Monday, March 3, 2025

Krishna Trance Music VIDEO


Mahatma Das (Martin Hausner): Your Pedophile Messiahs And Krishna 03 03 25

Your humble pedophile messiah's program's chief enforcer.

PADA: Oh oh, PADA had a run in with a follower of Mahatma in Eastern Europe and he was upset I was making critical comments about Mahatma. OK for starters, Mahatma has been a huge cheer leader of the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs club -- which bans, beats, molests, sues and kills Vaishnavas. That sounds like super humble to me -- really. Our program will only humbly ban, beat, molest, sue and kill people. How much more humble can we be? Hee hee! 

And our program humbly frog marches / forces little children to worship homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks and debauchees as their messiahs, which has nicely and humbly resulted in thousands of cases of child abuse, for which we had to be sued for $400,000,000 by our numerous victims. And we humbly paid $100,000,000 in various lawsuits fees -- according to the followers of Jayapataka, to save our leaders from legal problems and save the pedophile messiah's project. 

And when our child victims were taking their lives from being severe victims of our humble program, then our humble defender Mayesvara said these children victims "are just greedy for money." And a lawyer friend told me forcing children to worship pedophiles as their messiahs is illegally "corrupting the morals of minors" and he is surprised no one ever sued them for that.

And Mahatma thinks he and his pals are another Jesus and they can absorb sins, then they get sick, fall down, and die prematurely. And then take those sins with them on their next trip -- to visit the planet of Beelzebub. And then Mahatma has had some kind of stroke / heart surgery etc. but it is all fine, his karma vacuum bag still has some room left unlike some of his compadres! He is telling his compadres to take karma, and it is killing them literally.

Are we dead yet?

But prabhu, Mahatma has learned from all these mistakes and he is trying to help the children now! Forsooth! Oh you mean like his program's suing a lady who is operating a child welfare forum that is trying to address these things? Someone is trying to protect children, time to get the Mahatma program's humble Gestapo legal jack boots in her face! Of course that really aggravated the Mahatma follower, he had no explanation why we need to jack boot women in the face -- who are operating child welfare forums. He just started to tell me I am "being vicious." OK no explanation. Lots of name calling.

You also mean being humble like suing Bangalore because they are not interested in promoting illicit sex guru programs? You mean like shuffling the Child Protection Office officers around so that it is giving less protection to children? (See letter below). 

You mean like NOT issuing a declaration that illicit sex with men, women and children guru programs are -- not authorized? You mean like having Dhanurdar still floating around Mayapur, etc.

Anyway notice Mahatma is still making these whack seminars where he discusses "your relationship with (homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, porno swamis etc.) gurus -- and Krishna." Wait a minute pilgrims, how does Mahatma's illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara / messiahs have any relationship to -- God / Krishna?  

There is the pedophile messiah's lineage guru, and most of them fell down because they were too lusty, intoxicated, and perhaps criminal, but not to worry -- those guys voted in more guys -- ok like Mahatma, just before they crashed and burned. So Mahatma has been voted into the oral sex with taxi drivers in the holy dham guru parampara, and that gives his followers a relationship with God? Or Beelzebub?

Yep. And all this is part of your relationship with God. Who knew! Ummm, nope. Your relationship with God is -- not being connected to Him -- by falling down lusty dogs and / or their cheer leaders and enablers. The guru has to be a transparent via media, as pure as God, and that is the connection to God, not via media a lusty dog. We found a lusty dog, and he is going to connect you to God. Not how this works pilgrims! One psychology student told me "this is an information witholding cult. They omit to tell you the real information." Yep.

So then -- this follower guy argues, maybe Mahatma does not know he is doing the wrong thing, he is just doing his best! Well if his messiahs from heaven are many times fallen, and / or engaging in illicit sex with men, women and children, or worse deviations, then he is not doing a very good job of selecting his messiahs from heaven is he? How does Mahatma NOT know that messiahs are not falling down left, right and center, when any average Joe six pack knows this already. Ooops, then his followers cannot answer this either!

In the end the follower guy got tired of me, and was exasperated not having any good replies, but that has been a problem we have had with some other guys from Eastern Europe, like Poland and such. They just don't believe all my wild stories -- of banning, beating, molesting, suing, and -- murders. Their program just won't behave like this prabhu! Doncha know it!

