Thursday, October 10, 2024

Indradyumna Swami + "There Are Hundreds of Gurukula Victims" 10 09 24

Another AI work, where I touched up the eyes and tilak on the I-pad.  

PADA: Thanks Mother S prabhu, yes Sulochana and PADA have been publishing testimony from abuse victims -- and identifying perps -- since 1986. We have given a voice to victims, and that almost did not exist anywhere else, at least not consistently. And yes, more forums are coming out all the time NOW where victims are finally having their voices heard. It is sort of busting loose presently, there are many discussions now taking place, but we were the main pioneers. 

And still even now -- today -- people keep sending PADA information on victims, and / or the perps who created these victims. And we get other tales of woe over the GBC's bogus messiah's club. So yeah, we have been an important element in giving voices to victims and identifying perps, and perhaps we still are, because new materials are being sent to us all the time. 

And yes, the GBC-ophiles have therefore not been too happy with PADA. And yes, they got rid of Sulochana and wanted to get rid of me for our acting as expose agents. And yes, unfortunately very few rank and file devotees wanted to help us, and a number of them wanted to impede us. 

And a lot of them have been part of the cover up process, which has enabled all these crimes. Yes, when people have complaints -- they will send to us, but not bother very much sending to others. Obviously, they know we are giving them a platform, others won't 

Of course Sanat / Mukunda / Prahlad / HKC Jaipur / Pancali / Krishna Kirtan / Mathura Pati types of guys made a forum to "have PADA removed from the internet." They do not want any platform going on to expose all this abuse. In fact they want to cover this up even worse than the GBC folks, they are really against anyone who exposes child abuses. At least most of the other devotees don't actively want to shut down these complaints about abuse, they know these problems need to be addressed, but there are some very determined defenders of the regime out there. How did you guess, they repeat the pedophiles, "this is all lies".   

So yeah, many people direct or indirect defend / aid / abet / support the pedophile guru process. And they are clearly not happy someone like PADA is giving a voice to the victims, and is identifying perps and the enablers, and our work is generally causing people to lose faith in the bogus guru system. 

Needless to say, the GBC ilk / many rank and file / and these compromised type of folks / just don't like the PADA expose approach. But yeah, that explains why victims do not bother to write exposes and send to any of these folks, they are not interested in the process of giving a voice to these victims, identifying perps, and / or their enablers etc. They mainly want to preserve the status quo of -- corruption, and exploiting victims. In sum, they are more aligned with the GBC's nepotism and cronyism program -- than our program. 

Yep. There has been likely HUNDREDS of children victims in Mayapur, if not more, at least according to people who went there as students. That is what we were saying when me and Sulochana came out against the child abuse in 1986, there are many victims because it is pervasive and maybe industrial levels. But as usual, the leaders were "unaware of the problem." 

But we were aware? Is that why they had to get rid of Sulochana, and they tried to get rid of me? They are not aware of the problem, but they are hyper aware of the people addressing and mentioning the problems. Like us.

Many of the children had "serious health issues" from all the abuse, stress, neglect, maybe lack of proper food and supplies and etc. No kidding, they were suffering badly in the hands of these clowns posing as gurus. Meanwhile the gurus have often been living like opulent Saudi princes, no expense spared. 

Now Indradyumna says the victims need therapy, so we need the mundane therapy people to fix the mess made by you bogus Jesus'? He says we failed the gurukulis, well yeah, you failed to listen to them -- or us whistle blowers.

And who is paying for the victim's therapy, and paying to get them situated properly in normal society, with practical financial assistance, getting them an education they did not get, helping them with job training and etc.? 

Not seeing that? OK at least PADA helped some of them get some financials -- by our helping the lawsuit, otherwise, a lot of them would not ever have got anything from all this. Ever. Anyway, the dirty laundry is coming out more and more, and it is unfortunately not helping Krishna's name a whole lot, but it has to be cleaned up one way or the other. That is just the way the world works. Srila Prabhupada said, the temples may fail, and he was correct. 

ys pd


This is an exchange between one of the girls that were in Sri Radhe's gurukula and Indradyumna Swami. Wherein she reminds Indradyumna swami that she and many others had personally informed IDS about the abuse the girls in the school were suffering and she asks IDS to stop all the lying...


