Sunday, June 23, 2024

ISKCON's Indradyumna Swami is a cheater. 06 23 24

A Dasi: My experience with Indradymuna swami is being used as a 'favourite' to get other young girls to want what I have. I'm not the best with my words so I will try my best to say it as I experienced it. Gifts would be delivered to my home, and I would be invited for private guru 'Puja's.' He would call me out in a crowd to give me a Garland while other girls watched on.

I had it all, even paid flights overseas multiple times. Of course at the time I didn't think anything of it, I felt important. I didn't question it. Until I saw two of his very first and very sincere disciples always being ignored. Year after year, they eagerly awaited his arrival, and he would never once invite them for his private Puja, they wouldn't even get a conversation with him.

I've made my post anonymous because of fear of being judged for what I'm about to say, those female disciples he ignored were not the physically attractive ones.
Has anyone else noticed how he treats young and attractive girls?

And if you or your dad has money - you'd get even more special treatment. He initiated a very rich friend of mine and literally glorified her beauty saying 'she is so beautiful, and comes from so much wealth.'

I've got some personal experiences of how his behaviour changed towards me when I said I was not ready to take initiation. That's one way to get immediately cut off from him. He will punish you, how dare I decline this special offer to be accepted into his inner circle!

I was just honestly saying I wasn't chanting my rounds and in a very different stage of life. I stood outside his room for hours on many occasions where he ignored me and his disciple would come out to say ' sorry he's busy'- while I could see him scrolling around on the internet and looking at Facebook.

He is so good at ignoring you when you've offended him. Someone tell me what personality disorder this is, but I swear it's narcissism. Anyway, I am glad I am no longer a young girl pining for 'gurudev's' acknowledgment of me ... no longer enamoured. I have grown out of all this.

My advice to young girls is - check in with yourself honestly, question it all. Don't fall for it. He's managed to enchant a lot of women, and worse -- a lot of women with daddy issues too -- who are vulnerable and want the love and approval of this fatherly figure. Develop self love & you won't be so desperate for his approval.

I have more to say, but I'm glad I could see right through him.

Hare krsna. May krsna guide us all back to him.

SRD: The sad and unfortunate truth is that this letter could have been written by so many girls!!! This letter describes the standard MO of IDS. He is highly manipulative...

A Dasi: Yes he is! You really need to pay attention to him. It's hard to pay attention when you're benefiting from his system. Who is going to question being made to feel important and having flights paid for you?

But if you're really truly seeking Krsna, you will be HONEST with yourself and say - -hey I am not even chanting my rounds right now. Let me share honestly and let him know.

The reaction I received was far from what a guru or mentor should responsibly do. Rejection is no way to handle someone's honesty and truth, especially someone who's trying and wants to advance in their KC. However, I rejected his offer to join his clan and I received his narcissistic rejection punishment.

I am glad I woke up.

For anyone reading this, I am not discrediting anyone he has inspired to come to Krsna. Of course he has inspired some. But that doesn't mean everything is right with him. All I can say is pay attention and check yourself.

D Dasi: Yes, there is a lot of psychology used with the kids / girls, creating an unhealthy, detrimental environment for young vaisnavas / vaishnavis. I remember cake parties for the kids in his room or birthday parties with a group of female teenagers in his room. This 'attention ' phenomena is dangerous. Someone who was initiated by him at age thirteen is now an adult, and revealed to me that she regrets that step, as she completely did not understand the gravity of initiation.

Another young person who was having trouble chanting her rounds, told me that she was just pushed into an initiation by him, from one of his senior disciples. This is called manipulation of people's spiritual development.

D Dasi: Yes I was a part of that too. I have to absolutely agree with you -- that there is manipulation psychology being used here. And nobody questions it, especially when you're being made to feel important and special. But when you really stop to think about it, if you're genuinely honest with yourself, you'll know that you're just another number. Another girl in another country, that he's told the exact same line to. Chances are he didn't even remember your name.

He's great at acting like he does.

Making some people desperately try to get even a glance from him while he stands there and talks to me, was a memory I would never forget. I had no reason to be this important to him.

I wasn't a good devotee. Nothing like his sincere disciples who ironed his clothes and didn't even get a second face to face while he would walk past them like he didn't even notice them. You know what that does to you? It makes you TRY HARDER.

