Friday, October 4, 2024

Purujit's Bliss Boys / Sridhara / Radhanath letter 10 04 24

Yes, I am your boss.
But I'd like to also make you My friend.
How about it?


PADA: Yeah Makhancora, we agree, Purujit was in a frenzy to come to Berkeley to meet the author of the BBT agreement, which Purujit's folks now say funds and supports mass child mistreatment. The license was made by Hansadutta, and Purujit came all the way here to visit the author of that document -- and not us. 

Purujit has made the person who made this BBT license his own consulting authority. If the license supports the GBC, and thus mass child mistreatment, then why is Purujit working with / consulting / meeting -- the founder father / author / creator of that agreement? Now Makhancora is saying the people the BLISS boys are working with, and they came all the way here to get their printing authority from, are making licenses with the BBT, and are thus supporting mass child mistreatment.  

They are begging their own question. Why does Purujit support / visit / consult / accept as his authority / the founder father of mass child mistreatment legal agreement? Anyway this is good news, now we can say Purujit folks admit they are working with the founder father of a legal agreement -- that supports mass child mistreatment. What we thought he was saying! 

But yeah, Purujit folks say -- anyone who opposes mass child mistreatment is a mad man, exactly what Kirtanananda says. Why is Purujit Kirtanananda's sock puppet?  

And why is it "madness" to sue the Hansadutta guru system for mass child mistreatment? Sorry, PADA has had no final or factual input on the BBT legal agreement that Hansadutta made. It was a vehicle for printing books -- that was a compromise deal, and we always said that. We never said it was an ideal agreement, and worse, we said Hansadutta failed to show the agreement to our legal friends, and he signed a bad deal.

Anyway, thanks Makhancora! Purujit is flying all the way to Berkeley to get authorization to make his own whimsical book edits, from a person you yourselves say -- is funding mass child mistreatment. Why is Purujit flying all the way here to meet with the author of an agreement that the BLISS FOLKS say -- supports mass child mistreatment regimes -- according to -- yourselves? Yeah, we BLISS people are coming here to get our authority -- from a person who makes a deal to fund child abuser regimes. At least you BLISS folks admit, and that is a good sign.

Anyway, you want us to stop making Srila Prabhupada's books -- which are saving people from rotting forever here -- in the material world. Why do you want to keep the conditioned souls suffering in illusion? How does that benefit anyone?

Of course Mathura Pati / Mathias Sabji is also with this BLISS group, and he says anyone who does not work with his fellow defenders of Saint Radhanath -- like Bhakta das -- are sahajiyas, which Sulochana says, makes him a target, and enables mass child mistreatment and -- beatings and murders. And yes, calling us sahajiyas DOES makes us targets and DOES help mass child abuse regimes. So Mathura Pati gets to co-cheer lead mass child abuse, and Vaishnava murder regimes, all in one go!  

Did If forget to mention their Saint Radhanath program buries homosexual pedophiles in samadhis? Sheesh pilgrims! Good news, the Monkey On A Stick movie is going to expose all these clowns, and big time. Yeah, I should NOT be working with the agreement made by Hansadutta, says the people who came here to get his rubber stamp to make their own agreement and edits with HIM themselves. 

Is someone not taking their meds? Anyway, no, just because Hansadutta approves or licenses Purujit's edits, they are not EVER going to be accepted widely, period. And if the Hansadutta license program funds child mistreatment, why did you BLISS guys come all the way here to get a license from him? OK, we should not get any license, and not print any books, exactly what Kali Yuga would want us to do.  

I gotta go, time to take my percodans now!

ys pd



PADA: First of all, it is illegal to wear a police man's uniform when you are not an actual police man. It is a crime. You also cannot have a layman wear a surgeon's uniform, and have him do surgery. 

Sridhara Maharaja was telling conditioned soul people -- who were clearly -- lusty, greedy and many times angry (remember Srila Rage-ishvara?), that they should wear the acharya's uniform. And that created thousands of children victims right out of the gate, because children were being ordered to worship lusty and conditioned beings as their links to Krishna. 

A lusty man is not a link to Krishna, and it is corrupting the morals of minors to teach them these bad ideas. And my lawyer friend says they should all be legally charged with CORRUPTING THE MORALS OF MINORS by having deviants wear the guru uniform, which is causing problems for these children on every level, including that some of Sridhara's "wearing the uniform" gurus are themselves pedos. 

We cannot enable pedos to be gurus for children, this is not the right understanding of the Krishna religion. Even my law enforcement friends tell me that, Hansadutta is a lusty drunk, he should never be worshiped as a guru, this is going to cause many victims. And a number of those victims are, children. ys pd

PADA: Sridhara Maharaja said they should wear the uniform of guru, that means he one of the persons who authorized their system, and then he said they should be gurus of the zone -- which was called "the zonal guru system" and so on. He also said they should select more gurus, which the GBC showed me, at the same time they were offering to make me the guru of Ireland. 

