Friday, February 10, 2023

The Disappearance of Sri Srimad Gour Govinda

Voted into the illicit sex with men, women and children
guru lineage. 

𝗧𝗵𝗲 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗮𝗽𝗽𝗲𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝗼𝗳 𝗦𝗿𝗶 𝗦𝗿𝗶𝗺𝗮𝗱 𝗚𝗼𝘂𝗿 𝗚𝗼𝘃𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗮 𝗦𝘄𝗮𝗺𝗶 𝗠𝗮𝗵𝗮𝗿𝗮𝗷𝗮

“𝗜 𝗠𝗮𝘆 𝗟𝗲𝗮𝘃𝗲”

Shortly after hearing his comments following the 1995 GBC meetings, a couple of disciples of Gour Govinda Maharaja approached their spiritual master: "Guru Maharaja, we don’t need these people. We can leave ISKCON and start our own society. You have so many disciples, it won’t be any problem."

Hearing their suggestion, Gour Govinda Swami became very grave. Shaking his head no, he said, "The only way I will leave ISKCON is if someone cuts off my head." Many times Gour Govinda Maharaja would repeat an instruction regarding the devotees in ISKCON that Srila Prabhupada gave him during his visit to Bhubaneswar: "Tolerate, tolerate, tolerate, cooperate."

[PADA: Correct. Gour Govinda maharaja told people to tolerate and work with his program, i.e. establishing his homosexuals and pedophiles pals as ISKCON's acharyas, a program which is banning, beating, suing, molesting and assassinating Vaishnavas. GGM even told me that in person, "I have to cooperate, tolerate and work with the GBC." 

Why does anyone want to "cooperate, tolerate and work with" the worship of homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks and crooks as God's successors? GGM also helped the GBC write some of their bogus position papers, and in 1993 he stood up at the meeting and demanded the GBC not to remove Tamal etc. GGM was a big defender of the pedophile messiah's club.] 

In late January 1996, Gour Govinda Swami mentioned, "Srila Bhaktisiddhanta said that this material world is not a fit place for any gentleman. Therefore, because he was disgusted, he left this world prematurely. I may also leave. I don’t know. Let me ask Gopal. I will do whatever he wants." The next day he went to Gadeigiri to see Gopal.

[PADA: Yep and about one year later in January 1997, we were working on having GGM's program sued for $400,000,000 for mass child abuse. GGM made ISKCON a place that is unfit for devotees, especially children.]

Ghanashyam recalls his discussion with Gour Govinda Swami during this last visit to Gadeigiri: "We were talking about Gopal’s new temple and installing large deities of Radha Gopal to go with the existing small ones. Suddenly Gurudeva told me, 'I won’t see this deity installation. You will see it, but I won’t.'"

[PADA: Yep, GGM knew he was departing and he still would not publicly disassociate from his pedophile acharyas program -- and explain to people that his pedophile pals are not acharyas. He wanted to go to his grave still having little children worshiping his pedophile acharyas program, because he either did not know that was wrong, or he wanted to pollute the society with these bogus ideas. 

Normally, when a person is about to die -- they try to clean up their mistakes -- make some clarifications and admissions etc. -- but GGM has no intention of doing that. He all along supported the GBC's worship of illicit sex with men, women and children acharyas, and he would never come out and say we need to expose and boycott that deviation. Instead, he was ordering his people to cooperate and support that deviation.] 

I said, "How is that? You are ten years younger than I am. If you won’t see it, how will I?"

Gurudeva said, "No, no. You will see the inauguration of the temple and the deity because you have served Gopal so nicely. Uncle [Gopinath Giri] died thirty years ago and you went through so much difficulty to take care of Gopal. You continued all of the festivals, sarat-rāsa, vasanta-rāsa, etc. That is why Gopal is kind to you. So you will see Gopal’s new temple."

That was the last discussion I had with Gurudeva. After that he went to Bhubaneswar for a few days and then to Mayapur where he stayed forever.

After returning from Gadeigiri, for the next four days Gour Govinda Swami lectured before thousands of people at the Prabhupada Centennial festival in Bhubaneswar. Maharaja invited many dignitaries to the function, including the king of Puri. The festival was a huge success with thousands of people coming and taking prasādam. To the devotees who were attending the function, Maharaja’s classes in Odia each evening seemed even more enthusiastic and powerful than usual. After the Centennial festival was over, Gour Govinda Swami left for the annual ISKCON management meetings in Sridham Mayapur.

[PADA: This is another foolishness, we are going to annoint pedophiles, deviants and crooks as acharyas, then "manage" them at the annual Mayapur meetings. And GGM was preaching "powerfully" -- that we need to cooperate with his pedophile worship program -- and resulting anal reconstructive surgery epidemic. And Mayapur has been the headquarters of his molester empire, which is where he departed from.]


