PADA: Notice that in the comments on the Namarasa / Mayesvara video people are complaining about Mayesvara's character assassination of the poison investigators forwarding the case, which is unfortunately how the GBC deals with most of us "dissenters." It looks like Mayesvara is trying to paint his opponents as nutty / mentally deranged / unstable trauma victims -- who have lost touch with reality due to grief -- which he admits is due to the GBC mistreating them.
OK, even if that is correct, that simply means the GBC creates grief and trauma to other living beings. It does not necessarily prove that Srila Prabhupada was not one of the people being mistreated. Thousands and thousands of people are complaining of being mistreated, and almost everyone has been, and that is why the temples are empty ghost towns.
However, for some odd unkown reason, Srila Prabhupada is the one single person not mistreated by this gang. Sorry, that is not a good argument. People who mistreat others generally mistreat everyone. They mistreated everyone, except one person, is not a good counter point.
Mayesvara also admits Srila Prabhupada does look like a person who is being poisoned. Right, Srila Prabhupada says he has the symptoms of a person being poisoned. And he does. This begs the question, how do we know a person who has the appearance and symptoms of being poisoned, is not being poisoned? Mayesvara almost makes our case for us, yes he DOES appear to have the symptoms of being poisoned.
Then people complain Mayesvara is not citing Srila Prabhupada direct, but he has paraphrased many of the comments on the 1977 poison conversations, and paraphrased various forensic experts and Nityananda's book etc. That means he is not dealing with the direct evidence, he is mis-citing and slanting the evidence in his favor. Various people noted that.
The biggest complaint is that the Namarasa people are not interested in interacting with the main people forwarding the case, myself included. They just sign onto Mayesvara's idea that all of us are trauma victims with no actual valid complaint. We are making up conspiracies out of whole cloth.
Well look at the comments "there is a mountain of evidence" "a smoking gun" etc. that the poison investigators are forwarding. So the Namarasa folks are not dealing with the evidence, not allowing the other side to speak, therefore it looks like another GBC style ram rod suppressing of any actual investigations.
Meanwhile another commentor asks why the GBC does not spend the same amount of time as they are discussing the poison issue -- as the child abuse issue -- which never seems to be discussed threadbare either. Yup. Anyway we congratulate Namarasa for allowing comments, notice that a lot of them are negative and people just are not buying Mayesvara's presentation.
Of course as soon as we come out with these various issues, all sorts of people say we are nutty trauma cases, liars etc. Yep, only us nutty trauma cases know -- children should not be abused, a guru's books should not have a hatchet editor's re-work, and pure devotees might be attacked by asuras.
If we nut jobs are the only people who know these things, then our opponents have a lot or rebirths to take to come up to the level of us nut jobs.
ys pd
WHY TELL OUTSIDERS BEFORE DISCIPLES?PADA: It is somewhat of a miracle that I got "the missing poison tapes." At all. I think the reason I got them is -- Krishna wanted this issue to be exposed. I see no other good explanation for how these tapes got into my grubby little mitts, other than, Krishna planted them into my grubby little mitts. He wanted this issue to come out, and it has. ys pd
Pinned by The Namarasa Podcast
The Namarasa Podcast
Can you invite the opposing party and let the viewers decide for themselves what to believe ? That would be objective. Can't we interview the accusers as well, so that the viewers can come to their own conclusion.
One of the easiest ways to know if someone is complicit in conspiracy and deception is when faced with facts, they will seek to psychoanalyze the person making the accusations and explain why this person is mentally off balance or going against the scriptures by suggesting something that implicates authoritarian duplicity.
Yes, arguments directed ad hominem, rather directed to the issue itself.
Now you should also invite those who are presenting the other side of this important issue, Navin Krishna prabhu, ex ISKCON GBC, and Dhira Govinda Prabhu, ex CPO chairman. It is always important to give those who think different and are also presenting valuable evidence, the opportunity to present their side of the story. It is not true that the individual he mentions started this. The one how listened to the recordings for the first time, and shared this with others was Isha Prabhu, who found the cassetes in a box, when he was a secretary of Satswarupa G.
And now the story starts to unfold more. Great points!
A good response. But not with these podcasters . They work for the gbc. I know what I am talking about 0:46
[Interview the other side?] This Will never happen...
@1o8radhakrsna I know.
