Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Sudharma's Horror Story 06 18 24

PADA: Sudharma says the "low class man" in her New Vrndavana forced marriage gave her a (venereal?) disease which is connected to cervical cancer, which she got -- and then she had to undergo surgeries. And she departed -- probably due to this cancer. 

After she departed, there was a problem finding funds to cremate her body. And this pattern of exploiting and neglecting devotees is unfortunately what has happened to many senior devotees, both male and female. 

They were upchucked out of ISKCON, and then not taken care of, while the jet set swamis have had all sorts of opulent housing, medical care, travel expenses etc. all paid for. Yep, that is what Sulochana said "this has been largely an economic war against the God brothers and God sisters. A few elite people wanted to take control of all the money and assets. I call them 'The Guru Business'." 

Yup. And then, after all this happened, the GBC helped bury the ring leader of all this -- Kirtanananda swami -- in a samadhi -- as if he were some sort of saint. Yeesh pilgrims! And people like Ravindra swarupa and Rupanuga were harassing me and Sulochana for complaining about Kirtanananda's escapades. 

And people like Rupanuga still claim that Kirtanananda was appointed to the post of guru. Ummm, nope he wasn't. Nor are his actions guru - like. He was a deviant and not a guru and it is high time we all agreed to that -- if for no other reason than to give some sort of justice to the victims. 

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com      

Patita Pavana dasa:


18 Jun 2024: Our Godsister, Shrimati Sudharma devi dasi, a life-long, dedicated disciple of Shrila Prabhupada in her 70's, passed away a few days back in Alachua. In her own words, she shares her thoughts on some of the brutal and heartless treatment that women have suffered at the hands of these greedy, sadistic seducer-demons posing as devotees.

It is sickening to read how she was repaid by ISKCON's cold shoulder even after the tremendous brutalizsation that ISKCON authorities caused her. As we read the words of Mother Sudharma below, about the great suffering the institution caused her, let us recall the words of Bob Dylan,

"Bury the rag deep in your face, for now is the time for your tears."

From the FB page of Hare Krishna Historical Scholar Henry Doktorski, we read
Sudharma appears in "Gold, Guns and God," Vol. 4, pages 44-46. 

She says:

In New Vrindaban, I was able to open a bookstore in the basement of the Palace of Gold. From there, with very little support from the management, and with my young baby girl in tow, by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy I was able to distribute a sizeable quantity of Srila Prabhupada’s books. This effort was easy because of the grandeur of the Palace and the sincerity of the devotees.

Unfortunately, like so many previous efforts, it was not to last. I had just completed a Labor Day weekend of book sales that totaled $10,000 when I was once again informed that it was now time to bring in a more qualified individual. I will not dwell here on the demoralising manner in which the transition took place, but I will say that after my departure from the New Vrindaban book store, the sales immediately decreased to less than a tenth of what they had been when it was under my care.

More detrimental to me . . . was my arranged marriage. It was determined that the solution to the numerous fall-downs of New Vrindaban’s residing spiritual leader would be -- to give many of the men artificial sannyasa and to marry off all of the women. Upon hearing of this decision, I approached one of the leading household couples in our community to inquire about one godbrother I thought might be interested in marrying me. 

Unfortunately he was one of the candidates for sannyasa and thus I was kicked out of the ashram and forced to live outside, alone in the sankirtan van.

After returning to the ashram, it became apparent that I was earmarked to marry a man of very low character. Understanding the intention, I began fasting and praying to the Lord for understanding. After several days, I had no answer, so I also stopped drinking water. After four days of not drinking water and not eating, I received a phone call. “Please break your fast, I will not force you to do anything against your will.”

You can imagine my surprise and dismay when less than two weeks later, my marriage to this very same man was unexpectedly announced at guru puja. I was tired and weak from the fast and had no fight left in me. I felt that for some unknown reason, Krishna wanted me to surrender.

Thus, after years of ardent service and unflinching dedication to the regulative principles, book distribution and preaching, I found myself married to a low-class, disturbed individual who smoked, drank, stayed out nights roaming the streets of the gay sections of San Francisco, regularly forced himself upon me sexually, beat me and tore up everything I owned. He even gave me a disease that is a known link to cervical cancer, a disease for which I have recently undergone extensive surgery in what then appeared to be a life-threatening circumstance.

1 comment:

  1. V Dasi: Those were the days my friend. Everyone was collecting money ... to make a big temple. But the New Vrndavan society they were in ... was more like cats, dogs and hogs. People were being treated very badly, including children. Race to the bottom.

    Kind of Tower of Babel. They wanted a big building ... but they did not want a nice society to go with it. Now they have neither. The buildings there ... falling apart. And the people ... are all gone. They were in a race to nowhere.

    They forgot ... worship of a lusty fool like Kirtanananda will make a society full of lusty fools. They have made one REALLY BIG thing for certain ... a bad public image of Krishna's religion. And yet there are some foolish people out there STILL talking about the good old glory days of New Vrndavana. There were no glory days. It was all artificial.


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