Monday, August 31, 2020
Banu Swami Gives Contradictory Explanation of Diksha
Ramadevi ACBS Departs
Ramadevi Dasi (UK)
We are sad to inform devotees that Srila Prabhupada's dear disciple Ramadevi left this world here in Mayapur Dham sometime between the auspicious time of 3 and 3:30 am on the appearance day of Srila Thakur Bhaktivinode. Her Giriraja sila was next to her and there was a recording playing of Srila Prabhupada chanting japa. Ramadevi is famous for her dedicated and artistic services of designing and making outfits for the Mayapur deities. She was a thoughtful and caring person who wished well to everyone. She will be greatly missed.
[PADA: This is all the info I have at present. I think she had some form of cancer.
She was very good at sewing deity outfits and trying to dress Krishna nicely. And she was always friendly towards me. I knew her when I was in UK. Evidently she was taken care of by the Mayapur program, which is good. Anyway, she is now on another journey, and thus we wish her -- Godspeed. ys pd]
Sunday, August 30, 2020
Pray For Gopal Krishna Swami's Virus Recovery
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
After a period of repeated fevers, it has been confirmed today that His Holiness Gopal Krishna Goswami has tested positive for Covid-19. Maharaja's health condition is stable at present with a low-grade fever. Doctors plan to run further tests tomorrow to rule out any complications.
We request the devotees to kindly offer sincere prayers at the lotus feet of Sri Sri Prahlad-Nrsimhadeva to protect this very exalted and kind-hearted Vaisanva.
Maharaja is one of the most senior devotees in our movement, having been personally appointed as a GBC member by Srila Prabhupada. In his fifty years of service to His Divine Grace, Maharaja has taken ISKCON to newer and newer heights of excellence through his dynamic preaching to the highest echelons of society, his expert management of various projects around the world, his personal care for the devotees, and his unparalleled example of perfect sadhana.
Let us join together to pray that Maharaja's health may be stronger than ever so that he may continue in his glorious service.
Thank you very much.
Hare Krsna,
Your servants,
Ramai Swami
Bhakti Caitanya Swami
Bhanu Swami,
GBC Executive Committee
A More detailed description of the current health situation with HH Gopal Krishna Maharaja:
Dear Maharajas, Prabhus, Matajis, Disciples and wellwishers of HH Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja,
I am writing this note to allay any speculation or confusion surrounding the health situation of Guru Maharaja. As on date, Maharaja has been diagnosed as Covid Positive. He had fluctuating fever for the last few weeks and it was suspected. Maharaja was struggling a bit with fever for the last one month and now it has already come down. In June, Maharaja underwent a comprehensive test and he tested Covid Negative. Since the symptoms were almost similar, we had postponed the tests for Corona. However, now that he has tested positive, we would like to ensure maximum professional care.
Now that the tests have turned out positive, the team of nearly 8 doctors consisting of Maharaja’s senior disciples from the US and Delhi has been completely dedicated to monitoring Maharaja’s health situation.
They have administered some very effective medication because of which Guru Maharaja’s fever has now completely reduced and the temperature is now normal as is his breathing. He had some heavy cough which has also now decreased significantly in just one night! He is feeling tired though and so is resting. The team of Doctors has now decided that for 3-4 days, it would be a better option to have Maharaja admitted at a leading hospital where he could be cared for better and our doctors also could have access to the tests, treatment and progress.
We need to be cautious to rule out any difficulty and so Maharaja would be moving to the hospital tomorrow for a few tests. He has asked all disciples to continue with their sadhana with great attention and always keep trying to please Srila Prabhupada in this movement. This is something he asks us all always to do. As of now Maharaja is in good spirits. He did a bit of deity worship and chanted his Gayatri like normally he does and as mentioned, was resting well; now he is chanting. With everyone’s prayers, Krishna willing, we may not even have to move Guru Maharaja to the hospital for further tests tomorrow!