Mayeshwar talked of the opposition mentioning the 3 names. Naveen : Dhira Govind and Nityananda. Let these 3 do a 2 hr podcast not with these 2 cartoons (who are sold to the gbc) but with a neutral podcaster on the same topic. The evidence they have is mind boggling. The material immense. Good to go the courts for a verdict.
Those exalted accusers can have their own podcast and discuss their side of the story. Who's stopping them? And thats exactly they should have done: almost 50 years have passed, the accusers are unable to prove anything in a court of law.
He didn't even start to argue and explain and already in premise concluded that one side is in 20% mentally deranged people or Charles mansion crazy. So this is valid way?
How does he know it’s 20% . I am one of them and I have not been contacted.
@gaurasd yeah that tainted the cast from the get go, and he actually admitted he’d never even met one of the three, but then immediately stated, “I’ve got a pretty good idea where they are coming from.” His ‘self-endorsement’ was a big red flag for me.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Śrīla Prabhupāda? You said before that you..., that it is said that you were poisoned?
Prabhupāda: No. These kind of symptoms are seen when a man is poisoned. He said like that. Not that I am poisoned.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Yeah. Did anyone tell you that, or you just know it from before?
Prabhupāda: I read something.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Ah, I see. That's why actually we cannot allow anyone else to cook for you.
Prabhupāda: That is good.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Jayapatāka Mahārāja was telling that one ācārya, Śaṅkarācārya..., of the Śaṅkarācārya line---this was a while ago---he was poisoned to death. Since that time, none of the ācāryas or the gurus of the Śaṅkarācārya line will ever take any food cooked except by their own men.
Prabhupāda: My Guru Mahārāja also.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Oh. You, of course, have been so merciful that sometimes you would take prasāda cooked by so many different people.
Prabhupāda: That should be stopped.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Hmm. [pause] Are you feeling any pain, Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: No. [pause] Urine bottle.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Urine? You want to try for it? Okay. Should we again continue some kīrtana Śrīla Prabhupāda?
Prabhupāda: Hmm.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Okay.
Seems like Mayesvara's whole argumentation includes a logical fallacy, namely the psycho-genetic fallacy whereby one argues that a belief is false because it's held due to psychological reasons.
@28:47 Mayesvara says Prabhupada didn’t say he was poisoned. But you can hear Srila Prabhupada and others on the YouTube clip clearly discussing it. Why are these other two just sitting there accepting everything this man says?
Although I’m not convinced either way, direct evidence from Srila Prabhupada seems very crucial. How do we dismiss or explain Prabhupada’s words away? Everyone in the conversation below seems to be talking very openly about Srila Prabhupada being poisoned:
Tamala Krsna: Prabhupada was thinking that someone had poisoned him.
Adri-dharana: Yes.
Tamala Krsna: That was the mental distress.
Adri-dharana: Yes.
Kaviraja: (Hindi)
Tamala Krsna: What did Kaviraja just say?
Bhakti-caru: He said that when Srila Prabhupada was saying that, THERE MUST BE SOME TRUTH BEHIND IT.
Tamala Krsna: Srila Prabhupada, Sastriji says that there must be some truth to it if you say that. So who is it that has poisoned? (pause)
Kaviraja: (Hindi with Bhakti-caru and Prabhupada)
Woman: What did he say?
Bhakti-caru: He said that it's quite possible that mercury, it's a kind of a poison...
Bhagatji: That makaradhvaja. (Hindi with Kaviraja and Bhakti-caru)
Bhakti-caru: He was referring to a big murder case in Calcutta, the husband poisoned the wife.
[From YouTube: “someone has poisoned me” Prabhupada]
I experienced the entire presentation as more of a shout-down, with Mayesvara passionately ‘telling us’ what must be concluded because he says it must. Found the constant attacks and belittling of other Vaishnava’s who are studying the same evidence and understanding it in a different way to be really ugly.
Just another man’s opinion force-fed to us in the usual Iskcon style, same stuff as he writes in his book, which we’ve been told even the GBC didn’t care to use as an official position piece.
Very underwhelming after so much hype.
I also found this interview to be underwhelming.
Very correctly put. A good understanding of the situation I must say.
Why do devotees so often decide to dictate what others may think rather than have a proper discussion / debate?
@ in the build up the host mentioned that he wanted this presented for the benefit of his children and his grandchildren in the future. But I think if he talked to our children who were born into the movement in our time he would quickly discover that they don’t want any part of this mood where they see their parents being told what to think by some so called ‘authority senior devotee’ and where anyone who doesn’t agree is portrayed in an ugly way. They are too smart for that and can see right through it.
