the fort!



To all ISKCON GBC’s, officers, managers, temple leaders:

Do you know how arrogant, toxic, inaccurate, dishonest, and misleading the GBC’s appointed spokesperson, Mayeswara das, is? …for denying 100% of the evidence that Srila Prabhupada was maliciously, homicidally poisoned by his own caretakers in 1977? Mayeswara is all hot air and worse than the proverbial “lying lawyer.” 

PADA: Mayesvara was helping Amarendra and the GBC's legal case over the child abuse. He does not seem to have a lot of sympathy for victims. 

He is dragging your reputations through the gutter with his off-the-wall and crazy statements- please read the following so you may have a chance to disassociate yourselves from someone who is putting you into disgrace as well as legal jeopardy.



(1) Mayeswara stated that since many devotees ate Srila Prabhupada’s maha prasadam in 1977 and they did not become ill, therefore Srila Prabhupada was not poisoned. But this proves nothing and assumes that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned via the prasadam that was then distributed to others. But there were many possible avenues for administering poison, perhaps only once a month or in drinks which were not distributed. Any poisoner would know not to poison others as well.

(2) Mayeswara omitted from his book Tamal’s mercy killing interview, most of Srila Prabhupada poisoning statements, and the extensive conversation by the caretakers with Srila Prabhupada acknowledging Srila Prabhupada’s homicidal poisoning. Selective and deceptive!

(3) Mayeswara’s film included a clip from Primeau Audio Forensics on how whispers are often misinterpreted by what the listener wants to hear, and so a forensic analysis is recommended, and yet he did not have that (nor any) firm analyze the poison whispers!

(4) Mayeswara stated that the caretakers would not talk and whisper about poisoning if they knew they were being taped, and that this was a contradiction proving they did not do so. He dismisses the “poison theory” because poisoners would never be so dumb to be recorded speaking about their crime. 

Well, obviously, since forensic studies have verified the poison whispers, it appears they thought the tape recorder could not pick up background whispering? And concern over being heard is exactly why they whispered rather than talk out loud about poisoning.

PADA: Right. We did not even know about the whispers originally. The tape needed forensic studies to bring them out. The whispers are simply another confirmation.

(5) Mayeswara stated:“Those seeking vengeance for all the past transgressions feeling compelled to stop the GBC Kings. To do so they cleverly devised the ‘Who Poisoned Prabhupada’ conspiracy knowing that it would have far more disruptive consequences than just introducing some new philosophical controversy.” 

PADA: Lots of people say the same thing about the ritvik idea. The idea that only a pure devotee can be worshiped -- as a pure devotee -- is because of frustration with the worship of the GBC's conditioned gurus. Umm nope, a conditioned soul must worship a pure devotee, that is the process for the past 87 billion kalpas. There is no other process. Worship of conditioned souls leads to problems, as we all should know by now.

I.e., “poison theorists” concocted something out of nothing due of malice. (?) This is standard propaganda methodology: to attribute a nefarious motive to the adversary and that it is not the evidence that matters, but the messenger’s hidden motives. But the evidence that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned was not “created,” it was discovered and verified.

(6) “To suggest that Srila Prabhupada felt like he was being poisoned by his most trusted men implies that he didn’t even have enough common sense to immediately send anyone away he did not trust. …he could summon mystic powers and know who was betraying him, as Jesus knew it was Judas. 

Yet, we would then have to assume Srila Prabhupada just went along with it? Why would he do that? If Srila Prabhupada knew he was being poisoned, he was empowered with divine wisdom, and certainly could have outsmarted his envious disciples. 

Srila Prabhupada is offensively portrayed like a confused martyr, who was willing to sacrifice his own life because he was so tolerant, compassionate…” (Deception, p. 15-16) Mayeswara’s errant philosophical interpretation negates the possibility of Srila Prabhupada being poisoned? 

This is a common objection, that Srila Prabhupada would have saved himself and stopped the poisoners. Yet Jesus did not protest his crucifixion, and carried his cross up to Calvary. Christ could have used mystic powers to save himself, but did not. Did Haridas Thakur stop the soldiers from whipping him? And what of Prahlad or Mirabhai? Yes, the pure devotee has inconceivable mercy and tolerance.

PADA: There were various people there who knew Srila Prabhupada was complaining of poison in 1977, and they took no action. Several of them were fearful. One of those people is the person who gave me the tape later on. 

Just because no one acted at the time, probably from fear, does not prove -- no crime -- was happening at the time. If we watch "Unsolved Crimes" on TV, we will see that some crimes are only uncovered decades later, sometimes even a century later. That does not mean the crime did not take place.

(7) Mayeswara takes (p. 36) a potshot at Dr. Morris: “With all due respect to Dr. Steve Morris and his Hyperpure Dermanium Generator Detector at the University of Missouri, he simply isn’t an expert in the field of toxicology.” But Dr. Morris did not make a toxicological evaluation of the cadmium findings (though he is fully qualified to do so). Where are the denier’s own experts on 250 X normal average hair cadmium? He has none. Instead, he concocts fake faults.

