Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Sridhara / Hindus / Mlecchas / Justice Foundation etc. 10 02 24

I am your eternal companion.
You are always part of Me -- and you will never 
be part of anyone or anything else.


PADA: I know that when Himavati came back crying, saying that the people at the Sridhara temple were calling Prabhupada "the guru of the mlecchas," we were told to never visit his matha. And we never did. I also know that when the devotees came back complaining that the God brothers did not like "Back to Godhead" -- saying we did not originate with Godhead -- Srila Prabhupada told us -- my God brothers do not know we were once with Krishna because they are tinged with mayavada. 

And yeah, I was there when the GBC was telling us Sridhara Maharaja is the senior most advisor, I was there when Jayatirtha was glorifying Sridhara, I was there when Hansadutta doing the same, and the GBC said he was advising on making their position papers etc. I am not all pervasive, but I do know what I did see. I also know that Ramsevara sent men to visit Sridhara numerous times, they were colluding together. I also know none of you folks ever give me any good explanation. ys pd

PADA: I belong to Krishna and He does not belong to any organization. But you are correct, when I was revealing -- for example -- the negative impact on the children by worshiping conditioned souls, starting in 1978, and then beyond, you guys discredited me, and the rest is all well known history. Sorry, the problems I was pointing out really existed. 

Sridhara Maharaja told conditioned souls to wear the guru uniform, and the uniform will show you what to do, and that is how he created a giant mess for me, the children, and the whole society, he empowered illusion on a mass scale. ys pd



Śrīla Prabhupāda said: "We are not preaching Hinduism. We are attempting to create a society of devotees all over the world, regardless of creed or colour. One jnani came to me yesterday and said, ‘The Moslems used to convert the Hindus, and now the Hindus are converting the Christians. So what is the difference?' But we are not making Hindus.

My Guru Maharaja never said that Hinduism is better than Christianity. We are simply trying to convince people that their original position is with Krsna. The word ‘Hindu' is given by the Moslems. It is not found anywhere in the Vedas. Actually our system is that of varnasrama-dharma, and it is applicable anywhere. The sun is the creation of God, and it is visible everywhere. Similarly, Krsna is not the monopoly of India. Our system is not to change Christians into Hindus, but to revitalize our lost constitutional position as servants of Krsna. These boys and girls are not working for any nation. They are working for Krsna. They have understood that Krsna is the Supreme Personality of Godhead. They are not working for some Hindu god; they are working for the Supreme Lord Himself."

Back to Godhead Magazine - Shrila Prabhupada in Vrndavana 


PADA: Mlecchas argument again?

Hari Ananda Das

Maharaj: today that [Western gurus] has not changed, on the contrary, it has deepened to many levels, today it can be said that there is a Spiritual Neo-Colonialism, where the American "supposed Guru" believes that he is more qualified in the science of Bhakti Yoga than the inhabitants of Bengal, than the devotees of SCSmath in India. This "supposed scholar" and his followers claim that the Bengalis are not qualified to make their own decisions and therefore, this Neo Colonialist character along with his henchmen, want to direct the Bengalis and teach them what Bhakti Yoga is, never in my life have I seen something so abominable: A gringo intends to give yoga lessons to the people of India.

Srila Bhakti Niskama Shanta Maharaj Ki Jay!!!

PADA: We seem to be getting more and more of this. The supporters / cheer leaders of the GBC's illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara are more and more relying on their "India sadhu support" idea. Yep, we have assorted lusty, intoxicated, porno swami, machine gun swamis etc. aka the dubious messiah's club -- supporters such as -- the ISKCON India ICC, Sridhara Maharaja, Narayan Maharaja, BP Puri, to some extent BV Puri, Fakir Mohan and many others -- are all bona fide because they are "from India." Where do I sign up? 

And because we in the West are trained to only worship an actual pure person, like Jesus for example, we are "fallen mlecchas, Gringos and etc." Well then!!! All glories to us mlecchas, at least we know that worship of conditioned souls is not acceptable to Krishna. 

Why? Krishna is pure, therefore His successors have to be pure as well, and there are no second rate (contaminated) replacements accepted by Krishna. And therefore -- the second rate replacements should not be accepted by any bona fide followers of Krishna. We should only accept the pure, as Krishna does. 

If someone is contaminated, even slightly contaminated, never mind the debauchee messiahs they are often promoting, they are NOT Krishna's successors. And when the already contaminated promote other contaminated beings as gurus, then -- according to shastra -- all of them are going to the lower planets. ys pd 


Hare Krishna and All Glories to Srila Prabhupada and the great assembled devotees of the ISKCON RITVIKS members. 

Thank you so much for creating this awakening movement of the 21st century Ritviks ISKCON communal group.

I'm S Dasa here and something to know about me is that … I’m willing to give my life and soul to each and every one of you, while assisting every sincere followers of the Krishna Consciousness movement to its highest greatness which started as early as 1965, when HDG Srila Prabhupada first to came to America. As you know the rest is history. 

