Tuesday, September 10, 2024

What is Prasadam? / Rambhouru / Sulochana's writings 09 10 24

PADA: Very nice. This is creating a favorable impression, at least there. Unfortunately, this type of thing has been practically stopped in the USA, and it goes on mainly in the Eastern European countries, albeit on some smaller scale. There is very little harinama, prasad distribution, public festivals and so on -- going on here in the West or the USA. 

The GBC has essentially given up on the USA, and they are leaving us and going to these "off shore" preaching programs, and that does not benefit the MAIN place Srila Prabhupada where wanted everything to be done first -- the USA. 

Of course the other issue is, what is prasadam? 

One of these Eastern European devotees just now told me -- it does not matter whose photo is on the altar, since we are offering direct to Krishna. Ummm, nope, we have to offer our services, prayers and food offerings through the pure devotee. They are not being trained properly. And offering food to the guy who works at 7-11, who is a nice guy, would be a big improvement from offering to illicit sex deviants and their entourage.  

PADA: Rambhouru is right on this issue, Krishna does give people intelligence. And that is why the ISKCON temples are empty ghost towns, as almost everyone has abandoned ship. And more and more forums are starting where disenfranchised people are complaining about the management. And my ISKCON friendly friend says -- most of the current ISKCON congregation are Hindus, and over 50% of those Hindus eat meat. So they are replacing the thoughtful and sincere with the superficial and un-informed.

Thus Krishna is telling the sincere and intelligent people, and / or the Western people generally -- avoid ISKCON. And they are, and the congregation is more and more compromised Hindus, and yep -- evidently -- a number of them are meat eaters. So Rambhouru is correct, everyone with half an ounce of sense is leaving her program, because Krishna is steering them away. 

Meanwhile, my ex-witch friend says that the reason so many ISKCON people are getting sick -- and getting cancer -- actually all around ISKCON -- is that they are eating food offered to deviants, which is contaminating them. Rambhouru does not even address this issue. Evidently she is happy to have more devotees die of alcohol poison, cancer and all the rest, and she does not even see the problem here.

She says she has "love" for Srila Prabhupada, which is why she works for the people who ban, beat, sue and maybe also kill anyone who worships Srila Prabhupada. And they mass molested Krishna's children. My friends in Eastern Europe recently got kicked out of ISKCON -- as soon as they announced they are accepting Srila Prabhupada as their guru. Rambhouru loves Srila Prabhupada, or loves the people who ban his worship? 

Of course, if someone worships Rambhouru's pedophile and deviant gurus, they are welcome to come. Rambhouru's program loves Srila Prahbupada, but hates and bans anyone who worships him, then she has to give her victims therapy for the damage caused by all this. 

Right, they claim to love Srila Prabhupada, but hate anyone who worships Prabhupada, and they ban his worshipers. Someone told me how Bombay Sridhara tried to get his wife to leave him because he would not accept the GBC gurus. Then Rambhouru is going to fix these broke down problems, caused by her own program.

We love Srila Prabhupada! And that is why we are spending $20,000,000 suing Bangalore so we can ban them -- because they worship the pure devotee and not Rambhouru's pedophile messiahs. So the message she is sending is clear, do not ever even think of worshiping Srila Prabhupada, we will come down on you like a ton of bricks and destroy your life, and our folks will tell your wife to leave you. You need to worship the living pedophile messiah's project's folks to go back to God. Umm, and a number of the people who do that are getting cancer. Where do I sign up? 

Meanwhile Rambhouru is still saying that Srila Prabhupada is only a minor league shiksha devotee (like a temple pot washer), whereas her illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's project folks are diksha guru -- equals to Jesus, and they are the bona fide "parampara gurus" / if not assistants of the gopis etc. who can absorb sins like Jesus etc. Ummm nope. 

So she is mis-leading people from the whole process of having their sins resolved. Then she wonders why so many people have addictions to drugs, alcohol and pornography etc. She needs to give them "therapy" to fix these subsequent  problems, which are caused mainly by her bogus guru lineage. We can worship deviant beings, and then Rambhouru will give the victims therapy, but the therapy does not include stopping worship of deviant beings. 

Her program has Krishna's devotees banned, beaten, molested, sued and maybe killed, and then she can give the victims of her program -- therapy classes? And her own son makes a play "burnt ladhus," to describe how her program treats children. Yeah children and -- burnt to toast. But we should worship the people who burnt the ladhus -- as messiahs.