I will be posting updates frequently on Guru Maharaja’s health situation. Kindly do not circulate any unnecessary rumors or sentimental messages on any media.
Krishna Priya Das (on behalf of the Gopal Krishna Goswami Maharaja Health Care Team
Saturday, August 29, 2020
Satanic "Vaishnava Groups"? From S. Dasi
S. Dasi: Seems you are saying ... many Vaishnava groups have been involved in supporting the ISKCON child molesting. I for one cannot understand ... how so many children, mothers and others ... could have been mistreated so badly. Its heart breaking to read their accounts. Why was there not a big outcry from the Vaishnava universe?
This is very disturbing to me if true.
Can you summarize reactions you got from different groups .... when you reported to them? It seems very confusing to some of us what really happened. And who was doing what.
I have very little to do with ISKCON myself now. They seem to be not trustworthy. I need to understand, are they simply not trustworthy? Or is there some underground ... Satanic abuse culture ... we should know about? My kids sometimes associate with other Vaisnava kids. So it is important for me to know what has been going on.
PADA: First of all there was never ANY "order" from Srila Prabhupada to establish the worship of conditioned souls as gurus / acharyas / messiahs in ISKCON. The whole process of doing that has been a deviation.
Many of my God Brothers told me, "we have to follow the GBC gurus, because Srila Prabhupada told us to follow the GBC." Ummm maybe, but he never said -- follow the GBC when they jump off the cliff -- and make themselves into artificial acharyas? And then various people supported the GBC's bogus guru process as we shall summarize herein.
When false gurus are allowed, its sort of like worshiping a Satanic principle, or perhaps worship of the witch Putana. If we worship an evil person -- thinking this is great service to God, we change worship of God into worship of evil. As we see in many places around the world, all kinds of "religious" people think that doing evil, even killing other people for being "non-believers," is "serving God." Nope. Its serving Satan, or the material modes of ignorance. Its why the Bhagavad Gita says false religionists are in the modes of ignorance, and they are destined to go into lower life forms and lower planets.
If we worship "modes of ignorance" type people and claim they are heavenly, then hellish things will happen in our society. So basically, ISKCON started to worship various ignorant / lower class / Satanic behaving people, or Putana like imitations of pure devotees. And the results have been clear, a lot of evil has transpired.
Then again, witches were known to offer food to Satan, to give the contaminated food to people -- to harm or kill them. Tantric witch doctors use a similar process to place curses on people. One devotee suggested that worship of the GBC's gurus is like some sort of Voodoo process.
In short, it is a Satanic process to replace the worship of the acharya with deviants, and then coercing if not forcing the citizens to accept these deviants as gurus. And thus ever since 1978, one of the main complaints PADA gets all the time is, that we are "destroying ISKCON." Ooops! Worship of deviants is not ISKCON.
And if we allow the ISKCON children to be exploited, and subsequently alienated and aloof from the society, then what will happen to the ISKCON society? It is not sustainable, the society will fail. Never mind many of the victims are now angry and resentful towards the institution (thus many of them avoid participating in it).
That means the ISKCON ship will sink and / or be destroyed in any event. Without many hands on deck to manage the big ship, the big ship cannot be managed properly. And then the ship's motor runs out of gas, the steering rudder gets loose, the navigator goes missing, and it runs aground and sinks. A society will cease to function properly -- if the children of that society abandon the society and jump ship. And Srila Prabhupada warned of that, if the children are not treated well, they will reject the religion. So destroying the children destroys the society, that is the end result.
Another woman wrote to complain to us that she was told by a GBC type that her child had accepted the wrong guru "because her child had not read the books carefully." OK, but she asks -- "how can we say five year old children are supposed to be scholars -- who have read all the Vedas already"? This is insane, a small child has to "read the Vedas to understand what is a guru, and decide which one he should accept." And what happens when all the ISKCON gurus are conditioned souls and the child does not accept any of them? Then the child will be rejected and cannot be part of ISKCON. A five year old child has to read the books and understand what is a guru, but the GBC does not have to?
