Monday, June 17, 2024

Government Closes Krishna Cows Program 06 17 24

PADA: The Cow Sanctuary in Hawaii has had its "cow hugging therapy" program shut down by the government. These folks are followers of Narayan Maharaja, and Hawaii Narayan Does not think Narayan Maharaja was doing something terribly wrong -- when he was boosting Tamal and the GBC's gurus, like a lot of folks in Hawaii. We disagree, no one should have acted as cheer leaders for the folks who have been burning down ISKCON, and destroying its citizens. 

That being said, they have made some attempt to care for cows, to their credit. The problems of taking care of cows are plentiful, as many ISKCON farms started to figure out in the 1970s and 1980s. They are giant critters who eat a lot and drink a lot of water every day, for starters. They require vet assistance from time to time, which can be costly. And they also need a big chunk of land to roam around on, which has to be legally zoned for cows. Big expenses on many fronts.

And even if they are giving milk now, that won't last forever, and then you'll have a number of "non-productive" cows to tend to. Their care will cost $$$$. All this needs to be considered before hand when one is getting into cow's programs. 

OK so they were trying to fund their program with a cow hugging therapy program for guests and visitors, and it sounded like a good idea. And it seemed to be working more or less. Then the government stepped in, as they tend to do, and forced them to quit inviting guests. At this stage, I am not sure what can be done if the government has made a bunch of restrictions on them. 

The real problem is, ISKCON has no overall program to fund and care for cows. The farms themselves were never meant to fully fund themselves, they were supposed to be supported by the temples and congregations. I forgot, Narayan Maharaja was a cheer leader for the people who systematically dismantled all that. So what can be done now? I dunno. 

But if anyone has a fix or suggestion -- they should tell us -- and we will forward to them. Or tell them direct. Very sad, but the final victims are often the cows in these situations. Unfortunately I don't expect the Narayan Maharaja camp to come up with a solution, they are very splintered. May Krishna help out here, and lets see what happens next. I wish them (and the cows) well in any event. 

ys pd 


Hawaii Narayan

To whom it may concern,

It has been over 40 days since we were visited by Hawaii County Planning Department inspectors and our religious practice or Worshipping and providing care and comfort for cows was stopped.

Factually, the initial complaint let us know we were in violation of minor zoning issues (tents too close to setback, unpermitted tents, etc). We have promptly remedied those issues.

The main issue at heart has been the free practice of our religion. We are a religious nonprofit and I care for over 200 cows across 14 different locations. The care for cows, their comfort, and proselytizing these activities are direct and primary aspects of our spiritual practice (Hinduism/ Vaishnavism).

Sacred Cow Sanctuaries, also known as Gau-shalas have been around for thousands of years; places of pilgrimage for travellers. It is said even the sight of a protected cow grants immense spiritual and material benefits.

Lord Krishna Himself says in Srimad Bhagavatam (11.11.43), "vipraagrye goshv anga yavasaadinaa."

Translation: "I can be worshiped within the cows by offerings of grass and other suitable grains and paraphernalia for the pleasure and health of the cows."
We can provide ample scriptural, historical, and contemporary evidence to thoroughly prove this point.

We are not "agritourism", we are not "a petting zoo"; we are a genuine religious spiritual practice. There is no charge for those interested in our religion to visit, we have legal road access and no laws are being violated. We are just citizens freely exercising our constitutionally guaranteed religious rights. The county government and state government have no compelling interest in this matter whatsoever.

(Quoted from link)

"Religious Freedom Restoration Act of 1993 - Prohibits any agency, department, or official of the United States or any State (the government) from substantially burdening a person's exercise of religion even if the burden results from a rule of general applicability, except that the government may burden a person's exercise of religion only if it demonstrates that application of the burden to the person: (1) furthers a compelling governmental interest; and (2) is the least restrictive means of furthering that compelling governmental interest."

Erroneously requiring us to file for permits under agritourism or as a petting zoo is not only disrespectful towards our spiritual practice, it's in direct violation of federal civil rights law.

As stated before, we have remedied all the minor other issues, we won't be engaging in any commercial activity, and we are not in violation of any laws. We are US citizens engaging in the free practice of our religion on private property, protected by Federal Civil Rights Law and the US Constitution.

I'm happy to meet with the Mayor Mitch Roth and representative from the planning department to discuss this matter thoroughly if you believe we are incorrect.

James Higgins




  1. LD: To my mind ... "cow cuddling" is not the biggest priority for the Krishna devotee's movement. Where we have fallen WAY behind is ... making centers and making devotees. Public preaching. Very few centers and very few devotees are being made. If anything ... temples are mostly more ghost towns than ever.

    Cow cuddling is not going to help save conditioned souls from being rotting in the material world. It might be little bit modes of goodness, but not much more. You were able to cuddle a cow, but you were not able to save your soul from repeated suffering.

    I don't think Narayan Maharaja ever realized how bad his supporting the GBC's gurus has destroyed the public image ... and preaching. Most of the senior devotees around here are ... vanished into the woodwork. Incognito, they don't want to be recognized as devotees. "I am not with them"! You are lucky to even see one at the super market.

    To most ex-members -- ISKCON is more like a criminal operation that has had a lot of bad public media exposure ... and so they don't wanna be identified as a member. If the Narayan Maharaja followers wanted to do something useful ... they would start to re-charge up the dead battery of public preaching ... and harinama programs of Lord Chaitanya.

    But they don't have the potency to make all this happen? I know a number of them .. who smoke pot. I would have to say ... it is more or less a sahajiya movement. So maybe losing their cow program is a good lesson. A sign from Krishna. Stop getting people to cuddle cows, and get busy doing the real job, saving the lost souls.

    I hate to be so harsh on them ... but they just don't seem to get it. Narayan Maharaja made a sahajiya GBC gopi club and they ruined the preaching, and ruined ISKCON. They have to fix that ... or get the karma of making it into a disaster. Cow cuddling is a diversion, just like they are making ... so many other diversions, and the preaching is drying up and the Hindus are taking over.

    Now they have all these cows ... oh boy. I hate to say it ... I have seen this same movie end badly in the past. Lets hope this is not Mad Max re-done again.

  2. SD Dasi: Thinking the same things myself. Narayan Maharaja supported the idiots who ruined ISKCON. And ruined us. Tamal's right hand collaborator.

    Right now, his followers should have bigger things to do ... than : cow cuddling. They need to fix all the problems they made for Srila Prabhupada's mission. !!! Preaching, book printing, making devotees, and many important Prabhupada's projects ... have ground to a halt.

    Cow cuddling is not the main thing of importance. That is the whole problem already. They never understood the main things Prabhupada wanted. I feel bad for them ... and their cows. But they never thought any of this out from the start.


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