Yet she is herself helping these victims go down into the modes of ignorance and / or worship of debauchees -- and / or their entourage, and then her program's victims have these problems by her program misdirecting them. Then again, mixing up "purely serving the gopis" with mundane lust and intoxicated fools is going to take people to the lower regions -- all by itself. And that is just one tentacle of their offensive monster. 

OK if a person is placing his sins at the feet of the sinful, as the Rambhouru plan is -- and has been -- operating, then the sinful cannot remove their burden of sins, and they will be prone to fail and have spiritual failure. In other words Rambhouru thinks Srila Prabhupada is like a conditioned soul shiksha temple pot washer, whereas her illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's folks are the "diksha gurus" -- i.e. messiahs who are taking up the sins of the fallen -- like Jesus. She is helping kill off even her own false gurus as well, since they get sick, fall down, and even die prematurely from taking sins. 

And her husband Prithu has been one of those false Jesus like messiahs, taking sins from others. And they are telling their illicit sex with men, women and children false messiah pals they too can take sins. Ooops. Srila Prabhupada says that only an uttama has the brahmana tejyas to burn off sins, and anyone else who takes sins will have to suffer, and they will take those sins with them to their next life since they are not burned off. So the Rambhouru program is taking down the leaders and the followers off to Yamaraja all at the same time. 

That means Rambhouru is producing suffering for her false messiahs, who will clearly have to go to the most obnoxious regions to burn off all the sins they are taking without authority, and their victim followers will also fail -- those who will not have their sins absolved. That means she is sending all sorts of people to hellish destinations by her misdirecting their spiritual path, never mind offering food to illicit sex with men, women and children deviants will contaminate the offering and make people get sick, fall down, and die prematurely. As is happening. 

She is evidently going to be in for a big shock when she comes to Yamaraja and he tells her, you have helped make a system where people cannot remove their sins, and worse -- they were eating sins by offering food to conditioned souls, and not just regular Joe conditioned souls -- but illicit sex with men, women and children raksasa predators. 

So you and your regime stopped people from going back to Krishna, and therefore you will go where all the rest of these cheaters and false messiahs are going, since you have been their agent, cheer leader, enabler, cover up and co-worker. And worse, you thought you could fix all this with some bogus mumbo jumbo mundane therapy. 

Conditioned souls are not qualified to absorb sins, not qualified to take bhogha offerings etc. and anyone who participates in promoting these deviations is bound to the karma chakra of all those collective sins. And that whole karma wheel of false messiahs is spinning on its way to Yamaraja now. False gurus go to the most obnoxious regions, and so does their support team. Speaking of which, I just saw some former Rambhouru messiahs in my trash can today, a bunch of flies and their maggot children, former Rambhouru messiahs of the jagat, now where they deserve to be, where they cannot harm others anymore. Sulochana said these people are trying to sugar coat a piece of dog stools, then they wonder why people leave after they take a bite.

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com



Hare Krsna. Below are some important quotes that are taken from "The Guru Business" book written by His Grace Sulocana Das that condemn unauthorized editing and emphasize to encourage the devotees to stick to the original books in which Srila Prabhupada is eternally present.

1.) "Yes, I want that you give me that facility to write my books, but I can attend some meetings of important people and elites. You have taken the right view of the importance of my books. Books will always remain. That was the view of my Guru Maharaja, and I also have taken it. Therefore I started my movement with my books. And we shall be able to maintain everything with the sales of the books. The temples will be maintained by the book sales, and if there are no more temples, then the books shall remain." (SPL to Hamsadutta, 11/8/73)

Note: Here also it is clear that whether or not "ISKCON" remains as we know it, or if it takes an unmanifest form for some time, that doesn't matter. As long as the books remain, people will be able to go back to Godhead by reading and following them. But this will not take place if the books are changed in the form of additions, and unauthorized editing. And, alarmingly, this process has also been put into gear by the current conspirators.

Prabhupada has recently said, "I know those that are sane, they will accept. No one is distributing so much quantity of religious books. Therefore, I challenge all these fools and rascals...... After eighty years no one can expect to live long. My life is almost ended, it is ended. So, you have to carry on. And these books will do everything...... Simply by bluffing words, these bogus gurus and yogis are nothing. But when the people read our books, then they will get good opinion." (2/18/76)

Note: It is the books that will save this movement, not the bluff of the GBC. The fact is that these men have not yet presented an authorized and logical philosophical basis for their "guru" imposition. So, the above letter ironically included them." [Chapter 3, Cheap Gurus, Cheap Disciples]

2.) " "You mentioned that your pathway has become filled with stumbling blocks, but there are no stumbling blocks, I can kick out all those stumbling blocks immediately, provided you accept my guidance. With one stroke of my kick I can kick out all stumbling blocks... In the beginning there were no doubts, but by bad association you have now got doubts. (SPL to Krsnadasa, 9/9/72)

Note: "Prabhupada lives eternally in his books." If that is true, as any sane disciple knows, then what is keeping us from right now taking Prabhupada's guidance and kicking out the doubts? The lazy man's way to the truth is to think a trance medium can help us to get the essence without having to study. But we do not need a trance medium to tell us what is in Prabhupada's books. 