That means -- the GBC admit they are not reading the books -- because they are making bogus people into gurus -- which means -- they have not yet studied the issue. Making false gurus is in any case demoniac (Satanic) and there are so many quotes on this point -- we could fill many pages of materials citing these types of quotes.
The deviant and self-appointed 11 GBC ISKCON gurus in 1978 first off had big support from the Gaudiya Matha's BR Sridhara Maharaja. And even AFTER Sridhara was eventually told that "His Divine Grace Srila Jayatirtha Tirthapada Maharaja" is taking drugs and having sex with at least one follower, Sridhara Maharaja said Jayatirtha has to stay in the acharya's seat.
OK so there is not even basic respect for the "Vyasa - asana" or guru's seat in ISKCON? Lets put a lusty dog on the "pure as God" Vyasa seat -- and worship him as the acharya. So of course this is demonic -- or Satanic. To tell people to worship a lusty dog as if he is as good as God, or Srila Vyasadeva, is evil.
It is also called "bait and switch."
First we worship the actual Vyasa successor (Srila Prabhupada) then we remove the real successor from the seat -- and place a lusty dog there instead. No respect for the seat, which is why Lord Balarama killed Romaharsana Suta. Sridhara Maharaja is being told they are deviating, and still he says, keep the deviants in the guru seat.
The Vyasa - asana (seat) is meant for someone who is as pure as God, and Sridhara evidently thinks deviants are as pure as God and deserve that level of worship, and that seat. And that is why Sridhara became the darling of the GBC in 1978, he insisted that deviants can and indeed MUST sit in the guru's seat. OK that is like putting a deity of Satan in the church and having people worship Satan instead of Jesus. Of course, this will produce malefic effect.
And more importantly Sridhara said, "none (of us dissenters) should protest." Which made it very difficult for us protesters. Basically Sridhara made the GBC program into a violent cult -- the 11 GBC folks are pure devotees, we cannot protest. Those protesting became targets of violence, death threats etc. So we have to promote the worship of a lusty dog as if he is a good as God, and no one should oppose that process. And we did not expect all sorts of hellish reactions?
However! Srila Prabhupada says -- a guru who has sex with a follower is the same as a father having sex with his daughter. So right out of the gate -- the ISKCON GBC and their "advisors" were promoting the worship of what Srila Prabhupada defines as -- a form of incestuous pedophilia -- or at least it is de facto. The elders or leaders are persons in a post of authority, as father or guru, and then they might take advantage and exploit the subordinates.
So its a pedophile type of process direct or indirect. Yes! It is in fact Satanic activity, and if persons engaged in that Satanic activity become worshiped as the messiahs of the religion, then yes, its Satanic worship. Its worship of sexual predators / pedophiles / deviant behaviors. So its really many different deviations included simultaneously, but rooted in Satanic sexual predatory consciousness, which includes pedophilia. So all sorts of crimes are going on, but the root is the same, prematurely giving guru status to the leaders of the criminal regime.
Of course this explains why the fallen gurus / sexual predators / child pedophiles process later on exploded all over ISKCON, the Satanic root sprouted and grew. And there has been a sort of complex system of molester's nests and webs, usually conducted by older devotees exploiting the younger ones. Same idea was spreading, misuse of a post of superior power. However if we look at this situation, the worship of predators as gurus has been the seed or root of this explosion.
In sum, the worship of pedophile guru systems has become defined as bona fide "ISKCON." And anyone who does not want to support their worship of pedophiles as acharyas process becomes "an offender and a demon" who is "against ISKCON." So this process had made a lot of sub-violent fanatical followers of the Satanic pedophile worship regime. Even now sometimes their people still write me saying, "you are an offender, you need to have your tongue chopped out" etc.