If it was for our kids as an example how we deal with others who might hold a different worldview than us by laughing at them and calling them names, then sadly I think it might have failed.
@28:04 Mayesvara says ‘the tapes went down’ because Prabhupada was just surviving. But on the same YouTube clip I referenced, Srila Prabhupada IS STILL TALKING. So why suddenly did ‘the tapes go down?’
Again these other two just accept what they are being told without asking to see some proof of Mayesvaras claim.
So are we to believe ‘the tapes went down’ because Srila Prabhupada stopped speaking completely? Can Mayesvara please provide some proof to back his claim the tapes went down because Srila Prabhupada was just surviving and so there was NOTHING MORE to be recorded from Iskcons founder Acarya from then until he left?
Why didn't Mayesvara quote the audio tape transcripts directly instead of paraphrasing them? Surely he would have anticipated this subject would surface in the interview and therefore would have brought the transcripts with him to quote verbatim. Also, the phenomena of *knowledge filtration^ is very scientifically documented, how people can be staring directly at evidence but will refuse to believe or acknowledge it because their existing preconceptions block the information from being rationally processed and accepted.
The new information that has surfaced recently provides direct correlations between levels of cadmium in Prabhupada's hair samples collected at different documented time periods during the last two years, and SP's time spent under Tamal Krishna's direct care, especially July 1976 New York City.
Well understood by you. Bravo.
Finally ... bring out the truth ... a lot of fake gurus ... I ONLY LISTEN TO PRABHUPADA ... JAI
I hope you have the courage to air all the evidence on this most important topic, Namarasa. You may need to dig deep.
To clear up the Rama - Ravana conversation -- Maysevara simply tells us what Srila Prabhupada was thinking and this then becomes the accepted truth. Why? Because it “sounds logical”…
I'm glad you didn't disable the comments I'm really disturbed by censorship happening in the devotee community. It seems like you have an agenda here that's pretty straightforward and obvious to debunk something that you perceive is false.
My concern is that there's a assumption about the gurus absolute knowledge that does not actually align with sastra. Trikalagya. Perfect knowledge of past present and future. The assumption that the guru has to have that 100% otherwise not valid there is so much proof that although the guru can have direct transmission from Krishna we have seen in real time experience lots of so-called mistakes that were all perfect but it's not an issue that should be assumed and unquestioned...
it's not distasteful it's just obvious that corruption is at the heart of this age especially in religious institutions so the quote that robots said that they killed Jesus and they would try to kill me as well is very self-explanatory but people that try to make an assumption about conspiracy theories and that people are not serious about their practice if they believe in these things is very prejudice
Mayesvara probably never heard of toxic accumulation. "Toxic accumulation is one of the reasons repetitive exposures of a chemical produce toxicity while a single exposure may not."
Imagine your guru saying that he thinks he is being poisoned and you simply ignore it and try to change the subject. Strange, to say the least, isn't it? That's exactly what BhaktiCary, Tamal K and Jayapataka did.
If anyone, be it a friend or someone in your family, told you that they were being poisoned, you would be curious to know what was happening and not try to divert the focus from the subject. And Prabhupada called someone from outside to tell him about the poisoning, he didn't talk to his servants first, that's another very strange point.
Why would he call someone from outside, if he trusted his personal servants so much? Why didn't his personal servants give so much importance to such an important subject? And then after years they write a book to defend themselves? As a member of Iskcon, I feel ashamed of how the GBC deals with this subject. These conversations are all available to anyone who is interested, they are Prabhupada's last days with us.
26:52 in Ayurveda too much water after a meal is “poison.” The word is not so nefarious used in the Indian context. Nightshades are poisonous:
Potatoes are poison.
Tomatoes are poison.
Food that helps you digest is medicine
Food that you can digest is food
And food that you cannot digest is ‘poison’
Time to invite the opposing party!
There is something to be said about the relative ease that "spiritual but not religious" groups are quite easily subsumed by conspiratorial thinking. (Ward and Voas coined the term "conspirituality" about 15 years ago, if anyone is interested in further info). Devotee communities are no exception.
Or rather, I should say, individual devotees are no exception, since it's precisely the absence of rigorous community (i.e. community that can actually handle reversals, difference of opinion etc in social spaces with a functional centre and an operational periphery or fringe ) that makes conspirituality a viable thing.