On the 6th of February 1996, Gour Govinda Maharaja flew to Kolkata, where a few devotees who had driven his car from Bhubaneswar were waiting. Gour Govinda Swami spoke with them for a few minutes and went to the nearby Airport Hotel where he stayed the night.

Upon arrival the next morning in Mayapur he went to room 80 on the 4th floor of the Conch building where he normally stayed. That day, he attended a GBC sub-committee meeting on education. 

[PADA: It is amazing that GGM has been educating children to "cooperate" with his pedophile acharya's worship. My lawyer friend says they should all be sued for corrupting the morals of minors -- by forcing minors to worship molesters and assorted sexual predators, drunks, crooks and deviants as gurus. They are fraudsters.]

The next day, his routine was similar. That day, Friday, 8th February 1996, Maharaja wrote what would be his last diary entry:

"By Prabhu Gopal’s mercy, somehow or other I have spent the day in Mayapur. What this servant has done today in Sri Sri Guru Gauranga’s service, that Prabhu Gopal knows and sees.

"This was the 6th day of the GBC meetings. The whole day we sat through the ISKCON constitution framing committee. We sat through two sessions. The chief aim was rejected. The secondary thing was given great stress, because for the members of ISKCON, secondary bhakti is needed, not the chief. Gradually they will come from the secondary to the chief. That which is necessary for them, that’s what they will speak about. We had to sit there silently — there was nothing else we could do.

[PADA: There is plenty you can do, starting with, telling people to stop cooperating with your pedophile acharya's programs. That is also your duty as a moral human being, not just for a Vaishnava.] 

"Prabhu Gopal, please give mercy, make kṛṣṇa-prema and bhakti available to this servant. Please make available a proper group of devotees, friends, comrades and associates. Allow this servant to be successful in the service of Sri Sri Guru and Gauranga."

[PADA: It is a question I get a lot. What is Gour Govinda's "pedophile prema, pedophile bhakti, pedophile samadhi" etc. Why are we supposed to have bhakti -- for pedophiles? "I am teaching people to have bhakti for my favorite pedophile messiahs." Where do I sign up? Some woman wrote to tell me her guru would bring in his own restaurant packaged food that was full of onions and garlic, and it would stink her whole house up. And this is GGM's pure bhakti example?]

The next morning his secretary, Atmaram, told him that as it was Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati’s appearance day, there would be fasting to midday and a feast about 12:30 p.m. Maharaja then went to the GBC meeting and returned at 12:15 p.m.

Rasikananda Das had arranged for Jagannath mahā-prasādam that afternoon. Aside from those items, Anupam Das and his wife Madanalalasa, and Shashila, Rasikananda’s wife, had also cooked some preparations. After taking prasāda, Maharaja completed chanting his japa and had brief meetings with a few devotees, which finished around 4:20. Atmaram recalls that he looked grave. He sat on his chair gazing at the ceiling without saying anything.

[PADA:  I would be looking pretty grave myself if I knew I had been helping promote a pedophile acharya's program and one day I'd have to face Yamaraja.] 

Shortly thereafter, Bhaktarupa Das arrived along with two senior mātājīs who were teaching in the Vrindavan gurukula.

[PADA: Vrndavana gurukula was another place where GGM's child molesting program's webs, nests and tentacles was growing.]

Bhaktarupa Das: ... So upon hearing this nice question, he was inspired to speak some kṛṣṇa-kathā. He began to speak the story that many ISKCON devotees know about when Rohini Mata in Dwaraka was requested by the wives of Krishna to speak about the pastimes of Vraja. He was sitting on his bed in Mayapur, and we were sitting on the floor. I had rarely seen him so enthusiastic to share kṛṣṇa-kathā. He told that pastime, and then he called for his servant to open up his suitcase and bring his stack of notebooks. The notebook that he wanted was not in the first stack, so he called for the second bundle of notebooks. He very carefully unwrapped them, selected the proper book, and immediately turned to the particular page. These were his notes on a little known traditional story from Puri."

[PADA: Another thing we keep hearing from the GGM people -- worshiping pedophiles is "the tradition" and worshiping pure devotees is "the bogus ritvik idea." Mass molesting pooja is -- the tradition -- of Satan?]

... He often told us that he felt a lot of pressure and anxieties when he attended the GBC meetings in Mayapur. 

[PADA: Oh swell. When a person comes to Mayapur to associate with dozens of other pure devotee acharyas, then one feels pressure, anxiety, and gets a chronic migraine. What kind of an advert is that for being associated with pure devotees? 

The pure devotees give me pressure and anxiety. Ummm, nope. And Nope! The pure devotees give people Vaikuntha, freedom from anxiety. GGM has the whole idea upside down, he thinks the residents of Vaikuntha create anxiety and chronic repeated SDG migraines. And no one notices this is foolishness, and an attack on the actual Vaikuntha. Why would anyone say the residents of Vaikuntha create anxiety, unless they were trying to discourage people from going there?]