Yeah, read the transcripts, he was supporting that they are gurus. And moreover, the GBC were all showing me all these transcripts themselves in 1978, 1979 etc. And the 1978 GBC report was actually dictated by Sridhara Maharaja, he was the ghost writer of these and other GBC guru documents. Yeah read the transcripts, same thing the GBC was stuffing in my face at the time. ys pd

PADA: Correct, Sridhara trusted them, whereas we were asking for any proof that 11 conditioned souls had ever been appointed. He could have asked the same things we did. Yasodanandan was one of the first people sent to visit Sridhara, and even Sridhara was in disbelief, you mean after criticizing me all this time, they are making me their seniormost advisor? 

In any case, no one can wear any uniform, i.e. policeman, surgeon, airline pilot etc. and go do that job. And if it is illegal to wear a policeman uniform, then it is 10 billion percent worse to give conditioned people an acharya's uniform. No one is allowed to wear ANY uniform they are not eligible for, even in the mundane world, it is criminal. 

Yeah, he also thought that conditioned souls should be gurus also in 1936, this is called illusion. And that is why we had to expose and sue the program he was handing out uniforms to, he was creating a very odious situation for the children in his "wear the uniform" process. He was giving the uniform to pedos, which is not authorized and is a peril to children, as we have seen in spades. ys pd

PADA: Correct, he trusted them, whereas we were asking for any proof that 11 conditioned souls had ever been appointed. He could have asked the same things we did. Yasodanandan was one of the first people sent to visit Sridhara, and even Sridhara was in disbelief, you mean after criticizing me all this time, they are making me their seniormost advisor? In any case, no one can wear any uniform, i.e. policeman, surgeon, airline pilot etc. and go do that job. And if it is illegal to wear a policeman uniform, then it is 10 billion percent worse to give conditioned people an acharya's uniform. 
ys pd

PADA: Encouraging conditioned souls to think they are equal to Jesus and can absorb sins etc. is never going to produce harmony. Srila Prabhupada said -- if we neophytes try to absorb sins -- we will get sick, fall down, and eventually become degraded, and many of them degraded and a number departed prematurely. If someone thinks they can absorb sins like Jesus, and we encourage them to dress like Jesus, we are aiding and abetting severe delusions. 

And since they will eventually become degraded, what will happen to children in the care of people who are becoming degraded? And what will happen to children who are worshiping the degraded? I said we cannot allow our children to worship deviants, it will have malefic effects on these children, and -- it has. It does not matter what the GBC says or does not say, we have to be responsible not to support anything they say -- when it is clearly a deviation, and a peril to children. ys pd


Dear Radhanath Swami


Over the last few years, we have seen your popularity in Srila Prabhupada's movement increase dramatically. Your influence and presence is felt everywhere, and, in some cases you are overshadowing Srila Prabhupada.

This is Prabhupada's movement and not yours, yet some are saying that you are the next "self-effulgent Acarya", including Sannyasis like Candramauli Swami.
This would be fine if you were preaching Prabhupada's teachings purely and setting a pure example, and had a spotless character. But you do not have a spotless character, nor do you present our siddhanta purely.

You worshipped Kirtanananda, reveled in the deviations at New Vrindavan, and, after Keith Ham got busted, you left ISKCON for a period.

Despite knowing that Srila Prabhupada did not want hospitals and eye camps opening, you did so nonetheless, trying to make yourself and ISKCON look like some humanitarian project, like the projects Amma and Sri Sri Ravi Shankar head up. These projects teach that "we are supposedly the body", in stark contrast to what Prabhupada taught as the basis for true spiritual life – WE ARE NOT THE BODY.

A lot of money for these projects is raised globally, sometimes in ISKCON centres that struggle for their own maintenance. And it's not accounted for. The GBC tells us not to associate with Gaudiya Math, yet you do so on a regular basis and are seen most publicly doing so and reportedly give large donations to their projects.
You also play harmonica at mayavadi concerts, preach love and harmony and even answer mobile phone calls on the vyasasana.

You also shun and ridicule disciples who, after giving you tearful accounts of abuse by leaders, feel abandoned and without shelter. The list of clear and proven deviations increases and the evidence is publicly available.

It is not just the Ritviks who are outraged, there are many of us who are not Ritvik who feel very uncomfortable with your position and influence. The influence is felt by the large number of your disciples who are preaching leadership, mentoring, life coaching, etc. online.

On leading YouTube channels and websites, the teachings of your disciples are more prominent than any ISKCON Guru, even our Founder-Acarya. One disciple even slams Prabhupada's Gita most publicly.

For the sake of so-called modernisation, the GBC have embraced what you do because it brings in more Indian donations and fills their pockets up with more cash. The executive class within ISKCON can now live more opulently. Temples do not send out book distribution teams but just rely on this Indian money and cater more for Hindu needs rather than the needs of Vaishnavas.

The standards Prabhupada established were slowly going downhill anyway, but your rise to prominence made that snowball. You call yourself a sadhu and present yourself as a humble soul, but your game plan is obvious for those that don't follow blindly. I hope you do read this Maharaj and consider most carefully the damage you have done, because it's not too late to take the humble position and stop.