There is a sense that community (sadhu sanga) is a core element (anga) in vaishnavism, but it seems that is lost in the "serious" pursuit of solo excellences (MY japa, My understanding and reading of sastra / Prabhupada, and perhaps the worst version of it, MY guru) loses the forest for the trees. Until the substance of community actually gets surfaced as a thing, there is literally no end to conspiratorial thinking.
Great episode🎉❤. This one issue has been set on the back burner for a while. It's nice to see an independent devotee present this. Thanks for hitting the hard subjects.
The podcaster is not independent .. very very clear from the podcast.
Accepting everything mayeshwar said is not being independent
Give everyone mentioned a polygraph!
“There were people who came into his room and said, “Prabhupada you look like you have been poisoned”. So that’s where that quote comes in, “someone says I’ve been poisoned”.
Really? Who were these “people”coming into to SP room saying, Prabhupada you look like you have been poisoned? How many “people” said it? Why would any disciple say that to their spiritual master? Are there recordings of people making this statement?
I mean how many people look at a picture of an elderly ill man (what to speak of their spiritual master) and think this man looks like he’s being poisoned? In fact how many people (what to speak of devotees from 1977) had seen pictures of elderly people who were being poisoned? I think the host should be fact checking some of these statements.
And if so many devotees were saying that Srila Prabhupada looked like he was a man being poisoned (including the presenter in this podcast) then maybe that’s alarming?
Prabhupāda: Hotat ei rom hoye gelo. (Suddenly my health deteriorated like this.)
Balaram Mishra: Hmm.
Prabhupāda: Besh kaaj cholchilo. (I was doing my job nicely.)
Balaram Mishra: Ha. (Okay.)
Prabhupāda: Ki jani ki . . . tobu bhalo je keu poison kore ni . . . hoteo pare. (Don't know what . . . still it is better that nobody has poisoned me . . . it may also be a possibility.)
Balaram Mishra: Hu? (What?)
Kavirāja: Keya forma rahe hai? (What are you trying to say?)
Prabhupāda: Ohi bolta hai je koi poison diya hai. (They say that someone has given me poison.)
Kavirāja: Kisko? (To whom?)
Prabhupāda: Mujhko. (To me.)
Kavirāja: Kaun bolta hai? (Who says this?)
Prabhupāda: Ehi sab . . . (All these . . .)
Bhakti-cāru: Ke boleche Śrīla Prabhupāda? (Who said this Śrīla Prabhupāda?)
Prabhupāda: Ke boleche? (Who said?)
Yeah Mayesvara made that statement up, ironically right after he claims that people are supposed to take things as they are and not interpret them differently. Here we see that first Srila Prabhupada said his health detiorated so fast it seems like poison, what is what started this whole debate. After that next day he clarified it was just symptoms what he was talking about :
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Śrīla Prabhupāda? You said before that you . . . that it is said that you were poisoned?
Prabhupāda: No. These kind of symptoms are seen when a man is poisoned. He said like that. Not that I am poisoned.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Yeah. Did anyone tell you that, or you just know it from before?
Prabhupāda: I read something.
But then same day they talk about his mental distress, which clearly is about him being poisoned. Not food poisoning, not kidney / liver failing poisononing, not about looking like he was poisoned, but clearly being poisoned. Kaviraj himself replies to it, if Srila Prabhupada says this, there must be some truth about it:
Bhavānanda: Prabhupāda was complaining of mental distress this morning also.
Bhakti-cāru: Śrīla Prabhupāda ?
Prabhupāda: Hmm?
Bhakti-cāru: Ota ki byapar hoyechilo, mental distress? (Śrīla Prabhupāda, what was that issue about, mental distress?)
Prabhupāda: Huh hu. (Trying to say something.)
Kavirāja: Bolie bolie. (Speak it out, please speak.)
Prabhupāda: Ohi baat je koi humko poison kia. (It is regarding the same issue that someone has given me poison.)
Bhakti-cāru: Oh achha. Une sochna hai koi . . . (Oh well. He is thinking that someone . . .)
Bhavānanda: Hmm?
Kavirāja: Yadi, dekhiye baat yeh hai, ki ho sakta hai kisi rakshas ne diye ho. (See the matter is this, maybe some demon has given poison.)
Bhakti-cāru: Prabhupāda is saying someone has given him poison here.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: What did Kavirāja just say?