Yeah they just cannot believe this all happened. But not all of them are falling for the GBC propaganda, we do have at least some people over there who are fully on board. I think I would have to say this guy is part on board, he does have some idea that a lot of problems have been going on. But hey, over there in Eastern Europe they have been in an information bubble, which is why Mahatma has them as followers. He exploits the ignorant.

But prabhu, dear sweet Mahatma is trying to FIX all these problems (he co-created)! Hee hee. Well no, just look at his flyer, your relationship with the illicit sex with men, women and children guru sampradaya, and Krishna. That is an insult to Krishna right out of the gate. The illicit sex messiahs' club, and .... Krishna? There is no way to join these two items together, unless one is a severe deviant aparadhi offender. It is like saying -- here is some dog manure, and this is related to your mango lassi, there is not any connection with these two items, ok unless you are Mahatma. Or his brain dead follower.   

Why does poor Krishna always get lumped in with Mahatama's illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's program anyway? The good news is, Srila Prabhupada says the false guru programs go to the darkest regions of hell, so we won't have them bothering people pretty soon once they leave here. 

Anyone who lumps together Krishna with pedophiles and gurus, is on their way to the most obnoxious regions. Unfortunately, their followers go down as well. That is what upsets me the most, this follower does not even know that homosexual and pedophile messiah's programs are SINFUL and wrong. He could not answer. 

Unfortunately, I realized after talking to this Mahatma guy, there is never going to be any actual unity in the Vaishnava camp -- as long as one group is promoting their homosexual and pedophile messiah's samadhi club's project. That is just not a pure and bona fide religious flag most folks will rally around. I just saw how two boys said they cannot ever join ISKCON, where they will be forced to worship pedophiles as messiahs. And this is the result of Mahatma's humble preaching?

But I think here in California it is pretty cleaned up from what I can see, there are just not a lot of fans of Mahatma's illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's club around here. The ISKCON temples are pretty much empty. Most of the people in the Bay Area are done with them, ok there are a few misguided Hindus remaining mostly. Then we have guys here like Bhagavan, oh no. But he is not a big ticket item anymore. OK so it is better to have an empty temple than a temple full of people who think Krishna's gurus are often debauchees. 

Most people take Mahatma's message to heart, be humble, but they added their own part -- don't be stupid. I think all these GBC "feel good" seminars and counseling things are just another business meant to extract funds from the citizens. Yes Rambhouru has the same thing, sure we forced your kids to worship our homosexual and pedophiles messiah's club's gurus as their "eternal relationship with Krishna," but don't worry, we now have a trauma therapy class for our victims. 

And when we meet someone like this follower from Mahatma's realm, he cannot even agree with us -- even after some discussion -- that homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, druggies and / or lusty dogs are not, were not, could not have been -- Krishna's gurus. Mahatma has put a spell of ignorance on them, and that is why they suffer and get angry when questioned, and start the name calling.

Your relationship -- with our homosexual and pedophile guru's parampara -- and Krishna? What! Charles Manson also thought he was another Jesus, but maybe Krishna does not believe these types of folks. And neither should we. Yeah, have your kids worship our homosexual and pedophile messiahs club members, and then you will get a cheap discount on our therapy classes! And then we can inform you that you have to be humble, and suck up to our program! Told ya! 

ys pd  
Gandharvika Allen Patel

February 28 at 1:37 PM ·

Today is my final day of ICPO service, and I’m overwhelmed with a mix of gratitude and sorrow. Serving victims of abuse, helping those who felt utterly alone and witnessing the resilience of souls who trusted us with their pain, has been the most profound honor of my life. I’ve had the privilege to walk and work alongside some of the most incredible, compassionate, beautiful devotees ever, and every one of their stories has left an indelible mark on my heart.

Yet, as we close this chapter, I cannot ignore the deep concerns I have for what lies ahead. The new regime, led by yes, the ex-director! is rolling out what they call an “enhanced” program that, frankly, has been done in a rushed, shambolic, arrogant, and unprofessional way. I do not believe it is aimed at boosting child protection at all, quite the opposite, and I will be surprised to see even one or two cases get through this new system in any way that will help victims of abuse. It pains me to see such a crucial mission being handed over in a manner that betrays years of dedicated, heartfelt work by so many dedicated CPO staff that have served for years under the most difficult of circumstances.

