Thursday, September 5, 2024

Mahatma re: ISKCON's Children / Addiction Therapy 09 05 24


PADA: Raising kids in worshiping -- Mahatma's illicit sex with men, women and children messiahs. Wait? Even a CBS TV news lady told me that her seeing Mahatma's program's "Srila Kirtanananda swami Bhaktipada" sitting on Mahatma's program's "golden Vyasa throne" -- covered with the hands of many boys is -- "pedophile heaven." And she thanked me for confirming that this is pedophile heaven, because "almost all the other Krishna devotees she interviewed did not see any problem here." 

And then Mahatma's program buries their homosexual and pedophile messiah in a samadhi, evidently thinking that oral sex with boys in the motorhome is "samadhi." And then a news media person has to ask me "what exactly is pedophile samadhi"? I dunno, ask them, they came up with this. 

Unfortunately, people like Mahatma keep confusing Krishna's actual Vaikuntha "heaven with God" i.e. the Vaikuntha loka planets of God -- with his "pedophile heaven messiah's project," which has buried their favorite pedophile messiah in a samadhi in the holy dham. 

OK there has been other similar bogus guru cults that have confused and juxtaposed "God and heaven" with their sexual predator guru "successors to God." Shastra says such false prophets are cast into the lower species repeatedly. And we would say, good bye and good riddance. 

In short, Srila Prabhupada says the leaders of these types of illicit sex messiah's deviations are going straight down to the most obnoxious regions of the universe. Hmmm, no wonder their messiah Jayapataka keeps hanging on over here on planet earth, he knows where he is going. Meanwhile the leader of Alachua (Mukhya dasi) says we are "spreading poison against ISKCON" by challenging their illicit sex with men, women and children messiah's project.

Oh oh, another Alachua ex-Krishna kid just left his body, allegedly from alcohol poisoning. "Drank himself to death" is what someone told me. Right. And this is one of the results -- for children -- of mixing God in heaven with Mahatma's pedophiles in heaven process, it creates a lot of spiritual frustration, confusion, and no small amount of depression, and thereby, sometimes -- or maybe often times -- the untimely death of the children involved in their process. 

Teaching children to worship Mahatma's pedophiles in heaven program is causing them to suffer badly, and even to die prematurely. Another PADA friend -- who visits -- and works with -- various ISKCON folks says, over half the Hindus who visit the ISKCON temple there -- eat meat. And perhaps one third of these Hindus think conditioned souls are incarnations of Krishna, because they are mayavadas. 

In other words, Mahatama's wet dream scenario of having ISKCON overrun by meat eating and mayavada congregation folks has finally manifested! He evidently has half -- or perhaps over half -- of their temple congregations in some places comprised of meat eaters, and one third or more, comprised of mayavadas. And he evidently is a little upset that his schedule to have 100% meat eaters and 100% mayavadas in ISKCON temples is behind pace. 

Keep going Mahatama, you will eventually have 100% pedophile worshipers, meat eaters, mayavadas, and assorted perverts running your whole show! You will accomplish your real agenda! Meanwhile, we are all going to run away from your process as fast and as far as we can. 

Yep pilgrims, another Krishna kid dies, and almost no one seems to even take a lot of notice. Oh yeah, another body on the pile of previous bodies. So what? What else is new? It is starting to be a common affair with them. Another one bites the dust, no problem, we should expect that. Yep, he got his karma after all, he was part of the Mahatma molester messiah's project -- so he gets what he deserves! Sheesh! ys pd   


Yeah, you are gonna need lots of grief counselling after you worship a bunch of intoxicated and lusty fools, and their enablers, as your link to God. Duh-oh! 

PADA: A number of devotees are evidently struggling with alcohol, drugs, pornography and other malefic addictions. Wait? Why should so many devotees be struggling with these issues? Something is wrong here pilgrims!

OK I have myself been struggling with the desire for illicit sex for the past three trillion years. But under no circumstances was I probably ever -- worshiping -- other people who are addicted to alcohol, drugs and / or illicit sex as my messiahs from heaven. ISKCON has the whole process upside down, since we become what we worship -- therefore worshiping people who are addicted to material things will make the worshipers attracted to those same things. There is no "recovery" from these addictions -- if we worship the afflicted and the addicted -- as our messiahs.

Thus, myself -- in the past three trillion years -- I was probably never worshiping illicit sex with men, women and children as my messiahs because -- God gives us a form of internal intelligence or conscience to help us avoid that. Therefore, it is almost never seen in human society where people worship deviants as their messiahs, because God steers them away from that by giving them internal direction. 

In ISKCON, God is kicked out the door, and people -- including children -- are forced to worship Mahatma's illicit sex with men, women and children, intoxicated fools, porno swamis, and criminals of various levels -- as their messiahs from God. And then we wonder why ourselves or our children are having problems with alcohol, drugs, porno, and so many other bad habits and problems? Duh, you are making your children worship those afflicted by these deviations, and so they will be afflicted with these deviations as well. 

Of course people like Mahatma are the persons behind the scenes making sure the children are worshiping his illicit sex, drugs, and porno pals as their messiahs, that way he can pollute them, and make them addicted. And then -- some of his victims die from drugs and alcohol, and then they are giving us therapy -- and part of the therapy, is -- to continue to worship the same conditioned souls who created all this mess in the first place?

I am a fully conditioned soul myself, and I struggle with all sorts of things, but at least Krishna gives me enough intelligence to -- avoid -- promoting worshiping illicit sex deviants, drunks, drug addicts, porno swamis and etc. as the Lord's messiahs. But then again nearly all of the karmis have that same intelligence, therefore we do not find them promoting worshiping deviants as their messiahs either. 

That is because Krishna is giving them that internal intelligence. So in other words, ISKCON is fighting with Krishna, and trying to force people to ignore the advice of the Supersoul, and worship deviants, despite the Supersoul is advising against that.

Then! No wonder there is an addiction problem, rather we should expect that. Krishna will never be pleased with the worshipers of deviants and so they will have cursed lives, and they will suffer, and addiction is one of those sufferings. And now ISKCON is making a therapy industry after they got all these people addicted to evil with their worship of deviants industry. 

The people who gave us the problem will fix the problem. Neine danke! Yep, addiction is a curse, and the people who worship the addicted will continue to be cursed. And that cannot be fixed by any mundane manipulation, because the curse of addiction -- found in the worshipers of the addicted -- is coming from the Supreme's direction. 

ys pd

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