And thus it has been been very dangerous to oppose the pedophile pooja-ites, and the fanatical followers of their regime. Again to be clear, dissenters were targeted with banning, shunning, beatings, lawsuits, death threats and sometimes -- assassinations. So we have to worship Satan, and the entire GBC's Satanic process, or we are not in ISKCON. And we should be exiled and maybe -- assassinated for our disagreeing -- with direct or de facto pedophile worship.
This mentality is still prevailing in sectors of official ISKCON. So not only is the worship process itself Satanic, but the subsequent process of enforcing the worship by banning, beating, lawsuits and assassinating etc. is also Satanic.
And! If the "acharyas" are pedophiles direct or de facto, then the women and children exploiting process will spread like wildfire all over that pedophile worshiping society, because "we become what we worship."
So that was what started all this at root, ISKCON began to worship essentially the pedophile mentality as its saints, gurus and acharyas. That is also what the Christians call -- Satan appearing as the Anti-Christ. Satan makes pretend he is another Christ, but he is simply Satan posing as another Jesus.
Then a whole bunch of ISKCON sannyasas like Sudheera Krishna, Panchadravida, Jagat Guru swami, Tripurari swami, Paramadvaiti swami, and many others, all jumped on board to support Sridhara Maharaja -- and his idea that we need to have our ISKCON children worship their pedophiles as acharyas process. Then some of these "big leader" fellows later had big scandals of their own -- like Paramadvaiti swami. That means the pedophile beeja or seed was sprouting in different directions and manifestations.
Even Hansadutta was promoting BR Sridhara Maharaja as late as 1985, because BR Sridhara told Hansadutta to stay in the acharya's seat despite Sridhara knowing he was having illicit sex and drugs problems [in the San Francisco area] which was creating all sorts of bad news media reports. OK so things were starting to trend more and more towards promoting a sort of de facto pedophile guru process. And many other devotees jumped on board cheering on BR Sridhara Maharaja for "saving ISKCON," by giving ISKCON a de facto pedophile guru worship process. Yep, when there is a problem, worship of pedophiles as messiahs is certainly the cure. OK it is -- for these folks.
And we knew that Sridhara Maharaja had ALREADY endorsed a bi-sexual deviant as their acharya in 1936, which resulted in banning, beating, sexual predator gurus, lawsuits, the guru's child being poisoned and then the guru committed suicide, and assassinations of dissenters, bad media and so on. So there was a big change in ISKCON right then, the GBC wanted us to promote what Srila Prabhupada says is de facto inestuous pedophilia, as the acharya successors to God Almighty.
And many / most of our God brothers went along with that process, and they derided and attacked me for criticizing Jayatirtha, and questioning Sridhara Maharaja's views. So the horse was already out of the barn, ISKCON was now going to worship what Srila Prabhupada says are different forms of pedophilia. And again, its well known that "we become what we worship." So if we have a society that promotes the worship of pedophiles, then the whole society will become infected and permeated with what it worships, and it did.
Then we targeted Tamal as a main ring leader / cheer leader of the Bhavananda molester webs and nests program. And BV Narayana Maharaja defended Tamal and became Tamal's biggest hand maiden assistant and apologist. And as a result, the Narayana Maharaja people began to attack me as well for "criticizing pure devotees." Tamal used to lecture that his two favorite people in the world are BV Narayan and Bhavananda (a homosexual guru). Later BV Narayan admitted that Bhavananda has been acting as a homosexual, and thus BV Narayan has himself been supporting a homosexual guru process.
So we argued that deviants (like Tamal) and the cheer leaders of pedophile guru programs (like BV Narayan Maharaja -- as Tamal's hand maiden) are not pure devotees. Did I forget to mention some of the "Narayan Maharaja guru successors" are alleged to be having sexual predator problems? Same root or beeja. They are worshiping apparently some lusty dogs as their messiahs, and the same root will produce the same evil fruits.