We offered obeisances and left the room. I looked back and saw that Gurudeva was standing up and trying to open his kurta to get more air. I was thinking that he would lie down and rest for a few minutes, and then he would be all right, so we left. We were standing outside the room on the veranda, and the mātājīs were happily discussing how pleased they were with the opportunity to hear such kathā. But a few minutes later, Rasikananda came rushing out of the room, and said, "We have to get a doctor right away!"

Rasikananda Das: "After Bhaktarupa Prabhu left the room, Guru Maharaja told us, 'Kīrtana! Kīrtana!' The devotees there began to chant and Guru Maharaja calmly lay back on his bed, breathing slowly and deeply. He asked for a picture of Gopal Jiu, which his servant put in his hand. Then, gazing lovingly at that picture of his worshipable deity, Guru Maharaja said, 'Gopal!' Then he closed his eyes and lost external consciousness."


After hearing of the situation from Rasikananda, Bhaktarupa and he quickly ran to bring a doctor. Kaviraj Dr. D. K. Brahma (Damodar Swarup Das): "Just before sandhya ārati a devotee came to my residence and told me that Gour Govinda Swami was having some problem breathing and could I come to see him. 

When I arrived, Maharaja was lying down. Some doctors had come before me and had said that Maharaja had already passed away. Others were saying that we should take him to Krishnanagar and give him treatment in the government hospital. I took his pulse and found that he was still alive."

"I told them, 'Just wait. Give me another twelve minutes time, then I may tell you to take him.' "If they would have taken him to the government hospital, it means that they would have been pumping his chest, thinking it was a heart attack. However, according to his pulse there was nothing wrong with him. His pulse only showed that he was taking rest. The Ayurvedic science teaches how to diagnose a patient by taking his pulse. If something is wrong we can feel it. But I never found anything wrong with Maharaja. According to his pulse, everything was normal.

"By the second or third time I read Maharaja’s pulse it had become clear that he had left. Some say that he had a heart attack, but if someone dies from a heart attack generally we find that they suffer a lot. They also generally have some previous history of a weak heart. In Maharaja’s case, none of these things were there. Maharaja had the symptoms of aṣṭa-sāttvika-vikāra, ecstatic transformations, on his body. 

One kind of vikāra is that one doesn’t want to stay here any longer; they want to go back to the spiritual abode, back to Krishna. Nothing in Maharaja’s body failed, he just left. I am 100% sure of that. I’d never seen this kind of death before."

[PADA: Hee hee, just like when Kirtanananda was whacked with a pipe, the X-rays showed an image of Lord Narasimgha was in his brain. Ummm, nope. We could say that GGM left because Krishna wanted to save him from supporting his pedophile acharyas program for another day, so Krishna took him to save him. Now instead of being responsible for continuing to support them, he was cut short. Then again, some people think he was poisoned by the Mayapur leaders since he was challenging them on the jeeva issue and he was threatening to get the local brahmanas (who are mayavadas) to help.]  

Devaki Pran Das: "I was visiting Harivilas Prabhu in his room in Mayapur. Suddenly a devotee came and banged on the door. He said, 'Gour Govinda Maharaja just left!' Immediately we rushed to Maharaja’s room. When we went inside there were only a few devotees there. One devotee was massaging Gour Govinda Maharaja’s heart, another was crying like anything, while two or three others were chanting the holy names. Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja looked like a very peaceful, sleeping child. We were not even sure if he had actually left or not and they were just trying to revive him."

Niranjan Swami: "I was in a flat near Prabhupada's Samadhi Mandir, speaking with Dhanurdhara Swami and Bhurijana Prabhu. 

[PADA: Yep, just what I would want, the leaders of a child molester movement and an actual child beater like Dhanurdhara swami hanging around at my departure. No thanks. These are very inauspicious signs.]  

Niranjan Swami: "All I could do was stand in awe, chant, and within my mind pray that maybe Krishna would let Gour Govinda Maharaja stay with us a little while longer. I stood motionless for about twenty minutes, continuing to chant and then finally decided to move elsewhere towards the back of the room where I could see several GBC men having a discussion. I walked over, and saw that Jayapataka Maharaja was holding a pad of paper on which there was a diagram which looked like an explanation of how to place maharaja’s body into a samādhi. 

[PADA: Wonderful, Jayapataka, the founder father of the illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's program, and the biggest leader of the homosexual pedophile infestation of Mayapura, will make a diagram of how to bury me. Yeesh! Oh Lord, please make sure my body is eaten by dogs before that ever happens to me!]