PADA: Yeah, a hair sample from an elderly man should not have high levels of Cadmium, full stop end of story.  

(8) Mayeswara stated (p. 69): “If this were heard by a trial jury, the prosecuting attorney would have to explain with great detail where the poison was acquired, who obtained it and how they learned to administer it.” (Actually, the hair tests are court-quality proof of the poisoning and who did it is a separate case.) 

PADA: Cadmium is found in batteries, coatings and other industrial products. It would not be hard to find some if someone looked for it. And since it is rarely used to poison someone, it is not always found in tests for poison. That makes it an idea substance to use for poisoners. 

He ridiculed the idea of cadmium poisoning as “complicated” and “difficult.” But cadmium chloride is easy to obtain and can easily taint food or drink. Maybe Chandra Swami gave advice; maybe someone studied chemistry; there are many possibilities. But the hair tests prove that a lethal poisoning took place – and now we should find who did it.

(9) Mayeswara insists: “This poison conspiracy has caused so much alienation, hurt, resentment, and chaos in all branches of the Vaishnava community, and this rumor has been so disruptive to Lord Chaitanya’s movement.” 

PADA: OK self evidently the GBC did not want this information released, so they tried to hide and suppress it. But suppression of info just makes a person look even more guilty or complicit. The GBC almost always suppresses scandals of all types, and that eventually back fires -- and makes them look worse. There was ALREADY so much alienation, hurt, resentment, mistrust, if not cursing at the GBC folks already going on -- before the poison case was forwarded.   

Well, truth sometimes hurts, but ultimately it heals, and honesty is the right path. We should not hide from or fear the truth. We must use our God-given intelligence to ascertain truth, regardless what others believe. The world is full of lies; the GBC / gurus have cheated us time and again. Study the facts and evidence and judge for ourselves.

(10) Mayeswara stated: “The fact that the hair samples, which changed hands many times, were not stored in a clean, controlled environment and could have even been stolen and replaced with other hairs by a zealot disciple, are all possible.” 

This is false. The hair samples’ chain of custody was impeccable, fully documented, and the GBC had custody throughout - Dr. Morris was engaged by the GBC’s Balavanta. All his doubt-mongering is dishonest deception and baseless exaggeration. Why did Mayeswara nor the GBC do any new hair tests and instead just disparage the ones done by Dr. Morris? Further, there is so much other evidence besides the hair tests.



Mayeswara and the GBC engaged Dr. VV Pillay, a poisons expert in south India, who was paid only $200, but from his comments on video it is obvious that he was grossly misinformed about the case and the actual evidence, which he should make sure about before making comments. Dr. Pillay repeated the same things over and over, ad hoc... Embarrassing. He made two faulty assumptions and then criticized the diagnosis of lethal cadmium poisoning:

(1) That the poisoning was done via pure metallic cadmium, which has a metallic taste, and this would be noticed by a victim, and so therefore the idea of cadmium poisoning is silly.

(2) That it was an acute lethal dose of cadmium, which produces extreme gastrointestinal distress, nausea, vomiting, pain, diarrhea, and so therefore it would have been easily discovered.

Thus, Dr. Pillay dismissed the notion of any cadmium poisoning, saying that “the symptoms of cadmium poisoning would be so obvious that even an average clinician would immediately detect it … No, it would be impossible. Much before such levels accumulate, the person concerned would be in severe health complications that would be apparent to all.”

Yet, Dr. Pillay did not address the obvious option of cadmium salts (chloride, sulfate, nitrate) which have no taste, smell or color, and would not be noticed. How can a “poison expert” not know this? 

Actually, Srila Prabhupada suffered greatly from stomach pain, especially during his periodic, serious health attacks in 1977. Both metal and salts cadmium poisoning causes stomach pain, nausea, anemia, no digestion. Cadmium poisoning is very difficult to recognize- many health conditions produce stomach pain and without specific tests for cadmium, the cause would look like diabetes, kidney disease, etc.

Dr. Pillay’s faulty arguments do not nullify the many Dr. Morris-MURR hair test results.


It should be noted that Mayeswara das was personally trained by Tamal Krishna Goswami and that he has arduously defended Tamal’s legacy and character. He also is a staunch defender of the ISKCON GBC’s policies and track record, and is a “company man.” 

Being loyal to a corrupted institutional leadership that has rendered ISKCON unrecognizable from what it was when Srila Prabhupada left it to us in 1977, he has become similarly corrupted. He is immersed in the same hypocrisy, word games, dishonesty, name-calling, and extreme bias as his superiors. This does not lend much credibility to his defense of the GBC’s poison, guru hoax, and child abuse cover-ups.

Mandapa das: “Mayeswara comes across as a nasty man full of hate and bias, who can hardly control himself. His denial project must have cost the GBC quite a few bucks. I had business dealings with him and […] I have little regard for him.”
Mayeswara has ridiculed Dr. Morris-MURR with insults and denigrations; he has labelled all “poison conspiracists” as emotionally damaged, sociopathic who have a deranged agenda for destruction of Lord Chaitanya’s movement. 

