Friday, November 18, 2022


Not Advisable to Mess with:
The Boss's Prison Manager

PADA: This victim wants to put together a legal effort in Australia. If anyone can help, please write PADA @ and we will try to coordinate things. 

We also just got a lovely letter from a lady who has been reading PADA for years, and she wanted to thank me for saving her from so many misconceptions. We do what we can. 

The stories coming from the lady in the story below are very disturbing and we will see if and when we will post the more detailed version. At this point all I can say is -- yikes pilgrims! Worse than I thought! ys pd

Patita Pavana Dasa: 


Recently a lady in the middle years of her life had a mental flashback. THis Mataji regained suppressed memories of her gruesome childhood. She had been sold into prostitution by her dad. To make things worse, her dad and stepmom were both "devotees," and the clients who savagely raped her included many posers in the renounced order of life [in ISKCON].

To overcome the severity of post traumatic stress syndrome that being forced to accomodate lusty hypocrites in saffron has imposed upon her life, her counselor has recommended that she begin by writing down her memories as they return to her in all their horror. And what a laundry list of upper manager are included as characters in this tragic play of real life. Surprises are in store.

Mataji confesses to having been raped by the latest scoundrel to go down, the infamous child molester BVPS. But he wasn't the only swami to whom she was sent into a false marriage and forced sexual slavery from her 6th to 14th year in Bhbaneuswara, India.

Do these vile pedophiles not understand that the innocence of a girl child is the manifestation of the sweetest aspects of the Mother Goddess? This is the beauty of little girls, the natural innocense that flows from within them. But, for one who has offended and abused the trust of a precious child, the Mother Goddess Durga will appear as anger personified. And, since she pervades the Universe, and her chopper is very sharp, escape for those who have abused little goddesses is not an option.

Then, one may ask, why should we believe these stories of suppressed memories? The Mataji admits that the scorn she received from disbelievers has kept her from speaking up. In fact, hundreds of children in ISKCON schools have suffered the same horrible abuse, with dozens having committed suicide. 

When there are hundreds of other victims of abuse, should not this Mataji be given a voice through caring, friendly ears--even when the facts of the matter appear too overwhelming to accept at first? But just consider that it has taken over three decades to bring to light the crimes of BVPS, ISKCON'S most prolific and long-running rapist. And in his case, too, he was reported but no one cared to listen.

Let the victims speak out, and for Krishna's sake, let us listen! For my own part, this disciple does not want to go to Prabhupada---only to hear His Divine Grace ask, "When my granddaughter came to you and asked you to listen to her situation--why did you turn away in disbelief?"

For me, it would be more preferable to hear Prabhupada say, "There were many demonic agents of Kali who had grown comfortable in my movement. These rakshasas were destroying everything through their mental speculation, illiit sex, affiiation with Mayavadis, and a littany of other offenses. However, because you and other disciples listened, the demons were forced out of the closet to take their unwanted association elsewhere."


PS: Yep, Bhubanesvar is Gaura Govinda's program. Evidently he is not as innocent as he seems. 

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