My family lived in mayapur from 2000 untill 2016, I am one of 5 siblings, me and my two sisters all went to the mayapur girls school under AV. My two brothers were also in the boys school. (I left the girls school in 2006)

My younger sister and sister in-law where in the school for years, it was a constant battle trying to help them both break free from all the abuse. My husband would constantly have arguments with his sister telling her to leave. I left mayapur in 2009 I would visit my family and mayapur regularly once or twice a year for at least a few months. The abuse got worse and no one would listen, nor did anything. All the girls of the school had become robot slaves to Sri Radhe, Madhava Gauranga and Anirdesya Vapu Das (AV). The fear they had was horrible to witness.

I spoke to Indradyumna swami many times over the years about this. He had a very close and strong relationship with my younger sister Xxxxx, one of his favourite little girls. He would constantly say she was like his real daughter and that she was such a good disciple and that what ever he told her she would reply with "yes Srila Gurudev".

This constant special treatment keeps her very loyal to him still now, like many other young girls / women her age.

It really felt like a stab in my heart to read IDS letter on FB. It had a deep impact on me the way he dismissed it all publicly so smoothly "it cut deep." I was then added a few days later to a Whatsapp group by Indradyumna swami called (reaching out) with most of the girls that had attended the mayapur girls school.

"Dear team: Just to let you know I am here and eager to continue our healing process. I think our initial meeting was a good start.

(He spent a whole of half hour on his last two week visit to mayapur to meet and talk with the girls (victims) about the abuse)".

I sent him the following letter.

(I wanted to share this with you to help fill in the dots and give you more insight information of Indradyumna swami. I have a voice recording of my darshan with him from 2015 that I referr to, due to the sensitive of the victims names and personal health problems I don't want to share the recording publicly).


Dear Indradyumna swami,

This was your instructions you wrote to me.

(You have the "best friend" (in one sense) in your relationship with your spiritual
master. You should be turning to him for guidance. You have to be honest
and upfront with me so I can guide you through the ups and downs of life.
Again, not everyone has such an opportunity. When I accept someone as an aspiring disciple I take that responsibility very seriously - and so should you. I'm extending myself to you. You should accept that shelter and take
advantage of it.)

Fast forward 15 years and here we are today..

Honesty would help to start my healing, the last few months have been far from easy. And especially after reading your statement. I grew up worshiping and admiring you we had a personal relationship and friendship. The last few days I have been shaking with anxiety and fear (My whole entire faith has been turned upside down).

I wasn't able to attend your meeting in Mayapur with some of the girls.
But I can't stand quietly on the side lines anymore, as generations of devotee children continue to get manipulated and abused.

Sivarama swami's recent letter was also shocking! But the recent letter from you, Indradyumna swami, was simply heartbreaking. Its extremely disturbing and disappointing the way you openly lie to say you unknowingly contributed!

I personally spoke with you, Indradyumna swami, in a darshan I had with you in Prabhupada's room in Juhu temple, Bombay, January 2015. I shared my ongoing concerns for the welfare of my little sister, and the other girls! My sister wasn't doing well nor were the other girls. They were suffering with health issues and depression. 

You told me that you had also heard this from other students that had told you about crying about having no qualifications and feeling lost. I told you how scared the girls were and that they were developing serious health problems, and I told you of an example of what one of the girls was going through and feeling, Your reply was "IT'S REALLY THAT BAD!"

You told me that you had tried to talk to Sri Radhe but she never listens and she gets very defensive.

You mentioned "my generation has failed the gurukulis." I expressed that my sister had been counting down for months till the end of school, regularly saying "I can't do it any more." She couldn't wait to graduate and finish her sentence.
One of the students finally had the courage to leave the school and put an end to all the pain and abuse only to have you personally call her to send her back to the school.

This wasn't the first time.

I had come to you with concern about the school and for the girls. I had told you that the girls where all fully under Sri Radhe's spell and that I had been trying to convince my sister to leave for years! But she had a lot of fear of Sri Radhe, she knew she would also loose her friends and I shared my own experience of how Sri Radhe had treated me in the school and when I had left the school.

I know I wasn't the only one who had turned to you about the abuse and asked you for your help over the years.

You continued to support Sri Radhe even when the school was SHUT DOWN. You never reached out. You did quite the opposite you would go and spend time with Sri Radhe and would stay at her house when visiting Mayapur.