Bhakti-cāru: He said that when Śrīla Prabhupāda is saying that, there must be something truth behind it.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Prabhupāda was thinking that someone had poisoned him?
Adri-dhāraṇa: Yah.
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: That was the mental distress?
Adri-dhāraṇa: Yes.
Kavirāja: Ye bolte hai to isme kuch na kuch sattata hai, isme koi sandeh nahi. (If he is saying this that means there must be some truth behind it, there is no doubt about that.)
Bhakti-cāru: Ha. (Yes.)
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: What did Kavirāja just say?
Bhakti-cāru: He said that when Śrīla Prabhupāda is saying that, there must be something truth behind it. (People all speaking at once, asking about the ācārya that was poisoned by powdered glass)
Bhavānanda: What he said about Sankarachariya?
Bhakti-cāru: Yah, someone gave him poison. You know the powdered glass . . .
Kavirāja: . . . (overlapping comments) . . . pan me de diye, dudh me de diyo. (May have been given in betel leaf, can be given with milk as well.)
Bhakti-cāru: Within a few months he got leprosy all over his body.
Bhavānanda: Sankarachariya?
Kavirāja: Ek pan me dawai de deo, . . . (indistinct) . . . jindegi bhar ke liye . . . (Just give it in one betel leaf . . . (indistinct) . . . for the whole life . . .)
Tamāla Kṛṣṇa: Śrīla Prabhupāda, Shastrijī says that there must be some truth to it if you say that. So who is it that has poisoned? (pause)
1 day ago (edited)
I get the impression Mayesvara is being dishonest in his presentation and there is a lack of fact-checking by the host.
I was with a naturopath recently here and I have excess of mercury and cadmium. After some detoxing and also for fungus and parasites, I have a better balance and also my A1C went from 6.3 to 5.7. Great, I haven't done any drugs or other nonsense since I was 23-25 y. old. I did do some detoxes in between. I observe 4 regs and live in Idaho.
This is why it's the number one Hare Krishna podcast.
Where did you get this figure from ? 20% ?
I believe it’s close to 50% . People do not want to say it
I love this and I am so glad somebody took it upon himself to make such an endeavor to clear the rumour of ISKCON in service to Srila Prabhupada. I wish the same would be done to shed light on the problems regarding child protection i.e. protecting pedos in the movement because that is causing A LOT of damage to Srila Prabhupada's movement!
Namrasa Prabhu, another controversial topic I'm sure it's going to be another interesting and thought provoking subject.
As far as I know Mayesvara dasa was among the first devotees to acknowledge that Srila Prabhupada appeared to have been poisoned as revealed in this podcast. It’s unclear if back in 1977 Mayesvara or any of Srila Prabhupada’s disciples had personally seen a person who had been poisoned or even a picture of a person who had been poisoned.
But somehow, perhaps through Super Soul connection, they immediately declared, “Srila Prabhupada you look like you have been poisoned.”
Still a lot of devotees see Prabhupada’s poisoning as a conspiracy theory and I certainly don’t want to be accused of such a thing. So let’s hear what was spoken by Mayesvara during this podcast as he reveals disciples reactions, (including his own), when they saw Srila Prabhupada’s depleted condition.
“When I eventually did get to see a photo of Srila Prabhupada that some body had taken, he was skin and bones, and it was shocking, it was like “Oh my gosh Prabhupada looks like he has been poisoned!”
That was many peoples first impression, “he looks like he’s been poisoned!”
There were people who hadn’t seen him, they had travelled a long way, and they would come into his room and say, “Prabhupada you look like you have been poisoned.”
And that’s why Srila Prabhupada said, “someone says that I have been poisoned.”
So here Mayesvara repeatedly informs us that disciples felt that Srila Prabhupada looked like he was poisoned and openly declared this, even to Srila Prabhupada. After hearing these declarations multiple times, Srila Prabhupada raised concerns declaring, “someone says that I have been poisoned.”
For start everyone not thinking like me is: crazy, a conspiracy theorist, laughing case. Right... tell me more :D so objective :D
250 times smoking gun !!!!
Poison in the milk ?
Is poison going down ?
Tamal saying to Prabhupada “ you choose which suicide you want !!!
And Prabhupad himself saying 3 times “ I have been poisoned “
What would you call this ?
Mayesvara says yes, all evidence points to poisoning. However, sastra says, Kṛṣṇa cannot be killed by poison. Even Kṛṣṇa's devotees are not killed by poison. Prahlāda Mahārāja.
