Sunday, December 12, 2021

Eleven Naked Emperors Comments / Updates

[PADA NOTE: A nice young person just wrote to PADA asking -- what do I think of the new ISKCON people being told "if your GBC guru falls down -- and he goes to the naked dancing club -- it will be your job to go over there and take him out of there and save him." What do I think of this policy? 

Hee hee, it is a good improvement! 

At least now they are telling the newcomers their gurus are conditioned souls who are liable to fail. The bad news is, they are thus STILL mixing "assisting the gopis" with "going to the naked dance club," which is a severe case of sahajiya-vada. So I am going to try to be as tactful as possible and tell this person, maybe you should worship the person who -- will not be fallen and visiting the naked dance club? Just saying! 

And they also asked, what do I think of Bhakti Vikas swami? Well right now BVKS is one of the bigger cheer leaders and helpers of Basu Ghosh, who wants your kids to worship pedophiles as their messiahs. As soon as BVKS finds some group of deviants, crooks, Reno gamblers, homosexuals, pedophiles, drunks, drug addicts, sex with taxi drivers in the dham, little girl grabbers, people having sex with half dozen disciples, Vodka drinkers, pornography addicts, and people who orchestrate murders of Vaishnavas, he self-evidently falls off his chair and thinks he has found the next sin-absorbing Jesus like messiahs reincarnated! 

And that is also evidently what Patita Pavan (Uddharan) das (Miles Davis) calls BVKS "great preaching" (see below).]

PROFESSOR EDWIN BRYANT: Eleven Naked Emperors is quite masterful, and extremely important. The story is a long and complicated one, but Doktorski has done an outstanding job putting the entire drama into a very well documented and highly readable account. His tone is remarkably non-partisan, non-polemical and he has tried sincerely to be fair and impartial. I might add, for those who feel that dirty laundry should not be displayed in public, that there is nothing in Doktorski’s work that seeks to undermine the faith of the devotees in Krishna or, for that matter, in the institution of ISKCON. 

Those assuming the role of gurus, most especially, should read this book carefully. And this is also a book for the tens of thousands of devotees driven away from ISKCON with their spiritual ideals in tatters; this is their story too. The author has risen to the dharma of the historian in documenting a defining period in the history of the Hare Krishna movement.

Edwin Bryant
Professor of Hindu Philosophy and Religion
Rutgers University 

PADA: Yep, this book is also important for the -- tens of thousands of devotees driven away from ISKCON -- with their spiritual ideals in tatters. That means that a few elites wanted to empty out the buildings, make ISKCON into a dead ghost town, and then easily grab the left over properties, so they could make a Hindu cultural hall business out of ISKCON. As they have done. 

That was the plan, and still is the plan. Unfortunately, Krishna does not approve of people driving His devotees out of His house, and these criminals will have to pay back these usurped assets in future lives. Stealing properties from Krishna and His devotees, and making the devotees of God suffer terrible trauma thereby, is basically the worst crime there is in the universe. Never mind making a whole contrived system of banning, beating, molesting, suing and assassinating the Vaishnavas, to accelerate their plan to empty out the buildings.


Dear Hrishikesh dasa,

Eleven Naked Emperors is an amazing achievement.

In a previous essay, I argued that ISKCON is basically a case study of the Iron Law of Oligarchy, articulated by Robert Michels. (available here: Killing For Krishna) My review of Eleven Naked Emperors shall not repeat those points. However, I will to some extent, suspend my deep disdain for ISKCON in the paragraphs that follow.

In my humble opinion, Henry Doktorski should have explicitly and forcefully explained how his book contributes to the existing literature on ISKCON. Such an explanation is a key ingredient to good marketing. ISKCON has been a subject of ongoing academic inquiry. What gaps exist in the literature? I personally feel that Eleven Naked Emperors makes important contributions. But more importantly, the author himself should explicitly point out the unique, original, or distinctive angles of his published work.

Henry Doktorski provides readers with an unsurpassed understanding of the power struggles within ISKCON. The internal dynamics that he so carefully documents must be placed in the following context — ISKCON still exists. ISKCON is an enduring, time-tested institution with a proven ability to withstand financial crises and negative publicity. Even with all of its self-inflicted problems, an undeniable, inescapable fact is that ISKCON persists.

[PADA: A perverted "left over remnants" form of ISKCON exists, but it is not actually the original ISKCON. Srila Prabhupada said the usurpers who took the Gaudiya Matha properties got the Maya Sita and not the real Sita.]

Regarding negative publicity, sadly, many people have become desensitized to child abuse, in part because of the news coverage of the Catholic Church. The Catholic Church makes ISKCON appear to be not so bad — former members who look forward to the downfall of ISKCON often do not consider this factor.

