Wednesday, December 8, 2021

Lokanath Program: Acharyas "Liars and Cheats" (+Mahatma ACBS)

PADA: Pretty much explains why Lokanath swami and his India ICC Bureau want people to offer their bhogha to their illicit sex with men, women, children and cats guru parampara. That will evidently infect those people's minds by eating contaminated food with sympathy for sexual predators, pedophiles, deviants, and so on. It has worked pretty good for Lokanath swami's program so far. 

Their program has created mass child molesting, many illicit sex gurus, and the systematic banning, beating and even killing of innocent people who object. They are eating contaminated food -- and it contaminates their minds, that is quite true. That is why they implemented that process from the get go?     

PADA: This is getting interesting. More and more followers of Lokanath swami are writing to tell me that Lord Krishna's gurus, successors and acharyas, OK like Bhakti Chaitanya Swami, Badrinarayan swami etc. are: 

"Liars who are presenting false letters."

"They are bringing up an issue that was already solved, to harass Lokanath."

"Bringing up the past to discredit Lokanath swami -- to make themselves look better than him."

"They are envious and want to take over Lokanath's Zone and followers."

"They want to take over his big life members -- to take over his money."

"They see Lokanath as a threat -- because he is doing more than all of them."

"They are fit to be rejected and we will quit ISKCON if they continue acting badly." 


OK so now the Lokanath swami's people are saying the GBC's acharyas are not qualified. And moreover, there may be some bad motivation in the acharyas, because they are perhaps -- low class, rascals, fools, liars, cheats etc., and the acharyas are envious of another person's preaching. And money! 

Acharyas are bogus liars? 

Srila Prabhupada says that criticizing the acharyas is the MAD ELEPHANT OFFENSE, and the Lokanath program is evidently training their followers to attack other acharyas as bogus, fools, motivated liars etc., ALL day in and ALL day out. Yes, Krishna's acharyas are BOGUS and LIARS, which is what the atheists, pasandis and demons say -- all the time. 

Lokanath's ICC is doing what the rascal class of deviants have done since time began -- they are saying that acharyas are bogus, rascals, liars, motivated fools; people who just want followers, glory, credit and -- life member's money. So acharyas are basically demoniac people. 

Lokanath's ICC saves the rascal class a lot of work. All they have to do is quote Lokanath's people -- see, Krishna's acharyas are bogus, liars, cheats, people who want followers and money, so Krishna's acharyas are basically low class -- if not maybe demons. Lokanath is doing the hard work of attacking Krishna's acharyas -- to aid and abet -- the rascals! 

Of course the ISKCON India ICC already has had a program of acharyas who engage in illicit sex with men, women, children and cats, so having acharyas who are merely liars and cheats is actually elevating them up to a higher status. See, we only have liars and cheats acharyas now, we have improved things!

Why is the Lokanath program training people to say that Krishna's acharyas are often bogus, or acharyas promote false letters, and the acharyas are in sum -- often bogus, cheaters and liars? And the India ICC is part of this, because they too are saying these other acharyas are -- fit to be rejected. 

OK the acharyas are bogus. Anyway, like we said all along, Lokanath's program's real purpose is to destroy Krishna's guru parampara, and to demean, degrade, criticize, attack and destroy the credibility of Krishna and His guru parampara. So now the rascal's class of people don't even have to spend much time looking hard for people who say acharyas are generally bogus liars and deviants, Lokanath's program is doing that for them, all day, every day. 

Why has Lokanath swami dedicated his life to create followers who will establish that Krishna's acharyas are generally bogus, rascals, and liars? Yep, surrender to Krishna's acharyas, because they are liars, cheats, rascals, motivated fools, people want followers and money, and the acharyas are about as pure as a bucket of dog's manure! Amazing, Lokanath swami has dedicated his entire adult life to having his people say acharyas are a bunch of deviated and motivated liars and fools, which is what the asuras have said since time began. TOLD YA!  

ys pd

PADA: MEANWHILE! Mahatma das ACBS is saying Srila Prabhupada is -- like Jesus! AFTER he said the followers of Jesus are the bogus ritviks?

[Posted by Mahatma das ACBS]

It was the beginning of 1977. Prabhupada was in Bombay temple. He was very sick. He had stopped all food intake – he was taking 1/4 a cup of orange juice per day. His body had only bones left – there was no flesh. And yet, he was insisting that he wanted to go to London. The doctors had given up responsibility. But as always, he was adamant.

At this time, one Pancaratrika Pandit from Bangalore named Sampat Kumar Bhattacarya came to know about Srila Prabhupada’s situation. So, he took a flight from Bangalore to Bombay – which in those days was a huge thing for a Brahmin priest – and met Prabhupada, and asked for a private meeting. Generally, nobody was allowed a private meeting, but when he said that he specially came by flight from Bangalore to meet Srila Prabhupada, he was allowed a private meeting.
So, everybody was asked to go out, and they talked. The conversation was like this:

Sampat Kumar: ‘Swamiji, I am feeling very pained that you are suffering like this.’
Prabhupada (laying down, in broken words): ‘The whole world is meant for suffering. Dukhalayam asavatam.’

