Thursday, September 19, 2024

Bhima Das / Suspended Guru / Gurukripa VS PADA 09 19 24


PADA: Yeah prabhu, the blowing up of pagers, radios and phones in Lebanon is making an entirely new -- and scary -- platform of warfare, that is going to get more and more worse. Almost everyone carries some form of communication devices these days, and it would be easy to slip in some sort of flammable material into their devices to make them go off, at the whim of some opponent. This marks the beginning of a whole new method of taking out opponents, and it will just get more ugly -- and dangerous -- for human society as time goes on.

That being said, the Hezbollah leader guys were found to be hiding among the populace in stores, public places, offices, apartments and homes -- in obviously residential areas. That means they have been blending into the civilian population, using them as a hiding place, shield and cover for themselves. Going after them entails going after all their surroundings, full of civilians. 

That means they are placing the whole civilian population at risk by merging into their midst. Unfortunately, this is very common these days, especially among these jihadi leaders. They are hanging out in residential buildings, so when they get taken out -- so do the nearby residents. Then they complain that the innocent civilians are being taken out, while not mentioning they are hiding among the civilian's buildings. 

And yeah, it is the same as ISKCON. In order to take down the few bogus leaders, the whole ISKCON society has had to suffer and badly -- because they are using ISKCON as a shield and cover. And then the rest of the more innocent citizens of ISKCON have to suffer as well, on account of a few bad apple leaders. Same idea. 

They go down holding the flag of ISKCON, and nearly all of ISKCON goes down with them. And the innocent suffer the results. One devotee told me he does not want to be seen in public as a devotee, due to all the bad public image the leaders have created. So they messed up this guy's life, another victim. Very true.


RE: DEPARTED BHIMA DAS. Well I am hearing different things. Right now the family is saying they cannot discuss this because they are grieving. Someone else said Bhima was "alone and in bad health." Someone else said that he was part of an ex-Krishna kids "dope dealer" Hawaii group. Someone else said that all these kids are part of the Narayan Maharaja pot smoking and drug dealing program in Hawaii. 

I don't know. What I do know is, we as an ISKCON society totally failed these kids. Failing is not even a good description, we as an ISKCON society -- pretty much -- destroyed these kids. And that is why I do not blame them for the mess they are in now, they did not get support -- and still do not. So naturally they feel discouraged, alienated, hopeless, and thus they might like smoking pot. And if they are dealing drugs, what does that say about the vocation they were trained in? 

Yup. They are by-products of the society they entered as babies. And Narayan Maharaja was in Texas with Tamal, yelling at my associates, when I was in Texas having Tamal sued for $400,000,000. Taking shelter of the cheer leaders of a mass molesting empire like NM is not going to produce a good result for the kids, no duh! ys pd



Oh oh, another suspended guru "violates GBC rules." 

The GBC addressed three important topics at the meeting:

1. Narahari Dasa Suspension

The Guru Services Committee forwarded a proposal regarding the unauthorized initiations conducted by Narahari Dasa. On February 20, 2020, the North American RGB suspended Narahari Dasa from initiating in ISKCON. Despite this, Narahari Dasa resumed performing initiations again in early 2024, violating the suspension order. Consequently, the North American RGB has passed a new resolution reaffirming his suspension.

The GBC resolved that initiations by Narahari Dasa after 20 February 2020 are not recognized in ISKCON. Narahari Dasa’s suspension as an initiating guru within ISKCON will continue indefinitely until the issues are resolved to the satisfaction of the Guru Services Committee and the GBC Body.

The association of Narahari Dasa and his ‘disciples’ with any ISKCON temple will be determined by local authorities and the local GBC.


Since the spiritual master suffers for the sins of his disciples they should be very careful to follow their initiations vows. If they do not do so they are torturing their spiritual master. I have just now been informed that of one my married initiated disciples is having an illicit love affair outside of marriage. I am requesting this disciple and anyone else who is breaking their initiation vows to kindly stop this because the pain I am presently going through is it making it very difficult for me to execute the duty given to me by Srila Prabhupada to push forward this Krishna consciousness movement all over the world.
Sankarshan Das Adhikari

PADA: Yeah you guys are not supposed to be taking sins. 



PADA: Yeah everything is there, like -- don't wander off to the Gaudiya Matha and follow people like BV Puri who was helping Gopal Krishna and re-initiating ISKCON devotees as his own, and he was glorifying Saint Radhanath. ys pd 

Gregory M Gk Gottfried: Leaving this forum mr. Timmy has bad mouth me for 40 years, he should go work for Harris party they could use his talents of spreading lies. don't bother reponding to this, I don't have to explain my self to welfare Timmy and only answer to srila prabhupada 

PADA: True. The followers of the Gaudiya Matha will have to answer for that, they caused all this mayhem in both the Gaudiya Math and ISKCON, and people like BV Puri said worship of pure devotees is not found in shastra, so they could boost Saint Radhanath. We are onto these jokers. 

Yeah, as soon as we said there is mass child mistreatment, these folks said we are liars, to defend their pals, and that is why we had to sue their system for $400,000,000. And they could not prove us liars in court. ys pd 

Gregory M Gk Gottfried you may come to Vrindavan and discuss with me in kartika time we may talk in Prabhupadas room.never seen you in any holy dhama. 

PADA: Yeah I need to go to Vrndavana and associate with your friends who bury deviants in samadhis in the dham, and have to be sued for $400,000,000. You already cannot discuss any of this already, and have not been able to since 1980s. You told me yourself -- we are not supposed to go to the Gaudiya Matha, yep you told me yourself, then you went there, so you could prop up the false system in ISKCON and Saint Radhanath, another one of your Vrndavana pals. Then your friends like Bhakta said I am a liar, which is why we had to have the $400,000,000 lawsuit, which you guys did not show up for in Dallas? Why didn't Bhakta come to court and say this is all lies? He couldn't ... ys pd

Gregory M Gk Gottfried: People like you in Thailand are called [bakma] or dog mouth no bite just bark, i have nothing to do with any of what your talking about, come out of your hole tamasi ma jyoter gama, please mr bakma

PADA: Yeah, anyone who opposes mass child mistreatment is a barking dog, heard that from all of you guys the whole time. The good news is that I am going to be featured on the New Monkey On A Stick movie, I will be coming out of my hole to expose your whole process. You have nothing to do with those guys, except you are in their recent group photo of a festival there, associated with them. The people who bury deviants in the dham are your associates. ys pd

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