[PADA: Most of the people now coming to ISKCON are Hindus, and from my experience they are not even concerned that much about ISKCON's history. They are there to make ISKCON a Hundu cultural center, and a lot of them have no idea about the actual original standards established by Srila Prabhupada. 

When some of them write questions to me, it is clear they have no idea about the actual history of events in ISKCON. For example when Bhakti Vikas swami folks write me, they have no idea that BVKS has been a huge supporter of the pedophile guru process all along, and he still is. 

BVKS is a big cheer leader of Basu Ghosh -- i.e. the supporters of Lokanath. In sum, self-evidently BVKS always wanted our ISKCON children to worship pedophiles as their acharyas, and he still does -- at least evidently. BVKS never seems to come out and say, our pedophile's acharya program has been wrong from day one.]

In my view, Eleven Naked Emperors did not adequately analyze or document the economic foundations of ISKCON. Although the history of ISKCON provides many lessons, it is also a tale of economic survival. However, in Doktorski’s defense, his intended objectives focused on how the emperors clashed with each other and rooted out dissenters. Moreover, ISKCON is hardly known for financial transparency.

[PADA: ISKCON has become a Hindu cash cow, that is self evident. Just look at the congregations these days, almost zero Westerners, mostly Hindus. And most of their big gurus are setting up head quarter camps in India, again to exploit the Hindus.]  

ISKCON has not transcended the material realm. Analytical frameworks that were developed in such fields as political science, economics, and sociology can provide useful tools for understanding the history of ISKCON, predicting the future of the organization, and assessing the credibility of their public statements.

A key principle of geopolitics is that leaders, including ISKCON’s emperors, are constrained by reality. George Friedman, a geopolitical savant, uses a chess analogy. A novice chess player may believe he can choose from a wide range of various moves. In contrast, an experienced player is more capable of weighing the costs and benefits of alternatives — he knows that only a few good moves are available to him. 

To avoid defeat, he needs to find those relatively few good moves. Despite all of its boneheaded policies, ISKCON survived because it played enough good moves. I mean “good” in a Machiavellian, not moral sense.

[PADA: Machiavelli is their guru ... Tamal was reading his writings.]

With binding constraints and relatively few good moves available, leaders eventually become somewhat predictable, unless of course, he is a chess master, in which case he can find brilliant, unexpected moves. Predictably, ISKCON gurus were subject to disciplinary action when they embarrassed the institution. A guru could avoid excommunication if he threatened to take his wealthy disciples out of ISKCON. Obviously, such threats were of no use when dealing with the police.

[PADA: Yep, even when a guru is found to be fallen, all he has to do is threaten to leave and take "his zone" and they will allow the fallen deviant to continue on as guru. It is corrupt.]

As the media publicized the institution’s abuses and “karmi” law enforcement authorities prosecuted ISKCON’s illegal fundraising activities, it became almost inevitable that ISKCON would seek greater integration with the local Hindu populations. Who else could ISKCON turn to for support? Also, ISKCON has historically defended itself by claiming that they are experiencing religious and cultural persecution. ISKCON would bolster its claims of persecution by seeking support from Indians.

[PADA: The Hindus are not very expert at deciding who is a guru and who is not, just look at all the hokey gurus in India.]

In my opinion, three of the most subtle actors were B. R. Sridhara, Ravindra Svarupa, and Radhanath. Maybe I am just being obtuse, but Eleven Naked Emperors did not leave me with an exact understanding of B. R. Sridhara’s motivations. Was he attempting to shape ISKCON in the image of the Gaudiya Math? Perhaps Doktorski could have directly asked Kailasa-Chandra dasa to explain the nature of B. R. Sridhara’s motivations.

[PADA: Kailash chandra is a disciple of Sridara Maharaja de facto, because he thinks we can worship any guru we like, as long as it is not Srila Prabhupada. Kailash says that worship of the pure devotee is the bogus Christian's idea. Which is odd because, he lives in a Christian town and he avoids the Vaishnavas.] 

The Eleven Naked Emperors would have communicated more effectively if it had used visual aids or graphics. The author could have created a color-coded map showing the territory controlled by the zonal acharyas. Doktorski has a masterful understanding of ISKCON’s complex organizational dynamics. Given the large number of variables and moving parts, it might be helpful to see a series of flowcharts or schematics that depict shifting alliances, coalitions, and conflicts among key players. A timeline of major events would also be a useful addition to the book.

None of the comments given above detract significantly from the immense value of Doktorski’s contributions. Historians are indeed a valuable asset to humanity. I have the highest regard for the author’s thorough, painstaking research and his writing ability.