So many more things could be said about this, and I have no doubt will be said, in due course of time. But there is no trace of doubt in my mind that Gour Govinda Maharaja entered into Lord Krishna’s eternal līlā last night, and this world is now bearing the loss of a highly elevated soul and intimate associate of Lord Krishna."

[PADA: An intimate associate of a pedophile messiah's club is not an intimate associate of Krishna.]

Again we chanted Gour Govinda Maharaja’s name. Jayapataka Swami offered another garland to Gour Govinda Maharaja and the procession continued into the temple room.

[PADA: Yep, the biggest leader of the pedophile mass molester project gives me a garland, and that proves I went to Krishna?] 

Samadhi in Bhubaneshvar

"The next morning I again went in front of the samādhi. It was 9:30 a.m. and kīrtana was going on. At this point I got really angry. 'We wanted to establish you as an ācārya, although the other party did not see you as anyone special.' We lost the most precious gift of this life.

[PADA: Yep, the followers of GGM were angry he was not buried in a samadhi next to where Tamal's would be, the person we sued for $400,000,000 for mass child abuse. Oh boo hoo, we could not have our guru buried near where the biggest leaders of pedophile pooja on the planet would be buried! Why would anyone want to be buried in that area?]


After Gour Govinda Maharaja’s departure, the ISKCON Governing Body Commission passed the following resolution:

GBC Resolution on the Demise of His Divine Grace Gour Govinda Goswami Maharaja

Resolved that:

We, the undersigned members and servants of the Governing Body Commission of the International Society for Krishna Consciousness, today, the 11th of February, 1996, in Sridhama Mayapura Candrodaya Mandir, express our profound bereavement on the passing of our dear Godbrother and fellow Governing Body Commissioner His Divine Grace Oṁ Viṣṇupāda Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Goswami Maharaja, the beloved disciple of ISKCON Founder-Ācārya His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada.

Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Goswami Maharaja dedicated his life to fulfilling Srila Prabhupada’s order to spread Krishna consciousness throughout the world and specifically among the people of Odisha. He translated Srila Prabhupada’s transcendental literature and fulfilled Srila Prabhupada’s desire for a Krishna-Balarama Mandir in Bhubaneswar. He was not only a topmost devotee but he was also a great and learned scholar. In this time of their great grief, we pledge ourselves to the service of his disciples and followers who are determined to carry on his great service to the mission of Srila Prabhupada.

With feelings of separation we note that Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Goswami Maharaja departed this world February 9th, 1996, on the auspicious appearance of Om Visnupada Paramahamsa Parivrajakacarya Sri Srimad Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakura Prabhupada, while reciting the pastimes of Lord Sri Krishna, in spiritual world headquarters of ISKCON, at the conclusion of a full day of unalloyed devotional service to his spiritual master, Srila Prabhupada. His departure shows all auspicious symptoms and his success fills our heart with admiration. His life and disappearance pastimes shall remain a great inspiration to all members of ISKCON.

[PADA: Yep, GGM dedicated his entire life to helping us establish our worship of illicit sex with men, women and children acharyas, so we could ban, beat, molest, sue and kill Vaishnavas. Could not have done that without his fine help! ys pd]



1 comment:

  1. LW: These people are stuck on stupid. "I am going to the assembly of pure devotees today, which is why I feel anxiety, stress and headaches." What Satsvarupa always says. And that is why we avoid ISKCON ourselves, they created an atmosphere of fear, stress and anxiety.

    Why would anyone want to become a pure devotee ... if that makes you feel stress, anxiety and headaches. I am in Vaikuntha ... and now I have to take tranquilizers for my chronic migraines. Do these people think before they speak?

    And why do they have stress in the first place? Because supersoul is telling them to get out of that assembly ... and denounce the whole bogus guru show and all their molesting. Krishna is giving them stress ... as a warning that this is all going to hell. They do not listen to supersoul, or anyone else.

    And when I leave the planet, please Krishna, for heaven's sake ... make sure Hari Sauri, Bhurijan, Bhavananda, Dhanurdar, Jayapataka, Niranjan and the whole molester leadership is not ANYWHERE near me.

    Gour Govinda Maharaja should have known that, a child molester acharya's program is not something you'd want to be in the presence of when you depart. This is one of the most inauspicious departures ever recorded. Who wants to die in their assembly?

    I do agree ... he was somewhat advanced, so Krishna pulled him out of there to save him from further contamination. His jail sentence was reduced by removing him from that association.

    Getting a garland from the people who caused thousands of kids to be molested is like being garlanded by the Yamaduttas, just before they take you to hell. Molesting is bad already, molesting in the dham will be punished thousands of times worse. They don't know any of that because, they are stuck on stupid.

    They just wanted some cheap adoration and glorification temporarily in the material world, but eventually, it all has to be paid back. I was garlanded by the chief founder of the pedophile acharyas ... and Yamaraja has already noted that in his notebook.


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