Monday, June 10, 2024

JPS Health / Mahavishnu swami / Another Hidden Abuser 06 10 24

Jayapataka's Mass Initiations: Mayapur

Health update of
HH Jayapataka Swami Maharaja

9th June 2024 8.00PM

Hare Krishna dear disciples and well-wishers of H.H. Jayapataka Swami Maharaja,

Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. All glories to Guru Maharaja.

By the mercy of Lord Krsna, Srila Prabhupada and the prayers worldwide, Guru Maharaja was doing well with regular dialysis, but for some unexplained reason he was building up fluid in the lungs and abdomen.

Due to the fluid collection this morning Guru Maharaja complained of stomach pain and tightness in his abdomen was bloated , his oxygen level also dropped. He complained of nausea too and so he was immediately taken to the hospital for dialysis even though he had dialysis yesterday.

Today he was not able to eat due to this condition and is requiring continuous oxygen support. Since dialysis did not help to the extent required doctors are going to remove fluid by tapping the lungs at the time this message goes out.

We humbly request devotees to continue prayers for the health of Guru Maharaja.

On behalf of the
Health Team and
JPS Seva Committee
Maha Varaha Dās

HH Jayapataka Swami 

PADA: Yeah all of his idea of becoming a big shot "messiah of the jagat" sounded great at the beginning. Unfortunately, what is nectar in the beginning is poison at the end with material enjoyment. And all of the 11 gurus either fell down, got sick, or both, or died prematurely. And foolish people like Bhakti Vikas swami and others encourage these 11 GBC guys to take karma, which is causing them to suffer, and suffer badly. 

Not an expert here, but it seems to me that Jayapataka is suffering from gradual organ failure. And with all this mess going on, the heart and other organs are under additional stress. But the remarkable thing is, how he hangs on to the last thread? Anyone else would have just given up a long time ago. Why is he so persistent on staying here? 

Well, he probably knows that after making his illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara, of bogus Krishna's successors, the statements of the Vedas are correct. For such deviants, it would be better they never heard of the Vedas. They will go to far worse suffering and lower planets than the common man. I feel bad for the guy. I told him not to take karma, and he laughed at me. I don't think he is laughing now. All this karma is catching up to him, big time. 

Generally fluid build up and lack of oxygen are symptoms that his days are numbered. And that is why they say -- don't live, and don't die. Living is suffering and when you die -- you will have to answer for making Mayapur into Auschwitz for kids etc. 

ys pd  


AD: I Had a discussion 27 years ago with the crazy dressing Mahavishnu swami: I was telling him that Srila Prabhupada is recommending in his books that the guru must be an uttama adhikari to get full spiritual know and guidance to go back to Godhead. He was constantly interrupting me telling me that in one passage of the Nectar of instructions Prabhupada says that a kanishta can be guru. 

I tried few times to tell him that that sentence is part of a paragraph in which Prabhupada tells us that the guidance of a kanishta or even madhyam guru is insufficient, and that therefore we have to be careful to choose an uttama as guru. 

He was not listening at all, his main point was that a kanishta can be guru, I couldn't even tell him what Prabhupada was saying... he wouldn't allow me me to continue,. he was insisting that a kanishta can be a guru..

Such was, and still is MVS understanding and preaching philosophy about guru position in Iskcon. Clearly he, himself, is a kanishta, attached to his position with no realisation. He is so attached to his weird hats, shoes, dresses etc. that even at the age of 75 cannot detach himself from this hippy stuff.

These are the kind of gurus we have in iskcon. No surprised that Mvs behaved so badly towards the devotee mother and her child. A guy like Mahavishnu swami is not only lacking in spiritual realisation, he is also lacking in human feelings.
And the worst is that there are hundreds, if not thousands of naive brainwashed devotees that follows this guy considering him a great advanced devotee.

LD: "... However, one should not imitate the behavior of an advanced devotee or maha-bhagavata without being self-realized, for by such imitation one will eventually become degraded.

In this verse Srila Rupa Gosvami advises the devotee to be intelligent enough to distinguish between the kanishtha-adhikari, madhyama-adhikari and uttama-adhikari. The devotee should also know his own position and should not try to imitate a devotee situated on a higher platform. Srila Bhaktivinoda Thakura has given some practical hints to the effect that an uttama-adhikari Vaishnava can be recognized by his ability to convert many fallen souls to Vaishnavism. ONE SHOULD NOT BECOME A SPIRITUAL MASTER UNLESS HE HAS ATTAINED THE PLATFORM OF UTTAMA-ADHIKARI .

