PADA: The internet is making an interesting situation for all religious groups. For example, two boys were discussing becoming Krishna devotees. So they went to an ISKCON temple, and Lokanath was there giving a lecture. Then they said, we would like to have Prabhupada as our guru, but ISKCON will force us to worship pedophiles and not Prabhupada, so we have to join another sangha.
They know all about the Lokanath issue, from the internet. Of course this means ISKCON is losing thousands and thousands of followers all the time because people are not going to join a cult that worships illicit sex deviants as its messiahs. No wonder then the GBC has had to hand it off to the Hindus, barely no one else is coming.
And that is because people are being educated on these issues, and they are not interested in a cult that worships deviants. So ISKCON is siphoning off thousands and thousands of people to other sanghas -- as long as they want to make a pedophile guru cult process. That means they are intentionally choking off Lord Chaitanya's mission to make it as unpalatable as possible to keep ISKCON a teeny cult. Gaudiya Matha pt. II, a few disciples here and there -- and guru. That is very, very, very sinful.
And now more of the young people in many Islam nations want to be part of the modern world and not be ruled by a bunch of old Mullahs, who are "spreading peace," but who are also pretty much seeming to be creating information suppression, if not a number of conflicts and wars.
The young folks want to move forward, but these old Mullahs are holding them back. However the dynamic is changing as the Islamic young people are more informed by the internet and they see their future in the broader world and not an isolationist sect. So the world is kind of developing a broader coalition of people who want to work together thanks to global communications.
Same type things are going on in ISKCON. The old guard GBC are losing their grip, mainly because the internet is exposing all their lies, schemes, scams, sandals -- if not crimes.
Mayesvara is right, the poison issue and other issues on the internet are turning people off from the ISKCON GBC authority i.e. waking up people everywhere, and there is a flood of people no longer accepting GBC authority. He says this is like a spreading cancer. Hee hee, maybe.
Or maybe -- it is spreading a cure for the cancer. But the internet has been a giant help for us, it has sort of levelled the playing field. And the Muslim world, and everywhere in the world, are going to have to deal with the fact that information can spread rapidly and far and wide nowadays, so repressive regimes are not so easy to keep under control.
Of course there is also a lot of mis-information on the net as well, but intelligent people will find their way to the right process, if they are sincere, and many are. But yeah, we heard that the GBC was telling their people not to go on the internet, which has been almost like and advertisement to go out there anyway.
PADA does have more than a few readers living in ISKCON, and many more living near or around, and they rely on us for "the real news." Anyway, we think the internet was made to break up the information control of a few elites, and it is giving us a lot of support we would not normally have. And this will happen in other religions with their elites. Krishna made the internet for a reason, and it is here for now and the elites are going to have to learn to deal with it. ys pd
PADA: Oh no, no laws should govern the GBC acharyas:
Sridhara Maharaja:
"No law should go to limit or control the Āchārya, for then the śraddhā of the disciple will vanish, and all will be a mechanised machine. Rather the whole thing will be reduced to matter. We are the messiahs of developing free, internal faith in the Lord. Faith, that is to be nurtured. That sort of creeper should be planted in the garden of the heart and watered and nourished.
The very characteristic of faith must not be lost by infringement, by over-pressure of the laws and rules. The free flow of the heart must be kept. The movement of Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu is more of heart than of intellect. We should always consider this. The intellect must not check the free flow of the heart. We must always remember that. Free love and free faith are the only things, the most valuable things, for which we have come out of our own house and joined the Mission.
This purity of purpose should always be kept intact. Of course, some help from law and regulation is necessary, but not so much as to check the growth of our vitality. We must promote vitality. The real spirit, the real purpose of the Mission should be given first hand. And lenient dealings are necessary amongst you. It is said, “If the tongue is cut by the tooth, should I pull out the tooth?” You are one organic whole; your dealings should not be such that the forgiveness of love is forgotten. The giving of love will conquer more than the giving of law. What is the need of so much formality and fashion, when ultimately we are all servants of the Lord?"
(Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj > Śrī Guru and His Grace > Separation from Śrī Guru)
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