He has also advised that he knows better than Dr. Morris in how to properly conduct NAA testing, which he says is unable to do reliable hair tests. Such audacity and preposterousness renders discussion with him useless, and Mayeswara invariably resorts to character assassination of “poison conspiracists” rather than address the defects in his facts and analyses. Bizarre, distasteful cartoons show Dr. Morris as a mad scientist and “poison conspiracists” as Chicken Little or the Klux Klux Klan.



“I’ve several times read […] the section entitled What Was HDG Communicating, of your Deception. My conclusions of what Srila Prabhupada was expressing, in important ways, do not align with what you write. For example, you write (page 221), “Based on prior portions of this dialogue, BCS was confirming that Srila Prabhupada was still concerned that his disciples had misunderstood him and they might think he was accusing someone of poisoning him.”

“My understanding from several times reading Srila Prabhupada Conversations Vol. 36, […] Nov. 8, 1977, […] pages 354–372, and confirmed from listening to recordings […] of these conversations, is that Srila Prabhupada clearly was concerned, experiencing distress, that someone or perhaps more than one person, was giving him poison with murderous intent. [conversations about poisoning]

“I understand that there may be slightly different versions of the transcript. Notwithstanding that, for me it’s clear that several of those who are around Srila Prabhupada are clear that Srila Prabhupada is experiencing mental distress because he is concerned that someone is giving him poison with malicious intent.
“As far as the contention that Srila Prabhupada and those around him were only speaking and concerned about the sometimes-toxic effects of some medicines, that stance, for me, doesn’t at all hold up. 

I say that because in that same conversation they are speaking about a case of poisoning by murder, and previously they were speaking about a case of murder by poison of an acarya in a Sankaracarya math (Page 359- Tamal Krsna Goswami- “Jayapataka Maharaja was telling that one acarya, Sankaracarya, of the Sankaracarya line…he was poisoned to death…”

“So, Srila Prabhupada was expressing and concerned about being given poison with murderous intent, and those around him were clear about that. That is clear to me from reading Conversations with Srila Prabhupada, and from hearing audio recordings from Srila Prabhupada’s conversations from that time period. To me, the interpretations you give in your book, to a significant extent, sound and seem quite twisted, strained.

“Further, simple-minded as I may be, when I read, [in] Vol. 36 of Conversations, Tamal Krishna Maharaja say, “Srila Prabhupada, Sastriji says that there must be some truth to it if you say that. So who is it that has poisoned?”- my understanding is that Tamal Krishna, at this time, is clear that someone has attempted or is attempting, to give poison to Srila Prabhupada, with homicidal intent; or at least, Tamal Krishna Gosvami is clear that Srila Prabhupada clearly believes or at least is concerned, that someone is giving to him (Srila Prabhupada), or has given to him, poison with murderous intent.

“Tamal Krishna Gosvami isn’t asking whether someone has poisoned Srila Prabhupada. He is asking, “who is it that has poisoned.” Thus, for Tamal Krishna Gosvami, the question of whether Srila Prabhupada was poisoned, or at least whether Srila Prabhupada thinks that someone has been giving him poison, is already decided in the affirmative. That’s my assessment…”

(emphases added)

PADA: Yep, there are just too many red flags here. To say all of this is coming out due to malicious rumor mongers is -- not a convincing argument. ys pd 

1 comment:

  1. JD: Mayeswara says ... the poison issue is fracturing the devotee community. You say it was not already fractured ... with all these bogus fallen gurus? And the child molesting? And the murders? And the bad publicity ... all over the planet? And ruining the name of Krishna to billions of people? And ... having all the devotees kicked out on the street with nothing?

    I say nay nay! The poison issue is getting everyone united. We finally have something in common for all the camps. Even Gaudiya people are saying ... oh they poisoned their guru! They get it too.

    Mayeswara is just upset ... we finally have one issue everyone can unite about ... they beat up people, kick out people, molest people, sue people, and murder people ... for exposing all this, and so sure ... they also poison people. Why would they commit all these other crimes and not commit the crime of poisoning?

    They are criminals. They don't give a donkey's piece of s**t about you, me, ISKCON, Srila Prabhupada or Krishna. They just wanted the kingdom of Prabhupada, without Prabhupada. And that is all they still want.

    And more people are signing up, hell yeah, that is right. We all have something to agree on here. They are criminals ... and criminals will take out their boss to take over his business ... because that is what criminals do.

    Everyone who agrees raise your hand! Thanks, that would be most everyone. Let us all unite on this principle, they are criminals and they gotta go ... or at least ... be exposed.

    Mayeswara is already out of ISKCON, then he lives in Ojai and not ISKCON. Even he had to leave the scene of the crime! And get away from them. He cannot live in their giant pile of donkey poop anymore than we can.

    Sure! He is the last guy holding the flag ... but he left them himself. He is a hypocrite of the worst order. He is defending the people who stink so bad ... he cannot live with them either. What a POS.


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