Friday, December 10, 2021

Mother Asks About "ISKCON's Children's Karma"

Narayan Maharaja. Yes, I was Tamal's number one bucket boy / advocate / hand maiden / rasika guru / defender. Yes I was in Texas defending Tamal (and thus defending Tamal's child molesting regime) when PADA was in Texas organizing suing Tamal for $400,000,000 for mass child abuse. 

But my idea is -- the ISKCON children are: "just getting their karma." Why? Because, I am authorized to promote a child molester's guru's process, a program that bans, beats, molests, sues and kills vaishnavas. Any questions? Yep, NM said the children of ISKCON are "just getting their karma." 

Another cop out excuse. "I am authorized to rob the bank because that is the karma of the bank." Nope! You are a criminal, you have no authority to support a system to oppress even one ant, never mind a system that oppresses and abuses vaishnavas and / or their children. Sorry, anyone who advocates for a child molester regime and / or its top leaders -- will "get the karma" of supporting said regime, and that means, going downhill fast in one's future births.


LM DASI: But the problem here lies with the philosophy. It’s all "Krishna's mercy." So, it’s the little kids "karma" that they were born with, and they deserve to be mistreated, correct? According to Krishna consciousness it is the little innocent children karma that they were born with karma to be beaten, molested and raped, tortured, etc… correct? That is what is taught?… Right?

…I’m honestly asking, what’s with the protest if you don’t believe that this is the philosophy?

PADA: Yes, first of all -- when I was saying there is a molesting program going on, many people / ok most people / especially the seniors / leaders said "you are a liar and an offender who is trying to destroy ISKCON." Then, when we had their program sued for $400,000,000, many of them / ok most of them / switched horses mid-stream and started to say "yes there is a huge problem, but the children are just getting their karma." Even Narayan Maharaja was saying, the children are just getting their karma (because he is authorized to promote a pedophile guru's process which mass molests children).  

In other words, the seniors, elders and leaders wanted to avoid taking responsibility for being the creators and / or hand maidens / sycophants of the child abuse crisis. Now, the victims are to blame, not those of us seniors / leaders who avoided taking the crisis to task as we should have done decades ago. 

It is called victim blaming. "She was attacked because she was wearing the wrong dress." It is the psychology of victim shaming that has been going on since time began ... but it is horrendous for the victims, and has caused many of the ISKCON victims untold grief, as they have told me personally. ys pd

Wow, the number one defender of Tamal's child molester guru project is "Purebhakti"? Really! 

1 comment:

  1. SD DASI: Lord have mercy! Imagine you are a victim of a vicious sexual assault ... and the people around you are saying "it is your karma, it is your fault." No wonder so many of these kids have been growing up more and more to hate the Krishna ISKCON religion ... and some commit suicide. How can we blame them?

    This is a horrible 'cop out.' Who would not agree? These people who caused all this are blaming the victims for causing all this. Very clever ... but very sinister argument.

    You are right ... and the victims are right ... everyone of these leaders who sat on their thumbs ... and did nothing to help are the people who have the bad karma ... not the victims. This is trying to shift the blame ... and psychopathic narcissists are expert at this ... their victims are to blame ... not them!

    Of course Narayan Maharaja would blame the victims after he promoted the greatest bad guru show on earth. Victim shaming and victim blaming is the signature behavior of disciples of Kali yuga. To blame these victims is simply adding another crime to the list of crimes they experienced already. It is criminal neglect of children ... papered over later on with criminal denial. I know more than a few former kuli students who now hate the religion ... and I know why.


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