Amogha Lila's dreams may contain some truths, but then they may contain some falsities also. Who cares? We do not require to gamble on such important matters. We are interested in what Prabhupada says, and only what Prabhupada says. 

Many devotees claim that Amoga's dreams are self-contradictory, and not in logical accordance with Srila Prabhupada's teachings. Why would Prabhupada reveal, through one of his disciples, that there have been very serious deviations by the GBC, and, in the same breath, exhort his disciples to follow the GBC no matter what they say? This is not possible. 

Prabhupada's books condemn that way of thought. Therefore, we don't need to gamble. Prabhupada gave ample instruction on all such serious matters. The solution to these stumbling blocks is clearly given in the letter above. Srila Prabhupada's guidance is still completely available to us. He was not speaking in parables or a foreign language. He spoke very directly and clearly. We don't need a trance medium to re-translate Prabhupada's instructions. We simply need some serious devotees to sit down to read and index Prabhupada's books, letters and lectures. That is real trance." [Chapter 4, What is Your Philosophy?]

3.) Prabhupada did not stress moving into a temple as much. Instead he emphasized following the instructions wherever one may be. In the Caitanya-caritamrta Prabhupada says: "If one thinks that there are many pseudo-devotees or nondevotees in the Krsna consciousness society, one can keep direct company with the Spiritual Master, if there is any doubt." (Mad 7, p.340). Reading Srila Prabhupada's books, listening to Srila Prabhupada's tapes, serving Srila Prabhupada's desires, meditation on the form of Srila Prabhupada, and following Srila Prabhupada's many instructions are all non-different from direct association with Srila Prabhupada. In many cases, Prabhupada actually asked devotees to come and live with him personally when they were in difficulty with the "leaders." 

This instruction also means taking shelter of Prabhupada's books independently, since they are non-different. We are never obliged to enter into any so-called temple in which serious deviations are incorporated in either the philosophy or management. Never.

"That there have been no newly initiated devotees from Japan is all right. It doesn't matter whether they are initiated or not. If they are coming in large number, that is the success of our mission. We are not after making initiated members very many but our concern is that people understand this philosophy in wider circles. Initiated members are for managing the temples and preaching work, but our program is to invite people to our feasts, let them hear our philosophy and dance and chant. That is the basic principle of our philosophy in preaching work." (SPL to Sudama, 4/11/71)

Note: This letter is very clear and difficult to misinterpret. The important thing is understanding the philosophy and acting on it. All these people who are hearing the philosophy and dancing and chanting have good opportunity to go back to Godhead, not those who took "initiation" but change the instructions. In an old Back to Godhead article Prabhupada says: "Initiation is a formality. If you are serious, that is real initiation. If you have understood this Krsna philosophy and if you have decided that you will take Krsna consciousness seriously and preach the philosophy to others, that is your initiation. My touch is simply a formality. It is your determination. That is initiation." [Chapter 3, Cheap Gurus, Cheap Disciples]

4.) "However, don't create any awkward situation that may be criticized. Caesar's wife must be above criticism. Up to now as I have got respectable situation, I wish that all my disciples will have similar respectable position in society. That will keep my name good. Like father like son." (SPL to Caityaguru, 7/11/76)
Note: Prabhupada is concerned to keep his name good because he wants his books to be read for all time. However, there are a group of men today who have none of Prabhupada's divine qualifications but who are posing as saints all the same. This is the problem. By impersonating Prabhupada and doing all nonsense, these men are spoiling Prabhupada's good name. The innocent class of non-devotees will naturally think, "like father, like son." In this letter Srila Prabhupada clearly indicates the possibility that his initiates may misuse their opportunity and drag his name into their mud. [Chapter 1, They Will Just Be Showbottle]

5.) Srila Prabhupada was counting upon his leading secretaries to properly manage his society. But they betrayed him. Therefore, this letter indicates that Srila Prabhupada had lost almost all hope that the "leaders" would ever become sincere enough to renounce the original sin, the tendency to betray the trust extended by the Supreme Lord through his dearmost servitor. Despite many heavy letters such as this one, Prabhupada was never actually relieved from management responsibilities. He had to tolerate innumerable offenses by his "leaders" just to keep the thing going long enough to finish his books. But now, some of these same leaders claim to be so advanced that they don't need to read Prabhupada's books anymore. At one point Tamala Krsna demanded that Prabhupada's purports not be read during his classes-that his commentary alone was sufficient. [Chapter 2, Do Not Dishonor Me]