I loved my ISKCON from 1965 - 1977 only. Never afterwards. You should know the truth by now. So my dear brothers and sisters of this group, let us all give our absolute spiritual best to help please our Jagad Guru, Srila Prabhupada by restoring his original movement of ISKCON which was founded nearly 60 years ago. Anything is possible when Krishna is there with us in the battlefield of Kali Yuga. Dandavats to all of you here 

Let’s do it TOGETHER!


K Dasi:

Hare Krishna dear devotees, it is with a heavy heart that I inform you our dear Yogeschandra das has departed from this world at about 5:15 pm EDT. He was 78 year old. Our dear Radha Krishna prabhu was with him after he placed all the auspicious items on him and performed last rites. 

Yogeschandra das had a very peaceful passing with Srila Prabhupada chanting near his ear. Please offer your prayers and blessing so that his onward journey may bring him to Srila Prabhupada’s lotus feet. Thank you for all the support everyone gave. True community spirit! 

All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to His Grace Yogeschandra das!


Justice for Srila Prabhupada Foundation,
P.O. Box 1119, Alachua,
Florida, 32616, USA.
Date: 10.09.2024

Ref: Request to provide Legal opinion on Truth Lab’s report no.TLB-AV-0342021 dated 21 Nov. 21 on the forensic analysis of the audio recordings from Bhaktivedanta Archives.

Sub.: Legal Opinion.

Dear Mr. Naveen Khurana,

We have carefully examined the above referred Truth Lab’s report on the forensic analysis of the audio recordings from Bhaktivedanta Archives in the context of brief background and history of Srila Prabhupada, Founder ISKCON - A Bio-sketch as well as the facts and circumstances as stated in the books of The “Personal Ambition” series.

Our opinion to your questions is as follows:

a. Whether the said audio recordings, and the report of the Forensic experts can be seen and read in evidence in the Indian legal system? As per the old Indian Evidence Act, 1872 (amended up to date) as well as new Evidence Act which is now called ‘Bhartiya Sakshya Adhiniyam, 2023’ (which came in effect from 1st July 2024), the audio recordings / tape recordings are considered as electronic records and the same are admissible in evidence in the courts in India. 

Further, the Information Technology Act, 2000 also considers the audio recordings as electronic record which can be read in evidence. Similarly, the Indian Evidence Act (old and new) considers the Opinions of Forensic experts as a relevant fact and the same are legally admissible in evidence in the courts. So, our opinion is that the audio recordings as well as the report of Forensic experts / Truth Lab can be seen and read in evidence by the courts in India.

b. What is the significance of the said audio recordings / forensic report as an evidence in the context of the death of Srila Prabhupada and whether the said audio recordings/forensic report can be helpful in seeking criminal investigation against the culprits for killing Srila Prabhupada?

The enhanced audio recordings and the transcripts clearly establish four material facts which lead to the inference that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned:

i. In his last days in 1977, Srila Prabhupada shared his apprehension with the caretakers/attendants that he was being poisoned.

ii. His caretakers/attendants accepted the possibility of Srila Prabhupada being poisoned.

iii. The caretakers / attendants took this poisoning issue very casually. Instead of taking steps like checking his food, drinks and medicines; get his blood and urine sample tested by some lab; get him medically examined by some reputed doctor and/or reporting the matter to police, the caretakers / attendants were more eager in asking Srila Prabhupada as to who will poison him, and whether he knows who was poisoning him etc., and except gossiping about stories of poisoning of acharyas, gurus and other people in the past, they did nothing to address the poisoning concerns raised by Srila Prabhupada.

iv. Some of the caretakers / attendants not only whispered about poisoning but it also appears from their whispering that they mixed poison in the milk which was then administered to Srila Prabhupada.

Besides the above, the forensic report by Truth Lab also identifies the voices of the key caretakers / attendants who were identified as Tamal, Bhavananda, Bhakticharu, Jayapataka and Kaviraj, and they are clearly the suspected persons who can be involved in poisoning Srila Prabhupada as per the audio recordings.

Further, the audio recordings of the last days of Srila Prabhupada and the Forensic examination of the same corroborate the overwhelming evidence relating to the hair sample analysis by Dr. Morris, which was later evaluated and interpreted by the Truth Lab indicating the poisoning of Srila Prabhupada by heavy metals like Cadmium and Arsenic and about their levels, which were so abnormally high that the same were sufficient to cause his death.

Therefore, we are of the firm opinion that the enhanced audio recordings and the forensic report on the same are a vital piece of evidence, and can be helpful (along with other evidences discussed above) in initiating criminal investigation against the culprits, who were involved in committing the heinous crime of poisoning Srila Prabhupada and to unravel the larger conspiracy behind this.
Thanking you,
Yours truly,
Ajay Gorg


Jayada Harini dasi Jps 

If you can please kindly help towards the $3500 goal, you may send a donation through PayPal or Zelle at:

Or if you want to make a bank transfer you can contact her at the above email address to inquire how. A Nrsimha Puja in Sri Dham Mayapur will be performed on behalf of any donors that are able to help. Thank you for taking your precious time to hear this appeal for your help, compassion, and kindness.

PADA: No money for travel for the servants? Told ya! ys pd

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