Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Is ISKCON Management -- Another North Korea?

Making Pedophiles Popular is Not Working. 
Anywhere Else!
Why would it work in ISKCON?  

PADA: One of my ex-gurukuli friends says the ISKCON managing system operates exactly as the North Korea managing system. Kim Jong Un gets a huge mansion with many servants, and he has several Rolls Royce cars and a collection of Rolex watches. And he has imported high quality food flown in from the West where he gets huge feasts made for himself. 

Meanwhile, many citizens have to eat fried cock roaches, grass, and even -- dirt. Aid groups have taken wrenching photos of children who seem to be starving to death, and everyone acknowledges that there have been severe hunger-related deaths. And we gurukulis were being fed rotten green moldy oatmeal -- and it made us vomit. 

And we were skinny and our bones were sticking out, we looked EXACTLY like North Korea children. And meanwhile the "Supreme Leader" gurus were riding around in Cadillacs and having 35 course feasts made for themselves every day. Exactly what happens in North Korea. 

And even now, we former kids have nothing, while a lot of the Supreme Leaders live in fancy opulent dwellings. And they all along have big cars, Rolex watches, servants, feasts, health care, Apple laptops, and nicest care money can buy etc. 

And my parents would not call the police when they found out I was abused, to defend these Kim Jung Un wanna-be leaders, just like people defend the leaders in North Korea. And people in North Korea cry when Kim Jong Un hurts his foot, because it is all about serving the Supreme Leader while everyone else suffers. 

The North Korea societal model and ISKCON's are - identical. Explains why some of these gurus end up living in San Luis Obisbo, Carpinteria, Venice Beach, and so on and so forth, while a lot of us ended up living in old funky apartments, or sleeping in our cars. They stole the money meant to care for us, to care for themselves.  

I really could not argue with his observation. ys pd


PD Dasi: I thought to write "devotee children" because he (the Lokanath supporter) was a devotee child once and now has devotee children. The whole issue that pissed me off was the psychology around protecting the perpetrators / pedophiles and not the kids. 

Sure it can happen to all kinds of people. I know it can happen in families where abuse will go on for years and other older family members will keep quiet and support the perpetrator, there's so much creepy stuff. So I used the term "devotee child" for a reason, hoping to penetrate through the distorted spiritual psychology. Just like some people are saying Vaishnava Aparada. I think this is a good approach too.

PADA: Well if "the devotees" won't protect the devotee children of their own religion, they certainly won't protect any other children either. It is a slippery slope that only goes downhill. There also seems to be a "devotee" policy of protecting the predators and perps --- more than the children, as a number of ex-children told me personally. Which is why more than a few of the ex-kids around here want nothing to do with the religion, they are "burned out." That will be the natural result if these things are not corrected. ys pd

LM Dasi: Absolutely. I left it at age 15. And you couldn’t pay me any amount to return. It’s not safe for anyone, whether your a child or adult. But I would happily do what I could to achieve justice for the victims of abuse.

CK: Sad truth -- iskcon is nearly worse than old Catholic Church mood its so caught up in money and worship of funny gurus. Institutions can become strange?
Only way to change iskcon is if they ask folk like you and me who are outside looking in, how can we serve you and the public that's the simple solution.

NPB Dasi: Go further. Not just Maharaj. What if this was your guru and your child? Who would you choose?

B Dasa: Therein lies the problem -- many would choose their guru over their own children -- and they did -- and many still do.

RM Dasi: I would be heartbroken, but my kids come first.

MM Dasi: Me too! Kids over corrupt institution!

B Dasa: Maharaj -- and pedophile -- or devotee and pedophile -- don’t mix. There’s no such thing as a child molesting devotee or a child molesting Maharaj, you are one or the other.

PD Dasi: So true, I used that word because it's the language of Visvambhar Sheth. I think an agreeable and common shared phrase would be great, or a profile frame to show that we support the good cause. Just some ideas.

B Dasa: Visvambar Sheth seems like just like the rest of them -- they all got a big name by supporting the corruption, and they wanted to have a bigger name and that means rubbing elbows with child molesters gurus. I have friends that were initiated by these child molesters -- or their friends -- truly disgusting human beings.

1 comment:

  1. PADA: I told the Dallas courts this is -- the enforced cult ritualistic worship of homosexuals and pedophiles as messiahs. Emphasis on enforced, since they will beat and kill us. Perhaps that is why the GBC did not want to meet me in person in the Dallas courts, and so they copped out, made a plea deal, all so they could avoid court proceedings, and avoid having to confront me (or the victims) in that setting. ys pd


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