6) Note: Pure devotees of Krsna are not a dime-a-dozen as in ISKCON today. Even the madhyama status of devotee is difficult to attain. The topmost platform of pure devotee generally takes a lifetime of sincere, humble, and serious hard work, and only one among thousands achieves it. (BG, 7.3) Prabhupada was a pure devotee from birth but he set the example for us by waiting eleven years before taking fornal initiation. Why today this impatience? Initiation is a serious matter and not something one does whimsically. 

No sane person rushes into such a commitment. Chant, study, and serve Prabhupada through his books with a competent, humble devotee. Then you are safe. Krsna will personally send a pure devotee when the sincere seeker is ready. Getting a bona fide guru is not a process of seeking outside oneself. It is an internal process of purifying one's motive. Then the guru will appear just as Narada appeared to Dhruva in the forest. The only endeavor required is trying to become sincere.

In the broad sense, very little changed when Prabhupada left the planet. He had long since placed the fate of his movement in the hands of his books. More and more he saw that his leaders were not following them or even reading them. The GBC was out of hand. “What can I do?" Some of them could hardly wait to divide up the pie and start being worshipped.

"Yes, I am so glad that your center is doing so well and all the devotees are now appreciating the presence of their Spiritual Master by following His instructions although He is no longer physically present; this is the right spirit." (Karandhara, 9/13/70)

Note: Adherence to the guru's instructions is the most important measure of the legitimacy of the devotees. [Chapter 3, Cheap Gurus, Cheap Disciples]

"As a final point, we are not claiming to be saints. We have all kinds of problems dealing with the material energy that seem insurmountable. We are not pretending to be always absorbed in the love of the gopis like the Sridhara Maharaja club. 

Nor are we pretending to be scholars or brahmins like the smarta club of Subhananda, Ravindra Svarupa, and those who talk a lot but still get their bread and butter by handouts from demons. Nor are we members of "the end justifies the means" ISKCON "gurubhava" club that sits on thrones between semen breaks, drug deals, nervous breakdowns, wife stealing's, child molestations, etc., etc. It is not necessary to join any of these clubs to understand Srila Prabhupada's books. He wrote his books for people just like us: simple but honest. 

In fact, it is only honest people who can understand Prabhupada's books. That's because honesty is the only leg left in this age and we are proud to be tightly hanging on that one leg. So for those of you who don't like this simple, direct, often crude, often angry, but at least honest way of speech, then why don't you come forward and do something better to remove these demons who have ravaged Prabhupada's movement? Dheera says guru is one, and Keith Ham-asura says we are trying to crucify Prabhupada. 

Both these statements are in essence the exact same thing: trying to place yourselves equal to Prabhupada, and that is an offense no real disciple of Prabhupada will tolerate, for long." [DAS Devotee Access Services]

1 comment:

  1. M Dasi: Let us force our children to worship pedos, and when they are suffering, we will give them therapy ... for only a modest small fee. What about the ones who are not living anymore ... because of all their abuse. What about all the ones who now hate Hare Krishna.

    What is the plan for them? Worship the same people who started all this in the first place. The kids who say ... this is Auschwitz ... and to fix it ... they still have to worship the main generals who have been managing Auschwitz! How does that fix anything Rambhouru? You are making it worse. WAY WORSE!

    The people who made the Krishna children no longer living ... from utter disgust ... or who hate Hare Krishna ... are still the gurus Rambhouru is forcing into ... more kids.

    Reminds me of the film where the poor lower class patients are getting their organs taken out ... to give to wealthy people ... and the "comfort nurses" are always trying to make the poor patients feel better ... but the patients could not feel better ... they know they are going to suffer and ... die.

    The comfort nurse is making things worse ... giving false hope that things might get better. Things will not get better when they keep telling people to worship the same evil clowns ... who caused all the suffering in the first place.

    Oh we love Srila Prabhupada, now get your Prabhupada worshiping a** out of here ... before we have our goons beat the crap out of you.
    These people are horrific. And they just get worse every day, sugar coating a piece of dog crap. Sulochana said it. She is just doing this to make a business. A guru business. And she is the comfort nurse in the organ removal movie. All the apologists ... just as guilty as the main leaders ... because they feed off each other.


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