Doktorski kindly referred to Angela Burt. Doktorski mentioned that she is in good standing with ISKCON and therefore she has access to information that he does not. However, after reading one of Dr. Angela Burt’s summary papers, I realized she is a publicist or at least an apologist for ISKCON, which explains why she is in good standing with the cult. Although it is not clear to me that Doktorski is truly biased, I am quite certain that Dr. Burt lacks objectivity.

Mr. Doktorski accumulated his own powerful base of knowledge and he is not dependent on ISKCON. Academic scholars could, at the very least, diversify their sources of information by writing articles and books in collaboration with Doktorski. It is not possible to write a credible study of ISKCON’s history without making reference to Henry Doktorski’s published works.

I look forward to hearing from you, and I hope this letter finds you well.

Yours in the Service of Krishna,

Chand Prasad, Ph.D.
Maryland, United States


Patita Pavana (Uddharan) das:

Regarding Eleven Naked Emperors, this response is for those who assert, “I am offended by what Doktorski has written.”

Actually, I am likewise offended, and I am sure that whatever you and I feel, Doktorski feels thousands of times worse—or why would he have written a dozen volumes of books about cheating gurus? The fact is, the author has worked overtime to compile a series of well-documented historical events—the good, the bad, and all the ugly right there in plain sight.

Indeed, Eleven Naked Emperors is actually a form of scripture known as gramya-shastra, or “village news.” People like us who are offended—-not by the book but by the arrogance of the players in high places described in Eleven Naked Emperors—-should know that there is no scriptural instruction that advises anyone to read gramya-shastra. Likewise, there is no injunction anywhere in the shastras that opposes reading gramya-shastra.

In other words, there is no violation of dharma when it comes to understanding the facts of the past, and neither is anyone forcing us to read it, either. However, the fact that each of Doktorski's books rapidly goes into one printing after another, proves that there is substantial interest by some very intelligent persons in what actually transpired in ISKCON and New Vrindavana while the leaders slept.

[PADA: The leaders were not sleeping, they were actively opposing us, and people like Patita Pavana were coming to the Berkeley temple to have us pray to revive Kirtanananda after he was hit with a pipe. In other words, there has been the pedophile acharyas -- and their hand maiden sycophants, supporters, praisers, and people even praying that the pedophile messiah's project's banning, beating, molesting, suing and killing program should be protected and encouraged.] 

As Prabhupada once stated to this effect, “Let them read—it is history.”

[PADA: Yes, their history is -- there have been pedophile messiahs like Kirtanananda, and people praising them, such as Patita Pavan das.]

In other words, Doktorski’s books are not fiction but fact. They are not “historical novels” or any sort of wishful thinking. Neither is this "mental speculation." They are not what could have happened or “based on some true story.” Since the facts of the matter are engraved in stone, there is no point in being offended by unchangeable history. The message is “learn the lessons from what happened, and then move on.”

No intelligent person should ignore the stories behind the events of ISKCON's growth, either. The examples of eleven power-crazed individuals—who foolishly thought that they could do no wrong yet who have wound up on the cover of a book about gurus in the raw—should be a wake-up call for future generations. At the very least, the case of threadbare monarchs in their birthday suits should be a lesson for the more thoughtful and controlled among us. The wise are never afraid to learn from history.

Henry Doktorski, who gave the best years of his life and his vast musical talents to New Vrindavana, has therefore rendered each of us a great service. It is better to learn about the sad destinies of the “fools who rushed in where wise men feared to tread” than to experience the results of arrogance.

In other words, the wisdom of historical vision dictates that it is better to read Eleven Naked Emperors than to find one’s self on the cover!

-Patita Pavana dasa Adhikary 

[PADA: Right, Patita Pavan das still says that people like Bhakti Vikas swami are great preachers, because BVKS is aligned with Gaurakeshava -- who made the system of offering bhogha to Krishna first "in case your guru is having sex in the back room." And BVKS is friends with pedophile guru supporters like Basu Ghosh. 

So anyone who defends the worship of illicit sex with men, women and children, and who even changes the pooja so we no longer offer to the pure devotee but offer bhogha to pedophiles is "a great preacher." That means Patita Pavan das is responsible for helping this mess along. 

And worse, Patita Pavan says the ritviks are bogus, because they offer bhogha to the pure devotee and not pedophiles. Patita Pavan still evidently wants us to eat food offered to pedophiles, which can potentially contaminate anyone who eats it with the poison of sympathy for pedophile worship. In sum, this odious history had many helpers and hand maidens, and he is one of them. ys pd]  


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