You continued to act like she hadn't done anything wrong when the CPO had closed her school in 2015 and banned her from working with children in ISKCON.
Half of her students are your disciples, for them to come and see you they would have to come to Sri Radhe's house. Some of the girls would struggle to come and see you and for some, it was too much to ask and would choose to stay away.

Your constant support and friendship would throw off our mother's concerns and doubts about Anirdesya Vapu Das's behaviour and involvement. They trusted your judgement of him and the situation. I honestly question many times why no Iskcons leaders, Sanyasis or GBCs said or did anything to help us and protect us.
My mother was one of the many that reached out to you many times about the ongoing issues with Sri Radhe and the school.

You say you never saw any read flags in Anirdesya Vapu Das's behaviour. You visited the school regularly over the years. (Any young child or adult could easily see things were a little wrong in this school in little to no time).

Sadly there was several cases against Anirdesya Vapu Dasa since the 90s and you claim to have missed them all. All your friends were well aware of what had happened and you say you were kept in the dark about all the abuse (very hard to believe). It was common knowledge he had a shady past. 

You seem to be an amazing detective to finding all the lost information and history about Vrindavan. But yet again you were supposedly unaware of all the abuse Anirdesya Vapu Dasa had done to literally HUNDREDS of Iskcon's children. 

And what was currently happening in the school on your many visits over the years even though you had been told over and over again. Only now you all try to wash your hands when it blows up in your face, and claim you did not know.

Given that the nature of the comments on your statement you have decided to hide all of them. Yet again silencing the community and the truth to many who are trying to speak up against child abuse and share how they had come to you for help over the years and told you. To no avail.

Stop hiding the truth, come clean, stop lying to us all. Show everyone you really care about our movement and its children. You are part of the problem!
Staying silent has only resulted in the destruction of HUNDREDS of Gurukuli's lives and in the destruction of faith to many other devotees!

I will also be forwarding this letter to the CPO and GBC.

I stand by my words, with tears in my eyes that you have brought me to write such a letter.



This was the quick response I received, He continue to act like the hero like he is looking out for us and quickly change the topic to trying to help and save us and uses the distraction of professional therapy to cover his tracks. His words are insulting.


Dear all: I thank everyone for their recent imput into this chat group including Xxxx. Xxxx, I feel your pain and am sorry for failing you in a number ways. My only excuse is that I, along with so many others, were duped and deceived all along by Sri Radhe. Not knowing her deceptive nature, I took her side as she was the “authority.” 

I hope one day you will understand that. I can promise you and all the girls that I am not a liar hiding secrets. Personally, at this point, I feel the focus should be on giving support to all of you and other girls who have been so deeply affected by abuse you experienced. That is the very reason I suggested we open this chat group. 

Unfortunately, I see it is opening old wounds, more doubts and incriminations. Yes, it is healthy to discuss - but I firmly believe at this point that this should be done at a professional level: meaning you girls one on one - or in a group - with a trained professional person, or persons, who knows how and is successful in therapy. 

That is what is needed now. That is why I have encouraged everyone without exception to search out a professional therapist. On behalf of all you I have been researching this approach which I feel is more healthy than what is taking place now in our group. 

For example, there is a wonderful devotee in the USA, Janaki dd, who is a Licensed Clinical Social Worker who specializes in trauma. She serves on the Board of Directors for the NACPO and again is an exemplary devotee.
She recently switched from working in a residential facility to having her own private practice. She is willing to get involved. Janaki dd has long had the desire to shore up a missing piece of CPO services which is 'Victim Support' but there has never been funding for that area.

In addition to individual therapy, she facilitates group therapy. Group therapy can be a good fit for survivors of child abuse that happened in a subculture like ISKCON, what to speak of those who experienced abuse on masse in gurukula. Like Holocaust survivors, gurukula abuse survivors share a unique experience that they often feel others can't relate to and in which they find support in one another.
Are any of you interested? 

If yes, I will look further into this alternative. Let’s use this chat group specifically for this purpose: giving you all the “professional” support you need and deserve. If this chat continues to be used otherwise then I, like others, suggest we close it down. But I want to say here and now, if we do close it down I will still be available for anyone and everyone on email. From there we can continue the real healing by putting you in touch with professionals like Janaki dd.

My best wishes to all,

Indradyumna Swami


In your recent FB post to IDS you ask about him sending a student back to the school. this is correct, he sent her back after her brave move to finally break free and leave the school.

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