Sunday, February 2, 2025

Bhagavan Das (William Ehrlichman) Update. 02 02 25

RE: William Ehrlichman (Bhagavan das, ACBSP)

Henry Doktorski III

February 3, 2024: On this date in history one year ago, Bhagavan dasa (William Ehrlichman)—one of the original eleven ISKCON zonal acharyas who fell from sannyasa, married a woman, and abandoned ISKCON — compares the author to a vulture that feeds on dead carcasses (road kill) and those who read his books to meat eaters. In a Facebook post Bhagavan dasa writes,

“If anyone falls, the Olympic torch of love of Krishna doesn’t need to fall. Pick it up and keep running. This 40 years of scorning and criticism would never be acceptable to Srila Prabhupada. Vultures have written 12 volumes about road kill that some find hard to put down. Meat eaters at heart.”

A few Facebook friends comment on Bhagavan’s statement:

"How dare you give an honest account of the zonal acharyas’ misdeeds and deviations, instead of just pretending they were all pure devotees with no faults or failures, like they had all of ISKCON doing! Shame!"

“Let bygones be bygones. No need for any more talk of gold toilet seats at the Palace of Versailles.”

“The Sun King was a narcissist when he was a so-called guru. Narcissists don’t change.”

“One only has to remember how they behaved during their reign. Bhagavan was one of the worst! They carried themselves as if they were gods. I will never forget the way they carried on with their out-of-control egos. To write something like this shows he still has no humility. They were scammers of the highest order.”

The author responds:

Our Facebook friend, Bhagavan writes, "If anyone falls, the Olympic torch of love of Krishna doesn’t need to fall. Pick it up and keep running." Of course we are all pleased that Bhagavan still chants Hare Krishna and follows to the best of his abilities the instructions given by his spiritual master. For this I think praise is in order.

But his next sentence betrays another side of his personality, "This 40 years of scorning and criticism would never be acceptable to Srila Prabhupada."

Although Bhagavan has had much personal association with Srila Prabhupada, he conveniently forgets that Prabhupada himself scorned and criticized his own godbrothers for 40 years.

Prabhupada's godbrothers disobeyed their spiritual master Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur Prabhupada and voted to appoint an acharya to lead the Gaudiya Math (who fell down), yet nearly the same thing happened after the demise of Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada: the eleven naked emperors effectively took over the GBC and ISKCON, and turned it into a mess. Many today still feel the negative repercussions.

I think our friend may benefit if he learns a little humility, in my humble opinion. People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones.

Regarding the last part of Bhagavan’s post, referring to me as a vulture obsessed with road kill, he, and everyone else, is entitled to their opinions. I have never pretended to be a liberated soul, free from the four defects of material life. 

In fact, in “Eleven Naked Emperors,” I tell the reader, “. . . as you read this book, I trust that you will not blindly accept as gospel truth my particular version regarding the zonal-acharya era in ISKCON. I invite you to see this effort as an invitation to further explore ISKCON history and ponder Gaudiya-Vaishnava doctrine, in order to more deeply investigate these fascinating topics for yourself.”

For more about this topic, see Henry’s book “Eleven Naked Emperors,” p. xxv.

PADA: It is interesting that Bhagavan mentions meat eaters as the low bar us critics have fallen to. OK! Except a meat eater person told me -- "If someone asked me to make the worst insult to God imaginable, and gave me two weeks to think about it -- I could never have imagined saying -- homosexuals and pedophiles should be worshiped as God's successors. 

"That is a far worse than any insult I ever would have been capable to dream of in a hundred years. These [GBC guru] people are worse than the worse insulters of God in the history of the planet. Why would they make children worship homosexuals and pedophiles as 'God's successors' if they had even the slightest speck of respect for God? They are worse than the worse insulters of God ever recorded in the history of the world. A person would have to think up a worse insult for a long time to beat these fellows." 

Agreed. No normal person, even a meat eater in the modes of ignorance, ever says that homosexuals and pedophiles are going to be worshiped as God's successors. Because no normal person wants to insult God, as they have some basic sense of fear of the result of insulting God, i.e. they might go to hell. OK they will go to hell.  

