Sunday, July 18, 2021

V Dasi: Opening My Heart To Help Others

V Dasi: I don’t open my heart and mind too much on this platform but today I felt impelled to do so and hope it can be helpful to someone.

This morning I am reflecting on how fortunate I am to have access to the writings, lectures and instructions of Srila Prabhupada and to have the Holy Names of the Lord to call out to and as a way to reach Him.

Many have asked me how I can stay positive and happy amidst all that I have been through in my life: my son’s cancer, financial hardships, his autism...and so many other trials? 
Somehow, I have always tried to gain a deeper understanding behind life’s circumstances and Srila Prabhupada has provided all the answers I need to appease my mind and see through the illusory perspectives and perceptions of life in this world.

I have to say that it has been a struggle from time to time, since Krishna so kindly gave me this awareness of the subtle realm and the ability to do healing work on that level. Because my days are filled with witnessing to countless ways human beings hurt, torture and abused other human beings. I especially feel the deepest pain when it happens to children.

I am forever grateful for this gift, as I am able to assist, support and bring relief to those whom Krishna sends to me. But to day after day, entering into and feeling the pains of 3 or 4 clients daily, I can’t help but being painfully aware of how many children are going through this or worse at every moment throughout the world?

Often my heart weeps and all I can do is pray, as not many even want to hear of the suffering of others, so I write to the Lord and express my heart’s anguish to Him. And I listen to Srila Prabhupada’s lecture or read his books to bring relief to my heart and soul in gaining a more transcendental perspective on the causes and solutions of these miseries.

I am especially relishing reading Srila Prabhupada’s articles in his early Back to Godhead as he would give the transcendental perspective to the world events of those days like the 2nd World War. Practical Krishna Consciousness!

Here is one such article about vice, and why the living entity indulges in it:

“We can define Vice as a symptom of material disease as fever is a symptom of malaria or typhoid or any such bacterial affection. The relative term of Vice is virtue which is exhibited in various forms in the dealings of living being. Even in the animal kingdom each and every animal has his specific virtues while they are prominent in the life of a human being. For example faithfulness to the master is a virtue of the dog and if we analyse the characteristics of the animals and men we can find in them many parallel vices both in man and animal.

So far vice is concerned it is a foreign acquisition to the living being when he is in contact with the three qualitative nature called by the names of goodness, passion and ignorance or Satwa, Rajas, and Tama qualities. Vice is therefore not an inborn quality of the living being but it is acquired in association with the qualities of matter.”

1956 Back to Godhead vol 3 part 12 - Definition of Vice & Its Scope

Thank you for taking the time to listen!

[PADA: Very nice. We find more and more people are taking shelter of Srila Prabhupada and his writings, to see things clearly. Even various GBC and folks like Krishna Dharma are gradually saying we need to have more focus on Srila Prabhupada, because they know their GBC's "living guru" process has failed to give others the right instructions. And Krishna Dharma says the GBC should retreat back to being tutors i.e. ritviks and not claim to be self realized acharyas. Good. 

Unfortunately, Krishna Dharma / GBC ilk seem to be unable to grasp that pedophiles are not tutors, shiksha gurus, diksha gurus, or anything other than -- common criminals. Yet, the fact they are admitting they have to re-define their gurus as minor league tutors is a step in the right direction. Next step, they have to get rid of their pedophile tutors, shiksha gurus, diksha gurus etc. and start having these clowns arrested by the police.  

Anyway, we are making progress. One other lady just wrote to say that the GBC are not capable of managing women, children or elderly dependents and no one should send a dependent person into their shelter -- because there is none. Yep, what we said the whole time. And more people are writing nice things, I'd say, the tide is turning on the pedophile messiah's project. ys pd]  

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