Monday, October 7, 2024

Purujit / Indradyumna / False Renunciates 10 07 24

 FLORIDA: 175 mph winds? Yikees pilgrims.


PADA: Yes, this is basically what Hansadutta told Purujit, if you make your own edition -- with enough changes -- you will have your own copyright. Mathura Pati says he is doing the same thing, making his own revised German Gita book which will be different enough that there will be no BBT copyright issue. OK it is their own Gita and not Prabhupada's.

They also will have an entirely different -- and not approved -- Gita. Anyone could re-write a famous book and make enough changes to it -- so it will not be a copy -- but who will want to read it? It has lost its authority. Meanwhile the Purujit people are saying Mathura Pati is a P U T A N A, and Mukunda is complaining that Purujit made some sort of claim that he is able to control people by restraining his sex desire, but there are people who claim Purujit has not actually controlled that. 

Meanwhile, no normal person makes a big deal of how renounced they are, it is not Vaishnava culture to make an advertising of one's alleged renounced nature. Overall, it looks like these guys are locked in a battle for who is able to make a changed book that is better than the other guy, neither of which will ever accept as authorized anyway. Meanwhile we are finding people to translate original things in Ukraine, Italy and other places, using the approved originals. I don't think these guys ever understood these issues, and now they are having a disagreement because they never actually studied the issue properly. ys pd


He and Sridhara Maharaja have supported the process that deviants can be worshiped as acharyas -- by children, actually since 1936, which has created mayhem for ISKCON and the children of ISKCON. He can promote a program that children need to worship deviants as their acharyas, which has been a peril to those children, and still is a peril to children, and he is not obligated to say anything to the past victims or anyone else, or correct that process to help prevent ongoing victims? 

He has promoted Sridhara Maharaja's stuff all along, and he still is, it is on his site. Now! Sorry, anyone who produces a product that is a peril to children, such as having children worshiping debauchees, has an obligation to correct that, or else it invites ongoing and future victims, and does not show any remorse for the previous victims, which would help them heal. 

If a company finds out their product is harming children, then yes, they do have a duty to alert everyone to stop using their product. Or else, they are liable as criminally neglectful and responsible. ys pd

PADA: He has been a long time supporter of Sridhara Maharaja, who has supported conditioned soul gurus all along, and he is still citing Sridhara now. Davide also said he has still been posting photos of himself with these folks. Sorry, if a person has supported some deviations for decades, and there are hundreds if not thousands of victims, a person who has supported that needs to -- at the very least -- apologize to the victims of his process. 

At the same time, his apology is valuable since it might help future victims. Sridhara Maharaja rubber stamped Paramadvaiti and many others as gurus, and Padmanabha went along with that, and then he said he is going to help and assist and correct these false gurus, ok helping them along -- prolongs the deviation and causes more victims. Meanwhile neither he nor you has explained any of this. What is bad is to make problems for others, and then act like nothing is wrong, which is the number one complaint I get from gurukula victims, these leaders never take responsibility for the extreme damage their process has created. ys pd



What you are now going to hear is Purujit dasa speaking exactly from that same distorted line of false renunciation as Tamal Krishna. He talks on how he uses his sexual energy, (controlling nature) not as a bona-fide householder to raise Krishna conscious children but as a tool to lord over other devotees.

His not so subtle message is: “I’m going to use my nasty controlling nature as a Guru to “help you” become Krishna conscious. Even if I am rough and abuse you, don’t complain. Thank me, because I am preaching Krishna consciousness and am therefore as good as a demigod.”

This envious man is not in Prabhupada’s disciplic line but a disciple of Tamal and the book changer Jayadvaita. He is playing out the same deviant programs as his sinister mentors.

PADA: OK he is motivated. Very unfortunate that he has tried to promote himself as a reformer, when he is just another spiritual fraud. I really don't get it, he is controlling his sexual energy, just to control other people? 

Well there are many bogus yogis who control their material desires, so they can attain yogic powers -- and misuse those powers to control others. That is not a very useful process. Meanwhile, all sorts of people are fed up with Purujit's idea that "any sincere person" can make an edit out of Srila Prahbupada's transcripts. Nay nay! And yeah, why is Mathura Pati part of this "make your own Gita" gang? ys pd  



Sharing my truth, of my experiences with my spiritual master Indradyumna Swami, during the time that I was personally serving him in 1999:

Sri Radhe was around 16 years old at that time. Indradyumna Swami was concerned about having a teenage girl hanging around his room. He asked me to speak to her, that it was ok that she could hang around as a kid but that it was not ok to hang around as a teenager. And to explain to her that as a sannyasi, he had to be careful in his dealings with females. So, I did that. 

I had the conversation with her and assumed that everything would be fine. Then, she wrote a letter to him. I don't know what she said, but suddenly she was included everywhere with him. And, then all the crazy behavior started.
I bought a cellphone at that time and lent it to him to use for his service. He called me in, to tell me that he wanted to give it to her. 