Anyway! It turned out Harikesha was having an affair with a follower. So his followers were upset with me for exposing and challenging his guru status.
And then it turned out Ramesvara was "dating" a teen aged disciple.
And then it turned out Bhavananda was having homosexual affairs with various persons, including taxi drivers in the holy dham.
And then it turned out Hansadutta was having affairs with maybe half dozen women.
And then it turned out that Satsvarupa was having an affair with a follower.
And then it turned out Kirtanananda was having some homosexual pedophile program, and he had a number of followers who participated in the webs and nests of his operation.
And Bhagavan was apparently having some sort of affair.
And so on and so forth ...
In short, there was a flood of leaders including gurus, temple presidents, women's samkirtan party leaders (often lead by a man) etc. in ISKCON taking advantage of their subordinates. It was in fact an epidemic of leaders and elders having affairs with subordinates, which is de facto pedophilia according to Srila Prabhupada's definition.
And some of the older kids were trained to perfom sex, so they would attack the younger kids. Same process is going on here, the older group is agressing the younger group. If the leaders are predators, then it filters down to the other levels. What a great man does -- others will imitate. Of course if the leader is a Satanic person, then Satanic behaviors will filter down to the other levels.
In other words, the pedophile root, i.e. worship of pedophiles as messiahs, was now sprouting extended roots, branches, leaves and fruits, and it was growing exponentially. That is why one of the ex-children victims told me pedophiles "were to be found in every nook and cranny of ISKCON."
Yep, you truly become what you worship, its a proven fact. For example I know some guy who listens to famous rock and roll drummers, and he tries to do what they do, he de facto meditates on them. And so, he becomes like them, and he is actually a great drummer. So if the person we are imitating and meditating on is a pedophile, or de facto pedophile, and the whole society is worshiping such persons, then that process will filter down into the whole society in various ways and means.
So the main GBC body got behind their worship of pedophiles as acharyas process, and that spread the process throughout the society like a cancerous tumor. And they made a rule, we have to eat food offered to their pedophiles or the cheer leaders of the peodphile worship program. And if we offer food to a pedophile guru process, that food becomes contaminated by that quality.
And the persons eating that food will then trend towards being pedophiles, having sympathy for pedophiles, covering up for pedophiles, not reporting pedophiles to the police, and / or viciously defending the worship of pedophiles etc. Is all of this Satanic, well yup! Some ex-kulis are now writing about how amazing it is that so many pedophiles in the society were NEVER REPORTED to the POLICE. The society became paralyzed to really act on this issue because there was now a root of worship of this deviation sprouting branches and leaves and fruits, all over the place.
So first of all we have had the main GBC body promoting direct or de facto pedophiles as their messiahs from heaven. Then the GBC body was supported by people like BR Sridhara Maharaja, BV Narayan Maharaja, and various other "advisors" from India. And many God brothers also went along with the peodphile acharya's process.
And basically none of these people in any of these groups took kindly to our pointing out that there was a pedophile worship root to their program. And many of my God brothers left me hanging in the breeze way back when all this started in 1978, they supported the regime and would not support our protest.
So on and on it has gone, with anyone who objects to the worship of a pedophile guru process being labelled as "against ISKCON." Or worse, "is destroying ISKCON." So later on when we helped the molesting victims (some of whom were committing suicide) with a molesting lawsuit, all sorts of people came out saying that our helping hundreds of children get pulled out of GBC's schools, and helping stop suicides of victims is RUINING ISKCON. Wow, so mass molesting and a growing suicides epidemic is ISKCON, who knew! So hell is really heaven, hee hee!
Later on, after we helped having hundreds of children being pulled from GBC schools in 1997, and we helped reduce the suicides, then people like Naranarayan das and his disciples like Sanat, Mukunda, Prahlad, Krishna Kirtan, Pancali, Janardan, HKC Jaipur etc. all started to complain that PADA is "ruining ISKCON" by destroying their pedophile guru program and subsequent abuse and suicides, which they evidently claim is "ISKCON." Oh ISKCON is being destroyed. OK, but if you destroy the children, ISKCON is already destroyed a long time ago.
