Saturday, October 5, 2024

Purujit / Rising Voices of Concern / CPO India 10 05 24

While the citizens suffer,
the leaders are doing a comedy show.


PADA: Yes prabhu, no small amount of hypocrisy for Purujit's folks to say -- we cannot work with Hansadutta's book printing scheme, when Purujit flew all the way here to make HIS OWN book printing deal with Hansadutta himself. Yes, that means they are really saying -- only they can print their own book, and we should no longer print Srila Prabhupada's books -- as many people suspected they were saying all along. And the Purujit's are even saying Srila Prabhupada's books are contaminated etc., same thing the GBC's folks say. 

Worse, Purujit's folks are saying the people they themselves make deals with like Hansadutta, are funding child abusers. Why is Purujit working with that agenda then, by his own admission? Some PADA readers are saying -- they hate Srila Prabhupada's books, and they want the printing of his books stopped and ceased, so they can monopolize the books business with their own business model. OK looks like a business operation. Same as the GBC wants their changed books to be the exclusive model.

And as soon as we said there is a mass child molesting issue, the GBC folks said we are sahajiyas -- bogus gopis etc. -- to discredit our complaints about the abuse. And the Purujit people do the same exact thing, following in the footsteps of their mentor Kirtanananda's program. Yep. Who cares that thousands of children are being abused, the real problem is -- Puranjana! He is a bogus gopi. Yep, there is your whole problem right there. WTF!!!

In other words, as soon as the topic is -- anal reconstructive surgery epidemics, and banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing Vaishnavas, the first thing that comes to mind for the GBC and Purujit type people is -- the bogus gopis. How many people think we should bring up the gopis when the topic is children being mass molested, and people being beaten and executed? All this and -- the gopis? What do the real and / or sahajiya gopis have to do with any of this? Why would anyone even mention the name of the gopis -- when the topic is mass child abuse, poisoning, beatings, murders and etc.?

Same thing with Sanat, Mukunda, Prahlad, HKC Jaipur, Mathura Pati etc., our complaints of the anal reconstructive surgery epidemic means -- this complaint has to be connected to -- the false gopis, gopi bhava and sahajiyas. Where is the connection? 

And yes it gets worse, it looks like us false gopis are the only people complaining about this problem in the first place, so let us shut the complaints down, so our mass molesting process will be enabled and empowered, and we can have more and more children victimized, as they have done. Even my police friends say, anyone who discredits you is ENABLING the crimes and child abuse. 

On the other hand, when we tell the regular Joe "karmi" hamburger eating people there is a child abuse issue, they are immediately concerned and alarmed, and they never would even dream of saying, so what, who cares, you are not a strict Krishna devotee. 

That is what HKC Jaipur's Prahlad's idea is, well sure children are being abused left, right and center, but Puranjana does not chant his rounds. OK lets keep the abuse going on and ignore and discredit his complaint. More than a few victims have told me, these people have our blood on their hands by their suppressing. 

The "karmis"? They know what is the important issue -- and what is not. It also really does not even matter if the person reporting child abuse is the village drunk, his report must be taken seriously, and not made into foolish jokes about the sahajiyas, gopis, who is chanting etc.

Moreover, the "karmis" see absolutely no appropriate way that the subject of mass child abuse should be shifted to some sort of discussion of real or bogus gopis, it has no relevance to the actual problem, rather shifting the topic is a way the supporters of the mass molesting process have diverted attention from the problem. 

But yeah, they are also correct, mainly -- it has been us bogus gopis -- like me and Sulochana -- who came out to oppose the mass molesting process. If only the bogus gopis are "manly enough" to address these topics, what does that say about the rest of the lot? 

And Purujit's Makhancora, Mathura Pati, Prahlad and others post "smiley faces" when we bring up these topics. Perhaps thousands of kids are being abused and that should elicit -- laughing, jokes, and a smiley face response? Like some of the GBC folks respond. And some of the victims told me, seeing their smiley faces replies -- makes them physically sick and disgusted with these guys. 

And this begs the question, what is wrong with these people? If the bogus gopis are the main people complaining about mass child abuse, and you guys are turning the complaints into a smiley face comedy hour TV special, then -- sorry, that makes you co-responsible for enabling and empowering the mass abuse. And making the victims physically ill -- seeing your smiley face replies. 

Yep, in conclusion, the blood of these children and their ongoing feeling ill etc., is ALSO on your hands, you are co-responsible. NONE of this is on our bogus gopi's hands at all. This is all connected, attacking Prabhupada's books, attacking the children, attacking the whistle blowers, making a giant comedy hour joke of mass child molesting, Srila Prabhupada's poison complaint, Jayadvaita's hatchet job on the books. In sum -- banning, beating and killing, this is all a big comedy hour show -- same agenda as the GBC. 

Yep only a crazy man addresses all this, and that is why there is still ongoing exploiting and bad people in big positions, this is still happening thanks you combined guys suppressing our complaints. And that is why more and more people are telling us, you guys -- are them -- just in another package.

But I really should not pick on just Purujit-ites, there have been hundreds if not thousands of devotees who have given me smack downs for complaining, about almost anything. He is just another example. I was interviewed and they were astonished that all sorts of ill behavior goes on -- and on, and on, and on -- and they said -- "it is almost like the Krishna devotees have learned to live with evil events going on all around them, and they have conditioned themselves not to notice. And worse, they have learned to INSTEAD challenge the whistle blowers and not the actual sources of the evil. And that means, the evil agenda wins." Yup! 

ys pd   



In reply to all apologists of the Swami-medhi ...
What about the thousands of devotees that few elitists in the upstairs office have cast aside heartlessly?