Thank you to every soul who entrusted me with their struggles. I wish I could have done better for you. I carry our shared memories with pride and a heavy heart as i bid farewell to this service which has been my heart and soul.

If anyone needs guidance for future cases, I’m happy to offer any insights I can from my external perspective. 

Sunday, March 2, 2025

The Internet Destroying Islam? / Lawless Gurus 03 02 25

PADA: The internet is making an interesting situation for all religious groups. For example, two boys were discussing becoming Krishna devotees. So they went to an ISKCON temple, and Lokanath was there giving a lecture. Then they said, we would like to have Prabhupada as our guru, but ISKCON will force us to worship pedophiles and not Prabhupada, so we have to join another sangha. 

They know all about the Lokanath issue, from the internet. Of course this means ISKCON is losing thousands and thousands of followers all the time because people are not going to join a cult that worships illicit sex deviants as its messiahs. No wonder then the GBC has had to hand it off to the Hindus, barely no one else is coming. 

And that is because people are being educated on these issues, and they are not interested in a cult that worships deviants. So ISKCON is siphoning off thousands and thousands of people to other sanghas -- as long as they want to make a pedophile guru cult process. That means they are intentionally choking off Lord Chaitanya's mission to make it as unpalatable as possible to keep ISKCON a teeny cult. Gaudiya Matha pt. II, a few disciples here and there -- and guru. That is very, very, very sinful. 

And now more of the young people in many Islam nations want to be part of the modern world and not be ruled by a bunch of old Mullahs, who are "spreading peace," but who are also pretty much seeming to be creating information suppression, if not a number of conflicts and wars. 

The young folks want to move forward, but these old Mullahs are holding them back. However the dynamic is changing as the Islamic young people are more informed by the internet and they see their future in the broader world and not an isolationist sect. So the world is kind of developing a broader coalition of people who want to work together thanks to global communications.

Same type things are going on in ISKCON. The old guard GBC are losing their grip, mainly because the internet is exposing all their lies, schemes, scams, sandals -- if not crimes. 

Mayesvara is right, the poison issue and other issues on the internet are turning people off from the ISKCON GBC authority i.e. waking up people everywhere, and there is a flood of people no longer accepting GBC authority. He says this is like a spreading cancer. Hee hee, maybe. 

Or maybe -- it is spreading a cure for the cancer. But the internet has been a giant help for us, it has sort of levelled the playing field. And the Muslim world, and everywhere in the world, are going to have to deal with the fact that information can spread rapidly and far and wide nowadays, so repressive regimes are not so easy to keep under control. 

Of course there is also a lot of mis-information on the net as well, but intelligent people will find their way to the right process, if they are sincere, and many are. But yeah, we heard that the GBC was telling their people not to go on the internet, which has been almost like and advertisement to go out there anyway. 

PADA does have more than a few readers living in ISKCON, and many more living near or around, and they rely on us for "the real news." Anyway, we think the internet was made to break up the information control of a few elites, and it is giving us a lot of support we would not normally have. And this will happen in other religions with their elites. Krishna made the internet for a reason, and it is here for now and the elites are going to have to learn to deal with it. ys pd  

PADA: Oh no, no laws should govern the GBC acharyas: 

Sridhara Maharaja:

"No law should go to limit or control the Āchārya, for then the śraddhā of the disciple will vanish, and all will be a mechanised machine. Rather the whole thing will be reduced to matter. We are the messiahs of developing free, internal faith in the Lord. Faith, that is to be nurtured. That sort of creeper should be planted in the garden of the heart and watered and nourished. 

The very characteristic of faith must not be lost by infringement, by over-pressure of the laws and rules. The free flow of the heart must be kept. The movement of Śrī Chaitanya Mahāprabhu is more of heart than of intellect. We should always consider this. The intellect must not check the free flow of the heart. We must always remember that. Free love and free faith are the only things, the most valuable things, for which we have come out of our own house and joined the Mission. 