People were treated so brutally in Iskcon after Prabhupada's disappearance that's why this delusion got life.
Evidence of poisioning is also delusion??
By being treated brutal, to suppose that the traitors are possibly able to be even more brutal, is NOT delusional.
14 hours ago
Hare Krishna! Respectful pranams to Mayesvara Prabhu. This subject has been a thorn in the heart for decades, comparing it to a cancer is accurate. I know personally that Mayesvara Prabhu is not any kind of "yes man". He has started, from nothing, some extremely successful preaching programs over the years and I have great respect for him.
I will watch the movie and read the book. Honestly though, although I appreciate you podcasters very much, I was disappointed in this podcast and found it frustrating to watch. I sure would have liked to hear more from Mayesvara himself. The constant interruptions were not helpful and made for a very disjointed presentation in my opinion.
@TulsiGabbard is in a position to investigate this as the DNI and even @CashPatel at Director of the FBI. Get them both on after they have a chance to investigate it. That should give spectacular closure to this issue.
Wouldn’t it be in his jyotish??? Are there any expert astrologers that can look at his chart and tell or are we too far deep in Kali Yuga ?
It's in his chart.
Moon+Mars in 6th > Garga hora
For one to drink poison, you need Rahu related to the 2th ( food ),
also there.
But it should be rather difficult to convince legal authorities with Jyotish, right.
In 76/77 Saturn was slowly progressing from Cancer into Leo.
Saturn, being SP's 2th lord(food ) in Cancer the 8th house (poison).
In 77 Saturn came under direct aspect of SP's natal Rahu.
You are convinced now?
Most difficult question is about to be answered
If you are not going to give names, then thus is all rubbish. It's no secret that Tamala Krshna Goswami was implicated.
The 2nd bucket explanation from mayeshvar is no explanation at all
Seriously guys - I highly recommend the rare techniques mentioned in the book "Yogic Wisdom for the Young" ... we should all be well skilled to handle such situations.
Is anyone benefiting by this?
Srila Prabhupada is pleased with this?
Love this episode, please keep addressing this controversial issues in your next podcasts,
I believe Mayesvara prabhu and i have listened to dhira govindas views and i feel sad for dhira govinda because he claimed that if new people wanted to become devotees and give their life to isckon, then they should be informed about his wonderful devotees like tamal krishna maharaj and bhakti charu swami and jaypataka swami poisoning their spiritual master, what a sickening attitude and how on earth a gentleman would promote.
And forcefully try to prove such a stupid conspiracy theory about people who disregarded their youth and beauty and material desires and gave their life and hart to their beloved spiritual masters mission, i find this much more inspiring than the ritvik and other conspiracy theories of frustrated prabhus that whant to disrupt the spreading of srila prabhupads love for krishna through his dedicated devotees.
Mayesvara prabhu is like a STEAMROLLER! Run Nico, RUN!!!!!!!!! LOL
The flat earth theory at 153 min as a defence iis funny because the Earth is not a globe. It is 3 dimensionally flat. Bhuuu mandala.
I also met abhiram and he had some squabble with harinam. Unless that is a different abiram. How do you take someone's words at. Face value when you have seen behind some of their facade.
I was given that tape which I listened to wearing studio quality headphones, but heard nothing. Threw the book and the tape in the bin and since 2003 this is the first time I'm wasting some time on this bs theory.
I respect your opinion, but I guess not everyone agrees, and it seems like this issue has been running for a long time and has not been proven to be bs by any stroke of the imagination:
“That same day Mahabuddhi called and told me of suspicious whispers he had found on the same tapes of November 1977. I examined the whispers carefully using sophisticated electronic equipment, and had enhancements done on the tapes by FBI approved laboratories.
“My conclusion after hundreds of hours of analysis is that it is possible that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. I called Balavanta and asked him if we could form an investigation committee. He agreed that Mahabuddhi, Jagajivan and myself would be on it and that we could create a forum on ISKCON’s COM so we could communicate privately about these issues.”
[Isha Prabhu, a devotee since 1974 and long-time supporter of the Miami ISKCON temple].
1 day ago
It's 90%, you forgot the GBC.😂
I'm actually quite sick of being labeled as " mentally ill".
So everyone who ever left Iskcon is mentally ill ?
It's quite the opposite, everyone who left ( the usurpers influence) is intelligent.
A very good answer
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