Thanks to ISKCON's self-important elite, the men of office and the men of letters, thousands of mahatmas, real devotees, were chased away to die in some lonely place, when their vans ran out of gas. It happened over and over again. 

And all they got from the elitists for their innumerable sacrifices and service were condemnations from upstairs. Their tombstones, if written by ISKCON's elitists, might just as well read, "This is what happens to you envious demons."

Elitist "devotees" who were wise to care for themselves, and rake in the money for their own pockets, blithely watched as their rank-and-file brethren (and sisters) froze in the cold of isolation, mercilessly torn from a family they thought they belonged to.

And after living the good life like swami-medhis for decades, the elitists ask us rank-and-filers to keep in mind what great devotees they are (were):. We can hear their echoes, "Even in my fallen state, I am still better than you are, sucker."

How much hypocrisy is the rank-and-file, as well as the rising generations, supposed to tolerate in the name of such imagined priestly superiority?
Saffron postering has nothing to do with the servitude that the Supreme Lord Shri Chaitanaya Mahaprabhu enjoined for us, His followers, to obey submissively, and which Prabhupada emulated perfectly as the ideal servant of his spiritual master.

When such men with superiority complexes think of themselves as better than anyone else, and give themselves the entitlement of unlimited free service and enjoyment, the edge of the cliff is not far away. "The higher they are the harder they fall." The demise of the privileged few is directly orchestrated by He who is controlling the activities of all living entities. As Prabhupada warned, "Be very careful ! You are dealing with Krishna."

Today the same arguments of false superiority held by an elite are also put forward for child molesters and murderers who shore up their fragile positions with the most questionable means including black arts. For their benefit, we are supposed to cower in some corner before their fabricated greatness, at least until we breathe our last in some lonely outpost.

Demonic activities culminating in sense gratification do not befit any devotee, no matter how elevated he believes himself to be, or how many foolish robotic disciples he thinks he has initiated. Any arrogant "guru" who initiates a prostitute for sense gratification and sends her X-rated messages will get bitten in the ass in due course of time.

To all those who ask us supposed rank-and filers to just sit silently while Lord Chaitanya's movement is being sent to hell by sense gratifiers, I think that we have had enough. Enough of the show-bottle posturing of false ascetics with tridandas which they hold over our heads like weapons.

The history of child abuse in ISKCON India is very sinister. The authorities have never shown an iota of care or concern for the suffering their policies caused so many children all over India.

On account of their history, when they set up CPO Bharat, this initiative was largely viewed with suspicion. And since its inception we have seen a lot of evidence that shows that these suspicions were founded and that Pancaratna is not here to protect children.

This letter is yet another piece of such evidence, here Pancaratna has already decided to protect Sri Radhe, another child, and thrash her victims, BEFORE he's seen any of the evidence!!! In reading it over can 'taste' Pancaratna's hostility for the CPO he's supposed to cooperate with...

His mood hardly inspires cooperation!

This letter shows the world Pancaratna's true colors, bias and also that he's not here to protect children...

But perhaps the ISKCON India Bureau leaders knew this from the very beginning and that's precisely why they choose him?

Who knows?

What we know is that ISKCON India has followed a trajectory of destruction when it comes to child abuse, and so far we've only seen CPO Bharat facilitate more child abuse.

To the ICPO Director. 26 September 2024.

Dear Kamlesh Krishna Prabhu

CPO Bharat has received a copy of the Official SRDD Decision, which your office considers the final verdict in the case of Sri Radhe DD covering the alleged emotional and verbal abuse against the alleged victims.

Unfortunately, there are no details or supporting papers to show who the new victims are and any evidence to prove the new complaints. Also, since you have recused yourself from this case, we cannot understand who is/are the judge or judges, as it is not clear from your paper. Please outline how this case was processed and adjudicated without the involvement of yourself and your wife, the co-director.

CPO Bharat would like to request you to please send us those details so that we may verify these allegations in keeping with the GBC resolution 450.03: ISKCON Child Protection Office: — ICPO Year Plan 2024-25 — Annual General Meeting — Action Order. — March 9, 2024.

During the upcoming year the following will be priorities for the ICPO:

b. The ICPO shall work forthwith with the Bharat CPO to create a shared list of review panel members (including several from India) that can be drawn from for any India cases. The ICPO will work with Regional CPOs, including the Bharat CPO, in a way to share information for future functioning.

c. The ICPO Director shall support and permit Regional CPOs to establish their own review panels in their respective regions comprising of trained and qualified members.

We have many times contacted you requesting for co-operation and even recently on the 5th of May we tried again but you have consistently neglected to answer. In the beginning when CPO Bharat was formed by the India Bureau you stated that you would only recognise CPO Bharat if the GBC recognises, but in the recent GBC minutes it is very clear that the GBC does recognise CPO Bharat and in fact has instructed you to cooperate with us but unfortunately you have not done so.

In 2015 there was a very well-rounded verdict given by the ICPO under Champakalata DD. CPO Bharat recognises that verdict and agrees that Sri Radhe DD must follow that to the letter. This new case seems to us to be nothing more than harassment, which is having a detrimental effect on Sri Radhe DD and also her innocent children, who have now become victims having to suffer so much turmoil for so many years.

In accordance with the above GBC Law and the Bureau resolution of 3rd September in Juhu. 2024, CPO Bharat would like to inform you that in regards to your decision and verdict on the case of Sri Radhe DD, CPO Bharat does not accept this ruling and we will instruct all centres in India that this ruling is not applicable in India.

Your servants

Pancaratna Dasa / Daivi Prakriti DD
CPO Bharat Co-Director CPO Bharat Co-Director
CC to. GBC EC. ISKCON India Bureau EC. Mayapur Executive Board, MEB.

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