I didn't protest and so, he did. That cellphone was how he was personally keeping in touch with SR all those years ago and continuing that inappropriate relationship. His questionable relationship with her included hugging her behind closed doors in his room, showering her with gifts, buying her airtickets to Poland (so that she could hang with him), etc. I enthusiastically asked him if I could come to the Polish Tour that year and his response was, " Well, don't expect me to buy your air ticket!" 

It was shocking for me to hear this, because at the time, I was doing a great number of services for him and spending a lot of my own laksmi. So, later I did go on the tour by paying for my own air ticket and bringing a thousand rands of African jewellery (that I paid for) that he wanted.

At the Woodstock festival that year, he had his head in her lap out in the field, as he watched the tents being erected. He extended her airticket, took her shopping, etc. Whèn I questioned his relationship with her, he told me that I was just being envious. He told me that he had a dream of walking in Vrndavana and a sadhu came up to him and said to him that Sri Radhe was a very special soul. I wrote him a letter (calling him out about his relationship with Sri Radhe) and he said that it was the heaviest letter that he had ever received from a disciple. Of course, he dismissed it, wrote me off and continued with his improprieties. I stopped speaking to him for 3 years.

Back in 2000 or 2001, Sri Radhe was in India. Govinda Swami bought her an air ticket to join the swami's in Russia. She was hanging out with him, Indradyumna swami and BVP. They celebrated her birthday together and they all gave her gold jewelry as presents. They joked about who got her the best present. She was loving all the attention. On another occasion, Govinda Swami went personally to Sri Radhe's home to fetch her, so that she could hang with him, when he was visiting Durban, South Africa.

Later, as we all know, SR came to Mayapura and became involved with AV and the girl's gurukula.

Please note: All the information that I am sharing here with the assembled vaisnavas, is either from my own personal experience or from what Sri Radhe herself shared with me.



A topic that is of great interest to modern Vaishnava society and which has broken unfavourble news time and time again, is that of false renunciation. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura writes in His Shri Chaitanya Shiksamrita about the symptoms of true renunciation and elaborates on false renunciation which is the destroyer of Vaishnava society!

Detachment (virakti):

A natural distaste towards the objects of the senses is called detachment. When bhava arises within the heart, detachment is also strongly awakened. In the heart in which bhava has awakened, a natural distaste for material enjoyment simultaneously arises. If however these objects of the senses are related to Bhagavan, then profound affection for those objects will be there.

There is a group of renunciates who consider themselves to be detached simply by adopting the dress of the renounced order. However one does not become renounced, simply by considering oneself to be so. When bhava awakens, then a natural detachment from sense gratifictation automatically follows. However, it is unauthorised to adopt the dress of renunciation if this natural detachment due to the awakening of Bhava has not arisen.

The meaning of the renounced dress is that detachment has awakened due to bhava and one understands at that time that material life is not beneficial for everyone. Those persons understand that their previous efforts to collect neccesary objects to maintain their life was unfavourable to the practice of devotion and that now, in order to obtain the necessities of life, they should minimise their needs by wearing simple clothing, having a blanket, a water pot, etc, and maintain themselves by honoring maha-prasada obtained by begging.
This type of lifestyle slowly becomes natural for the devotee and he does not experience even the slightest difficulty in it!

At such a time he approaches Srila Gurudeva who after examining his qualities according to scriptural injunctions, awards him the formal dress of renunciation.
However in modern times the system of bestowing the external dress of the renounced order is a cause for great inauspiciousness. 

What to speak of awakening bhava, most persons taking the dress of the renounced order these days have done so even before having reached a platform of steadiness in the practices of vaidhi-bhakti and have instead, being absorbed in some mood of temporary detachment due to arguments with the opposite sex, avoiding materialstic problems, not being able to find a suitable partner and get married, the collapse of some buisness enterprise, taking some kind of intoxication or similiar things that caused some transformation of the mind. Such detachment is called ksanika (momentary) and is of no spiritual benefit.

The consequence of this may be that after a few days, the fever of renunciation will be over and that man or women, being controlled by his / her senses, will unlawfully re-enter family life or become contaminated by secretly engaging in illicit sexual activity. They can not even get the slightest benefit of accepting the order of renounced life (Sannyasa).

Until this unlawful practice of prematurely taking the dress of the renounced order is completly uprooted, there cannot be any auspiciousness for the Vaishnava world! Unlawful renunciation is a great sin which destroys the world. The false renunciation under discussion here is a great offence to devotional service itself. In his appendix of the book Sat-kriya-sara-dipika, written by Sri Gopala Batta Gosvami, one can find a beautiful explanation of this topic.

Of those persons who declare themselves to be a Vaishnava, very few possess this natural detachment which stems from the awakening of Bhakti. We always offer respectful obeisances to the lotus feet of these pure, detached personalities.
Shri Chaitanya Shiksamrita - second stream

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