This purity of purpose should always be kept intact. Of course, some help from law and regulation is necessary, but not so much as to check the growth of our vitality. We must promote vitality. The real spirit, the real purpose of the Mission should be given first hand. And lenient dealings are necessary amongst you. It is said, “If the tongue is cut by the tooth, should I pull out the tooth?” You are one organic whole; your dealings should not be such that the forgiveness of love is forgotten. The giving of love will conquer more than the giving of law. What is the need of so much formality and fashion, when ultimately we are all servants of the Lord?"

(Śrīla Bhakti Rakṣak Śrīdhar Dev-Goswāmī Mahārāj > Śrī Guru and His Grace > Separation from Śrī Guru)

PADA: Yep, we should give people faith in worshiping deviants. Told ya!

Saturday, March 1, 2025

Rasa Manjari and Gaura Govinda Maraja 03 01 25

Be very careful who you accept as their eternal associates.


Inquiry from my godbrother about Gaura Govinda maharaja.

Mataji, please, I am curious, why are you showing respect for Gour Govinda M. ?
You not only feature him in your Fb photo section, but you also occasional post pictures and quotes by him on your timeline. I was under the impression that you are a "ritvik" that you fully embrace Srila Prabhupada's unequivocal order regarding initiations after His departure.

There is no real difference between the rest of ISKCON's gurus and GGM, as NONE of them were ever authorized by Srila Prabhupada to accept their own disciples.
To satisfy their need for profit, adoration, and distinction they All are keeping aspiring Vaisnavas from taking shelter at the lotus feet of the ONLY one who can actually deliver them from the cycle of birth and death!

"Unless one is initiated by a bona fide spiritual master, all his devotional activities are useless! A person who is not properly initiated can descend again into the animal species.! [Madhya 15:108]

Did you know that GGM publicly preached against Srila Prabhupada's teachings on the origin of the Jiva?

PADA: Yeah Gaura Govinda said that the Westerners on the GBC made up the "Back to Godhead" idea, that we originated with Krishna, but that term was being in used in the 1940s when there was no GBC. GGM said that Sridhara Maharaja is correct, we originated in brahmajyoti. That is called mayavada.

"A siksa guru who instructs against the instructions of a spiritual [master], he is not a siksa guru, he is a Demon!

The first offense is guror avajna, defying the authority of guru. This is the first offense! So one who is offensive, how can he make advance in chanting? He can not make! Then everything is finished in the beginning." [Bg 17:1-3, Honolulu, 07-04-74]

Reply by Rasamanjari

Hare Krishna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Hope this finds you well. Thank you for asking. Prior to 1998 or so, your question would have been mine. 

However, in 1997 or 1998 i read an amazing advertisment for some of Srila Gour Govinda Maharaja’s books in Hare Krishna World Review and at the same time my daughter in law sent me 21 handwritten pages from Embankment of Separation, a book by Srila Gour Govinda Swami. 

PADA: 1997 is when we launched the $400,000,000 lawsuit against the Gaura Govinda GBC program for orchestrating mass child abuse, including starving, beating, molesting, breaking bones and teeth and so on. And yet Gaura Govinda Maharaja told me he has to "cooperate, tolerate and work with" the GBC people creating this horrific child abuse program. One of the children victims told me "we were in Auschwitz for kids," and GGM was one of the cheer leaders of that program, always hanging out with them, cooperating, assisting and promoting them etc. 

GGM also encouraged guys like Jayapataka to absorb sins from thousands of people, because GGM thinks the leaders of a pedophile messiah's program can absorb sins like Jesus. Nope!


Gaura Govinda thought these fools could absorb karma,
and be the next incarnation of Jesus,
but he just harmed or even killed them by telling them that.
And now they take all these sins with them into the next life.

I called the number to order my own copy of Embankment and wound up speaking with Dinashyam Prabhu, a disciple of Srila Gour Govinda Maharajas. I had been crying in my heart for sometime, lamenting the situation of ISKCON and my own sad situation in devotional service. When i read in Back to Godhead about Srila Gour Govinda Swami’s passing away from this world so gloriously while describing the pastime of Sri Krishna and Srimate Radharan’s eye to eye union i cried just as i cried when our beloved Srila Prabhupada passed away from our vision. 