Your resignation from ISKCON would be most welcome and would speed up the healing process ISKCON needs.
Thank you 


Premarnava das


  1. Bhaktin E: Oh you cannot print Prabhupada's books! You need to print Purujit's books! Both books license by Hansadutta. ???

    If I have to choose Prabhupada book or Purujit book, both have same license, why would I not choose Prabhupada book? They want us to follow their license ... because they make money for themselves.

    Hansadutta saying whatever is not what we need to worry about. We need to worry what Prabhupada says. And he says read MY books. Even if we read only Purujit book, he has only one or two maybe, we cannot limit to that.

    These people are envious of the books of Prabhupada and they want to stop them from coming to us. I am eternally glad I have these books, they need to shut up! We should not read the books of Prabhupada, only Purujit?

    And GBC writes their own books too, and makes that the main books. This is abominable. We should not read Prabhupada's books, it funds bogus GBC, and that means ... we should stop reading the books of the pure devotee now ... because ... we are worried about the money issue only?

    Why is money always the only main thing these people think of all day long? People need these books and these Purujit's want to block and destroy that, simply another Satanical.

  2. LD: As per usual, logic here escapes. We should not allow people to print Srila Prabhupada's books because ... money will be used to help the GBC. Then there won't be any printing any books?

    I would sell my soul to Satan to get these books ... because Satan would have no power over my soul after that. They have no idea ... the book is transcendental to money. The first thing they ask about is, the money, very greedy people obvious. GBC always worry about the money. Hmmm ....

    Bhaktin E is right, all these Purujit people worry about is ... saving money, not saving souls. It is always "where is the money going" not "where are the fallen souls going"? That means ... they don't even know where they are going by their blocking distribution of these transcendental books.

    Or worse ... telling people not to read these "contaminated books."
    Where are the fallen souls going ??? is the primary importance for Srila Prabhupada, and should also be for his followers. The Purujits are followers of money and not Prabhupada.

    Hansadutta made some sort of BBT deal ... we already know it is defect ... but it is the best we have had. Then Purujit goes to the same Hansadutta ... and makes another deal. And that is not defective?

    Why is his deal with Hansadutta any better than anyone else's? Because he is envious of everyone else's progress. I can make a deal with Hansadutta, but you cannot, because I am Mr. Squeaky clean and you are less than me. Whoaaa. Staggering arrogance.

    Go and count your precious money and leave us to read these books, we have better way to spend our time. You are not in BLISS, you are angry, envious, arrogant, materialistic, foolish and ... mundane men dressed as sadhus. GBC pt. II.

  3. MMD: Same thing they say here. Prabhupada's books are contaminated, you need to read the Jayadvaita. And that explains why ... Purujit says there is nothing wrong with the Jayadvaita.

    They are trying to discourage people ... from reading the pure devotee books. And it is working ... they are misleading people. And this Makhancora has drank it all up and accepted ... the pure books are bogus, their edits are pure. Very foolish people.

    In many ways ... this Purujit is worse than GBC. He pretends he is "a reformer" "the real editor" when he is just another one of them. Wolf in sheep's dress.

    We are very lucky we even know the changed books are an important issue. Most of these Hindus here have no idea ... what is Prabhupada's books ... and what is not. And worse ... they don't really care.

    This is the problem with Purujit. He would never ask any of us if we want his edits ... because he knows very well ... we never will. He is just another bogus cult like the GBC people.

    A few fools ... mostly very brainless fanatic ones ... and nothing more will ever come of it. He will disappear ... along with his "pure books" and his pure followers will be dust in the wind. Just like the books Harikesh wrote ... no one ever cares about them anymore. Personna non grata. This is very sad ... another exploiting and bogus books is coming along in the middle of all the chaos, to cheat people.

  4. Bhatka T: This does sound very suspect. Purujit says Prabhupada's books are all "contaminated" or even ... poison, but ONLY his books are pure. He is even worse than Jayadvaita.

    I realized this right away. Purujit actually hates Prabhupada's books and he wants to have all of them discarded ... so people will only BUY his books. Now they are saying we should not even buy Prabhupada's books, then people will only buy his books. It is another Hare Krishna rip off scam money business.

    I also think he has no idea ... it does not matter who gets paid when they get Prabhupada's book. The book cannot be contaminated, it is as pure as Krishna. Cannot be contaminated.

    They think the money can contaminate Krishna vani, because they have no idea Who Krishna is. It is clear ... painfully obvious -- their main interest is -- money. Don't give money to those people, give it to us.

    And that is because Krishna vani is contaminated by sources of money. They have no idea Krishna is living in His words, money cannot touch Him, wherever it comes from.

    Purujit is a mundane main training mundane people in mundane ideas. No wonder ... he never talks to any of us, the first thing he says will show how much a fool he is.

    Ironic also he thinks only he can get a pure license from Hansadutta, and that is the "only pure license." Really! His poop also does not stink. These people are very self-righteous and arrogant, and it shows by the way they (mis) treat others, talk down to others, and how they hate Prabhupada's books.


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