Let me TRY HARDER next time and he may notice me. You hold every millisecond of attention you get so greatly and so dearly because of it, over inflating his worth.

He's so good at it. And we fell for it.

D Dasi: I truly feel for you. I am glad that you had the wisdom to realise the craziness of the dynamics. Reading what you wrote makes my heart really sad, especially for the disciples who are ignored etc.

MSD: Thank you so much for sharing and bringing up this conversation, I feel like this isn’t talked about enough and it happens a lot in different circles. I think it’s an example of how we as a spiritual micro society have to deal with all the issues that we found outside. Totally agree with the importance of developing self love and awareness.

DD: You have to protect yourself because they won't protect you.

AD: Very true. Your comment is well received and leaves me with hope that there's others thinking about these things. I don't need my worth undermined to the point where I'm so unsure of myself I am desperate for validation from a bogus guru.

The thing is- we are all 'fallen' souls. But we aren't all stupid desperate souls. 
Krsna lives within us. Krsna is guru too, He will guide us. 

NC: I remember a few years ago when one of his younger female disciples was killed in a car accident. He pinned this very “heartfelt” letter to her on his IG.
Now fast forward, he has had a few direct, non female initiates pass away and not a peep from him.

He surrounds himself around people who can attract women to his camp. IDS is a predator. I actually feel bad for Sagar Swami because he seems to be the only person close to IDS that doesn’t exhibit the same sexualized tendencies IDS does.

If he and (BB) Govinda Swami want to chase girls around Europe and America they should just simply become householders. But why do that when you can tour holy places in a helicopter, wear an Apple Watch, dress in non Sanyasi clothing, physically touch women and young girls.

He’s going to continue doing this because the devotee community lets him get away with it.

DD: Yes, we should not enable this.

A Dasi: So true. He's so selective with the way he treats disciples. Also some woman after becoming his disciple notice he starts to ignore them more and more and they have to 'work' harder to even be noticed. Many have admitted that to me. Why does he do that? He loves the power and control he has over all these ladies.

DD: And he likes to make them suffer from feeling inadequate etc.

NC: It’s so clear as day. Can we take your post and cross post it to actual Iskcon groups?

SRJ: Who is Sagar Swami?

NC: Russian Maharaj who IDS gave sanyassi to. I think he’s a nice guy. But I stopped association once I found out how connected he was to IDS. 

AK: Thanks for writing this and exposing them. 

AD: I hope people with similar experiences of the love bombing and withdrawal can come out and talk about it. That's some unhealthy emotional manipulation going on here.

PW: Sad, but eyes-opening.Thank You for courage!

SSD: The same thing happened where I live, there's a very large popular religious congregation (I live in Thailand). The same community have the same rumors about it too. I hope you live in a free country where you can speak up.

But there's more torture than this in where I live and we can't speak up. Where I live there is a lot going on for Buddhists (I know it's not Hindu but only for example) but a lot of monks are pedo and also say that having se* with a young boy or girl is for religious sacrifice. But the government here is behind Buddhist organizations and gives a fund to them, so not all monks are in jail or get arrested (and we can't speak up).

Wish you all happiness in your life.

PADA: Yep. Indradyumna swami is another jet set sadhu who has made an opulent life for himself -- while most of the other senior devotee associates of ISKCON were banned, exiled and removed. And overall there was a policy of banning, beating, molesting, suing and even killing Vaishnavas, while he has been sitting young girls on his lap and taking guru worship from these uninformed and innocent people. 

The good news is -- that more people are waking up and exposing all this exploiting and manipulating of people's spiritual and even material lives. So we wish these followers of GBC gurus well, and hope they realize that Srila Prabhupada is their actual connection to Krishna and not these false gurus. 

And we are glad these people are becoming emboldened to speak out and expose all these cheaters. She is right, she is connected to Krishna no matter what and that is the important connection, not these false messiahs. There are so many photos of Indradyumna with women and girls -- and I do not believe anyone on the GBC could say they did not know about all this, since it has been a public display. 

Indradyumna has supported the whole GBC's molester messiah's program and that has made thousands and thousands of victims, and he is responsible for enabling this disaster. And he will be held accountable for making all these problems for all these victims. ys pd 

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