PADA: As soon as GGM passed away in Mayapur, some of his disciple wrote to tell me they thought he had been poisoned for challenging the GBC over the jiva issue. Passing away in the company of a homosexual and pedophile guru program, that is being sued for $400,000,000 for mass mistreatment, is not auspicious by any account. "I died in the company of my fellow homosexual and pedophile messiahs club leaders." Great job, and that means you share their karma as one of the members of that club. 

Not the crying of mundane losses but the loss of the soul. You know it. Anyway i listened to him glorifying Srila Prabhupada and i realized nobody in ISKCON loved and understood Srila Prabhupada on that level and i wanted to understand Srila Prabhupada and love him like that. 

PADA: He understood wrongly that homosexuals and pedophiles are fit to be worshiped as Krishna's Vishnupada successors, and Radharani's servants. And idiots like Jayatirtha were calling LSD and designer drugs "Radha's feet dust." 

A homosexual and pedophile guru program is not EVER part of the servants of Radharani's party. Even the average hamburger eating person knows that deviants are not God's successors, never mind his intimate servants on the rasa platform.

I became. friends with a small group of Srila Gour Govinda’s disciples and that association elevated me beyond what i deserve or could imagine. So that’s why. Experience and association. He is not a kanishtha like us. 

PADA: A kanistha knows that he cannot tolerate, cooperate and work with  homosexual and pedophile guru lineages, and even the karmis know that.

Srila Prabhupada himself certified that “He’s a devotee from birth.” His childhood is just the kind of amazing childhood as all our Acharyas. There is a management side of ISKCON and there is an internal side. 

PADA: Yes, that was what Gaura Govinda maharaja kept saying, we need to keep the GBC gurus to "manage." Because there are pure gurus and manager gurus. And if we get rid of the GBC's managers gurus, ISKCON will collapse. OK and what are they managing? Auschwitz for kids. Banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas. What kind of management is that?

Some of GGM's manager gurus are credited with poisoning Srila Prabhupada. Why does GGM think we need to worship Judas and the Roman soldiers "to keep the mission together"? Sorry, that is going to disintegrate the mission, and it has. But it is highly sinful in any case. 

Srila Prabhuada knew he could not indicate the position of Srila Gurudeva because ISKCON would simply kill him. 

PADA: Wonderful. GGM's co-gurus would kill him, Srila Prabhupada, and me, and Sulochana, and anyone else who gets in their way. He is promoting people he himself thinks are real or potential Vaishnava killers -- as Krishna's messiahs. 

So his real position cannot be revealed, because -- they will kill him. Therefore, he is promoting the people who might kill him and others as the Lord's rasika servants of Srimati Radharani. That means he is promoting Vaishnava killer program leaders as gurus, rasika acharyas etc., which is how GGM enabled people being actually killed.   

So he instructed him not to leave ISKCON and his purity, knowledge and preaching protected ISKCON for 18 years from breaking apart or being taken over by outsiders. 

PADA: Worshiping homosexuals and pedophiles as acharyas is not ISKCON. 

Why does GGM keep saying worship of deviants is ISKCON? And the outsiders took over right away, like Sridhara, Narayan, BV and BP Puri, Fakir Mohan, babajis and similar ilk. And now ISKCON is being handed off to Hindu managers, allegedly some of them eat meat. 

The outsiders took over from day one. And promoting GGM's homosexual and pedophile guru process resulting in maybe thousands of kids being treated -- well -- like Auschwitz for kids. He was "protecting" the leaders of the regime that was doing all this, and promoting them as messiahs.  

Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Thakur wanted GBC to manage the society and when the self-effulgent Acharya appeared, for the members to naturally select him. Because of envy, the Gaudiya Math did not select our Spiritual Master, did not recognise Him in His new form as Srila Prabhupada. ISKCON also failed to recognise Srila Prabhupada (Paramatma) again in the form of Srila Gurudeva.

PADA: The Paramatma never instructs people to get 2/3 show of hands voted into a sex with Taxi drivers in the dham "Vishnupada" guru program like GGM was voted in -- in 1986. Even an ordinary karmi knows we cannot mix oral sex with taxi drivers in the holy land and -- guru or the name of God. GGM does not know any of this. 

Also in 1986, when GGM was getting their guru certificate, they excommunicated Sulochana which lead to his death. GGM was going along to get along with them, i.e. with known homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, druggies and criminals posing as Krishna's Vishnupada successors. 