OK so these people evidently think that anal sex with children "guru's school" programs, causing anal reconstructive surgery epidemics, are God's program on earth, named ISKCON? They think Satan's program is -- God's. Nope!
Evidently no one told these folks that worship of a homosexual pedophile messiah's program is -- not -- God's program? Nor are these programs "ISKCON." And its an insult to God to say -- that this is His program, when clearly it is not His program.
And then we have Jayadvaita swami saying that their gurus are having illicit sex with men, women and maybe children. Again, how is this God's program? Nope. This is Satan's program, and these folks are the defenders of Satan and his program.
This is another devotee who thinks that our stopping mass molesting and suicide of victims is bad idea:
To sum then, the GBC and most of the God brothers (especially at the start in 1978) went along with the worship of the debauchees guru process.
Then Sridhara Maharaja, Narayan Maharaja, and many other big leaders from India acted as cheer leaders, defenders, apologists, shastric advisors, rasika gurus, etc. to defend the worship of deviants in Krishna's Vyasa seat.
Then people like Bhakta das, Swarupa Hebel etc. began to complain that PADA is "too heavy" and these guys started taking intoxicants. So the children are being abused and these guys think their getting high on drugs is going to help. So when they are having severe trouble some day, the potential help will ignore them and take drugs.
And Bhakta das says Radhanath is a saint, when many victims are infuriated that Radhanath has any post at all. BV Puri says that Srila Prabhupada had only made ritviks, then he invites Radhanath over to do a program at his Math. So one case after another, people from basically almost all the camps compromised with the molester acharyas, if not defended the regime.
The best question really should be, how many people helped PADA stem this overwhelming tide of support for the worship of deviants as messiahs and acharyas? And that would be a small number of people, which includes a lot of "karmis." So its a sad thing to report, but many of the so-called Vaishnava groups are in illusion on so many levels.
Someone sent me a link to a Narayan guru and he was saying Radha is superior to Krishna because Krishna is black, which is the absence of color, and Radha is gold which is the total of all colors. And thus Krishna is like a black hole and Radha is like the shining stars. OK where do they get all this from, its total off the wall imagining. Meanwhile, as these guys speculate on Radha and Krishna, they cannot explain why BV Narayan supported the GBC's pedophile guru process, nor can they explain why some of the gurus in their process are deviating?
So child attacking Putana witch being worshiped as a nice beautiful gopi is -- a mistake. She has come here to eat the children of Vrndavana. And if we worship the Putana program, the children of Vrndavana will be -- eaten. And we will be co-responsible for that evil process by our acquiescing -- if not promoting -- the wrong thing.
And I do also believe that so many "senior" devotees (or even actually juniors too) are dying early of cancer, heart attacks, liver disease, brain tumors, alcohol poison, drug overdose, the China virus and so many other fatal things, because the evil has affected and afflicted them. It has settled within them in some form or another and its manifesting as a fatal ailment.
Anyway, this is a summary, hope this helps! ys pd
"Those who are demoniac do not know what is to be done and what is not to be done. Neither cleanliness nor proper behavior nor truth is found in them. They say that this world is unreal, that there is no foundation and that there is no God in control. It is produced of sex desire, and has no cause other than lust. Following such conclusions, the demoniac, who are lost to themselves and who have no intelligence, engage in unbeneficial, horrible works meant to destroy the world."
Bhagavad-gita As It Is 16.7-9
Fundme For Bhumi Dasi's Cancer Situation
PADA: Bhumi is a nice soul really. And she has done tons of service back in the day. However later on, she was one of the devotees who was always critical of PADA, saying we are "making offenses" "blaspheming great devotees" (the GBC?) and so on and so forth.
