Saturday, August 29, 2020

Women Outnumber Men Priests in Sweden

PADA: Good idea. Women should become preachers. As long as they are qualified and know the scriptures, they should be allowed to take preaching posts. Especially since so many men ended up as sexual exploiters in the priest post, that won't be such an epidemic with women priests. 

Women can learn the scriptures as good as a man, so why not let them preach? PADA has had many women devotee allies over the years, and they know the siddhanta better than many / most men devotees. Worse, some of these women allies have not been afraid to preach the PADA principles -- when a lot of ISKCON men wimped out and hid away -- skulking in the corner out of paranoid delusions. That is why I told one woman devotee, when I am in the foxhole -- out gunned and out numbered and the enemy is attacking -- I'd rather have you by my side than a thousand of these wimply men, hee hee! 

Of course this is why Bhakti Vikas swami always attacks devotee women. 

Many of these women know that the entire BVKS homosexual and pedophile guru process is a deviation and they oppose it, while BVKS has been sitting around licking the jack boots of the founder fathers of the molester messiahs program like Jayapataka. These women are several million light years ahead of a lot of these "senior advanced men." 

Even a "karmi" news lady asked me -- why are all these devotees worshiping Kirtanananda sitting on a big seat, covered with the hands of many little boys? She asked, "why are your 'big leaders' promoting what is self-evidently 'pedophile heaven'"? Yep, and another woman reporter told me her car was run off the road by New Vrndavana goondas in a van. So we would rather fight with these ladies than a pile of so-called big advanced devotee men, and we have. Credit should be given where credit is due. 

ys pd 

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