So then, after establishing their worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as God's successors project, the next phase -- a program to ban, beat, sue and kill anyone who objected -- was then launched. And almost all of the original Prabhupada devotees were eventually exiled out to make way for their pedo pooja project. And then the next phase of their project, handing off the legal signers on ISKCON properties to their sometimes meat eating and Durga pooja Hindu program folks was launched.

And meanwhile many children, perhaps thousands, were abused in their pedo pooja project. Unfortunately, the Olympic torch of worshiping deviants -- or their enabler hand maidens -- is still going on in ISKCON. Bhagavan has not established the torch of worshiping pure devotees whatsoever. 

Rather he sent off a bunch of the Berkeley kids -- includes some of his own kids -- to worship the biggest cheer leader of the homosexual and pedophile messiah's club, and Tamal's biggest bucket boy, Narayan Maharaja. And when NM was in Texas yelling at my associates for criticizing Tamal, I was in Texas having Tamal sued for $400,000,000. 

To his credit Bhagavan eventually could not support the pedo gurus direct, but then he supported their biggest hand maiden cheer leader helpers like NM. The Olympic torch of worshiping the hand maiden enablers of homosexual and pedophile messiah's clubs is not love of God. 

Rather than argue with the critics, Bhagavan should simply just write a public declaration: -- homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, porno swamis, machine gun swamis, deviants, and illicit sex with men women and children debauchees -- are not, were not and could not have been gurus and God's successors. Neither the hand maidens of that deviation like Narayan Maharaja are gurus. 

I am not sure if he even knows what is the correct idea and what is not at this stage, since it has taken all this time and it seems he is still saying -- no one should re-examine the history of their homosexual and pedophile messiahs' guru project. Well it will be re-examined whether he, me or anyone else likes it, because it is now a historical incident in the history of the world. And it has created thousands of victims, and has wasted millions of dollars, and has made ISKCON look like a scandal ridden crime operation all over public medias. 

And for sure, it is also recorded on Yamaraja's planet down the teeniest detail. Sorry, the legacy of the pedophile messiah's project is going to be following it for a long time. And we think that is good, because its odious results will be recorded and therefore will be avoided in future. 

On the other hand, there are some people who tell PADA that Bhagavan's guru club INTENTIONALLY wanted to establish the worship of deviants, so they could make ISKCON stink like a rotten broken sewer pipe, to make it an unlivable horrific stench, to empty out the buildings, so they could make it into a Hindu show bottle business program. I am not sure if that was the intent, but that is clearly the result. 

Of course then we have the HKC Jaipur's Prahlad, he is crying that his favorite pedophile messiah's program's golden Cadillac and golden toilet fund was depleted by PADA. Ohh boo hoo, our pedophile messiahs will now not have -- a golden toilet! That rotten PADA has stolen from our pedophile's guru's lineage's cake fund! 

I have to go sit and cry now! Forsooth! It is amazing that some people are still worried that their pedophile messiah's club's leaders will not have -- a bigger cake. Yep, Prahlad's messiahs always had big cakes, including Bhagavan, while the children reported having to eat rotten oatmeal. That is now recorded history, here and on Yama's loka. Sorry, but that is just how the laws of God operate.

It is the Olympic torch of -- giant cakes. 
PADA has reduced the Guru's cake fund!

DS: I remember passing through the Manor in December 1984 coming from India. The second floor (perhaps called the first floor in UK) had a bunch of offices. In one office they were producing the Bhagavan record album, next office they're producing the Bhagavan book, next office the Bhagavan event posters, etc etc -- EVERY OFFICE was designing and reproducing his face on every type of media possible. 

(No, no not Srila Prabhupada) just Bhagavan Bhagavan Bhagavan -- and he was floating from office to office, in bliss supervising all this media about himself. I actually talked with him in the veranda outside all these offices, he was beside himself in bliss, and I walked around in disbelief looking at all this personality cultish media being worked on in a frenzy by all his mesmerized worshipers.

In the morning program he was posing on his "vyasasana" as usual, but I noticed something; something was off, it wasn't right. His face was red with anxiety! Most of us learn to recognize when devotees are in Maya, when they're having "spiritual difficulty," and that anxiety is clearly written all over their face. I saw that while he was perched, prancing, and posing during the morning program. Turns out he left soon thereafter.

