Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Guru Dementia? /Another Krishna Kid Departs / etc. 09 17

Worship Krishna,
Or you will be forced to worship something
non - Krishna.
Which won't be fun at all!

PADA: We heard that Ravindra swarupa and Giriraja swami have been diagnosed with some form of dementia. I dunno, it is hard to confirm these things. But someone told me the real reason Ravindra has dropped off the radar is "he is babbling incoherently." 

Hmm, well both of these guys have been already babbling incoherently for decades. "There is a guru, and he is the successor to God, except -- when he is falling into illicit sex with men, women and children. When that happens, you can offer your food to Srila Prabhupada, albeit temporarily. No problem either, you will now be re-initiated -- by the same illicit sex with men, women and children guru's parampara that your first guru was in -- which 2/3 show of hands voted in your guru's successor." Incoherent - ness -- yes? 

Sheesh, where do I sign up to worship that parampara? Yep, incoherent babbling. Anyway we will update you if we get more details. ys pd


PADA: I don't know the details of what happened to Bhima das (on left with his child and sister), but he is yet another Krishna kid on his way out much too soon. He was staying in Hawaii -- and an associate said many of the other Krishna kids there smoke pot, and some of them are dope dealers, and there does not seem to be a good program to uplift or out reach to them. 

Some devotees told me these Krishna kids are pretty much useless and are not worthy of being helped. Well maybe, but how did they get that way? Aren't they a direct by-product of the way they were treated by the ISKCON society. 

They were abused in many cases, they did not get a proper regular education in many cases, and did not get a specific vocation training for any actual job, and so on. So what would happen? They would fail to be able to manage their lives in the material society, at least in many cases. So it would make their struggle for existence a lot more difficult, as we have seen in many cases.

Anyway we will update this story when we get more details. In the meantime, may Krishna bless his soul and help him make progress back to Godhead. God speed spirit soul! ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com  

Hare Krishna, good morning Puranjana Prabhu.

It looks like another second generation devotee has passed. (Bhavatarini’s son Bhima) This occurred Monday night in Honolulu. The young man fell off of a building balcony or roof - it’s not immediately clear. We’re not sure if the building was up to code on its railing. And of course he left behind his partner and their son. Prayers for the family.


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"The credibility and legitimacy of the GBC and ISKCON gurus is actually less than zero for those who know ISKCON history. A group of senior men betrayed Srila Prabhupada by poisoning his body and others colluded with a gurujacking and poisoning of his mission. Concealing as much as they could, senior disciples conspired to take over the movement. They did this with the lie that they had been appointed as the next acharyas. They fooled the devotees into believing they had become pure devotees, empowered by Srila Prabhupada’s mercy to initiate new devotees and to continue the parampara as the next link. But they were only imitators of the Acharya, and this all proved to be a disaster. Over the decades and through many embarrassments, the ISKCON misleadership has tried to tone down and adjust their mess while speculatively concocting an ever-evolving system of approving new initiating gurus. But the same basic disobedience and deviation remains- neglecting Srila Prabhupada’s actual but obscured arrangements for the future. Only by sincere and diligent study of the matter with reference to Srila Prabhupada’s original, unrevised books can this cheating paradigm be transcended. All are encouraged to study this matter carefully, discuss it with other devotees without restriction, and come to their own duly considered conclusions. It usually takes 10 or more years of disassociation with ISKCON and its deep institutional conditioning to rise above dogmatic misconceptions. Covered by layers of indoctrinations, ISKCON devotees must bravely struggle to break out of the false narratives of ISKCON’s bogus “living guru” and “conditioned souls can be diksha gurus” doctrines." (Srila Prabhupada’s Hidden Glories, 1.562)




PADA: Thanks JD. OK so threats are shutting down the hospitals, schools, universities, businesses and other public buildings. And immigrants are getting threatening phone calls. Government officials are having their houses searched. The police are working overtime conducting searches of these buildings, which is costing the city a ton of cash. Sounds like they really fixed the problem!

And little kids are being frog marched out of schools due to these threats. And then a number of these little kids are crying that they are afraid to go back to school. And parents have to leave work in the middle of their shift to go fetch their kids, which is causing all sorts of chaos for businesses and employees, and all sorts of money is being lost and wasted. 

And all of this has to be done so we can prove -- what exactly? I fail to see how this benefits anyone or anything? And then the lady who started this rumor said she is sorry she did that, seeing what a mess she has made. 

Hee hee, its little like ISKCON. A few foolish people started a rumor that conditioned souls are going to be worshiped as God's "shaksat hari" "assisting the gopis" successors, and then few more folks ran off with that rumor, and voila -- we have a giant mess on our hands -- with devotees being banned, beaten, molested, sued and maybe -- killed. 

Yeah agreed. Little kids crying because they are afraid to go to school is a great and wonderful thing? Great for whom? And all of these bogus gurus are a wonderful thing too. Wonderful for -- whom? 

Sorry, none of this is wonderful for the victims. Notice, there is a pattern here, little kids are crying, chaos, wasted money, no solution rendered, lots of confusion and suffering. Situation worse. Yep, sounds like ISKCON repeated.

ys pd angel108b@yahoo.com 



A few days ago I wrote about triggers that make some of us angry. Women, vows, coffee and mushrooms. Today let’s tackle the biggest, most menacing trigger of them all. But how to approach this subject?

Males wear saffron to ‘avoid’ it. Females cover themselves from head to toe to ‘prevent’ it. It’s never spoken about at a family dinner table. Srila Prabhupada is quite overt about it in his books. Could we start with the birds and bees? Or call it fatal attraction? The number one pursuit in life? The greatest of all ‘obstacles’ to overcome? 

The one area of life associated with the deepest feelings of guilt and shame? The one regulative principle that makes one a ‘swami’ if one ‘follows’ it?
In devotee society we can be so preoccupied with it that we create butter and fire social barriers. Yet it’s there, staring at us in the face. Saffron wearers say, “Women are the problem!” Rational devotees will say, “Your inappropriate desires are the problem!”

It’s such a big topic! The biggest trigger to cause inordinate fear of the opposite gender. I’ll say it without using the actual trigger word. I thought I’d be very kind and charitable today by omitting that most feared and anger-inducing word.

Don’t listen to those who make you feel useless and unworthy as if they’ve got it under control. Don’t let them advise you on what to do in the bedroom. The beauty of Bhakti is that one continues regardless of being ‘hampered’ by it.

Krishna sees our efforts to serve, to try our best and to keep going, trigger or no trigger. That means much more than any pent-up feelings of angry deprivation. Krishna understands! All we have to do now is be realistic and practical. With patience, love will win the day.

Ys Kesava Krsna Dasa.

1 comment:

  1. M Dasi: Krishna is rounding up these kulis ... and taking them back because ... they were not treated properly. Krishna is re-grouping them ... to start them off in a better way.

    They needed a reset, neglected and they know it, while big shot leaders are given fancy cars and houses. No wonder they are depressed ... and feeling hopeless. Even Krishna has to withdraw them from this horrific disaster.

    Guru dementia? Hah! Listen to the way they talk! We are pure ... except when we are not pure. Pure gibberish. Lokanatha had "an incident" because "he was a simply village boy and did not know how to act among females." Really?

    This more sh*t for the sh*t brains, who listens to them anymore? I know, the idiots who are running ISKCON in India. "Our guru did not get trained how to behave around females." No brains at work here.

    No wonder the kulis are avoiding them ... even they know this is utter nonsense ... and simply making excuses so the big shots can get their fancy lifestyle and money. Guru dementia ... and that is the karma for spreading all this nonsense.


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