Sampat Kumar: ‘But still Swamiji, there are so many people depending on you. So when you suffer, they suffer.

Prabhupada: ‘What can I do?’

Bhattacarya: ‘Swamiji, I want to tell you something. In Vrindavan temple, they are having your deity on the altar. And all kinds of people are coming and praying to it, and offering flowers to it, and you are still living. According to Pancaratra, when the Acarya is living, if he puts his deity on the altar, then all the sufferings people are having come to his body through the deity. So you please tell your disciples to worship your deity only after you leave your body.’

He was speaking as if he was giving some information to Prabhupada, which Prabhupada did not note.

Prabhupada: ‘I know. I came here to take their suffering.’

Bhattacarya was shocked. He was not giving any new information. This was well known to Prabhupada; and he was determined to suffer for others.

Prabhupada: ‘Do you have anything else to say?’

Bhattacarya: ‘Swamiji, if that is your wish, what can I say? I am only a priest.’

Prabhupada: *‘Even when I leave, I will keep continuing taking their suffering, and make them free so they can keep chanting Hare Krishna.’*

So for 10,000 years, Prabhupada’s deity is going to be sitting in temples around the world, and taking all our sufferings, and making us free so we can chant Hare Krishna._ He is not fibreglass; he is really there, accepting our prayers, obeisances, and suffering. Let us hope this little anecdote reminds us of this, and never lets doubt creep into our minds.
~ _HG Atma Tattva dasa (ACBSP)_


  1. Haribol Prabhu, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada. Thank you as always for continuing with the most important service of exposing deviations and encouraging true Vaishnava behaviour.

    All you say about the lying and cheating acharyas and their supportive sycophant's is true. We have a FFL program where they purchase karmi made sushi from a meat eating non-devotee restaurant for distribution to school children. The devotees even offer it on the alter before eating it for lunch. Yuuuuck!

    It was politely informed to them that Srila Prabhupada and the Acharyas speak strongly against offering or eating karmi cooked grains that contain the sins of those who cooked. The result ... you guessed it ... the person who presented the correct information was accused of speaking Vaishnava aparadha. The justification ... you guessed it again ... money and fame.

    The same thing happened when the local leader / controller was told that gossiping, flirting, cuddling, and mundane joking in Srila Prabhupada's Food For Life kitchen is not acceptable. He just got angry and said he will do whatever he wants.

    What to do? The contamination runs so deep that every local deviation here is fully supported and sanctioned by the one Srila Prabhupada disciple left remaining in the area. He is unable to speak the truth about any important issue facing ISKCON for fear of being disliked. Very sad results of compromise.

    [PADA: Yep. Many leaders and elders see all sorts of deviations and they simply participate or allow, because "making waves" will not make them popular. People are more worried about saving their own situation than saving the society.

    Now the Lokanath people are openly saying that Krishna's gurus, successors, and acharyas like Bhakti Chaitanya swami are -- liars and rascals, motivated fools, greedy people who want money. And in sum Krishna's acharyas are often mad after money, women, followers and position. And no one complains at all. They are all making money by insulting the post of acharya, and money is more important than siddhanta, or Krishna. They do not realize that they cannot put their stolen money into their burial grave, all the money they stole from Krishna -- it all stays here.]

    Life goes on. Keep up the good fight.

    Your servant,
    R das

  2. LD: Many people say ISKCON is infiltered by evil beings from the lower dimension. They are proving to be ... fact. What better way for the lower beings to attack Krishna ... than saying Krishna's acharya successors are fools, liars, and a pack of crooked, lusty, money grabbing rats.

    That is what the people who hate Krishna always say about the pure devotees and acharyas of Krishna. This is not even new. Pure devotees are always said to be rascals by the atheists and Godless class of men ... and that is something anyone who understands Srila Prabhupada can see ... immediately.

    Lokanath people are saying that the ISKCON acharyas are bogus and liars, lumps in Srila Prabhupada and even Krishna in that group. They never admit that none of these fools were ever acharyas, or are acharyas now ... because their job is to insult and attack the acharyas. That is all they live for.

    And after a long life of saying acharyas are a pack of liars and lusty rats ... they take birth as actual rats. They have no idea what Krishna's potency is ... like all the rest of the faithless class of men. Krishna's pure devotees are a pack of liars and lusty dogs ... is what the followers of Kali Yuga will always say. We should not even be surprised.

    That was their whole purpose when they infiltered the movement ... to replace the guru with their liars, cheats and lusty dogs. That is what they always wanted to attain ... and Krishna sometimes lets the rascals do their dirty business ... but only temporarily ... then that have to pay it all back ... with interest.

