Saturday, October 12, 2024

Mirabai Discusses the Giriraj Swami Scandal 10 12 24

PADA: A Story of love, lust and video sex. Sort of like Satsvarupa's novel "Sanitorium." And these are the people ISKCON wants the society's children to worship as their eternal link to God? Where do I sign up? My friend in South Africa says the Giriraj story is just starting to pick up steam over there, and there is a lot of denial, disbelief, shock and sadness. Well, no kidding, that is what they spread instead of blissful Krishna consciousness.

And Basu Ghosh and his India ICC folks are spending $20,000,000 -- so they can have the Giriraj program take over Bangalore. We want to establish the Giriraj program for -- more children! Yeesh pilgrims! I am not sure even my percodans are going to make me feel any better today! 

There is good news! Seeing all these mighty messiahs and alleged pure devotees falling victim to lust -- left, right and center, makes people -- like me at least -- want to avoid lusty desires at all costs. Yep! I don't wanna be ANYTHING like these fools! 

We are ALL conditioned souls, fully overwhelmed and hypnotized already by the material energy, but there are layers and levels of that illusion. And Srila Prabhupada says -- a guru having affairs with one's own followers is like a father having an affair with his own daughter. 

In other words, these Giriraj cult people are worse than the regular conditioned souls, who are aghast at the idea of having an affair with their own daughter, spiritual or material daughter. And that is why these Giriraj people are going to a worse destination than the mundane people. 

Clearly, ISKCON is in melt down mode, there is no question about it, and thus the leaders are going to suffer and are suffering, but I feel much more sad for their victims. They are going to suffer in this melt down mode as well, and I consider them to be more or less victims. So I pray that people like Mirabai can be saved and come to the right platform. Lets hope so for her sake, and for the sake of other victims of the Giriraj fraud. 

ys pd

 My sexual relationship with Giriraj Swami – A story of love, lust and video sex”

PODCAST: Episode 144 – Saturday 12th October 2024🎙

** UPDATE: ISKCON’s Governing Body Commission (the GBC) acknowledges in a public statement that ‘highly inappropriate communication’ has taken place between Giriraj Swami and Mirabai devi dasi: **

We’re delighted to welcome Mirabai devi dasi as our guest on this week’s podcast.

At the end of September she set the ‘Hare Krishna social media world’ alight by releasing a short film claiming she’d had an intimate, sexual relationship with ISKCON guru Giriraj Swami.
The film, which has had over 30,000 views to date, can be seen here:
In this week’s podcast, Mirabai’s first extended interview, she sits down with The Hare Krishna Project’s Narada das to talk in more detail about her relationship with her guru.
She is the most recent of a number of people over the years who have made accusations about Giriraj Swami, and hasn’t held back in being open about her experiences.
In response to Mirabai’s expose, ISKCON released an official statement shortly after claiming that that Maharaj has recently been diagnosed with a form of dementia – which is the reason for his “behaviours that are inconsistent with his character and values”. See here:
The relationship though hasn’t been denied by his ‘inner circle’, and other ISKCON gurus have even questioned the severity of the diagnosis.
This week’s podcast is not to be missed!
You can watch it:
- Here on Facebook
- and on YouTube at
For more details about The Hare Krishna Project check out our website


  1. JD: Getting a BJ in the temple room? No wonder Basu Ghosh and the ICC people want him to take over Bangalore. We need to raise the guru standards!

    I forgot. These gurus are going to be taking birth in a pile of dogs poo. Where do they find their acharyas, in the guru trash bin? He should not get married, he should be not associated with anyone until he rectifies himself.

    Marriage does not mean BJ in the temple rooms .... they don't even know that much ... they are dogs in a guru dress ... or worse than dogs.

  2. M Dasi: Holy Mother of Jesus. This is the best the GBC can find to be their jagat acharya ... sum total of the parampara of Krishna?

    I was reading just the other day ... from the Bhagavatam ... the man who has oral service by a woman ... is very sinful ... and has to fall into a horrible river and suffer immense there. Isn't that who they are talking about there?

    Suppose that man also has been worshiped while sitting on a Vyasa seat? Oh no! The most fallen worshiped as the most pure. And there is no punishment. They think so?

    Cannot help but think ... none of them believe in the Vedas, nor they believe there is any judgement for sins, nor they even believe there is a God. How could they behave like this ... and believe there is a next life.

    Even my friends ask me -- how could they do all this ... and be believers? Obviously !!! They don't believe in karma, Yamaraja, or any moral even karmi's level of good and bad behavior. So they are going to be swimming in that horrible dirty river, where the oral sex fiends go, and they will have to suffer there for a long, long, long time.

    No doubt ... now they are going to say Kirtanananda is more advanced because he was servicing followers, while Giriraj is being serviced by followers, so he is less advanced. Can anyone even make this stuff up?

    Oh no! That means they are going to have Giriraj samadhi next to Kirtanananda! Pure examples of "serving others and being serviced." Holy Mother of Jesus! It has come to this now???

    They were just telling me ... it is going to be better ... it cannot go much lower, things will improve ... but every day, they lower the bar more and more for ... being a guru.

    Hate to be the bearer of bad news! There is a God ... and these bogus guru people are going to suffer bad reactions. Bad is an understatement. It is more like horrible.

    Having desire for oral sex from followers already a sign from God ... they have been cursed by God already. And they will continue to fall lower and lower species ... as Krishna says, He casts false religionists into the lower species.

    Hate to say I am happy about that result but, when Krishna says ... bye, bye, go down to lower planets and good riddance, it is our duty to join that sentiment. Same time, glad this has all come out, we need to know what they are doing behind closed doors. No more secret double life.


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