This is not only a high grade insult to Krishna, it is the highest insult imaginable, and the practical result has been banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing. What kind of moral person "tolerates, cooperates and works with" making oral sex with taxi drivers into a reinstated "Vishnupada" messiah?

There are external concerns and interenal concerns. Sometimes called as absolute consideration vs apparent considerations. It is the only flaw in ritvik. 

PADA: The ritviks are flawed because they are not getting voted in as messiahs with oral sex in the dham with taxi drivers as GGM's "Vishnupada"? 

Not even that they don’t accept him, it’s not necessary, but that some of them mistkenly lump him in with all the other clowns and speak offensively against him. Other than that, ritvik understanding is good though it is not based on tattva.

Srila Prabhupada spent 17 days alone with Gurudeva in Bhubaneswara in 1976. Did not allow any tape recordings. He also authorized him to “have his own men” to build the last project of Srila Prabhupada’s at Bhubaneswara. 

PADA: That is what the followers told me, he needs to work with the GBC to get a building. Jayatirtha told me I will not be allowed to participate in ISKCON's buildings anymore, and I said -- goody, I would rather eat from a trash dumpster than take hand outs from you guys. 

I cried. i got special consideration even though i am truly not a worthy person. Srila Gurudeva preached to cry. ““When Paramatma, the Supersoul , Who is there in your heart assumes a body before you, when He will speak of Himself, by His mercy you can understand that paramatma-tattva. That is Guru. And before whom He appears? That is another question. He appears before the living entity who has become very eager how to understand this paramatma-tattva.”

Bhaktivedanta Manor, 29 September 1991
Sri Srimad Gour Govinda Swami Blessings. Hare Krishna.

PADA: Correct. The Supersoul told almost everyone else to leave, so Lokanath swami said the temples are already ghost towns in 1988. But yeah, GGM says we need to cry, therefore, he made thousands and thousands of Vaishnavas cry and suffer, especially children who were getting beaten and raped in his guru program, by GGM promoting evil beings as the Lord's messiahs. 

GGM wrote the 1988 GBC paper "your guru might be an asura." Yeah, he is promoting asuras as guru. And GGM told me Kali Yuga has entered the highest places of ISKCON. And we need to promote Kali Yuga as gurus for children? 

After being in GGM's Auschwitz for kids process, some of the children took their own lives -- and some currently suffer trauma and PTSD etc. Yeah, GGM wanted to make everyone cry, and so he promoted the worship of his illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs, and their program of banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas. And thousands of people ended up crying.

When I told GGM we need to promote the pure devotee he said, no we cannot do that, we need to have the "living lips" guru. OK and his guru's living lips are engaged in oral sex with boys and taxi drivers, and they are using their living lips to promote the living lie idea that we need to worship illicit sex with men, women and children as gurus. Sulochana said the GGM guru program is "the semen sucking sampradaya." Where do you think Yamaraja will place these folks? 


March 1, 1978: On this date in history 47 years ago, during a meeting with B. R. Sridhar Maharaja in Navadvipa, India, Jayapataka Swami (John Gordan Erdman), one of the eleven ritvik priests appointed by Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada to initiate new disciples on his behalf, tells Sridhar Maharaja that Prabhupada had appointed eleven disciples “to be initiating spiritual masters or to accept disciples.”

PADA: Yep, Gaura Govinda maharaja was not saving us from outsiders, he was taking ISKCON to the main "outsider advisor" program's founder father of the bi-sexual deviant 1936 guru Ananta Vasudeva. Narayan Maharaja was later helping the GBC make their guru reform which is where GGM was voted into their homosexual and pedophile parampara in 1986. Outsiders took over from day one. 

And now some of the GGM followers are promoting child beater accused Dhanurdar by inviting him to speak at their ashram. GGM says sabda brahman does not descend from books and tapes, only by living lips, but he is not here anymore -- so why is anyone quoting his dead lips? Many of the ex-GGM ran off to Narayan Maharaja, who was Tamal's bucket boy. 

Anyway, we could go on here, but there is no indication GGM is a pure devotee. He is a compromiser with deviants posing as God's successors, and all that does is make God's agents and police force very angry and upset and want to have these offenders taken to Yama's jail. GGM aided and abetted all this, and he is thus 100% implicated. 

ys pd