A neophyte Vaishnava or a Vaishnava situated on the intermediate platform can also accept disciples, but SUCH DISCIPLES MUST BE ON THE SAME PLATFORM , and it should be understood that they cannot advance very well toward the ultimate goal of life under his insufficient guidance. THEREFORE A DISCIPLE SHOULD BE CAREFUL TO ACCEPT AN UTTAMA-ADHIKARI AS A SPIRITUAL MASTER."

Nectar of Instruction (Upadeśāmṛta) -

by HDG Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada:
NOI Verse 5 purport 


S Dasa -- Teka Lal Basyal, also known as Tirtha Gauranga Dasa (initiated by Prabhavisnu) over the course of a couple of decades, raped young boys in the Vrindavana Gurukula when he was also an older student; he sexually harassed a number of women in Sydney; he sexually abused two girls in Adelaide. He was involved in sexual assault or harrasment cases in the UK.

The situation concerning Tirtha Gauranga is profoundly troubling. The information surrounding his past offending in Vrindavana and the UK was never provided to the CPO or any temple authorities outside of his home temple or the offending temples, so by the time he had come to Australia and was offending again, the damage had already been done. Still ISKCON Australia authorities are failing to protect women and children in Sydney, by allowing him to begin to go unchecked back into the Temple.

He was found guilty of child abuse by the ISKCON CPO, while serving as a pujari at the ISKCON temple in Adelaide under ISKCON. As a priest entrusted with safeguarding the welfare of the temple's children, his betrayal of that trust is appalling. It is crucial that a resolute stance is taken against such reprehensible behaviour. Decisive action must be implemented to deliver justice to the victims and establish measures that prevent future incidents. Moreover, it is imperative to ensure Teka Lal Basyal / Tirtha Gauranga, remains barred from all ISKCON temples and centres globally.

At the time of the events in Adelaide, complaints were lodged with both local authorities, namely Families SA (as it was known then) and the SA Police. However, the progress of investigations was obstructed by three influential individuals within ISKCON: Aniruddha, Prabhavishnu (who was then the GBC and Tirtha Gauranga's guru), and Vijay Gopikesh (who was serving in Sydney and provided shelter to Tirtha Gauranga, after he was being apprehended by ISKCON Adelaide for his suspected abuse of children there). 

Despite attempts to involve law enforcement, cooperation was hindered, leading to limited action as he was getting shelter in another state and state police were bound under South Australia jurisdiction. A pedophile restraining order was considered but would only cover Tirtha Gauranga if he entered back into South Australia.

In 2017, Vara Nayaka, who was then the President of the ISKCON Sydney Temple and had already suspended Tirtha Gauranga from temple activities due to similar allegations, sought additional information. Aniruddha confirmed his awareness of incidents in Adelaide but admitted to suppressing further investigations.

An independent investigation led by Ambika and Venugopal, was requested to preface CPO Officers investigation. This is not in keeping with ISKCON’s protocols for zero tolerance towards abuse and the protocol to send all abuse claims straight to the CPO. Ramai Swami tried very hard to stop even this investigation. The independent investigation uncovered child protection concerns in Adelaide and confirmed that two girls had been abused. 

The Australian CPO went on to confirm those findings and placed a five-year ban on Tirtha Gauranga of attending ISKCON. However, his troubling history includes expulsion from the Vrindavan Gurukula for sexually assaulting younger students, undisclosed incidents in England, and further allegations in Sydney against adult women as well.

It's disappointing that despite the suspension and stringent restrictions imposed on him, the wider ISKCON congregation in Sydney and Australia have never been informed. Tirtha Gauranga continued to actively participate in temple activities at New Gokula Farm, leading kirtans, delivering talks, and overseeing abhisheka and deity worship, even during major festivals, throughout his suspension period. He has showed no regard for the restrictions placed on him, regularly engaging in congregational activities across Sydney, including those promoted as ISKCON events, conducting pujas and yajnas, leading kirtans, and delivering lectures. 

He intentionally deceived the congregation and devotees by concealing his suspension and the accompanying restrictions. Furthermore, beyond the Sydney Temple management, only a scant few were privy to his suspension, the accompanying restrictions, or the gravity of the offences he had committed. The management made every effort to keep this matter under wraps.

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