Now (perhaps?) she is finally figuring out one of the things we were always complaining about. Devotees have been exploited for money collecting, often collecting thousands and sometimes million of dollars, only to be discarded later on and left with no resources.
That in our opinion is very sinful, to not care for the citizens. The citizens who built up the society were then purged out using different tricks, and then they ended up destitute and financially pretty much penniless. Then the temples were converted into Hindu cash cows.
We know of a great former kirtan devotee who ended up living in the parking lot of a hospital, sleeping in his car. Then he was going into the hospital during the day for treatment. He later died at that same hospital without any real form of outside help coming to take care of him.
Meanwhile, at Mayapur Jayapataka was saying he was going to resume spending millions of dollars suing the Bangalore devotees. So it seems like there is always millions of bucks on hand to pay expensive lawyers for foolish lawsuits, but nothing left for the poor peons when they need care? Very sad. Anyway, if someone could arrange to get some care to Bhumi that would be nice. Another victim of the Great Bully Criminals (GBC). Did I forget to mention, yet one more devotee, who has cancer? ys pd
Women Outnumber Men Priests in Sweden
PADA: Good idea. Women should become preachers. As long as they are qualified and know the scriptures, they should be allowed to take preaching posts. Especially since so many men ended up as sexual exploiters in the priest post, that won't be such an epidemic with women priests.
Women can learn the scriptures as good as a man, so why not let them preach? PADA has had many women devotee allies over the years, and they know the siddhanta better than many / most men devotees. Worse, some of these women allies have not been afraid to preach the PADA principles -- when a lot of ISKCON men wimped out and hid away -- skulking in the corner out of paranoid delusions. That is why I told one woman devotee, when I am in the foxhole -- out gunned and out numbered and the enemy is attacking -- I'd rather have you by my side than a thousand of these wimply men, hee hee!
Of course this is why Bhakti Vikas swami always attacks devotee women.
Many of these women know that the entire BVKS homosexual and pedophile guru process is a deviation and they oppose it, while BVKS has been sitting around licking the jack boots of the founder fathers of the molester messiahs program like Jayapataka. These women are several million light years ahead of a lot of these "senior advanced men."
Even a "karmi" news lady asked me -- why are all these devotees worshiping Kirtanananda sitting on a big seat, covered with the hands of many little boys? She asked, "why are your 'big leaders' promoting what is self-evidently 'pedophile heaven'"? Yep, and another woman reporter told me her car was run off the road by New Vrndavana goondas in a van. So we would rather fight with these ladies than a pile of so-called big advanced devotee men, and we have. Credit should be given where credit is due.
ys pd
Friday, August 28, 2020
Parsva Ekadasi and Appearance of Lord Vamanadeva
Parsva Ekadasi
Sri Yudhishthira Maharaja asked of Lord Sri Krishna, "What is the name of that Ekadasi that occurs during the light fortnight (shukla paksha) of the month of Bhadrapada (August-September "Hrishikesha mase")?
The reason this Ekadasi is so auspicious is that it celebrates the day when the sleeping Lord Vishnu turns over on His other side; thus it is also known as Parivartinii Ekadasi."
He respected the twice-born brahmins and engaged them in performing sacrifices daily. This great soul had a quarrel with Indra, however, and eventually defeated him in battle. Bali took over his entire celestial kingdom, which I Myself had given to Indra. Therefore Indra and all the other devas (demigods), along with many great sages, approached Me and complained about Bali Maharaja.
But as soon as he vowed to give Me the land, My body began to expand into a gigantic transcendental form. I covered the entire Earth with My feet, all the Bhuvarloka with My thighs, the Swarga heavens with My waist, Maharloka with My stomach, Janaloka with My chest, Tapoloka with My neck, and Satyaloka with My head and face. I covered the entire material creation.