Now he's been busy making a "comeback" on Facebook for a couple years, back to doing what sociopaths do so well -- duping others with his pretentious crocodile tears and fake admissions of guilt, and begging forgiveness from the naive sentimental devotees who are indulging him.

But guess what? Not all of us can be so easily fooled by such classic textbook sociopath manipulations. Psychology tells us that sociopaths and psychopaths can never be cured from their twisted wranglings, because these cheating tendencies come from a malformation of the amygdala inside the brain. They cannot be fixed. There is no cure, no therapy, no medication that helps.

Most devotees don't know this and are not experienced in recognizing it; hence they are easy targets to be fooled over and over (and over) again. The clever sociopaths naturally can tell who can be fooled and who cannot. They go after the "low hanging fruit" (shallow sentimental devotees) while avoiding the "thoughtful men" trained by Srila Prabhupada to reject the manipulative pretenders.

ys pd

BG 16.9

"Continuing further Lord Krishna gives some precise insights to the demoniac mentality. 1) Avastabhya means indiscriminately adopting erroneously as in the verse before. 2) Nasta-atmanah means devoid of any contact with their immortal soul. 3) Alpa-buddhaya means limited intellect due to being incognizant of the cognizant. 4) Ugra-karmanah means vile, heinous, horrendous activities destructive to all.

Such creatures are demoniac and are a parasitic, virulent virus destabilising all creation."


"Lord Krishna explains that the demoniac are propelled by lust and greed that is insatiable and constantly seeking to be fulfilled in the hope of being gratified. The demoniac endeavour to procure such fulfilment is mohad or deluded illusion and through gross improprieties they forcefully misappropriate and enjoy things which are not lawfully theirs. 

The compound word asuci-vratah means the demoniac fiendishly execute devilish rituals such as blood sacrifices and the killing of animals and even humans in following their diabolical rites. Specifically engaging in forbidden acts prohibited by the Vedic scriptures which oppose all sense of righteousness, morality and decency. By resorting to duplicity, hypocrisy, sorcery, evil magic, and surreptitious deception the demoniac nature is able to prevail and flourish."


"Although death is waiting patiently for their demise at any moment; to carry them off to hellish worlds of great suffering; Lord Krishna explains that the demoniac are so involved in the deception of their material manipulations for planetary power and control of planetary wealth which they amass to the maximum that they become oblivious to the existence of a higher reality. 

The demoniac are deceived in the vastness of their own schemes and undertakings which consumes all of their time as they are constantly endeavouring to keep their power intact. Simultaneously the demoniac are pursuing their lusts for sense gratification with full power imagining that it constitutes the apex of success as the highest ambition of all existence. 

The demoniac are so completely deluded that they believe that enjoying the objects of the senses is the final goal of all hopes and dreams with no conception more advanced than this. In this way they deceive and fully shackle themselves in bondage by the illusion of their own hopes and expectations which keeps them bound inexorably in perdition."

- Commentary to Bhagavad-Gita by Ramanuja from Sri Sampradaya
Chapter 16 The Divine and Demonic Natures, Verses 9-12

1 comment:

  1. LD: Should never ignore this history. Should be required reading for all new and old Krishna bhakta. "Here is what you should never, never, never do. NEVER." Case study! Srila Prabhupada says ... false gurus go to hell. Is there any room to question? Look at the hell they made for everyone else.

    Sure, we should never discuss this! What about the 'gurus' eating giant cakes ... when ISKCON children were not being fed good food. What about all devotees who were kicked out ... onto the street with nothing.

    What about the devotees who were beat up. What about the devotees who were killed. What about the children who took their life. What about emptying the zone and ruining the preaching. What about acting like a fool ... complaining people are not ironing your dhoti while all this suffering is going on.

    I am sorry I have no sympathy for them. They knew people were suffering ... still are suffering ... and they have not cared ... being megalomanic psychopaths that they are.

    That is why they have to go to worse future than regular man ... the regular man would never treat others like sh*t and then say there is no problem ... because the torch continues. Never a problem for them ... but there is for everyone else. The torch is going on ... you mean the torch you use ... to burn down the house?

    And why are people still crying these gurus do not have money to continue ... this diabolical charade? They should not have a penny. And the money most of them have ... is stolen from ISKCON anyway. Sorry ... not sorry ... that is what we thought.


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