Monday, June 24, 2024

Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami Confronted in Bath UK 06 24 24

BD: No time Fo Fakin Jax! What a disgusting loser!

SR: Pranams to Premarasa Das prabhu for challenging AV. ISKCON's children will be safer when a significant number of devotees will start to push back and speak out against this ignorant and destructive culture of tolerance towards child abusers.

DD: Big truth!

SRD: I am glad to see someone questioning Anirdesya Vapu's presence. Who is the lady and man accompanying Anirdesya Vapu? I am sad to hear the lady saying "You don't know everything" which makes me think Anirdesya Vapu is sharing a different version of his actions and doing the same as he has done for the last 40 years - obfuscating the truth, skirting accountability, and straight up lying about how he harmed children.

HK: The man in the video with AV is Ter Kadamba das -- who used to have a popular YouTube series many years ago called “ask a Monk.” Very surprising to see him along side AV, he’s quite a fixed up and kind devotee.

PK: Yes, who is the woman?

SRJ: The problem is that the false narrative of AV may create an opposition camp and large conflicts between admirers in the future. Then there will be a fight for the so-called justice, many people already know that he has thick evidence of his dirty activities on his account .....

That’s why it is so important that we share documentation of Anirdesya Vapu’s abuse and consequent restrictions.

PW: We need very strong kshatryas who put up a screen of protection for the CPO and people who are committed to justice for children being harmed by perpetrators and are defenseless in showing truth in the face of this hypocrisy in ISKCON.

SRD: The man taking the video is Premarasa Das. I pay my obeisances to him.

KA: Very brave soul.

DD: Maximum respect!

NY: So long as the victims don't file a criminal case, he'll be free to stroll around as he pleases. I know it's traumatic for them and they'd have to relive all of the past abuses - but somebody, somewhere, especially in America needs to bite the bullet and do it.

Shame on that Indian woman chatting away with him as if an expelled swami / child rapist is someone to converse with.

SS: Yes.

MG: Hypocrites!!

SR: Thank you Premarasa Das!

DD: Many STILL love him, justify him and find the sentence unjust (see this article from 2023) ..... some host him and support him materially.

Dissatisfaction & Disappointment over the investigation of former Bhakti Vidya Purna Swami (AV) - Akincana Gocara

AM: Pure evil.

AP: The problem starts when ISKCON didn't send him to court. Many of us have lost the trust of how serious ISKCON GBC is willing to deal with serious legal actions that should be taken mandatorily. Is really shameful that the man is walking free like if nothing happened!

KJ: Exposing the truth about this corrupt, GBC voted-in, institutional bogus guru is great service, my humble respects to HG Premarasa prabhu.

SRD: One note, Anirdesya Vapu - and anyone found guilty of child abuse by the ISKCON Child Protection Office - can not be a guru in ISKCON.

In 2007 the GBC RESOLVED:

“Whenever the ISKCON Central Office of Child Protection rules that an offense is such as to restrict a person from serving in ISKCON in positions of leadership (including but not limited to offices of GBC, minister, zonal secretary or temple officer), the restriction must include the position of initiating guru. This restriction shall apply to all previous and future decisions of the Central Office of Child Protection.”

This Resolution is why the GBC keep blocking their own CPO from handling Lokanath’s case.

2007 – International Society for Krishna Consciousness – Website of the Governing Body Commission


TP: I do not see any problem. He can go around freely, he does not have any restrictions from police. Until some victim steps up and goes to the police, he is free to move around as he pleases. He is not welcome only in some of the temples.

SP: He has such a smug look ... He does not care about the damage he caused so many victims ... And its ppl like that lady who feeds this arrogance n pride ... Makes me mad ... make me loose hope in iskcon .... He n others have defiled Holy dham ... Feels like a gangster syndicate!

VV: Wtf that's Ter Kadamba with him. I would have expected better from him than to entertain a known child abuser.

ASD: You should have asked direct questions man, reference to his child abusing behaviour ..., "When did you begin taking an interest in children sexually" Etc. Confront these rascals in public! 

SRD: Sri Gour Kripa Dham - Bhakti Yoga Ashram?

AD: Are you sure it’s Ter Kadamba? He looks like a devotee from ISKCON Liverpool!!

SRD: Sri Gour Kripa Dham - Bhakti Yoga Ashram who is the devotee from Liverpool, their name?

SD: Are these two his pimps????

DSD: We need to update our tactics when spotting these shameless abusers in public -- loudly announce to all the public there that here is a convicted child molester, who is banned from a number of countries. LOUD VOICE so everyone on the street can hear.

Just see the indignation, Wexler and his pimps think it's funny that he is approached and challenged by this devotee.

Let's add some "street justice" to the program, call up websites and rulings on the phone to show the crowd, keep following and trolling the abuser reading the rulings with loud shouting. Then let's see how much Wexlar keeps laughing.

PD: Long overdue. If we look at Tik Tok or similar medias, we'll find various victims of fraud, cheating, false priests and / or religionists and etc. -- going up to the people who cheated them with a video camera and asking tough questions to the cheaters and / or victimizers, to confront them. Then -- these "expose videos" go viral and expose the cheaters. 

This should have been done with ISKCON's perps and enabler class of leaders ages and ages ago. Yeah, he is walking around because -- for starters -- he was never criminally charged, which is another defect of our "Krishna devotee" social structure. There are a lot of tolerance and apologists for the bad guys, but almost zero tolerance for whistle blowers. And worse, various victims are now telling me "we are being erased from their history." And there will be such problems as long as that is the policy. But anyway, bravo for the people who exposed this guy. ys pd

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