  3. M Dasi: Krishna's acharyas are His pure representations And! His successors. They are also liars, cheats ... and lusty dogs. Because? Krishna is also a liar and cheat. Why didn't Lokanath just tell us that is his idea ... a long time ago? Would have saved thousands of people a lot of suffering for nothing.

    At least now they are finally saying what they always thought the whole time. The truth always comes out ... eventually. Oh! We love Krishna so much! And that is why ... we are saying His guru successors are a bunch of liars ... criminals and lusty bums. All glories to the lusty bums who are the successors to Krishna! What are these people smoking there?

    How many people on God's entire earth think God's successors are liars, cheats and lusty bums? Oh I forgot! It is just these guys! No one else thinks like they do! Oh! I also forgot ... they have to promote their lusty dog bums GBC gurus so they can ... make money!

    That is what they said ... we cannot get rid of Lokanath because ... that will disturb the people he is cheating. Then our donations will go down! This is a business and nothing more. They want you to worship their lusty dogs gurus because that is how they make their income. That has to be the worst income in the universe ... making lusty dogs into Krishna's gurus.

    The only reason I do not go crazy ... I know Krishna and all His demigods all agree with me ... making lusty bums into gurus is evil and wrong ... I have all of them on my side. Lokanath wanted us to worship his lusty dogs bums friends ... and that is all he ever wanted for ISKCON ... and now we have to expose these rotten people.

  4. PADA: Now the Lokanath followers are writing to tell me how bad the other ISKCON acharyas are, calling them ill names etc. So it seems like the whole situation now is that "acharyas" are relativized beings who are like ordinary mundane souls, and that is leading to changing their words, their books, and the entire process.

    There is hardly no distinction anymore of the words given by the relativized acharyas and the bona fide acharyas. Once acharyas are relative and conditioned soul beings, then the flood gates open to change their books, their teachings, their process etc. And that is what we see happening now. That is why JAS says that Srila Prabhupada's books are full of warts, he sees these books as defective / relative truth. ys pd

  5. PADA: Sorry MS Dasi, I am pretty sure Lokanath was well aware in 1979 that his acharya Jayatirtha was having sex with a follower, and JT was taking intoxicants, and he was offering LSD to the shalagram etc. -- because everyone was talking about it all over ISKCON. Later on Lokanath's program wanted to his add homosexual acharyas, pedophile acharyas, orchestration of murders acharyas -- and so forth -- to their parampara -- and they have evidently done that as well.

    Each time they add another deviation to their parampara, Lokanath never complains that we know of. Instead even recently Lokanath said worship of pure devotees is the forbidden ritvik idea, because the ritviks do not worship his illicit sex with men, women and children, and cats acharyas, and they worship pure devotees instead.

    So Lokanath is evidently coercing people to worship his pedophile sex messiah's program and he is forbidding people from worship of the pure devotees. That seems to be what he has been saying all along since 1978?

    Where has he said anything different? Sorry, I do not see anywhere that Lokanath has ever disagreed with the policy of making children worship pedophiles as their acharyas?

    Even just now a mother sent me a photo of little kids offering obeisance to Lokanath, and she says it is total disgusting that ISKCON makes children worship pedophiles. I do not see anywhere that Lokanath has ever disagreed with this policy? I do see his encouraging the pedophile parampara instead? Where has Lokanath ever made any public comment that he disagrees with these policies?

    If you have evidence he has ever disagreed with this program, please send it to me and I will post it word for word. Otherwise, to us it looks like LNS has dedicated his entire life to making his illicit sex with men, women and children deviants as his parampara "from God." But we all -- already know for an absolute fact -- that Lokanath's illicit sex with men, women and children guru parampara is cursed by God, and so are all its participants. And shastra says all of them end up on lower planets -- in lower species -- and suffering for eons of time. Or do they not accept shastra? And what difference would that make to Yamaraja if they accept the laws of God or not? Sorry, if there is any statement from Lokanath where he disagrees with these policies, I have not seen any. I have seen statements where he is encouraging the molester messiah's project.

    ys pd

  6. PADA: Yes LMD prabhu you are right -- Gargamuni says that ISKCON Bombay and ISKCON Bangalore are the same -- because both are chanting and eating prasadam. That means Gargamuni thinks offering bhogha to illicit sex with men, women and children deviants, or even pedophiles, creates prasadam.

    Sorry, offering bhogha to deviants if not pedophiles contaminates the offering. There is no such thing as offering bhogha to pedophiles in Vedic culture. And no -- such offerings are not prasadam.

    These offerings are contaminated. And furthermore, offering bhogha to pedophiles -- and / or their sycophants and supporters / makes a person have sympathy for pedophiles and their supporters, which explains why there is so much sympathy and cover up for pedophiles in ISKCON. There is no such thing as offering bhogha to conditioned souls found in the Vedic process, never mind offering bhogha to sexual predators and pedophiles, this is a concoction. No, the Vedic process of offering to the pure devotee is not "the same" as offering to Satan and / or Satan's agents. How can this be : the same thing? ys pd


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