Sunday, August 7, 2022

Save Your Soul / Bhaja Govindam / VIDEO

[PADA: Is it just me -- or are more ISKCON people saying -- "Dedicated to Srila Prabhupada" -- and we find less and less -- "Dedicated to Bozo the clown pada, voted in by 2/3's show of hands at the recoronation of pedophile-pada"? 

Yup. I do believe that Srila Prabhupada is gradually emerging as the main "guru" focus for the ISKCON society, either by default, or by accident, or because the leaders looked foolish for not doing that before, or because -- more people want him to be emphasized as the main focus. Either way, it is a win / win for us. 

The SABHA people made all sorts of elaborate plans about voting in more gurus into their pedophile pooja program, but one younger person just wrote to tell PADA, "Hey guess what? None of my ex-youth friends are signing up to be voted in, or to even participate. It is all a bunch of old timer losers who made the original mess, and they just need to be gone ASAP to clean this all up." Hee hee, we get that comment a lot.  

ys pd]  

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