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Stealing Krishna's Flute (Ananda Vrindavan Champu)

Taken from Ananda Vrindavan Champu
India's Hindu Temples Facing Cash Shortage
PADA: That means ISKCON temples in India (and maybe worldwide) are also facing a similar cash crunch. Of course the ISKCON temples really don't have legacy gold stashed away to maintain them now as a reserve fund. It will be interesting to see if the millionaire jet set guru program in ISKCON will start to fund their actual temples with their ill gotten gains.
In any case, its sad that many of these legacy temples have to get into so much trouble now after operating for sometimes thousands of years. The only good news is, we are glad the ISKCON program is being de-funded. They might use their funds to get their goondas to ban, beat, sue and assassinate us, that means less funding for them is good for us.
In early March ISKCON's Jayapataka was STILL saying he wanted to spend more and more millions of dollars to sue Bangalore, but notice he has not said anything about that recently? Funds have dried up? Yep, its a sad day when Jayapataka and the ISKCON GBC can no longer buy new Mercedes for their lawyers! Boo hoo! I am crying already, you mean -- the new Mercedes for the lawyers program is breaking down? Hee hee. ys pd
Tuesday, August 25, 2020
SP Radhastami Lecture (Video)
Mercy of Srimati Radharani
Srimati Radharani is the guardian, the mentor and the benefactor of all aspiring devotees. When a soul starts to inquire about Krishna, Srimati Radharani is most pleased and takes charge of his devotional advancements. As one makes progress, one continues to invoke the mercy of Srimati Radharani and when She is pleased, Krishna is automatically pleased.
Srila Prabhupada says, on Radhastami, "From this word aradhyate, Radha has come."............
Prabhupada: Don't take that Radharani is an ordinary woman, like we have our wife or sister or mother. No. She is the pleasure potency. And the birth of Radharani was not from the womb of any human being.
>>> Ref. VedaBase => Radhastami Lecture – August 30, 1968, Montreal
Monday, August 24, 2020
Jerry Falwell Jr. Scandal (NY Post)
[PADA: OK, its a problem in all religions -- that the conditioned soul so-called leaders / preachers/ priests / gurus (or their wives) are sometimes found in some sexual escapade scandals.
The difference is, most religions do not claim that its the guru / messiah / saint from heaven who is the one having problems -- unlike the ISKCON GBC who says its the parampara gurus / messiahs from God who are falling down left, right and center. A woman from Croatia said ISKCON is the only religion in the world that replaces its acharya with mlecchas.
In this case Jerry Falwell Jr. is alleged to have known about his wife's problems but he covered it up "to save the church." Then he made a sort of suggestive photo of himself with a lady -- and got into separate trouble with that.
Then there were alleged other photos that were "taken care of" by a lawyer, and so on and so forth. Now the apparent problem is, the University wants him to go, but he says ... he is not going? Or what did he really say? Looks like its hard to tell?
Same kind of problem in ISKCON. OK you are the guru, but you are creating a big controversy scandal. Can you just resign now and get away from us? Well nope, I am maybe resigning, but maybe not.
Attached to the post? Or what keeps them from just making a clean break, to actually save the religion? And this process has apparently been going on for years in this case, so it was known there is a problem for quite awhile, at least if these reports are correct.
Anyway its sad that religion has become so corrupted in Kali Yuga. Many young people are turning to atheism because of all the hypocrisy / cynicism / conflict / misrepresenting / corruption in religion, its not helping things at all when the leaders are mis-representing God and God's religion.
OK that is why false preachers / priests / gurus go to the lower planets, they are giving Krishna a black eye. If religion is a business, then doing it for personal gain is the worst form of business in existence. There will be hell to pay if we take advantage of people's religious sentiments.
Of course, we were ALL born into Kali Yuga because we were ALL not behaving like little angels ourselves, so we have to take credit for being in the midst of all this due to our own misdeeds. Anyway, good luck, lets hope they sort this out and find some actually solid managers to fix all this.
ys pd
Making Krishna Art on Apple I-pad Pt. II
Previous examples found here: